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Port Perry Star (1907-), 14 Sep 1967, p. 5

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1 eee ------ EPSOM NEWS By Jean Jeffery Mr. and Mrs. i. A%¥en Mr. and Mrs. Keith-&Shton and children, Mr. and Mrs. A. Ashton and Michael and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cath: erwood visited Mr. Horace Searle at Moore's Falls on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elsworth Gor- ril of Woodville visited with seit oxime AGI I Mr. and Mrs. Donald Asling on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Craig Middle- ton and family of Scarbor- ough, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Kendry and Linda of Udora were supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Geer for Sun, supper. Mr. . and Mrs. Raymond Kerry of Greenbank visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Geer on Sat. evening. Mrs. Ruth Wilson visited Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Lee of Port Perry Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. H. Kerry were in Orillia where Mr, Kerry was judging horses on Sat. ' There was quite a success- ful sale at the manse last Wed. evening. A Mr. Art Brown is the new owner. Mr. and Mr. Hugo Bradley visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. Kerry on Thursday. On Tuesday evening the U.C.W. met at Utica. It was decided this month to con- centrate efforts on selling cook books and procuring a Regal order. Mrs. Wes, Cawker of Port Perry celebrated her birth. day on Sunday at the home of her daughter Mrs. G. Jef fery. Wee Janette Asling of Neu- stadt is with her grandpar- ents Mr. and Mrs. Donald As- 1 I ...L PORT PERRY STAR - Thurs. September 14th, 1967 - § ling while her parents Dr. and Mrs. Jerrold Asling are on a trip to the East Coast and a visit to Expo for a couple of weeks. Mr. & Mrs. Herman Kerry were at the sod-turning cere: monies at the New Burns Presbyterian Church at Ash burn on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Geer were Sunday supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Geer of Port Perry. | | VE Jamily 15 school in highest | foods that will make your 'meal ~ planning easier. Nabisco SHREDDED WHEAT reuraing todd" ul Fd SL TERR ON SHOULDER PICNICS hats the good word... SAVIN At Your GARLOAD Food Mkt. Prin of GS. i ce Albert | FRESH LEAN || PORK BUTTS 53 LEAN Ground Beef CHOPS w 45° |, PORK . 50: MARGARINE PORK HOCKS Vis p08 : bo 49 45 . . SPARE RIBS STORE .HOURS 8:30 um, - 9:00 p.m. EXCEPT TUESDAY 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m, SATURDAY 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m, Free Delivery of any Order of $2.00 or over Phoned in by 11 am, PHONE 985 - 2492 PRICES EFFECTIVE WED. to SAT. Sept. 13, 14, 15, 16. fos i -------- LIBBY'S BEANS 2 wm 53: FANTASTIK SPRAY CLEANER za. 7/5: Gold Seal SALMON wm 59 KETCHUP 2 em 63] Red Rose TEA BAGS «- 69: CHASE & SANDBORN INSTANT a COFFEE 1.05 PUREX TOWELS =z. 49 KLEENEX WINNERS OF OUR ANNIVERSARY DRAW ., 18t--Mrs, G, Williams. 2nd--Mrs, Betty Russell. 3rd--Mrs, Ruby Dearborne. oe CHILDREN -- Rankin Rensink, Doherty Fleiler, Martyn Fenton, WINNER OF LAST MR. L. WEEKS $5.00 DRAW FENTON. SEI ARI Mrs. Florence McKnight has been under the Doctor's care but is somewhat im: proved. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stew- art and Mr. and Mrs. Doug Walker were week-end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stewart. Ever hear of the Old Lady who lived in a shoe. Some teachers in' our school are getting an idea of what she had to contend with. In other words, some rooms are rather crowded. On Sunday evening Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gibson of Prince Albert visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. Kerry. We are pleased to report that Mr. Thos. Stewart was bridge Hospital where he had been for the past four weeks. We are also pleased to learn that Mrs. June Trick is also home from Port Perry Hospital. Epsom pupils made a good showing at Port Perry Fair in the writing and art sec. tions. The prize winners for writ- ing were: 1st Holly Ellins; 2nd Hilda Hofstee, Yolande Ledi, Cal- vin Mills; 3rd Rosemarie Blum; 4th Laurie McTavish, Twyla Lovering. Prize winners for Art were: 1st Renzo Grani, Kim McCure 2nd Henry Janowski, Bruce McLaurin, Esther Houghland, Jane Storie, Donna Croxall, Gail McCartney. Third-- Ro- bert Card, Peggy Rhul, Rob- bie McLaurin. Bonnie Pegler, Anthon Holmes. Fourth-- Calvin Mills, Danny Gro. The Ray Munro family at- tended the Graham-Fee wed- ding in Port Perry on Sat. Mrs. Munro was matron of honour for her sister Jean. Mrs. Cracknell and® Mrs. Neeson have returned to. Tor- onto after spending a week at their cottage. Miss Betty Munro enjoyed a week at Expo in Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Munro | were-supper-guests- on-Sun--& day with his cousin Gordon and Mrs. Prentice and family in Port Perry. The regular meeting of the Greenbank U.C.W. was held Sept. 6th, 2 p.m. in the S.S. rooms, Mrs. Phair pre- siding at the piano. Mrs. Ianson, leader of the group in charge, gave the call to worship, followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. Four verses of hymn 513 'was sung. : Mrs. A. McMillan read the Scripture, Psalm 33, vs. 12- '22, Mrs. Beaton gave the meditation. The collection was received and dedicated. Hymn 510 was sung. Mrs, Ianson read a poem "Our Canadian Heri ; tage", followed by prayer. Mrs. Ianson reviewed "The growth of the Church in Western Canada and Mrs. McMillan "The New Mission. ary Outlook". The last four | | versesof hymn 513 was sung. Mrs. Harper then presided, thanking the group in charge and extending welcome to [| all. The minutes were ad: opted as read. 22 members answered the roll call. There was 1 visitor. The treasur- er's report was given. Whitby, Ontario, Salary Schedule Insurance Plans are in fringe benefits. PIA AE RIA SEA COUNTY OF ONTARIO Supervising CARETAKER and CUSTODIAL OFFICER APPLICATIONS will be received by the undersigned until Tuesday, October 8rd, 1967 for the position of Supervising Caretaker and Custodial Officer at the County of Ontario Court House and Administration Building, " Pension, Hospital, Medical and Group Life Apply in writing stating all particulars to : : \ Wm, G. MANNING, Clerk-Treasurer, County of Ontario 6 | : | Whitby, Ontario. Greenbank U.C.W. Thank-you notes were read. also a letter from Miss Bam- ford of India. All are in- vited to an open meeting in Seagrave Sept. 27th, 8.15 p.m., also reminded of the Regional Rally at Valentia, Oct. 8rd, 9 am. 2 Mrs. Tait will be our rep- resentative at the conference in Peterboro Sept. 15th. All are: also reminded of the bale being sent-in Oct. Good used clothing may be left in the vestibule for cleaning, .will be collected end of Sept. .. There were a few items of business taken care of and the meeting closed with the mizpah benediction. After singing Grace a lovely lunch was enjoyed and a social hour spent. Your RED is i Ready for Tomorrow $5,592 - $6,480 effect as well as other 05 Rossland Road East, I RSREAB PIs % hx a: nr > --- o ee iD TAA) LL Ae WE TC e Lr nt Ta, RET x -- RE EIN meet wk ti Tn J No a " -- Is * - - PR ~ TA wy

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