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Port Perry Star (1907-), 11 May 1967, p. 16

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- Se oe i fo | ~ -- oes Ed --- rg ial) PL SE > ay len 2 = nr PS - pe hr IAL i" or % tw Be ERT a RAE oH ps if EE ERT Th Zi Pd pa Set - a EN hire | Bs TS agent 1% ma wk WW PR TU nT SPL ty od = & i " or Aa wo RIA mA a ar TR Shey 16 Se ---------------- IN AND OUT OF TOWN Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Leask and Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Lane .and family enjoyed last week: end at Expo. J * & : Mrs. Annie Taylor, Port Perry and Miss Pauline Jemison en- joyed the holiday week end in Windsor with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jemison and Scott, and re- port a lovely time. * * * Congratulations to Mr. Henry . Rowny, Prince Albert who re- ceived his citizenship papers at the County Courthouse in Whit- by recently. + * * * Visitors at the Sam Cawker farm over the week-end were: Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Cornish, Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cawker, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Cawker and family and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Cawker and family all of Oshawa. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKee have returned home after spend- ing the winter months in the south. FOR SALE "SMALL BOX STOVE; 12 gauge double barrelled shot gun. Other articles. Phone 985-2067. Mammoth Auction PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, May 25th, 1967 'close, Whitby Arena, Saturday, June 3rd at 1.00 p.m. 4 W's Club, St. Marks United Church. Every- thing must go. Also Home Baking and candy, plants, etc. June 1 ~ Will Conduct Music Exams Mr. George Veary a member of the Board of Examiners of the Royal Conservatory of Music will conduct current exa- minations for the Conservatory in Port Perry, Ontario, June 7 and June 8. Born in London, England, George Veary received his mu: sical education at the Toronto Conservatory of Music, The Royal College of Music, London, England, ..and the Juilliard School of Music in New York. A very successful teacher, he has prepared many pupils as both performers and teachers, and has had a considerable a- 'mount of experience both as an examiner & music adjudicator. He is Organist Emeritus of Christ's Church Cathedral in|. Hamilton, Ontario, and Past President of the Royal Canadian College of Organists. | YOUR RED CROSS [=] THANKS You FOR YOUR HELP -+-So-while he's throwing Large Attendance At Season's First Racing Meet In spite of cool weather, the interest for harness racing and wagering seem to be quite high in the Port Perry area. Several hundred persons at- tended the first racing meet sponsored by the Oshawa Harn- ess Horse Driving Club at the Fair Grounds Monday afternoon. Spectators saw some very competitive races and will look forward to the next meet on Friday evening June 2. Senior Citizens Some of you may be wonder- ing why the Club news has been omitted in the Star lately. Sorry folks, funny as it may sound it is none the less true. The write up was posted on a Monday as per usual. Some time ago the mail box was hit on the road) and the door will not close pro- perly. Few days afterwards letter was found outside and.we blame it on a Starling. We like Celebrates 100th Anniversary Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce celebrated its 100th anniversary on May 15th, just six weeks before the 100th birthday of Confederation in Canada. The Bank dates its age from establishment of The Canadian Bank of Commerce in 1867. But as the Bank's Commercial Let- ter for May points out, one of the banks which amalgamated with Commerce -- The Halifax Banking Company -- dates back even further, to 1825, } When the Commerce was es tablished in 1867, its president was the Honourable William McMaster who later became a senator. He also founded the college in Hamilton which, as a university, still bears his name, : By the beginning of the 20th Century, the consolidated fig- ures of the banks which now make up the Commerce showed TEAK FS EEN SER suring a company's financial They are based .on the latest performance against the perfor- | available taxation reports of * mance of other companies in| more than 86,000 companies in its industry, as well as against | the major branches of Canadian industry at large. industry. a total of 91 branches and as- sets of $63 million, In the Banks' early years, some of the pioneer branches | began in tents and log huts. One of the colourful chapters of the Bank's early history deals with activity in the Yukon during the great gold rush, with poet Robert W. Service as one of the personnel. The. final amalgamation that formed Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce was accomplished in 1961. The number