- Cavell our teachers and many others. This was followed by a "theme, "The cross comforts us of CANDACE UNIT The Candace Unit met at the home of Mrs, Neil Malcolm on Tuesday morning. Meeting op- ened with prayer. Mrs. Harold Kyte led in worship from the today", reading from St. John's Gospel 3: 1-21. Mrs. Gordon Strong gave a very interesting study on the Bible. ANNA UNIT Mrs. Bert Gibson was hostess for the Anna Unit Tuesday aft- ernoon. In the absence of the leader through illness, Mrs. L. Thompson presided and read an article on Stewartship which was the full theme of the meet- ing. Mrs. M. Byers spoke on "Personality", discussing the stewartship of our bodies and dealt with some who had been very useful in that respect. as, Gov. Gen. Vanier, Livingston and Switzer. "Our Friends", mentioning a negro-surgeon in Montreal and Madam Currie. "Our Wills" with Helen Keller as an example, A read regarding the use of Time Good examples of this were our minister and his wife, farmers, Florence Nightingale, ~~ Edith discussion on material possess- ions and tithing, Mrs. Romeril gave a fine Easter worship on Jesus stands among us and brought very vividly the Cross and Suffering on same. Decided to write five mission- aries during the year. This unit is invited to visit 'was continued witha chapter BLACKSTOCK NEWS -- of Mrs. Ross Duff on April 18 at 9.30 a.m. Ten ladies attended DORCAS UNIT The Dorcas unit met at the home of Mrs. H. Taylor Wed- nesday afternoon with seven members and four visitors in attendance. Mrs. C. Hill opened the meeting with prayer and a reading, Women of Worship. Mrs. L. Byers read a meditation for Holy Week and Mrs. H. Mrs. Hill a poem on the Cross of Christ and a closing medit- ation. 'Mrs. Stanford VanCamp gave some most interesting high- lights of the World Mission night held in Cambridge St. Church, Lindsay which she att- ended Tuesday night. Follow: ing which she gave her helpful commentary on the chapter of study book, "How the church came to Eastern Canada" after which she asked several quest. ions which were discussed. Missionary -for concern is to be a lady whom Miss Doreen VanCamp knows does not re- ceive much -mail. ESTHER UNIT The Esther unit met at the home of Mrs. Keith VanCamp on Wednesday evening with nine members present. The study of "Women in the Bible" on Eve. from the book, "God speaks to women today", foll- owed by a discussion of a wom- mans role in marriage. Report of World Mission night in Lindsay was given by Mrs. Richard VanCamp. Closed Taylor a meditation on Prayers fashion show. Arnold Taylor. At all units plans were made for a Centennial pot luck sup- per and entertaining evening on May 2nd. Also the Warden's banquet in May. W.l. BAZAAR A splendid crowd gathered in the Recreation Centre on Fri- day night, March 17 for the Womens Institute Bazaar and ~The hall was gaily decorated in 'keeping with St. Patrick's day and the lunch tables were centred with sham- 'rocks. Mrs. Ralph Larmer convener for the programme welcomed all and called on Mis. F 1d McLaughlin who accompanied on the piano by Mrs. L. Thomp- son sang, "Ireland must he Heéaven,, and "A little bit of Ireland." Mrs. Wilbert Archer gave two humorous readings. Mrs. Lawrence McLaughlin then pre- sented the 18 ladies who had taken the sewing course during the winter and as each lady paraded through the hall Mrs. McLaughlin gave a commentary on her suit or dress. Mrs. Harold McLaughlin now sang "The best things in life are free," and "The shadow of your smile". President Mrs. Velva Bailey expressed thanks to all who had | on helped in the evenings pro- gramme and presented a small gift each to Mrs. L. McLaughlin and Mrs. A. McLaughlin. .The plentiful supply of fancywork, aprons, homebaking, candy ete. found a ready sale after which the Candace unit at the home with benediction by leader Mrs. a lovely lunch and social time Lakeview Manor | The County of Ontario requires for the Staffing of LAKEVIEW Beaverton, MANOR at 'Ontario: : was enjoyed. The draw of tick- ets resulted in the quilt going to Mrs. Ken Gilbanks, the pill- ow slips to Mrs. Jim Gray and the centre piece to Mrs. R. Stinson, Bowmanville, The draw on the doll went to Sharon Lar- mer, All told it was considered a very successful bazaar. ~~ JUNIOR ACW Ten members of the Junior A.C.W. met at the home of Mrs Lawrence McLaughlin on Thurs day evening and made final arrangements for the Fashion show, March 30th also planned the Mothers Day supper in May. A pleasant evening was spent. SENIOR A.C.W. ~The Senior ACW of St. Johns church met Thursday night March 16 in the Parish Hall with president Mrs. Lawrence presiding. After singing of the hymn 485 the opening service and prayers was taken by Mrs. McArthur. A moment of silent prayer in memory of a late member, Mrs. Mabel Darcy was observed. Mrs. Harvey McLaughlin, Dor- cas secretary read 'ag special letter from Dorcas headquart- ers in Toronto. Numerous articles were bro- ght in for the next bale. Discussion was held regard- ing the ACW Deanery which is to be held April 20th. Decided to have regular meeting April 13th. Mrs. Lawrence read a letter from Gestetnor Co. regarding