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Port Perry Star (1907-), 4 May 1967, p. 12

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MEL -- AA : 1 3 4 \ . i A votional. - Hymn 394 "Happy | Gerrow. Our unit was asked to of the park from 1936 to his re- eR) the Home" was joyously sang.|donate 12 aprons to the Bazaar | lirement in 1958. Before that hl Poem "Apron Strings" and a| representative. "Nearly New he Was In practice as a vein id Prayer led to 3rd chapter of the | Sale" news was reported by | arian at Lamont from 1920 to 4 Study Book, "The Church Cre-| Mrs. A. Fulford. 1928 and in Edmonton until HR ated by God". Mrs. G. Mac- May 23rd will 'be our next his appointment as park super- JH Tavish, Mrs. D. Anderson, had | meeting, with Mrs. R. Litt, Mrs. | intendent. A great response and discussion | N. Watson, Mrs. R. Birkett and| The doctor was a past presi- NG) to this study. Mrs. G Jackson presiding. dent of the Canadian Veterin- AR | The business meeting opened | Mrs. A. Fulford, thanked Mrs. | ry Association, of which he A with 23 members and 1 visitor | D. Anderson for offering her | Was secretary from 1928 to 1936 < po - Fond 12 - PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, May 4th, 1967 PORT PERRY UCW Unit seven, met at the home of Mrs. D. Anderson, on Tues., April 25th, 1967. Mrs. G. Burnett began with a poem "Mother's Love" read by Mrs. J. Baird, opened our de- answering to the roll call. Min- utes of the last meeting were Expo" put on by the Explorers and C.G.LT. on May 3rd. Let us all donate candy to support these children in their efforts. 10 hospital calls and 5 home calls were reported by Mrs. home and the ladies in charge of the study book. at" [ # L. +f a A} L SL PEDHET A ¢ Obituary DR. B. I. LOVE Dr. Love is survived by his veterinarian and former super- intendent at Elk Island Park, died in Edmonton Thursday. Dr. Love, a native of Green- bank, Ont., was superintendent and aided in the founding of that association. A read and offering was taken.| Social hour followed the Miz-| SERVED OVERSEAS gx We were asked to see "Little | pah Benediction. He graduated in 1915 from x eee -- : the Ontario Veterinary College Kh IS I OC and practised for a year in Kan- Li sas before moving to Claremont oh The 'VOICE' of Spanish American || ont, where he remained until he : 1918. With the outbreak of the Inland Mission, Inc. SPONSORED BY THE EVANGELICAL CHURCH, GIBBONS ST. N. OSHAWA TUNE IN EACH SUNDAY 7:35 A.M. CK.LY. -- 910 DIAL First Great War he travelled overseas -as-a civilian. with the . : : Royal Army Veterinary Corps |LOC@l Business Celebrates 18th Anniversary before his discharge in 1919. During Dr. Love's career with The Dowson family last week celebrated 18 the parks department he work-|years of successful operation of their Red & ed with wildlife and domestic | White Store. Mr. Dowson purchased the gro- animals in most western parks cery business from Mr. E. L. Argue in 1949, and & travelled extensively through | has through the years expanded and modern: NN ANEMNNUNANUN VY SENSE AU NARR ENN the Northwest Territoires. ized the business to one of the most well stocked . le SR : One of his major accomplish- and thriving entreprises in the district... A 777777 Ml ments was to rid EIk Island | TU -- te N 0 T 1 Cc Ce EER Park of tuberculosis, especially | ence McDonald of Calgary; two | FES m@r a oO oe the plains buffalo there. | daughters, Mrs. Marion McAf Phone MARVIN APPLETON 985-7704 Port Perry-{| Lip isHED HISTORY |of Edmonton and Mes. Shirley || WELCOME TO Ni i ANNIVERSARY special attraction during the celebration sale was Thursday night when John Orde enter- " tained the customers with ear appealing music on his Lowrey organ. Listening on are from left to right, the proprietor's son Kenneth, his wife Maureen, Merle Dowson's wife Dora, and the proprietor himself. The doctor recently complet- | Halverson of California; and ed the centennial project of the | five grandchildren; also bro- Alberta Veterinary-Medical As- [thers Clayton and Cliff of Port sociation -- a published history | Perry; George & Telford of of the veterinary profession in| Greenbank and sister Mrs. Elva Alberta and the Northwest Ter- | Taylor, Epsom. : Rug Upholstery Cleaning - 'Done in your own home and ready to use the same day. Wall-to-Wall Broad- loom and Rug Sales. Leading Brand Names. 