3 a SEL A 14 _- PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, June 15th, 1967 EPSOM By Jean Jeffery To Father Did you know you were brave? Did you know you were strong? Did you know there was one leaning hard? Did you know that I listened and waited and prayed And was cheered by your simplest word? Did you know that I longed for that smile on your face . . . . For 'the sound of your voice, ringing true? Did you know that I grew stronger and better Because I merely touched shoulders with you. from a poem by Elsie Higham Miss Darlene Christie and friend Miss Dianna Douke of Bradford were at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Allie Christie for the week- end. Little Miss Theressa Allen of Valentine is staying with Mr. 'and Mrs. L. Lyons for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas ' Walker of Toronto visited : with Mr. and Mrs. Thos NEWS Stewart for the week-end. Mr. & Mrs. Earl Geer and Brenda of Port Perry were supper guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Geer. Mr. and Mrs. John Wirsma and son called on Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilson Sunday evening. Dr. and Mrs. Jerrold As- ling and Janette of Newstadt were with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Donald Asling for the week-end. The couples club dined at the Town & Country Club in Toronto on Saturday' then toured the International Air- port. Mr. Gordon Ashton of Whitby visited with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ashton for a few days last week. Mrs. Jean Millman spent a few days with her husband John at Fort Erie last wek. Mrs. Jean Jeffery accom- panied Mrs. Phyllis Ashen- hurst and Mrs. Corrine Crox- all to the National Conven- tion of Women's Institutes at Guelph University on Mon- day. Thousands attended to hear among others the in- spiring message from Mrs. |Aroti Dutt, President of As-- sociated Country Women of the world. Mrs. Dutt was a beautiful young woman from the province of Bengal India. There were representatives at this convention from the Yukon and the North West territories. Mr. and Mrs. Donald As- ling visited her sister Mrs. E. Gorrill and Mr. Gorrill of Eden and her father Mr. J. Ryall of Little Britain. The Reach Centennial choir are a busy group. After ap- pearing at the Decoration Day at Utica on Sunday they had to get up bright and early on Monday as they took buses to go to Prince Ed- ward County to put on a Music Demonstration, To Mr. and Mrs. David Prentice and Miss Vera Pren- tice We can only say a prayer That God will hold your hand And simply tell you that we share Your sorrow -- for we understand. Early this morning Mr. & Mrs. Prentice and Miss Vera Prentice were told of the death of their brother Claude Prentice. Our deepest sym- pathy to the family. Mrs. Richard Downing (Jean-Kydd) for many years y i ¥ a 3 rtf RCFE PLE LAr NEN [4 5 ss vara LAE) 1) PIES + 5 Fey oo Ls - / AA x A a IE NF SP tan Bt ARR PA a resident of Epsom has been quite ill in Parry Sound Hos- pital' but has now returned to her home. Speedy reco- very Jean. ¢ There are more changes in Epsom last week, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Van Dreumell and children moved to their new home, and Mr, and Mrs. Post and son who have been in the Manse have moved into the house vacated. Mr. and Mrs. Fred West and children Sharon and Freddie Jr. of Toronto are planning to move into their new house this week. Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Watson and friends of Toronto were at their summer place on the REA ER AT SRE TREES Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pren: tice, Mr. and Mrs. Donald ! Prentice and Stevie of Tor- | onto were at their cottage on Gull Lake for the week-end. Miss Ann Collie of Inver- urie, Scotland, is staying this week with Miss Betty Munro. Miss Collie is on a tour of Ontario. She will stay with a different family each week for three months. Her. tour is sponsored by the Young Farmer Organization of Scot- land. Bobbie Simmonds of Tor- onto has also heen a