LATTES oF MY fay) a Bey Tani NM He i LIE I LI 3 ASE SEAGRAVE NEWS They say old soldiers never die. Well, ours seem to have . taken a fresh lease on life late. ly. Headlined in last week's Star was the picture of a de- lighted Roy Scott, who after 50 years is returning to the battle: fields of France. Anyone know- ing Roy will realize just how much he is going to enjoy that trip. He won't need our good wishes but we give them any: way. We hope he doesn't worry about people adding 50 and 19. A few pages further on in the paper we found an other veteran of World War 1 Jack MacTaggart writing verse aboyt Whitby Convalescent hos: pital. Doing all right aren't they? These same two old sol diers with their wives were at Oshawa arena on Tuesday night enjoying "Breath of Scotland". There is still another veteran around who hasn't been in the news lately. Perhaps Tom Hard- ing could come along with something ahout roads or taxes, One thought leads to another, Thinking of roads and taxes makes us wonder if Reach coun: cil has a centennial project. Here is a sugestion which has nothing to do with the arts: -- Have a little of the council news printed. in the Star. Don't they ever do anything worth men: tioning at Manchester? -- Unit 2, U,C:W: hada pioneer night wit ha slight Irish flavour on Friday, March 17th. The decorations included a churn, a yoke for oxen, oil lanterns and an old map of Reach Twp, thought to be of about 1913 aT 4 vintage. the light of coal oil lamps with some help from hydro of course. Most of the church families were represented & then there were the exiles,--The Reynolds, Beadles, Bertrands and Mrs. E. all from town. Quite a number of ladies who were fortunate enough to have came dressed for the occasion in frills and flounces. We would pioneer clothing that would fit, like to describe these creations but just can't do it so we'll just say they were beyond descrip- tion. Bill Keen looked : most distinguished in topper and tails, and with a little imagina- tion--you--could --decide--Glenn- Wanamaker was an Irishman. During the evening there were games and contests for each age group from the pre-schoolers to the mature adults. All were ay, good sports and there was plen- A Ta WY +» 1% 153 ' "RAE WE, ED A RIPE IRISH WHEE REISER Ot TEL Eatect AEUeT & SF NESE Wh Dinner was eaten byty of humour--some of it un conscious. Later 3 elderly looking ladies, Mrs. G. Wana. maker, Mrs. Barr and Mrs. Keen gave a history of Seagrave vill: age taken from a sketch written by the late Mr. John Brown and printed in the Star in 1933. Our church will have its 60th anni- versary in October and Ralph Reynolds tells us that it cost the magnificent sum of $5000. when built in 1906-07. Mrs. M. Bruce showed pictures of their trip to the Caribbean to round out the evening. That same night Miss Caroline Hurst slipped quietly away to be married to Mr. Robt. Parks, in--Sunderlarid Church. was the matter with Seagrave Church? We would have been glad to give her a half-hour and a send-off from our pioneer party. The young couple plan to live in Port Perry where Toilet Tissue ) Kimberly Clark Sale BALLET 2 Roll Pkgs. > OR EASTER Your CARLOAD FOOD MKT., PRICES Tues. - Sat. March 21-22-23-24-25 RM --,., oh EFFECTIVE Prince Bis FF ACT Re AT of A ATA A TPRE Ete" 4 AY What | fasts are catching on well. This Vo Cow "wy : 3 Ey a Ea | k : ' | K { : ; PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, March 23rd, 1967+~ 5 Caroline has done hairdressing for some time. We wish them well. Mr. and Mrs. H. Short and Mrs. Boe got a