'SELL: RENT + SWAP 'HIRE * 1=10he + SELL" alzans AA eile LS EN = 19h =] -- No Wanted To Rent YOUNG COUPLE desire un- furnished apartment or house in--Port Perry --or---vieinity. Available September 1st. #Vrite Box #18, Port Perry Star. Wanted To Buy URGENT, wanted to buy house, hungalow or farm, hydro and water. Total price smust not exceed $5,000 paid cash. Box #19, Port Perry Star. Wanted A SMALL quantity of used barn siding in good condi- tion (200 - 300 sq. ft.). Phone 985-7476." MEN and WOMEN who are wanting a business of their own. I will assist you. This is the opportunity of your life. Part time or full. I guarantee you there is no --qther in Canada of such-op- portunity. There is no obli- gation. - Phone 986-4252. Work Wanted LAWNS CUT, Hedges trim- 'ed, trees, etc. and general clean up. 985-7679. T.V. AERIALS Repaired -- Towers installed. Phone 263-2690, Charles Green. INTERIOR and EXTERIOR PAINTING done, estimates, by hour or contact, Kazimier Rowny. Phone 985-7663. , Jly 13-20 MOUNTJOY BACKHOE HELLY SERVICE Foundations & Septic Tanks du gand back filled. Phone Blackstock 986-4737. T.F. ~SIGNS PAINTED, with or %ithout illustrations. Any size. Reasonable Rates. Phone 985-2916. L. Langille, Yeh Ont. BILL TAYLOR CONCRETE CONTRACTOR * Coloured Floors Cement Finishings Phone 640-3285, 182 Main St. W. Stouffville, Ont. T.F. "COPPINS SAND & GRAVEL Pit - Claremont 649-5740 Yard - Off. Uxbridge 852-3891 « EXCAVATING Gradall, Backhoe, Bulldozer Front End Loader she Compressor "COMPLETE GRAVEL TRUCKING SERVICE" SUPE RIORCY, READY MIX CEMENT YV YARD OFFICE UXBRIDGE 852-3891 Radio Dispatched Trucks with 7 Trucks to serve you: PROP; DOUG COPPINS Wanted DEAD OR CRIPPLED "FARM STOCK Picked up promptly. Telephone collect, Hampton 263-2721 * Margwill Fur Farm TYRONE License No. 101-C-67 Mar. 4/68 DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS Picked up Promptly For direct line call Long Distance and ask for Zenith 32800. Call anytime ED PECONI & SON Woodville, Ont. Licence No. 324C-66 --Miscellaneous | MONEY TO LOAN I will loan you up to $5000. at a reasonable rate of interest to Consolidate; your bills or for any other worth while purpose, provid- ing you are steadily employ- ed aad have good credit. Tele} hone Oshawa 723-4631: Notice to Creditors 'against the Estate of Harvey - By Their Solicitors, AND OTHERS Ir. the Estate of Harvey Elvin Rowe, Deceased All persons having claims Elvin Rowe, late of the Town- ship of Reach, in the County of Ontario, Mechanic, who died on or about the 14th day of December, 1959, are here- by notified to send particu- lars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 15th" day of August, 1967, after which date the Estate will be distributed with re- gard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Toronto this 28th day of June, 1967. Beverley Marlene Blain and "Samuel Nathaniel Goldhar, Exceutors, Goldhar, Nemoy & Rusonik ~ 101 Richmond Street West, Toronto 1, Ontario. Real Estate T.F. 725-3039, Oshawa! For Every Type of Real Estate BUY-SELL THRU 4.4. LAMBERT ---- REAL ESTATE LIMITED ---- 170 DONWAY- W. TORONTO 447-8518 , BETHESDA QUEENSVILLE 478-4788 | FOR SALE FOR SALE NEW BRICK * with three bedrooms, attached garage, mahogany trim, oak light fixtures and laundry tubs. * ~ APPLY REESOR FUEL & LUMBER 985 - 7951 : BUNGALOW | and torginol floors, on Real Estate RICARD REALTOR BOWMANVILLE 623-2503 . OSHAWA 576-1050 FARM--107 acres clear and workable. This is a good beef farm with loose hous- ing. Good home with modern kitchen and con- veniences. Owner retir- ing. 'Terms. FARM -- $15,000. full price. River goes across the whole farm, also spring fed stream. A good re- treat. : COTTAGE--modern and fur- nished on large lot, very private ,on lake Scugog near Valentia. $5,000. LAKE SHORE LOTS -- On lakes - Ontario, Scugog, Minden, Pine, Bitter, Horse Shoe and Haliburton area $300. down. RESORTS--We pave tires to choose from. 3 cottage $19,000., 7 cottage with home $35,000, and lodge with 12 bedrooms - cabins - cottages - bunkhouse and store, all for $49,000. These are for sale with good terms because owners re- tiring and one because of health. Area Rep.