'We instal and have our. own budget plan. Call us to-day and let us show your our large array of Rugs and give you a Free Estimate, be it a new home or an old home, : "WEAR OUT" YOUR WHEEL ALINEMENT inc The regular monthly meeting j : v and ordinary mishaps like these... The dates for the Mother and Friday, June 2nd for AT 11.00 A.M. The Banquets will be pot|| Weve. Harold G. Lester, B.A. B.D., D.D. Mrs. Merle St. John won 1 the PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY SERVICE| ritories. ; : : tS meeting of Guide Mothers was 1 886 1967 - Daughter Banquets are: 1st Pack and 1st Co. Luck.-Mothers will be contacted : = ladies high triple with a 685, REV. ALEC RICE, B.A., MINISTER Dr. Love is survivedd by his ® ® widow, who is the former Flor- (ls ir i i» ui a e "81 YEARS" ° Mother's Aux. : EVERYDAY DRIVING Ay EATON held at the Scout Hall April 25, with 6 members present. 3rd Pack, 3rd Co. & Rangers [| ' Friday, June 9th for GUEST SPEAKER 2nd Pack and 2nd Co. : Superintendent, Board of H Mi by the Telephone Committee re: of Ba of Quinte ame A fssians garding food. Y, at our Bowling night, and Mrs. Mabel McMullen won the low 3 RBERS triple with a 316 score. Sie Sie fe Sec Spifee Soi Suifiee Sul : : ABSO BR AKES The plans for the Centennial y ey p ISTON ©. er Parade floats are well under) J a MM ww : uf TON Rings: way. i$ y 7 4 oo : : The Guides have been asked dW er S 00 Mar p Ay : i : : to operate Concession stands at : / i he Lakefront h i : } 0 DON'T LET WOBBLY WHEELS ROB YOU OF ju lakeiront on the moming FREE DELIVERY 41 'grounds during the afternoon. pe ? JY D R l Vi N G C Oo M F O RT A N D SA FETY an will Be contacted re- Phone 985 L220 : Port Perry / : : / garding help at a future date. = Hi : 1 If any of the Guide Mothers Specials May 4, dD, 6 Sh have tea towels belonging to Oi ; MA or our the Scout Hall Kitchen, please il 3 contact Mrs. sib at 2310. CHRISTIE'S : Waar A Ho : : . : : 4 i | a i; Date Turnovers rka. BUC Fk ¥ 3 n a" i " - p 1 Al FRONT-END CHEK Cedar Creek Nig 2 We use the most accurate, up-to-date method of . - 29° thy . A; . * 12 . vs : " wheel alinement. Our unique Bear Telaliner screen Mr. and Mrs. Victor Larocque, Corn Relish if in exposes steering troubles right before-your eyes. who celebrated their 35th-wed- SCHNEIDER'S " BL ay This scientific electro-magnetic principle assures iii ding anniversary on May. 2nd % "ltra-precision results. at very reasonable prices! Were-surprised-by. their family, a pc Ad on Sunday evening and present. #4 9 ed with a swag lamp. i See The World's Finest Alignment To and tee Lortinue hive CARNATION INSTANT ) Mashed Potato 12 oz. AD: HAWES Lemon Oil Acros Tin 60x. GPC OMO 15¢ OFF GIANT SIZE Powdered Detergent 5° FOR BAR-B-Q Fresh Chickens 37° 19° Bacon 1's Service -- The All New Bear Power-Matic seven children: Shirley, Mrs. * Bruce Cumming, Cedar Creek; And Split Screen TELALINER Joan, Mrs. Manson Woods, R.R. BEARE MOTORS LTD. #1, Port Perry; Ronnie, Osh. awa; Carol, Mrs. John Phillips, Raglan; Richard, Cedar Creek; 4 CHEVROLET -- OLDSMOBILE Dependable Service For Over 50 Years: and Paul and Debbie at home. PHONE 985-7351 PORT PERRY They also. have twelve grand- children. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blatch of Oshawa visited Ralph Somer- ville on Sunday. afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Tre- panier of Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs. N, Larocque on Sun- day. < ce --

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