of: per- sonnel has since increased to more than 18,000. The number, of shareholders exceeds 29,000. Branches total 1,407, and assets at the end of February, 1967, stood at $6.6 billion. The May Commercial Letter includes the eighth in the series of annual features, "Capital at Work". The article lists ratios that provide standards for mea- THERMO-ENGRAVED | BUSINESS STATIONERY Thermo-Engraving Is rich, raised lettering that has the distinction of fine craftsmanship. It costs much less thon you'd expect, and can be delivered within the week. Cards e Letterheads and Envelopes | Announcements PORT DERRY STAR Phone 985-7383 Port Perry to see and hear the birds, but| in this case they can be a nuis- ance. So watch your mail boxes by all accounts™they love to build their nests there too, who can blame them? : Over sixty members attended Club meeting on Wednesday, May 10th. Mrs. M. Cullen pre: sided. Uusal remarks and warm welcome 'to all. O Canada was sung and Lord's prayer in uni- son. Different Committees were called on to give their reports. C. Brignall Jr. will be-installing an Amplifier in the near future, it will be a great asset to our Club as we older folk aren't as keen in our hearing and maybe our voices aren't as strong either when we give our re- ports. A lot of business was discussed. Our man Mr. E. Healy is right on the dot. New curtain rods were needed and in a day-or two they were installed (no sooner. said than done). All work done by members is appreciated. Meet- ing ended with the Queen, re- freshments served, also a soci- able time spent playing cards. Next club meeting at Hall on May 24th at 2 p.m. Next Euchre 8.30 p.m. Euchres are very popular these days. 19 tables were set up for May 13th. Good prizes were won and a good lunch served for a small charge. These euchres are held at Hall every other Saturday all the year around. Prize winners at last Euchre as follows--Ladies high Mrs. K. Lee; 2nd Mrs. O. Lane; Cons. Mrs. E. McBride. Gent's first (as man) Mrs. M. Wagner; 2nd Mr.- D. Nesbitt; Cons. (as man( Mrs. T. Redman. LJ] LJ LJ THE TRICK Say listen ladies--years ago, I used to be quite fat, My husband teased me till I cried, So 1 say "that is that". I'm going to make you eat those words, I said beneath my breath, I'll one day wear a size 14 Even if I starve to death. A year went by -- the change in me Caused men to make advances, And hubby seethed with jealousy At their admiring glances, And dears -- you know each pound I lost, Althou' it sounds quite funny, As from my frame it disappeared Went on my husband's tummy, compliments, No teasing now to peeve -- maintenance _at Hall Saturday, May 27th at} I'm sticking to my diet, And laughing up my sleeve. Whole Cut-Up Chicken 43¢ MAPLE LEAF Sweet Pickled Cryovac Halves Cottage Rolls » 65: MAPLE LEAF PORK SAUSAGE Ib. 59¢ MAPLE LEAF SKINLESS WIENERS 2 Ib. pkg. 99¢ MAPLE LEAF RINDLESS BACON Ib. 85¢ HOLIDAY FARM BEEF STEAKETTES 1b. 65¢ BEST BUY! -- Save 18c! 'ROSE MARGARINE { { BEST BUY! -- Save 12c! -- Roasted Coffee 1.1b. Bag \ 19% iL HOUSE T3c BEST BUY! -- Reg. 43c! -- 3c OFF PACK 11b. Pkg. DOMESTIC SHORTENING BEST BUY! -- Save 28c! -- E. D, SMITI'S 9-0z. Jars 35¢ CANNED HAMS BEST BUY! -- Save 30c!--Maple Leaf Midget 134-1b, Tin PURE JAMS 3for89c| 3 for 19c $1.59 SAVE 17¢c!--MAPLE LEAF CHEESE SLICES SAVE 10c!--MAPLE LEAF CHED-R-SPRED FEATURE!--2c Off Pack--CHUM Brand overnment-Inspected------ DOG FOOD SAVE 1%7c¢! -- SAICO From Concentrate ORANGE JUICE Reg. 69c!--5¢c Off -- No. 1 White Clover 2-1b. Plastic Tub CREAMED HONEY BILLY BEE '8-0z. Pkgs. 3 for $1 16-0z. Jar 59c KLEENEX TISSUE PARFAIT DESSERTS 4c Pre-Priced $1.09! 6-0z. Jar NABOB Instant Coffee 89¢ ATURE! -- Summer Madness Contest! [{ ---- -- { aw Detergent--Pre-priced 63¢c = 24-0z. |}. 8 : SUNLIGHT 49c 9 for $1 Bf Simo UU CROWN TEABAGS dlc) | 12-0z. . 48-0z. Tins BROWN SUGAR each : tin - 3 for $1 COFFEE CAKE 31¢} SUNSHINE FRESH 3 BUY-OF-THE-WEEK LUNCHEON MEAT ns BK A MJ 44: - 63¢c 6.98 VALUE GIANT 12 GALLON SIZE GARBAGE CAN -METAL LOCKING bo FROZEN AT PEAK OF FRESHNESS ! Fruit & Vegetables Reg. 2 for 41c--Straight Cut Birds Eye _ 9-0z. pkgs. FRENCH FRIES 6 for $1.0C Reg. 2 tins bc! Delicious "HONEY DEW ~~ CANTALOUPES Zalmon Flesh -- #1 Good Size 29¢ each New Spring -- #1 fhm CARROTS ~ 3-Ib. bag 33c Hothouse -- #1 Large Size act Toormeasts sol CUCUMBERS 2 for 35¢ Regular 89c! -- 8-0z. Tube Yellow Cooking -- #1 : NE score HAIR DRessiNG 75 INIONS ~~ 2-1. hag 29¢ whit 10-0z. tins 2 for 53c HANDLES COLOURS RED, GREY, TURQUOISE, YELLOW $1.17 Special! BAN ROLL-ON Regular 69¢ -- Large Tube 134-0z, can 99¢ . WITH $5.00 PURCHASE WHERE FRIENDLY PEOPLE SAVE YOU MORE. DOWSON'S ED2WHIT! SPECIALS WONDER MARGARENE ............. 4 lbs. $1.00 Scotia Gold APPLE JUICE .. 48 oz. 8 Tins $1.00 . McINTOSH APPLES C.A. ........... 5 hs. 79¢. J

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