-- HAROLD PECK R.R. #2, Nestleton 986-4252 Real Estate 2 bedroom, frame house, built in oven and grill, modern cupboards, electric heating, patio, on large land- scaped lot. Full Price -- $15,500. with easy terms. Lake Scugog 3 bedroom, furnished cottage and garage, winterized, 3 pc. bath and all conveniences, on large lot, fuil price $7000.00. Lake Scugog 1 Large Building Lot, size 115 x 170 deep. Full price $1,300.00. Lakeside Beach $3,000.00 down, three bedroom furni- shed cottage, large sun porch bath, boat, on sandy beach. Many extras. Full Price -- $6,500.00. Easy terms. Prestige Home 5 bedroom, frame house, garage, 1% baths, hardwood, tile and broadloom floors, oil heating, fireplace. Many extras, on beautiful large landscaped lot. Call for further information. ATTRACTIVE 3 bedroom "brick bungalow with breeze- way and attached garage, patio, rec. room, fireplace, 1% bath on beautiful land- scaped lot. Many extras. Down $10,000. Easy Terms. 10 acres lots ond 25 acres. All with easy terms. SCUGOG POINT -- Three bedroom furnished cottage, garage, hydro and all con- veniences on a large lot, well treed. Full price $6,000. with $2,000 down. Agent MARION HOPKINS 985.7215 Opportunity Manchester Area--50 acres productive clay loam, 1% storey 3 bedroom brick home with new oil furnace & stone fireplace, hardwood floors, modern knotty pine kitchen, beautiful dining room, nicely landscaped lawns. Excellent value, only $24,900 with terms. 100 acres clay loam Sunder- land area, 1% storey frame home with conveniences, bank barn with loose .hous- ing, productive soil. Death in family forces sale $22,000 with terms. Prestige home with character 3 bedroom brick bungalow with carport, verandah, bay window, large modern Kkit- chen . with plenty of cup- boards, full -basement,-insul-{- ated and ready for panelling. Elegtric heating throughout. This home gives you the feel- ing of elegance. Don't miss it. $24,500 with terms. 3 bedroom brick bungalow ly treed, fenced lot, built in china cabinet, broadloom in living-room, finished recrea- tion room. Prestige home, priced to sell with $7000 down. 3 bedroom modern brick bungalow, fireplace, attached double garage $225 500 with $7,000 down. Several dairy, beef and commuter farms for-sale. Call for information. Call -- GEORGE S. STONE 985-2632 or 426-9303 Beaverton 65 acres, rolling hills, 500 foot frontage on Chalk Lake, Slant location for private clu Commuter farm, only 26 miles from Oshawa, 7 room brick home, new oil furnace, bank barn, implement shed, garage, school bus at gate. 100 acres, 11% storey brick home, bank barn, implement shed, double garage, school bus, priced to sell at $27,000, Building lot SeDroiiaidls 135 x 195 in village of Sea- grave. Price $850.00. 'We have others. Call MORLEY BRUCE 985.2528. Rep. for H. Keith Ltd. Auction Sales SAT., JULY 22nd--Auction Sale of Furniture, many An- tiques, the property of Mrs. M. MONSON, Port Perry, just West of Fair Grounds on 7th Con. Terms Cash. Sale at 1.30 p.m. Roy Scott, and G. Wanamaker, Clerks. TED JACKSON, TED SPENCELEY, Jly 13-20 Auctioneers WED., JULY 26th -- Auec- tion Sale of Furniture, Mo- dern & Antique, the pro- perty of R. B. SMALLMAN. 82 John Street, Port Perry. Terms Cash. Sale at i p.m. Roy Scott, G. Wanamaker, Clerks. TED JACKSON, TED SPENCELEY, 2 Jly 13 - 20 and Mr. and "Mrs. EPSOM By Jean Jeffery "Have you had a kindness shown? Pass it on. "Twas not meant for thee alone, Let it travel down the years, Let it wipe another's tears Till in heaven the deed appears, Pass it on", Reach Central 3 School at Epsom Thirty grade VIII students were promoted to H. School. Bill Ruhl with an average of 839 will be awarded the Epsom Community Club Tro phy and prize. Bill plans to attend P.P.HS. Jill Doble whose average was 819, won the Bethesda W.I. Trophy & Prize for English, Jill plans to attend US.S. Perfect Attendance for Year Grade VIII--Barry Philip, "Bill Ruhl. Grade VII--Peggy Ruhl. Grade VI--Brian Slute, Troels Madsen Grade IV--Tina Ruhl Grade III--Barry Amos, Esther Houghland. Grade II--Gayle Amos, Kenneth Chilton Grade I--Robert Evans. Sunday viistors with Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Houghland and family were Mr. and Mrs. E. Houghland and Glenn; Mr. and Mss. Ross Houghland and family of Whitby; Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Carl