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Port Perry Star (1907-), 4 May 1967, p. 8

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BH x Eg A -_ SVN EES Nr remem eri AIECTC... thANKS. 10... friends, Fa <i Pa : A Ny Sak) \ L M 1} » x £1 oy NMI Ye habs ue . of a dear mother and grand- . In sunshine of perfect peace. - during Harold's recent stay in ------------my-convalescence--at-home; and PHONE 985- 7383 tigiali alan SHER Sour tell slab Feat ei Md mie tn bash dedi MEARS AR ENE AL RE HSC FY ICES RAy fhe Tia 1 A '3 soit Far wh, ¢ A a Arg d J 3 > : Pyke 0) ¢ J 5 EN 5 y AN 1 a aaa a IM: 4 Classified Advertising Rates (Effective Ma ) extra consec ARTICLES FOR SALE -- LIVESTOCK FOR SALE REAL ESTATE -- WANTED -- CARS FOR SALE LOST -- FOUND -- ETC. Cash Rate -- 4c. per word 1st week, 3c. extra consecutive weeks with a minimum of $1.00 1st week, 75¢. for Must be paid week of insertion--if charged, an additional 25¢. will be added. 50c. ADDITIONAL WILL BE CHARGED FOR USE OF A BOX NUMBER. 4c. a word with a NOTICES -- COMING EVENTS -- CARDS OF THANKS BIRTHS -- ENGAGEMENTS -- 4c. a word with a maximum of 25 words $1.00 IN MEMORIAMS -- $1.00 mi a line for additional lines. of one DISPLAY CLASSIFIED -- $1.25 per inch with a minimum All Classified Ads must be i - 6.00 p.m. Send cash, stamps or money orders and save money. PHONE 985-7383 -- Clip this out for reference "IN MEMORIAM |" SCHELL--In loving memory mother Maudie Schell, who passed away May 8th, 1943. Mum's life is a beautiful memory Her death is a silent grief She sleeps in God's beautiful garden We-_miss her, oh how well But realize God knew best He let us have her many years Then gently bade her rest. Lovingly remembered by daughter Blanche and grand- children Marlene and Gayle. CARD OF THANKS GATENBY--Harold and Molly Gatenby would like to thank their many friends for the cards flowers, and many kindnesses the Toronto General Hospital. My sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for cards, flowers, gifts and visits during my stay in hospital and many thanks to Dr. ray, also thanks to the nurses and staff on the 5th floor at Oshaw Gen- eral Hospital. Osmond Wright The family of the late Mrs. J. Innes wish to convey their sin- cere thanks and appreciation for the acts of kindness, mes- sages of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings received from friends, neighbours and rela- tives. Also the Eade Nursing Home, Rev. Mr. Moore for his consoling words, and the Me- Dermott - Panabaker - Funeral Home. 49 Hae 'neighbours and relatives for cards, visits flowers and gifts sent to me during my stay in the hospital. Special thanks to Mr. P. Romeril for his visits, Drs. McIntyre and Diamond and nursing staff of Port Perry hos- pital for their kindness & care. Mrs. Leona Sadler We witht to express our heart- felt thanks to all who sent flow- ers, cards and called in expres- sions of sympathy in 'our be- reavement in the loss of my sister Mrs. Minnie Innes, also thanks to McDermott-Panabaker for their kind and thoughtful services, Tena and Sam Arnold v * ¢ ' Announcement | COMING EVENTS | COMING EVENTS REAL ESTATE rch 1st, 1967) Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Harris| CENTENNIAL CONCERT ENTERTAINMENT We have specialized in land" d are pleased to announce the saturday, May 6th, at 8.15 p.m. | Circle the date June 2nd for in Metro Toronto for the past forthcoming marriage of their| in Trinity United Church, Ux- entertainment by Scarborough| 15 years. We are constantly ' . daughter Linda to Mr. Thomas| pridge, Artists Patricia Bailey, A.O.TS. Glee Club in Seagrave being asked by our clients Bourgeois, son of Mr. and Mrs.