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Port Perry Star (1907-), 14 Sep 1967, p. 13

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* Lawn Bowlers Enjoy Exciting Games In Fine Weather The season is coming to an end but enthusiasm is still high. The local tournaments each Saturday afternoon are very popular. Last Satur- --d®y's winners-were-in-order Bruce Beare, Mrs. Cyril 'ter and Mae Price. Oshawa; Stanley and Irving Boyd. Wednesday, Sept. 9th was an open tournament with the following winners: Mr. and Mrs. Lott,, Whitby; Jack Hun- Mr. and Mrs. A. Gordon of Cannington and Robert Gray and Mrs. V. Stouffer of -the local club. On Monday night, Sept. 11, despite cold weather 16 bowl- ers used the greens. Everyone is looking for- ward to 1968 and hope it will be one of the be-t years in the history of the club which has been in existence for over fifty years. Let us all boost-lawn bowling which is one of our best summer pas- times. . PORT PERRY STAR - Thurs. September 14th, 1967 - 13 "Cub News This week sees the opening of most activities at the Scout Hall. To make this possible we have to operate under a group committee. The nominating committee -to-try-and-select-a few of the parents to form this group ¥| are meeting this week. If one of this com ask for your co-operation please consider well your answer for without the group committee we are "| not to operate. This Saturday "C" Pack is "| meeting at the fair grounds to clean up. Any other help would be appreciated. Stanley Ploughman IC of C Delegation Receives Answers EAE iz i Mrs. Eleanor Woods How- ard Hall, E. Griffen, J. Bower and D. Madsen met with Port 'Pegry Council on behalf of the local C of C during the last regular meeting of Sept ember 5th. The purpose of the delega- tion meeting with the coun- cil was to discuss the fol 18wing matters: (1) Is it the intention of Council to discontinue the U- Turn at 'Queen and Water Streets. : ' Council replied that a by- 'law-has been passed for this pufpose and is awaiting the approval of the Department of Transport and the instal ling of the necessary signs. "job. The Deputation from the Chamber of Commerce did not appear to be. in favour of this no U-Turn on Queen and Water but were willing that it be given a try. (2) What are the duties of the By-law Enforcement Of- ficer. It was explained that the duties of the By-law Enforce- ment Officer is to enforce the by-laws of the Village of Port Perry, to act as Public School Crossing Guard, Weed Inspector, -and do any other work which Council request in order to make a full time (3) Have the O.P.P. only certain hours to work and the 985-2581 For All Your Plumbing and Heating Needs CALL ARTS PLUMBING and HEATING : R.R. #1, PORT PERRY Operated by ART (Pete) PETROZZ) Licenced Mechanic LAST WEEK ARE Gordon Cleaners SPECIAL OF THE WEEK TOP COATS {swzspt fur or burg) - 99c¢ Gordon Cleaners Port Perry Xormer Queen and Perry Sts.) ; STILL IN EFFECT To Many Questions Aimed At Council municipality left without pro- per protection for the bal- ance of the time. This qugestion was answer- ed, by stating that the O.P.P. come and go as they wish. (4) The road way into the parking lot from Mary Street is in bad condition and re- quires some attention. This matter was explained by stating that the road way is not wide enough for the grader to operate. It was suggested by Council that possibly an easement should be obtained to have a wider lane and then eventually have it paved. (5) Have Council in mind the installation of parking meters as the Chamber of Comnierce js not in favour of them. ~ - It was reported that Coun- cil have no immediate plans for parking meters other Council a lot of time and concern,. but would surely add to the mill rate. (10) Councillor P. W. Orde -asked-the-deputation-if they would be in favour of an easement for a road way be- hind the stores on each side, for loading unloading, pick- ing up of garbage and for the new sewer mains. The Chaniber of Commerce Leputation was quite in ac- cord with this proposal and offered their services in ob- taining the easements. (11) The Chamber of Com- merce reminded Council that the Port Perry Centennial is in 1971 and if some plans should not be started for the financing of the Centennial. This reminder was held over for further considera- tion. LJ * J ; The following Statement of accounts was authorized for payment: -- General Department 7726.90 St. Maintenance ...... 323.02 Truck & Tarctor ...... 91.49 Property & Parks ... 211.50 Waterworks Dept. .... 651.33 O.W.R.C. mmm 25.00 $9020.24 J] J J] 'Building Permits were is. sued to--Maple Leaf Mills, pt. lot 122, loading ramp, Water Street; H. Mahaffy, Lot 140 Mary Street, sun- porch and car port; Mrs. Marie St. Pierre, 123 Sexton Street, 1 room and bathroom. 00 Jon Sept. 23rd. Hope to see Euchre Held At Oddfellows Hall A pleasant evening was spent for .those who attended the Euchre at Oddfellows Hall on Sat. evening of Sept. 9th. These Euchres are spon- sored by the Rebekahs and day all through the year. Many attend from outside vicinities and a number from Oshawa. Scugog group was respon- sible for this last one. Mrs. C. Redman was convener. A draw was made on three prizes. First went to Mr. J. Latimer, receiving a chicken; second went to Mr. C. Geer; third to Mrs. W. Mark. } Thirteen tables were set up and a delicious lunch was served consisting of tasty sandwiches and cake. Every- one seemed to enjoy the evening. Prizes for Euchre were do- nated by members of the Lodge. Next Euchre at Hall are held every other Satur. a good number attend. First prize went to Mrs. M. Burnett; Second prize (for ladies) Mrs. J. Johnson; Con- solation Mrs. S. Rodman. Men's High--Mr. M. Stevens, Oshawa; Second Mr. A. John- Cullough. Lunch followed. So ended another happy get together. ELECTRICAL KEN P. MURRAY CONTRACTOR Domestic and Industrial WIRING 274 Rosa St. CALL US FOR FREE ESTIMATES ON COMPLETE ELECTRICAL HOME HEAT PHONE 985 - 7005 PORT PERRY than if the park is developed, then parking meters on Wa- ter Street could be a means of revenue since the park is too small to have cars enter the park. (6) If it was not the under- standing that the coloured street lights would be put on each week-end. In reply to this question Council stated that this may have been asked for, but only remember granting permis- sion for the coloured lights to be on during the Christ- mas season. (8) Now that more land is being purchased to enlarge the park should there not be a charge for admittance. Council replied that the Village park, being an im- proved Provincial park a charge is supposed to 'be made for cars, launching boats, camping etc., but not for admittance. At the pre- sent time a charge is only made for trailors and tents. (9) Is the town not large enough to have a Town Man- ager. : In this case, it was pointed out that a Town Manager and possibly a Town Engineer P 1 "NTLAND JEWELLERS 4 1 - would save the members of Tr \ (Sa LT STI CLOSED FOR HOLIDAYS EAN MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18th WiLL RE-OPEN i FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22nd | Ny TN FRI TCE WO I ENTE Oey SASOE My RES Baath a CX a 7 bh? Pk Hast ps A CATHAY " a vp Tot ALE AI rR AREY son; Consolation Mr. F.-Mc--- bony Cy Wows wba | Ri COT Te! TR ph he eT) A YA ERE ¥ ~~. Cy \ 2a gn ~ Pv "Z a ¢ Fa rT ned TPA Th AE Sms Shall) ay ed ow he ead 3 Sm

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