Th , ; -- : es In the top picture are riders from Hampton and the Bar-Bea-Char Ranch. The riders from Hampton are unknown to us, but starting with the first horse on the left: are the local riders, Rick Snooks; third rider, Bruce Snooks; then three Hampton . Mexico Scroll Carried By Local Riders Riders from the Bar-Bea- Char Ranch, R.R. 2, Black- water, near Saintfield were delegated to make quite an unusual ride Wednesday a week ago. The occasion was to meet riders . from Hampton who were carrying a message on --a-rawhide scroll to be pre- sented to Queen Elizabeth during her visit to Expo. The man who originated the idea is a former Canadian, now residing in California, Alan Legate, who carried the scroll from Mexico to British Columbia changing horses 13 ogo nsaament cg ee «Hom £o TY a aia sabe 1 4s Beg ; Civesgeritad 1 Ader Pa sand pe ETRY riders; Alan times during the ride. The scroll is signed by Al- fredo Gruel, Mexicali, presi- dent of the Charros, a Mexi- can horsemen's club with 20,000 members, and it car- ries greetings and best wish- es to the Queen. "It took Mr. Legate over eight months to make the trip from Mexico to Victoria B.C, and from there on, some 2,500 riders have ac- companied him and the scroll across Canada. ~ Local riders who met mem- bers of the Hampton Club at & ~gpadal Smith and Danny Cawker. shown to councillor Phil Orde in the bottom picture and the man who started the ride Alan Legate is seen at right. Stra hated Ia ¥ ~ ' PORT PERRY STAR - Thursday, June 22nd, 1967 - 13 Prospect The June meeting of the U.C.W. was held at the home of Mrs. Ted Legge on Thurs- day evening. Mrs. Murray Holtby conducted the devo- tions, which followed a cen- the hymn "O'er the trackless ocean guided by Thy hand our fathers came" and the Lord's Prayer in unison. Mrs. | lesson from Genesis XII vs. 1-3. Mrs. Holtby continued and prayer. Mrs. Smith read Sitting Room; Mrs. Legge-- "Just a Woman" and Mrs. Williams, "The Saturday Williams read the Scripture! Dr. and Mrs. W. P. 'whose last ministry was on Senior ACitizens Wednesday, June 14th was the meeting at the Club, even though the day was very warm a good crowd at- "1 tended. There will be one 2' more meeting on June 28th, P) p.m. \ !held until second Wed. the last one to be in Sept., as the club closes for July and August, as far as "the meetings are concerned. The President Mrs. M. Cullen presided -- Opening remarks, Lord's Prayer in Unison. Citizens Prayer was sung. Quite a lot of business was discussed. New Ampli- fier was in use, and will be very beneficial to any doings held in the Hall. Uxbridge is chartering two Legate, Bob Durward, Ann The scroll is the Causeway were Rick Snooks, Bruce Snooks, Bob Durward, Ann Smith, Danny Cawker and Don Taylor. The group made a brief stop at the Municipal Office in Port Perry where council- lor Phil Orde received them on behalf of reeve J. J. Gib- son who was unable to at- tend due to other commit- ments, The next destination was Cannington, and when the riders arrived after four hours about 150 people were present to greet them. iW | for games, i buses to visit on June 21st. ' All to assemble at Lakefront : etc. Convener Mrs. O. Stone. Then to the Hall for lunch. Afterwards Mr. Buckland to show old Lantern Slides and "The Redman Four" children to sing in Quartette. will 'be fine, as these get to- gethers are an inspiration to all of the clubs. Usual nice time after our business meeting. The Queen. Then sociable time, lunch served by group in charge. Euchres will continue for the summer every other Sat. at the Club, next will be Sat. June 24th at 8.30 p.m., small charge and a lunch-served.-- Last euchre there were 17 tables, young and old seem to--enjoy these pleasant get togethers. Prize winners as follows (this was held June 10th). Ladies first -- Mrs. T. Redman; second Mrs. F. Mc- Lean, Miss M. McLaren. Gent's high, Mr. John Carroz, EPSOM An interesting Centennial project in Reach Township School Area is a music fest- ival this week on Wednes- day and Friday evenings in Port Perry High School. The Centennial School Choir will supply special music. There will also be drills, rythm bands and square dancing. # These programs are at 8 p.m. and admission free. Mrs. T. Stewart accompan- ied her daughter, Mrs. Har- ley Carke and Mr. Clark of Prince Albert to visit her brother, Mr. Louis Palmer in "» Peterborough on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. Jeffery visited with Mrs. Wes Cawk- er in Port Perry on Sunday afternoon. Just a tip for folk who like a vase of flowers in the EE 1. id 1 NEWS house. If the stems are wood- y (for example lilacs) crush the stems. I just pound them with a stone. This helps ros- es too. If they have milky residue (poppies) dip in boiling , water. If they wilt rapidly, try burning the ends of the stems (purple rocket). To keep roses add a spoon- ful of sugar and for mums add some vinegar, of course cut a little off the stems ev- ery day. Maybe that isn't Epsom news but I'll bet it is news' to some, Jeffrey Bailey was in Que- bec last week for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ly- ons and family were with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Lyons on Sunday. The Millman family att- ended the Millman picnic at Jack Beeshells in Toronto on Sunday. Sunday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William As- ling, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Clark and Irvin, Mr. and Mrs. El- mer Wilson. Mr. a s. Don Asling were supper guests with Fay Keith, Richard and Julia Ash- ton on Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. Barry Bush- ell and family were with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Ashton. Epsom U.C.W. will hold their July meeting at Fair- view Lodge, Tuesday, July 4 | and. the U.C.W.. are.