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Port Perry Star (1907-), 13 Jul 1967, p. 6

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: mond Hill, Ont. RA * J LSH an LER : 03% Irie A YA Le s h y . § Fi RIAA AIR lhe AHH RNR FE IRA Wat HURTS a Ll = 1 =] A {EZ = = = = = TW =] TWIN = T= Nf = N= ST = T= = TU C=] {WO RENTS Classified Advertising Rates (Effective March 1st, 1967) ARTICLES FOR SALE -- LIVESTOCK FOR SALE REAL ESTATE -- WANTED -- CARS FOR SALE LOST -- FOUND -- ETC. Cash Rate--4c. per word 1st week, 3c. extra consecutive weeks with a minimum of $1.00 1st week, 75¢c. for 2 extra consecutive weeks. Must be paid week of insertion--if charged, an additional 25¢. will be added. 50c. ADDITIONAL WILL BE CHARGED FOR USE OF A BOX NUMBER. NOTICES -- COMING EVENTS -- CARDS OF THANKS 4c. a word with a maximum of 25 words $1.00 BIRTHS -- ENGAGEMENTS -- MARRIAGES -- DEATHS 4c. a word wit ha maximum of 25 words $1.00 IN MEMORIAMS -- $1.00 minimum for 4-line verse, 10c. | a line for additional lines. DISPLAY CLASSIFIED--$1.25 per inch with a minimum of one » inch All Classitied Ads must be in this Office not later than | "5.00 p.m. Send cash, stamps or money orders and save money. PHONE Soren -- - Clip this out for reference Tuesday Card of Thanks We would like to extend our grateful thanks to all the wonderful people who helped make our float a success. Prince Albert Pals 4-H Club THANK YOU . My sincere thanks to rela- tives, friends and neighbours for flowers, gifts and cards, during my stay in hospital. Special thanks to Dr. J. Mec- Intyre, S. P. Kandel and nursing staff for their kind- ness Wilhelmina Vanstrien Births BRADBURY--Bob & Barb. (nee Fielding) are happy to announce the birth of their daughter Lynn Marie, 6 lbs. 5 oz.,, on June 25th, 1967 at Port "Perry Community Hos- pital. Many thanks to Dr. Diamond, Nurses & Staff. ANDERSON--To Bob and Wendy (nee McNenly) a son, Edward William, 7 lbs., oz. Born June 29th, 1967 at York Central Hospital, Rich. SLUTE --_ Carl ond Totes (nee Warren) wish to an- nounce the arrival of their daughter Kimberly - Ann. weight 8 lbs., 6 ozs., July 3, 1967, at Oshawa ' General - Hospital. Mother and baby doing well. ASHTON -- In cherished memory of a kind and gener- ous father, Joseph Harold Ashton, who left us so sud- denly, July 10, 1966. Life's Race Well Run, . Life's Work Well Done, Life's Crown Well Won. Leslie and Virginia (Andrews) ASHTON -- In cherished memory of Joseph Harold Ashton, who left us so sud denly, July 10, 1966. He bad no one a last farewell, He said good bye to none, The Heavenly Gates were opened, A Loving Voice said "Come". Swiftly the Angels took Grandad Into the Mansion's Above, There he is free from earth's toiling, Safe in the Arms of His Love. Leslie, Ralph, Elizabeth, Coming Events BINGO, Thursday, July 13, at 8 p.m. in Legion Hall. Jackpot $120.00 in 52 num- bers. Legion Special $30.00. Four, $10.00 games. BINGO, Thursday, July 20 at 8.30 p.m. Jackpot $120.00 in 54 numbers at Caesarea Com- munity Hall. EUCHRE, Saturday, July 15 at 8.15 p.m. in Oddfellows Hall, sponsored by Maybelle Rebekah Lodge. 