| Carol Greer, Albert .Greer,| Church, for farms, country - retreats John Bourgeois, Nova Scotia.| junior Choir, Male Chorus, Cen- and summer properties. To The wedding to take place Sat-| tennial Choir under the direc- FOR SALE cope we require rural repre- utive weeks. urday, June 3rd, at the Port| tion of Rev. James A. Mills, will sentatives to handle this par- Perry United Church. unite to present a Musical Con- ticular phase of our business. tribution to this Centennial Generous elling leads » v Celebration, 1967. supplied and ample help pro- ENGAG EMENT PORT PERRY A R » H b i 4 S vided. For confidential inter- Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Fralick are : view en > wath pleased to announce the engage- T E E N T O W N Rosh Eatote Lid. minimum of $1.00 ment of their eldest daughter ' 170 Donway West, Toronto Linda. Dwayne to Ross Alexan- 447.8518. ' i MARRIAGES -- DEATHS der, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. May 425 Ross Sutherland of Oshawa. "1967 DEMONSTRATOR Wedding to take place in Scu- at r place, on SALE IS ON NOW FOR SALE nited Church at nimum for 4-line verse, 10c. id ey ol: FRIDAY, MAY 5th [lisa TREE, Ora at 8:00 P.M. cam 6, 4 barrel carb. LOT, 60' frontage, on Cochrane COMING EVENTS rire 2 spidey wea Sp Toole nom " ' nei: MASONIC TEVELE full price with lic. USE CARS FOR SALE-- MOTHERS' DAY DINNER Dress Casual 1962 TRIUMPH Coupe located in this Office not later than Served at Club Annrene, Sun- Admission 50c. ba Tonnas poe 2 ig Zoi. Browit- Motors Limtied, e i ard to automatic if id a9) Joy, Jats yi o HOSPITAL AUXILIARY Radio, he W/W tires | Sunderland. Terms cash. Hor ai. at 1.80 p.m. ay SPRING FAIR" Power steering and -- | ward "highest offer to Public COLUMBUS ANNUAL BAZAAR | On SATURDAY, MAY 27th, at|| "Power brakes. "Trustee, 145 Queen West, Tor- . | * AND CENTENNIAL TEA 2.00 p.m., at Masonic Hall and Lic. #55426E $3295.00 J onto. To be held on Wednesday, Presbyterian Church. : --e -- TYPEWRITERS, $49.00. No NA orm T= 2 A AERO 1TMa 10th at 2.30 p.m. } Mar. 23, Apr. 6-20, 1966 VIVA 2 door, less ne down, 2. wkl : Adders, CARD OF THANKS ¥ Apr.27 May 4 May 4-11:18-25 fn A000 pied Sa a iy wr os ly a ee : Rentals, Service, Trades. We wish to express our sin-| BINGO, Thursday, May 4th at EUCHRE--Saturday, May 6th at 1962 PONTIAC 2 door, = Bill Hamilton, Raglan cere thanks and appreciation to | 8:00 o'clock at Legion Hall. | 8.00 p.m. at Oddfellows Hall. 6 Biit. ~Rallio: Che nak (North of Oshawa) TF. . " our relatives, neighbours and |Jackpot $150.00, 55 numbers.