}-- vited to Pine Grove Centen- nial meeting on July 5th. If anyone wants to go or to have a ride to either of these meetings contact one of the members. Several friends in were second Mr. F. Staples, Con- solation (draw) Mr. O. Lane, Mr. M. Card. : Night Bath", all describing | days. Hymn "Creations Lord, | we give Thee Thanks" sung. Some coloured films taken by Barbara Holtby & Georgeanne Legge, of Mont- real and Expo were shown on the screen. Tot Holtby concluded the programme with the poem "Something Good about you". Mrs. Clare Vernon presided over 'the business session. Favorable reports were pre- sented, the bale had gone to Norway House, another order for Centennial Spoons is ne- cessary. The men are spon- soring a Chicken Barbeque on the Church Lawn on Fri- day P.M., Aug. 4th. The next regular meeting will be in September. The group in charge served refreshments during the social hour. Rev. Teskey entertained with his tape recordings of Reach Centennial Jr. Choir, of the previous week in Prince Ed- ward County. Included in this choir from Prospect, So we are all hoping weather : bounteous were Donovan and Irwin ; Smith, Muriel Gray, Sheila ' Williams and Roger Holtby. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Holtby Glen and Marie motored to Expo last week. On their re- turn they visited other places of special interest. Douglas will be going this week with a High School group. various aspects of by- gone | was News A few carpenters in the community have been busy building a new platform across the front of the church to accomodate the new furnishings received {| tennial theme, opening with | from the former Centre St. United Church in Oshawa. The pulpit is a gift of the Fletcher family in memory of their parents, the late Rev. Fletcher, this circuit. The lectern and with a centennial reading | baptismal font are much ap- Lloyd "The Old Time preciated also. " The .last chapter in the history of Prospect school has ended. It was sold last week by public auction te Warner Malischewski of Manchester. Port Perry U.C.W. UNIT #3 -- U.C.W. The regular monthly meet. ing was held at the home of Mrs. Geo. Barthau on-Coch----- rane St., June 6th. Mrs. M. Dowson chaired the meeting, opening with a poem, and a hymn was read by those present. During the worship period Psalm 103 was used, then closing with Prayer. Unit 3 will be responsible for the flowers and nursery in Sept. -- and the program for the general meeting in October. Calls reported -- Hospital 8; House 4; Collection $4.75. The committee for Sept. Unit meeting will comprise Mrs. Howard McMullen, Mrs. Wm. Hopkins and Mrs. Ethel Whitter. A home for Sept. meeting, and the date will be arranged later. Mrs. Barthau served re- freshments. Mrs. Dowson thanked the hostess for op- ening her home for the meeting. Closed with the Mispah Benediction. Bre SA tah Lis 4% 1% 4 Re EERE SALE RIL RRNA PIERS TR BER IRAN IE Saturday evening to help Norma Geer celebrate her birthday. Congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Geer visited her aunt, Mrs. Eliza- beth Wilson in Toronto on Monday. Mrs. Wilson has been very ill but is now showing some improvement. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Geer and Brenda of Port Perry were supper guests on Sun- day at his parents home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Geer visited her mother, Mrs. Middleton of Whitevale on Sunday. Mrs. R;"Bénns and the five youngest children also Mr. and Mrs. Eric Benns and Robin were with Mr. and Mrs. A. Card and family on Card called on Monday -even- ing. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Les. PIANOS ORGANS reg. $1, Used Hammond Chord New Farfisa Organ 2 Musical Instruments SUMMER CLEARANCE B flat Clarinet, case included reg. $122.50 now $89.50 _B flat Clarinet, case incuded reg. $164.50 Electric Guitar, Amplifier and Case included reg. $205.50 Electric Guitar, Amplifier and Case included reg. $252.50 Professional Quality Cape Deck reg. $517.50 Lowrey, Walnut reg. $1,235.00 now $795.00 Used, Mason & Risch upright, excellent Used Lowrey Holiday Deluxe, like new, torized, ideal for home or cottage $599.00 Used Lowrey Starlet reg. $795.00 now $125.50 now $149.50 now $199.50 now $299.50 condition $395.00 909.00 now $1,395.00 Organ $395.00 Manuel, fully transis now $550.00 J. Orde Organ Studio PORT PERRY 985-2351 wero SRN ee BL Fd ~ Er Ne Eitan § Fas % - any a St TD HS a ps ATL hte