50c. Lunch. BINGO, Friday, July 14th at 815 p.m. Sponsored by Catholic Men's League. Jack- pot $250.00 in 58 numbers. Minor Jackpot $40.00 in 48 numbers. TWEEDSMUIR TEA Under the auspices of Honey- dale W.I. at the home of Mrs. R. Cornish, on Thursday, July 20th, 2-5, 7-9. Everyone is welcome. Admission 50c. Pictures of early days in Port Perry will be on display as well as antiques. Members will be in Centennial Cos- tumes. BINGO -- Every - Wednesday, through July & August at 8 p.m. at Club Annrene, Scugo Island. Everyone Welcome, Aug. 31 EASTERN STAR DRAW The winners of the East: ern Star Draw, Blue Ray Chapter #238 were: Mr. Russell Brown winner of the Centennial Quilt. The Cash Prizes were won by Mr. Alan Wilson, Nestleton. Mrs. Phyllis Kelly, Toronto. } Mrs. A. Merkle Bowmanville. For Sale Admission For Sale For Sale For Sale For Rent 30 ACRES Standing Hay & year old Bales. Some clover & oats. Good pasture with Bush for rent. 'Reasonable. 985-7151. PUREBRED Boxer, 2 years old, must be good home, very reasonable, good with child- ren. Phone 985-2246. HEREFORD Heifers, weight 350 to 450 lbs. Phone 985- 7466. SALE of School Furniture, Old School, Prince Albers, Saturday, July 22nd, 1 p.m. Teacher's desk $10. 00; School -desks $1.00 ea. Blackboards, assorted sizes $5 & $10; 3 desk seats, modern $5.00. REGISTERED Polled Here- ford Bulls, 14 months old, qualified for government bonus, H. Anderson, Port Bolster. Phone Pefferlaw 68-r-14. ~ Jly13-20-27 CHINA CABINET, modern, sliding glass doors in top, with matching chrome table new. Priced reasonable. Phone 985-2708. PROPERTY FOR SALE at NEW HAND MADE 14' fibre glass canoes, 45 lbs. also custom built. canoes, 461 Queen St. Prince Albert or call 985-7208. Jly 20 EET ------ ARCHER'S USED CARS WANT A SECOND CAR? LOOK WHAT I'VE GOT 1965 Vauxall Viva 24,000 miles and ready for the road. Around 40 miles a gal. Lic. #55410E . $1095.00 1963 Vauxhall sedan Children or pets can pL hurt the.all vinyl Lie: #53535E .. $895.00 1963 Corvair 2 dr. ) standard transmission wifh radio Lic. ##55509E .. $695.00 'BOB ARCHER MOTORS LTD. 150 Water St, Port Perry PORT PERRY 985-7361 -and- chairs, color -beige;-like | -100- Union Ave. Jly 20 NOTICE PORT PERRY PUBLIC LIBRARY will be CLOSING for two weeks during vaca: tion. Commencing July 17th to the 20th inclusive, open- ing on Monday, July 31st at the usual hours. Jly 13 CLOSED FOR HOLIDAYS July "15 to Aug. 15 Bill Hamilton Raglan, 1 - 985-7160 RASPBERRIES -- Pick your own--30 c. qt. Some picked crate orders taken. Neil MeMiitan, Seagrave. 985-7414. Jly 18 - 27 LARGE QUANTITY of mixed hay. Neil Wanamaker, Sea- grave. 985-7668. GERMAN Shepherd Puppies, 8 weeks, black & . tan, fe- males, $15.00. Phone 985- Larry, Bruce, Debbie, Rance 'and Ross. | 2991. Lee} {ed RA EACARERA LE BS Pr yg FY iy UTICA SAND & GRAVEL Do to higher taxes and rising prices, effective July 20th our gravel prices will be in. creased. Orders on hand will be supplied at the old price Elmer Collins, Phone 985- 2752, Port Perry. Wanted To Rent ROOM during summer months in Port Perry. Phone 985-2160. FOR YOUR NEXT CAR 0 "ty" THE GIVE-AWAY STAR CY'S WEEKLY SPECIAL and an opportunity to select a reliable car for that long awaited sum. mer Holiday. You make your own choice from the following: 63 Pontiac Sed. Auto., 6 cyl. P/S, P/B (white) Lic. 495-900. 63 Galaxie Sed., Auto., V-8 Red & White. Lic. 559-49E. 63 Pontiac Sed., Auto., 6 cyl. P/S, P/B, (Red) Lic. J74263. 63 Galaxie Sed. V/8 Auto., Radio (Beige) © Lic. 55848E. 65 Austin Cambridge Sed. _...Delightfully Economical. . Lic. 52447E. 62 Olds Super 4 Dor H.T. All Power (Brown) . Lic. 56047E YOUR CHOICE $995.00 as advertised this week only 62 CHEV 4 Dor H.T. V/8, P/S, P/B, El. windows, Radio. Immaculate White, Red Int. Lic. 33344E. Asking -- $1 295. 