| Sponsored by Maybelle Rebekah Lic. #54126E ... $1095.00 : ; : friends for the gifts, cards, flow- | Legion Special $85.00, also four| Lodge. Admission 50c. Prizes. "POTATOES, suitable for eating ers, and chair which we receiv-| $10.00 games. ) 1963 PONTIAC 2 door V-8 or planting. Phone 985-7730. ed on the occasion of our 50th BINGO--Friday, May 5th at 5.00 Stick & Radio. May 4. Wedding Anni ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION pm. - Sponsored by Cathdlic| | yi. sxaos: $1395.00 MERE | Means: League, Wackpot $1500 3 PIECE CHESTERFIELD Suite George and Lovella Bray D N C F in 48 numbers, Minor Jackpot |} G.M.A.C. Terms -- Up to 36 Th eonpbaredmen Dingo $80.00, 56 numbers. Winner of months to pay, plus bnew Migr ibm, » v : -- Spofsored by Jackpot of $270.00, Mrs. Fred M.L.C. Insurance : AT REST - BD Canning. ; ROYAL -CANADIAN LEGION' YOU MAY USE YOUR CAR l|| coNFUSED ABOUT DEAL. : Brsach 419 ANNUAL MEETING AS THE DOWN PAYMENT. || |NG YOUR CAR? COME TO FARMER, Partick Samuel -- |. Port Perry Minor Hockey Asso- ; oo Suddenly as the result of an Saturday, May 6th ciation Annual Meeting, Sunday, | \ 107 ani S. Firman, of | DAWG 01o 12 | ay 1th at Community Avene | BOE ARCHER SIE ' . x : : 7 p.m. nyone interested, R. 2, Port Perry, dearly loved | Legion Hall, PORT PERRY | 5 Po anyone Mogtil MOTORS LTD. | husband of Barbara Coates, -- Music By -- 150 Water St, Port Perry . ' dear father of Timothy Todd| Rj; Backwell COMBO BINGO--Thursday, May 11th at PORT PERRY 985.7361 : Farmer, loving son of Mr. and Refreshments 8.30 p.m. Jackpot $170.00 in Mrs. Archibald Farmer of Tor- Pn § 61 numbers at Caesarea Com- MANCHESTER, ONT. onto, dear brother of James,| Admission $3.00 per couple munity HélL OLY SHOES. Init ww 985-7341 ° 3 Pane maven en PROSBECT-BAZAAR brown leather by Daoust wre. || WHERE THE BEST DEALS twin Patricia, in his 27th year. | Wednesday, May 10th at 2 p.m. EE tom made with cleats Excel- ARE -- WHERE 7A & 12 Resting . at the Chapel of Mc- in Prospect United Church, : f lent condition. $8.00. Phone HIGHWAYS MEET. Dermott- Panabaker, Port Perry | : . FOR THE DEALS THAT for service on Monday at 2.00 MOTHERS DAY SUPPER N OT CE 985- 7288, 'Mrs. Ed. Mulholland, CAN'T BE BEAT pm. Interment Pine Grove Friday, May 12th at 5.30 p.m. « | Manchester. j Cemetery. until all are served, at a Jory HAY St CY"S USED CARS y , Parish Hall, Blackstock. . --_ one - or Hr Ec eh LOVE -- On April 20th 1967, mission $1.75. Public School P O RT P E R R Y 985.7585. - : os a ol i Dr. B. I. Love, Edmonton pass- Children 75c¢c., Pre-school free. | 12 FT. ALUMINGIY BOR aratop, -b "adtomalle, ' 4 - B A S F B A i 2 and power steering, power a Wg aged 7 fs $e SOUVENIR MOOD motor, 5 h.p. $225.00. 1960(] brakes, power seat, radio, eaves to mourn Nis 10ss, hiS| gongs of the Naughty '90's and Chev. Station Wagon $275.00.|] new tires, 43,000 miles, loving wife, Mrs. Florence Love; Roaring '20's enhance the Cen- Port Porry Harel] Tu, is 1956 Ford 6 cyl. 1 Hopi 1 owner, like new. Believe » " two daughters, Mrs. S. G. Mc-| tannial Concert, June 28th at holding an organiza $150.00. Phone 852.6048: it oc inot thie was a Afee (Marion), Edmonton; and | pieh School Auditorium. ing on Tuesday, May 9th, at the stay 21000 minister's car, Mrs. H. K. Halverson (Shirley), | : home of Jack Finley, Prince Al- Lic. #88974 ..... $2,395. Castro Valley, California; four AUCTION SALE tort at 7.45 'pm. Anyone. Ire 1 HEREFORD BULL, 1 year brothers, George, Greenbank,|At Ajax Shopping Centre, FRI-| Pert, at 7.45 p.m. j old, will register. Phone 985-|| 1964 CHEV. 2 Dr. std. Trans, Ontario; Clifford, Port Perry,| DAY, MAY 12th at 7.00 p.m.