By TRACY'S. LUDINGTON Kipling was wrong! East is east and west is west --and the twain DO meet, from April 28 to October 27 at Expo '67 in Montreal. Peoples from the four corners of the earth, and from more than 70 different nations are|. being gathered for this extrava- ganza and they're bringing their customs, their culture and their products. A trip to these countries would be more costly, more bothersome and take a great deal more time, but probably couldn't provide anything more in the way of-a glowing picture of life as it is today around the globe, than the national exhi- bits that will be on display at Expo '67. No other world exhibition has ever included so many partici- pating nations. Just imagine some of the things you will see at Expo '67 --paintings and tapestries from Belgium, for example or some of the wonderful specimens of firearms, veritable collectors items, for which this country is so famous; crystal works of Val St. Lambert; the Bolshoi Opera, LaScalla Opera, the $2,500,000 fantasy Gyrotron ride; the 38 massive sculptures commission: ed especially for Expo and a thousand and one other items to be seen nowhere else in the world. There will be items aplenty from Britain, France, Morocco, the Netherlands, Austria, Vene- zuela, Israel, Iran, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, China, Japan Italy, Ireland, Russia, India. And not only the larger coun- tries are participating. Check off Malaysia, Ceylon, Jamaica, - Monaco, Switzerland, Columbia, Thailand, Ethiopia, Argentina for a few more. And this isn't half. We might also list the Ger- man Federalist Republic, Trini- dad and Tobago, the Ivory Coast theUpper Volta, the Republic of Chad, the Congo and Barbadoes, and still not be finished. And: we haven't mentioned the United States of America yet, with a pavilion right next to the Russians, And in all their exhibits, the 70-odd nations of the world ex- hibiting at Expo 67 are reveal- ing as much as possible of their customs and products and cul- ture, their history and their geography. This is one reason why child- ren will find a visit to Expo so very valuable. ° Kipling, we said at the out- set, was wrong when he pro- phesied that east and west wouldn't meet; but he was right when he wrote about "the fe- male of the species." Women who travel---and those From Your CARLOAD Food Market, Prince Albert This 'Week-End, Wed. to Sat, Feb. 15, 16, 17, 18 STORE HOURS . 8:30 to 9:00 Except Tuesday 8:30 to 1:00. _ SATURDAY 8:30 to 6:00. > FREE DELIVERY of Orders Phoned \ in by 11:00 A.M. PHONE 985 - 2492" KRAFT PLAIN TANG CLOVER LEAF PINK MILLIONAIRE SARDIN ALMO FRESH GRADE CHICKENS 2-3 Ib. Average Weight : Schneiders Country Sausage CHEESE WHIZ -- | ORANGE CRYSTALS LEGS & BREASTS BEEF HINDS OR FRONTS CUT and WRAPPED for HOME FREEZERS Ib. Platter Pak 5 Oc Schneiders stcen cookeo HAM - 39 "A" =» 53 6 oz. PKG. 5 3° 62 oz. MITCHELL'S 19 oz. Tins APPLE SAUCE 2 Om 1's 4's TIN ES PUSS'N - BOOTS Fish, Chicken, Liver CAT FOOD 2 --~ FREE DRAW ON $5.00 WORTH OF GROCERIES WITH A $5.00 ORDER OR OVER, WINNER OF LAST WEEK'S DRAW J. RENSINK A, Ce a A A ------ HILLCREST BREAD ENRICHED 24 oz. Wrapped Sliced REG. PRICE 2c PER LOAF Special Introductory Offer LOAVES 3 O- SAVE 9. CHRISTIE'S 'Chocolate Rolls 39° > PORT PERRY STAR -- THURSDAY, FEB. 16, 1967 -- who wish they could--will en- joy wandering through the pa- vilions of the many nations at Expo '67. The non-commercial exhibits will exhude the atmosphere of the countries they represent. And there will be food, re- member, just like mother thinks she used to make -- and mother won't have to wash the dishes. And if milady has a desire to shop -- that will be made easy as well, and in the many shop- ping plazas she will find items she couldn't pick up anywhere else in America, and that's say- ing something, (Address corrsepondence to Tracy S. Ludington, EXPO .'67, at 7005 Kildare Road, Montreal 29). Cedar Creek community shower . was ie at the home of Mr. & Mrs. John Greenwood on Saturday evening for the newly weds, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Willerton. Euchre was played and the winners were high lady, Mrs. John Philips, low lady Miss R. Bathie, high man, Ernie Wil- lerton, low man Jeff Taylor. Most lone hands, Mrs: Victor Larocque. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnston and children of Willowdale vi- que. Mr. and Mrs. Norris Do- herty and children also with the Larocques. In his address to the annual meeting of the Ontario County Beef Improvement Association held in Uxbridge, on Wednes- day, February 1st, Mr. Ross Beattie, Stayner, emphasized good management, as very im- portant, in the feeding of beef cattle. He also explained the pro- posed check-off of 10c. per head on cattle and 5c. per head on calves, marketed in the Prov- ince of Ontario, to provide funds for the support of the Ontario Beef Improvement As- sociation. The objects of the check-off would be:-- (1) to make the Ontario Beef Improvement Association financially self-supporting, (2) to encourage research pro- jects that' would improve the beef industry, "THE CHURCHES 'HURCH OF ASCENSION ANGLICAN Rev. R c Rose Minister Sunday, Feb. 19-- Lent ll 9.45 a.m.--Holy Communion Church School Wednesday Feb. 22nd-- 10 a.m.--Holy Communion ST. JOHN, BLACKSTOCK Sunday, Feb. 19-- Lent ll 11.15 a.m.--Morning Prayer PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. Alec G. Rice, B.A Minister Sunday, Feb. 19th-- SAVE 10¢ Hl 10:00, a.m.~Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.--Morning Worship PRINCE ALBERT -- 2:00 p.m.-- Church Service 1:00 p.m. -- Sunday Scohol. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. G. H. Moore, Uxbridge Interim Moderator Sunday, Feb. 19th-- 10 a.m.--Morning Worship 11.00 a.m.--Sunday School Rev.-G. H. Moore will conduct the service. AYLMER 5 BOSTON . BEANS 2 $1.00 AYLMER CHOICE Tomatoes 20 23 c PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH (Queen and Rosa Sts.) Sunday, Feb. 19th-- 9:45 a.m.--Family Bible Schoo 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 7 p.m.--Evening Service United Church of Canada SCUGOG Pastoral CHARGE Rev. George Teskey Sunday, Feb. 19th-- 10:00 a.m. -- SCUGOG. 11:15 a.m, -- MANCHESTER. 1:15 p.m. -- PROSPECT. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Rev. R. Batten - Rev. I. MacLean 10 am.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service Ont. County Beef Breeders Given Lecture On Feeding (3) industry promation through ~ liason with governments, 'meat packers, ete. (4) consumer education and information. ed the appreciation of the meeting to Mr. Beattie for his splendid address. The directors for 1967 are as follows: Pickering--Edgar War d, Claremont 'Whitby=--=Bert Guthrie, Whitby, #2 East Whitby--Walter Beath, Oshawa, #2 Reach--Norm McLeod, Blackwater, #2 Scugog--Peter Hart, Port Perry, #3 Uxbridge=--HughShillinglaw, ~ Mount Albert, #3 Scott--Harvey- Blackburn, Uxbridge, #2 Brock--Clare Bagshaw, Sunderland, #2 Thorah--Clarence Hewitt, Beaverton, #3 Mara--John Speedie, Brechin, #1 Rama--Hector McKinnon, Orillia, #86 Directors at Large-- Bill Newman, Balsam Gus Lask, Sunderland, #1 Carman Boadway, Mount Albert, #3 | Auditor for 1967-- "Gordon Ewen, Uxbridge, #1 Annual Meeting, Toronto, February 16th & 17th-- Delegate--Walter Beath, Oshawa, #2 Alternate Delegate--Clarence Hewitt, Beaverton, #3 INVEST NOW 6% VICTORIA and GREY TRUST. Guaranteed Investments Interest is payable half "yearly or may be left to compound EMMERSON INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED 191 Queen St. Port Perry Telephone 985-7306 Wed., 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting RS MERE sited Mr. and Mrs. Rick Laroc- . Mr. Clarence Hewitt express-. Poo 24 Ph a le WEN & . ' Tor. ~~ § Rp Yih aes Ea The -- REY A he . reas Ca Ng . A - - ZA an no FL ) ¥,