65 Ford L & D 4 Dor H.T. Outstanding throughout Complete Power & Equipment. Lic. 56235E Asking $2295.00 Topless 63 Galaxie V/8 Double Power. Asking $1295. 00 BEFORE YOU BUY r C "CY" Where 7A & 12 Highways Meet GY WILSON Ford Sales MANCHESTER, ONT. 985-7341 Help Wanted "SALESMAN A TEXAS OIL COMPANY WANTS MAN OVER 40 FOR PORT PERRY AREA We need a good man over 40 who can make short auto trips for about a week at a time. We are willing to pay top earnings. WORTH $12,000 - Our top men in other parts of country draw exceptional Shenings up to $12,000 in a This opening in the Port Perry area is worth just as much to the right man. Air mail C. L. Dickerson, Pres., Southwestern Petrole- um Corp.; 534 N. Main St, Ft. Worth, Texas. 76101. WOMAN wanted from 2 pm until 7 p.m,, Sat. & Sun ays for booth work at Lake Scu- gog Marina. Phone 985-2658. AMBITIOUS man with car in Port Perry and district. Sup- plement your income. Sell and service the products of Electrolux Canada Limited. Full or part time. Complete sales training will be provid. ed, Ask for Marvin Appleton. 985-7704. SELF CONTAINED Apart- ment for Rent, electric heat, air conditioned. Available July 15th. Close to Port Perry downtown. Phone 985- 7962. Sweetman's Used Cars 1965 Pontiac Custom Sport 8 cylinder, automatic, power equipped, bucket seats, Lic. 502522. $2295.00 1964 Olds super 88 4 door Hardtop, power equipped. Lic. 55995E $1845.00 MODERN 1 bedroom apu:t- ment, electric heating, suit: able for couple only. Avail- able July 15th. Phone 985 * 2239. CAMPING TRAILER for rent by day or week. Phone 985- 2170. Aug. 31 1963 Chev. Convert. ; 8 cylinder, power equipped. Bucket seats Lic. K14845 .... $1595.00 1963 Corvair Monza Coupe automatic, radio, bucket seats. Lic. J92215. $845.00 1963 Pontiac Parisienne 4 door Hardtop, 8 cyl- inder, radio, 1 owner. ~-- Lic. 54101E $1575.00 1962 Oldsmobiles, power equipped, 2 to » 1 BEDROOM Apartment, 176 Queen St. Available now. Phone 985-2221. Help Wanted Real Estate Good people wanted with or without experience. choose from .... $1095.00 Lots of leads, advertising -- and help. Several other used cars Call in confidence. . in stock Come in and make us an offer on any of these : cars. BUY-SELL THRU' J.J. LAMBERT = REAL ESTATE LIMITED ---- 170 DONWAY=- W. TORONTO PHONE 985.2212 STEWART SWEETMAN .JIM HEAYN 447-8518 FOR SALE --_---- FOR SALE NEW BRICK BUNGALOW with three bedrooms, attached garage, mahogany trim, oak and torginol floors, light fixtures and laundry tubs. : APPLY REESOR FUEL & LUMBER § 985 - 7951 HELP WANTED COOK FOR FULL TIME EMPLOYMENT REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY. EXCELLENT FRINGE BENEFITS. For interview contact Administration of Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry. Phone 985 - 7321. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION "CHURCH SEALED TENDERS are presently being called for the construction of a new church, Immacul- ate Conception Church, to be located on the South Side of Scugog Street (Hwy. No. TA) Port Perry, Ontario, Tenders will be received not later than 3:00 P.M. Thursday, July 27th, 1967, at the office of the Owner, Roman Cath- olic Episcopal Corporation, for the Diocese of Toronto, in Canada, 65 Gould St., Toronto. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Plans and specifications are available on de- posit of $50.00 at the office of the Architect, William Saccoccio, 215 Morrish Rd, Ww Hi L Ontario, st Hi Yar ~ Gre "CC

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