| terested in gr or in play-f 0" 36,000 miles. Looks and Ontario; Telford, Greenbank;| Also Centennial Parade Cele-|ing plan to attend. ars ~ runs like new. A beauty - and Clayton, Port Perry; one| bration, MONDAY, MAY 22nd, 2 PIECE CHEST ERFIELD Suite, Bg $1345, y " sister, Mrs. Gordon Taylor, Port|25 years, any suggestion, or good condition. . Phone 985-|| - Lic. #274390. Perry; and five grandchildren, ideas, D.LL. float, any old em- PENNY DRAW AND 2789 evenings. . FoR ERTORIAGE Michael and Suzanne McAfee; | ployees, welcome. Contact Bob AFTERNOON TEA 4 WEEK OLD started ikon 1964 FORD XL 2 Dr. Hardfop Erie, Peggy and Donald Halver- | Leslie 728-8651. SATURDAY, MAY 13th for meat purposes. Apply Peel's 4 ipod 300 Hh iii, son." The funeral service will MINOR SOFTBALL MEETING at Oddfellows Hall Poultry Farm Ltd., Port Perry. Bucket Seats, How tires, : be held in fhe hoy aid Owe), Port Perry and District Minor Time 2.00 p.m. 985-7331. 'May4,; 18 Junel '38,000 miles. Done in " oe Chapel of; Fines on Manian Softball Assoc. will hold a re- LUCKY DRAWS 3 gleaming red, matching | ~~. April 24, at 1.30 p.m, wit Rew J.gular. meeting on.Sunday, May]... 3 Sponsored by : HAY;--good--quality:--=~Phone "leather int; This car is §¢---- is erend-Frank-Chubb;-assisted-by 7. 7.30 p.m at the arena. All Maybelle Rebekah Lodge 655.4682. May 11|] - like new. Dk, 26. Xaoh, ofieiaig,: od interested softball coaches, Man- Everyone Welcome Lie. #33701 ........ $1995. cremation will follow. / May 4 - 11| 100 BALES straw, car trail- agers and umpires are asked to § : attend as much help will he ; er, self-propelled reel type lawn COMING WILBUR, Glenn Ralph--Sud- needed, - ANNUAL RECITALS mower, platform scales 1200 ® NEXT WEEK eo . v denly as the result of an acci- The students of Mrs. J. E.|lbs. cap, 1/4 horse electric|| WATCH THIS SECTION OF dent near Armstrong. Ont., on Jackson, A.T.C.M., RM.MT. will | motors Phone 985-2067. THIS PAPER FOR A May 1st, 1967, Glenn R. Wilbur, BOY SCO UT present their Annual Recitals in May 11 SURPRISE -- | WILL dearly beloved son of Ralph & the United Church Auditorium, : INTRODUCE SOMETHING the late Vivien Wilbur of Port| A cr 1ati nr [on Saturday Evening, June 17.| SEED OATS, Barley and Grass THAT WILL SAVE YOU Perry, loving brother of Dorothy SSOC lation (Juniors) and the Intermediates | Seeds for all your needs, High- MONEY (Mrs. S. Robertson). Port Perry, GROUP COMMITTEE and Seniors on Wed., Evening, | est quality in all lines. United 7) » and Hillis of Utica, in his 24th MEETING June 21st. Hybrid Corn, the top yielder in CY ANLSON FORD SALES year. Resting at the chapel of | SUNDAY, MAY 7th, 2.00 P.M. Assisting will be the pupils of | early test for last three years. 985.7341 ug McDermott - Panabaker, Port) scout Hall (Downstairs) | mrs. Frank Godley and vocal | Still available No. 108, 3H11, Perry from Thursday afternoon Scout Leaders URGENTLY | units of Mrs. Frank Hastings. | 118, 7 and 10. Also Seneca's for service on Friday at 200 Needed. pubs Programmes will commen: top yielders No. 155 & 285 for Before You Buy p.m. Interment Breadalbane Any interested persons ce at eight o'clock. Everyone | grain and silage. Telephone --- See "Cy" Cemetery, Utica. In_lieu of welcome to attend. is welcome. Collection in Aid| 0864331. SWAIN SEED Pord, Rairiane, Falcon ¢ " flowers, please make donations Ed. Mulholland, of New Hospital. CLEANERS AND DEALERS. Mustarig Tv Bird Tricks to the charity of your choice. Chairman - 985.7288 May4-11, June8-15 May 25

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