cool reception when they arrived from Florida at midnight on Friday--10° be- low. Mr. Norm. Henderson just couldn't stay away. He is back twith the Glenn Wanamakers again, Mrs. Geo. Ewen, Oshawa has again suffered bereavement in the death of her brother Mr. Edgar Dillman. Mr. and Mrs. MacTaggart attended the funer- al in Lindsay on Saturday. Sunday morning guest break- week the A. Moons travelled to Greenbank to have their bacon and eggs with Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Clements and later at- tended church there. Mr. Isaiah Irwin had an ill- ness which caused his family some concern for a few days but has made a good recovery. Mr. and Mrs. E. Butt visited with Mr. and Mrs. Allistar Run- dle in Port Perry on Sunday. Week-end guests@bf Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wanamaker were Mr. and Mrs. Ian Fraser of Toronto. On Saturday Carol Anne Stur- man celebrated her 3rd birth- day by having a party with her cousins Karen Rowan of Beth- any and Jeanette Sturman of Raglan as guests. She didn't forget her birthday money on Sunday. Both the Bruces and Mrs. Tait intend taking advantage of the holiday week-end to have help with moving so will likely leave on Friday or Saturday. Now we know what Unit 1, U.C.W. had planned for April 15th. « It was a concert by Cam- bridge Capers of Lindsay. The date had to be changed. It is now April 22nd. Circle it. About 10 members of the Jr. mixed class directed by brs. Cliff Short gave a good flannel: graph on Sunday morning at S.S. The superintendents spot "was filled by Bill Barr and Mrs, Chas. Short made music. At. tendance--82. Next week we will have what we used to call All-out Sunday. There will be one joint worship --S.S. service at 10 o'clock, and we want all out for Easter. FRESH GRADE TURKEYS 4- od ib. ad; ad MAPLE LEAF Cooked Smoked Shankless PICNIC HAMS 49¢ MAPLE LEAF Smoked a MEAT 43 - MAPLE LEAF 1st GRADE ~ SIDE BAGON GROCERY FEATURES APPLEFORD HEAVY WAX PAPER se 33 ALCAN 18 INCH |FOIL WRAP SAVE Gc 63 LIBBY'S 49: WHITE REGULAR 200°'S Kleenex 2+ 35 DEEP BROWN |Beans & Pork 2 : 53¢ REGULAR 12's Kotex 2~- 89: AYLMER CHOICE PEAS 20 oz. 2:43 FAB NESCAFE INSTANT COFFEE 6 oz. DETERGENT KING SIZE 1.23 99° Alka Seltzer ree 7 JC SHAMPOO SILVIKRIN it 13° Sweet Pickles 32 OL. 5 3 C. BICKS oo, Milk 4 2 69c. CARNATION OVER. A FREE PAIR OF NYLONS WITH EVERY $5.00 GROCERY ORDER OR WINNER OF LAST WEEK'S DRAW MR. ROY GRAHAM. | Chocolate Quik NESTLES 55c. Ocean Spray--Jellied & Whole Cranberry Sauce 2: 45c. { STORE HOURS -- 8:30 to 9:00 EXCEPT TUESDAY .8:30 to 1:00. SATURDAY -- 8:30 to 6:00. FREE DELIVERY---Phone 985-2492. EE I... a A ------------ 79 Howard's HOWARD VICE, Prop. a "Phone 725-3144 OSHAWA ~ RE SO RA AN BROADLOOM 'Draperies by the Yard Venetian & Cloth Blinds Custom Made Drapes Drapery Rods & Tracks Interior Decorating Service Custom Made Slip Covers "926 Simcoe St. N. = 0.4% 4% 4 THE Gordon Cleaners SPECIAL OF THE WEEK SKIRTS [Plain] - $1.09 SPECIALS LAST WEEK ARE STILL IN EFFECT. Gordon Cleaners (Corner Queen and Perry Sts.) AENEAN EEN EEE NANA AS ADVERTISED Port Perry > 5 » Bos W PA A ACA OSORNO LET Phone 985 - 7951 FUEL OIL We Specialize In QUALITY OIL With. Service US SUPPLY YOU YOUR WINTER COMFORT Reesor Fuel & Lumber ORCRCIA SE ACSORCROROR A 2 208 4 4 4g J WITH PORT PERRY STALIN IRR - - Tt A= gn: - a a De acti' og TOO oof i wre . SRE -- A la™h a --- -- wv = oT Veen -- a SS ee Tn Len SE The fons -- cn TaD mao CI " -- | Sa AC ry Sr - all pls ~ a --- NAC ol DET ~ 4, ay! Nes v i ie -- A » Col RAT a Ne "wy ST No bor i, RJ Cr