printing of our Cook Book. The members are still asked to send in more recipes. Meeting closed with prayer. A delicious lunch was served by hostessess, Mrs. J. Lawrence and Mrs. Norman Green and a social time enjoy- ed. SUNDAY SERVICES Perry's new hospital was gath- Fo » 1 sel FU PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, March 23rd, 1967 -- 9 churches were well attended. At 10 a.m. in the United the choir sang an anthem "Ride on in Majesty". Rev. Romeril de- livered a very impressive serm- on on "Jesus Challenge: Our Choice." In St. John's church at 11 am Rev. Rose blessed the Palms and gave one folded in the form of a cross to each person pres- ent. He also preached a very 'impressive. "Palm Sunday ser- mon." ' CENTENNIAL SERVICE A wonderful Centennial ser- vice was held in t he United church at 8 p.m. Sunday. Rev. P. Romeril presided for the service. Elder Martin Kuipers (Dutch Reform) read the Psalm A choir of Anglican, Presbyter- ian and United churches sang the Centennial hymn. The less- on was read by Rev. Father Hermes (Catholic). Prayers were read - by Rev. E. R. Swamm (Presbyterian) and Rev. R. C. Rose (Anglican) = delivered a very impressive sermon on the ness to an expec He compared Triumphal Entry of Jesus to the expectancy of the coming century. The duty of this is to provide Christain Leadership remembering this will mean much costly .love and sacrifice. The offering in aid of Port ered by Messrs. R. Davidson (Presbyterian), Peter Keuning (Catholic), George Wolfe (Ang- lican) and Jim Gray (United of Cadmus). Mrs. Roy Corden (Anglican) was organist for the service and Mrs. L. Thompson (United) was choir leader. Chairs were placed in every available corner of the church Palm Sunday services in hoth to. accommodate the vast con- visited Mr. 'with Mr. gregation which seemed thrill ed with the unity. Cartwright Pee Wees Dumped By Cannington In Finals Of Little Britain Tournament In the first game Cartwright had trouble with Little Britain beating them 5-2, First period Cartwright opened the scoring at the two minute mark, Campbell from Carnagh- an. 2nd period, 8 minutes, Tom- chishin from Prosser; 3rd pey- iod, Campbell from Carnaghan, and Miller unassisted... In the second game Sunder- land didn't line up to our ex- pectations. The Cartwright boys walked over them to the tune of 10-0. In the third game they lost out to Cannington. PERSONALS Miss Prest of Belleville spent Friday night with Mrs. G. V. A. Scott and Mrs. J. A. Johnston. Mrs. Scott returned to Belle- ville with her on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ferguson and boys spent the week-end with her mother and brother in Norwich. Mrs. Néva Lyle and Murray of Port Perry visited Mr. and Mrs. Russel Mountjoy Saturday. Cartwright high school pup- ils and some of the teachers are off to Ottawa this morning for a two day trip and tour. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Graham _and Mrs. Graham, Cadmus on Sunday. Little Miss Linda Chapman of Port Perry spent last week and Mrs. William Ma- haffy and boys while her par- ents were in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Marwood McKee visited Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bruce, Seagrave, Thursday.' Mr. and Mrs. Ken Gamble of Oshawa visited Mr. and Mrs. on some. ~~ REGISTERED NURSES PRACTICAL ORDERLIES = COOK ASSISTANT COOKS KITCHEN MAIDS LAUNDRESS LAUNDRY MAIDS HOUSEKEEPING "MAINTENANCE MEN 'EXCELLENT SALARY SCHEDULE, PENSION, "HOSPITAL, MED- | | ICAL AND GROUP LIFE INSURANCE PLANS ARE IN EFFECT AS WELL AS OTHER FRINGE BENEFITS. APPLICATION MUST BE SUBMITTED ON THE COUNTY APPLI- CATION FORM AND WILL BE RECEIVED UNTIL APRIL 14, 1967. ALL APPLICANTS WILL BE GRANTED A PERSONAL INTERVIEW AFTER THE CLOSING DATE. APPLICANTS WILL BE ADVISED OF THE DATE AND, PLACE OF INTERVIEW. APPLICATION FORMS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM : . WM. G. MANNING CLERK-TREASURER COUNTY OF ONTARIO 606 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WHITBY, ONTARIO NURSES MAIDS good enough? | And that 'never' ~ toes--looking, searching, improvéments. is probably the most important word in our vocabulary: because it means that we are constantly on our Improvements in methods and equipment --to give you even better service. Our engineers--at Bell, at Northern Electy*" y Bel Lil good enough? good enough? never! planning for use customer. (our manufacturing, Northern Elect working on, fake your phone even more ideas thatér and more convenient. fk for the sake of change? Never! But ays change where change is needed for the sake of improved service to you, our €expogG7 See "CANADA 67"--a thrilling Walt Disney film in CIRCLE-VISION 360° at the Telephone Pavilion. . al Kea 3. Charles ES Rar Sm iA i ws TRE ~ om I te PL We pr Lar wn So a TRA re Pag gy Pa a a See * of ata 7g 1 7 Aa 2 ye & w ET Tn Al Comat 7 TY ad ep SHDN he " Ie At yd At ae SNE FAN) DC, rn pet - oy ay " VN i dew vo in Eo i oe. {Sey Agi ys ge - > Cr nd Po pe Jove Sh 5 Fe TT i - Tn ¥ =z dl i i = + good enough? (I adiary) and at the yoratories--are now one and transmission RE -- ! at AT I Vinod BLP ae i A te Ea Se ell ™