and Miss Shirley Nichols of Oshawa Arthur Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mar- tin of Bowmanville were with Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Christie Friday evening. Miss Darlene Christie and Miss Deanna Doupe of Brad- ford were visiting>friends in Kincardine for:the week-end. Tim's \Ace-had ,a beautiful colt on Friday. The Post family have re- turned from a three week's vacation. We were sorry to learn that Mr. Post had been il land had to spend part of ill and had to spend part of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hub- bard Sr. of Pickering visited Mr. and Mrs. L. Brawn on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stew- art visited Mr. and Mrs. T. Stewart on Sunday. Mr. Ste- Auction Sale THURS., JULY 27th--Auc- tion Sale "of Furniture, Mo- dern and Antique, the pro- perty of ELMO DUNN, 105 Colston St., Brooklin, Ont. Terms Cash. Sale at 1 p.m. Roy Scott, & G. Wanamaker, Clerks. TED JACKSON, TED SPENCELEY, Jly 13 - 20 Auctioneers AUCTION: SALE of Farm Stock, Implements and Fur- niture, the property of the late FRANK STACEY, Lot 8, Con. 5, Mariposa Twp. 3 miles west of Little Britain on THURS, JULY 27th. 26 head of Holstein and Short- horn Cattle, 5 Holstein Steers (2 yrs), MH. 102 tractor, M.H. 101 tractor, Qu. of other machinery, Qu. of furniture, including some antiques. Farm Sold. No Re: serve. Terms Cash. Sale at Auctioneers, 1.30 p.m. REG JOHNSON, Auctioneer RENT SWAR HIRE . NE WS wart Sr. has not been well lately. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Ro- berts of Windsor called on Mr. and Mrs. Stewart on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. L. Lyons and Darlene called on Mr. & Mrs. Bert Wallace at Lake Wilcox on Sunday. Darlene Lyons was visiting her brother Charles and Mrs. Lyons and children at Omemee for a few days holi- day. Peter returned with her to spend a few days with his grandparents. Mrs. June Trick and Randy are home from the hospital and Mrs. Benns hopes to be released some day this week. _Mr_.and Mrs. Murray Pren- tice are staying at their par- ents cottage at Gull Lake while Murray is taking a summer course at Orillia. Mr. and Mrs. Prentice visited | them at the cottage for the week-end. , Mr. and Mrs. L. Lyons went to Toronto on Saturday and brought his mother to her home at Leaskdale for the week-end. Little Donna Kerry broke her leg one day last week. We do hope it mends quickly. Donna and you don't have to wear the cost too long. Mr. and Mrs. Brawn were in Oshawa one evening visit- ing Mr. Brawn's aunt Miss Greta Brawn of Mt. Caramel who have the misfortune to get her hand badly mangled in the power mower. Mrs. Armstrong & Tommy were in Oshawa Friday and called on her brother How- - ard and Mrs. Gourlie. There will be a community shower in the School on Fri- day evening for Miss Elaine Medd our bride elect. Every- one is invited. Ladies please bring refreshments. That is this Friday evening, July 21. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur West- garth of Mount Albert visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Asling Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crozier visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Asling one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Geer attended the Decoration ser- vice at Whitevale and enjoy- ed a family Picnic at Green- wood park in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Len Beach and boys of Orillia visited with her parents Mr. and Mrs. David Prentice and Keith remained with his grandparents for a holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ashton and Michael of Leaskdale visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashton on Saturday evening. Dr. and Mrs. Jerrold Asling and Janette of Newstadt vi- sited his parents Mr.. and Mrs. Donald Asling last week- end and attended the Terry Picnic at Poplar Park on Sunday. On Sat. evening Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashton visited with Miss Vera Prentice. On Tues. evening Mr. and Mrs. David Prentice had din- ner with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Medd and girls. } (continued on page 13) bo nt 2 Pe dp Ee od Sot war We - re