guest of the Munro home for a week. Other guests and callers at 6th Con. for the week-end. They called on Mr. & Mrs. Al. Christie. Our baby Layettes are not complete so if anyone has anything to donate it will be much appreciated by. our U.C.W. These layettes are for overseas relief. Mr. and Mrs. John Moore and children were visitors with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jeffery on Sun- day. Mr. Dion Hughes had a write up about our U.C.W. Centennial project in the "Star" on Saturday so I have been told. ~ Hamilton, Brooks. shower for Mrs. Frazer prior to her marriage. Munros were Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wilson of Trenton, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Crosier of Mr. and Mrs. Miss Betty Munro attend- ed. the 40th wedding anni- versary of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Somerville at Greenbank. Mrs. H. Kerry, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kerry attended a trousseau tea for Miss Dianne Fisher at Ashburn on Saturday. Miss Marlene Myers of Zephyr was visiting her aunt, Mrs. Waiter Kerry for -a few days last week. Miss Betty Munro had a Douglas Obituary MARY OLIVE REAL The death occurred, Sun- day, June 4th, 1967 at Port Perry Community Hospital of Mary Olive Real. Miss Real, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Real was born July 9th, 1888 at Greenbank, Ontario. For a time she lived in Toronto, later moving to Port Perry but her interest still remained in Greenbank. She was a member of the United Church of Port Perry. During her lengthy illness she was worthy of note for her cheerfulness and desire to help others. She leaves. to mourn ior loss, four brothers, George of Nanton, Alta., Oscar of Re: gina, Sask., Fred of Green: bank, Ont., Leslie of Kelowna B.C.; three sisters, Mabel (Mrs. R. Brandon) of Green- bank, Miss Dorothy Real of Toronto and Amy (Mrs. W. Hughes) of Flesherton. Miss Real was preceded in death by one brother, Rod Real of Saskatoon and two sisters Elsie( Mrs. R. Beare) Port Perry and Pearl (Mrs. J. Phoenix) Greenbank. The funeral was held from McDermott-Panabaker Fun- eral Home on Wednesday, June 7th. Interment was in the family plot at Bethel Cemetery, Greenbank. BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY G. McPHADEN INSURANCE 985- 2341 Dec-/67 suITS SLACKS SKIRTS ~ Leather Coats, Leather Jackets, (Ladies or Gents) DRESSES TROUSERS (2 pair for) (2 pair for) 2 vc (Plain) [Plain] TRENCH COAT $ TOP COATS (except fur or borg) DRAPE S (unlined) WHITE DRESS SHIRTS ° for (WITH DRY CLEANING) per panel All Kinds Of Leather Goods Cloaned Aid Refinished Suede Coats and Jackets, LICENSE NURSING HOME Pleasant Surroundings REASONABLE RATES Phone 985 - 2806 Dec-/67 FOR ANY OF YOUR ~ Insurance Needs Do it the Co-operative Way Co.-Operators Ins. Assoc. ETHEL NOTTINGHAM 'Myrtle 5 Mar./67 MONUMENTS MARKERS RIMAR MEMORIALS | Phone: 723-1002 152 Simcoe South, OSHAWA A.E. Johnson 0.D. OPTOMETRST 229 Mary St. 985-2383 July 6/67 Gloves, Etc. DON PORT ~ (Corner Queen & Perry St.) RAYMOND J. FRALICK representing CIA Co-operators Insurance Assocation The Farmers Union Mutual Fire Insurance Life - Auto - Home Protection Fire Phone 985.7447 Aug. 31 PERRY Earl Wallace ROOFING ASPHALT SHINGLES, ROLLED ROOFING, STEEL and ALUMINUM ROOFING EAVESTROUGHING We will contract for all kinds of roof work. For facome Tax see ALEX SHEPHERD Room #2, Post Office Building Phone 985-7031 Specializing in business and farm operations. Dec-/61 EMMERSON INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED General Insurance 985-7306 PORT PERRY - Dec. 31/66 - ELECTRONICS ADMIRAL SALES and SERVICE * Phone 985-7993 or 985-2728 PORT PERRY Dec-/67 : Septic Tanks Cleaned By PUMP EQUIPMENY' SEPTIC TANKS AND WEEPING BEDS INSTALLED Beg. Armstrong Port Perry -- sxong 1.6--Feb. 28/61 ELECTRICAL Contractor COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL ELECTRIC HEATING NO JOB TOO SMALL WE DO THEM ALL TOM SRERWIN = ___. Phone 986-5543 'Call Collect-- 755.0277 Toronto "® TELEVISION <