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Port Perry Star (1907-), 21 Sep 1967, p. 11

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ASN == Nha A) » Wanted DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS Picked up Promptly For direct line call Long Distance and ask for Zenith 32800. Call anytime ED PECONI & SON Woodville, Ont. Licence No. 324C- 66 SWAP HIRE * BUY * SELL: RENT » COI) CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS *HIRE *« BUY * SELL: RENT + SWAP « HIRE * BUY - SANZ nada LL =H = {Wh GE =] WIRY = = Nh gO AV) N= RY ST == el EE YZ SK ST == = WEN =A THIN = T=] Nf Work Wanted BABY SITTING, any night. Phone 985-2568, * TYPING, short hand, etc. done in my home. Phone 985-2939, TYPING and bookkeeping done in my home. Phone 985-2371. Real Estate DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM STOCK Picked up promptly. br Telephone collect, Hampton 263-2721 Margwill Fur Farm TYRONE License No. 101-C-67 ------------ pn -------- So ------------_-- ---- Mar; 4/68 § LBS. OF WOOLLENS, knit- ted or woven in return for blanket. Phone 985-2568. YOUNG WOMAN for light nursing duties, full or part time. Ability to drive help- ful, also ability to type, al- ough not yeally necessary. : 11 985-2752. COMPANION abstainer, for elderly lady in good health, light housekeeping duties, all conveniences, live in. Write Box 18, Raglan, Oshawa R.R. ¢ Work Wanted MOUNTJOY BACKHOE SERVICE Foundations & Septic Tanks du gand back filled. Phone Blackstock 986-4737. T.F. SIGNS PAINTED, with or without illustrations. Any size. Reasonable Rates. Phone 985-2016. L. Langille, Utica, Ont. T.F. . BILL TAYLOR CONCRETE CONTRACTOR Coloured Floors Cement Finishings Phone 640-3285, 182 Main St. W. Stouffville, Ont. v T.F. GENERAL REPAIRS, Roof-- MM iscellaneous - . ing, Sidings, Chimneys Built, "Repaired Concrete Work, etc. Workmanship Guaranteed. J. FRENCH . #1, Janetville, 324-4061 Re Sept. 28 Septic Tanks CLEANING & REPAIR SERVICE NORM PARRY Port Perry, Phone 985-7237 985-2292 COPPINS SAND & GRAVEL Bit - Claremont 649-5740 Yard - Off, Uxbridge 852-3891 EXCAVATING Gradall, Backhoe, Bulldozer Front End Loader > Compressor "COMPLETE GRAVEL TRUCKING SERVICE" SUPERIOR READY MIX CEMENT YARD OFFICE UXBRIDGE 852-3891 Radio Dispatched Trucks with 7 Trucks to serve you: PROP. DOUG COPPINS. CEDAR SHORES, 3 bed- room frame colonial cottage on double lot, fireplace, water on pressure, bathroom, many 'other 'extras. Call for infor- mation. BLACKWATER 2 bedroom frame house, hot and cold water, new 3 piece bath on 1 acre of land. Small barn. Full Price $10,500. Caesarea, 3 bedroom frame house, hot and cold water, bath, oil heating, patio, large living room, many extras, on large landscaped lot. Full Price $9,500. 2 bedroom, frame house, built in oven and grill, modern cupboards, electric heating, patio, on large land- scaped lot. Full Price -- $15,900, with easy terms. Lake Scugog . 1 Large Building Lot, size 115 x 170 deep. Full price $1,300.00. 10 acres lots ond 25 acres. All with easy terms. - SCUGOG POINT -- Three bedroom furnished cottage, garage, hydro and: all con- veniences on a large lot, well treed. Full price $6,000. with $2,000 down. Agent MARION HOPKINS 985-7215 FRED BROOKS 985-7160 MONEY TO LOAN I will loan you up to $5000. at a reasonable rate of interest to Consolidate your bills or for any other worth while purpose, provid- ing you are steadily employ- ed and have good credit. Telephone Oshawa 723-4631. Auction Sales THURS., SEPT. 28th-- Auction Sale of Threshing Machine, Implements, Car- penter Tools, Garden Tractor and Tools, Furniture, the pro- perty of Mrs. STANLEY SPARKE, Lot 9, Con. 2, Mari- posa, on County Rd. #28, 5 miles South-West of Little Britain. Terms Cash. Sale at 1.30 O'clock. R. Scott, G. Wanamaker, Clerks. TED JACKSON, TED SPENCELEY, Auctioneers AUCTION SALE 2 SCHOOL PROPERTIES, on Scugog Island, the property of Port Perry-Scugog Area School Board, known as Foot and Head Schools, on WED. EVENING, OCT. 4th at 8.00 p.m, in the Scugog Munici- pal Offices. . See Sale Bills for Terms & Conditions of Sale. TED JACKSON, TED SPENCELEY, Auctioneer Y.| downtown. Open for all rea- Real Estate 60' Building Lot on Coch- rane St. Mature trees, Pre- stige area. $3500.00 cash. 2 bedroom frame bungalow in Port Perry, hardwood floors, new oil furnace, im- maculate throughout, covered patio and excellent land- scaping. Full price $12,500 with terms. 2 storey 7 room brick home with beautiful sunporch, 13% baths oil heating, hardwood floors, dining room, large nicely landscaped lot with mature maple trees, close sonable offers. Call for in- formation. 3 bedroom brick bungalow with carport, prestige area of Port Perry. Electric heat throughout, beautiful living and dining area with bay windows, Ultra Modern Kit- chen. Call for an appoint- Real Estate PORT PERRY 6 room brick with a nice sun- porch. 1% baths, oil heat. ing, dining room, 2 car at tached garage on a well land- scaped lot close to schools and shopping. Immediate possession. Excellent value. Call for details. FAMILY HOME IN COUNTRY 7 room, 4 bedroom, 2 storey home on large treed lot. Fireplace. Oil heating, paved road. Large garden. New garage and workshop about 24'x30'. Call for information and an appointment to in- spect. UXBRIDGE 3 bedroom brick bungalow with attached garage. Pres- tige area of Uxbridge. Fini- shed recreation room. Hard- wood floors and thermo glass windows. Lot 65' x 125'. Call for details. WE ALSO HAVE Farms with dairy contracts. Acreages and lots. URGENT APPEAL For Waiting Clients We Need ment to inspect this home. 3 bedroom frame cottage on Lake Scugog at Port Hoover, 3 piece bath, modern kitchen, excellent equipment, garage, garden, good dry lot in prestige area. For quick sale $6.500 with terms. Beaverton Area - Hwy. Farm 200 acres clay loam, large L shaped barn for beef and hog operation, 13% storey 9 room brick house with all modern conveniences, corner farm, level land. Illness for- ces sale, $45,000. with terms. Call for information. i -- Call GEORGE S. STONE 985-2632 or 426-9303 Beaverton Lakeside beach vacation home, completely winterized, oil furnace, 3 pe. bath, fire- place, carport, good sand -beach,--full--basement.-----Re- duced $14,900. $2,500 buys building lot in Port Perry on highway 7A. Lot size 135' x 82°. $26,500 buys 100 acre farm 26 miles from Oshawa, 2 storey 7 room brick home, bank barn, implement shed, garage. i Bachelors haven, 4 room frame bungalow close to store and post office, 2 min- utes walk to good boating & fishing. Price $4,200. 210 acre dairy farm, 2 storey brick home, all con- veniences, bank barn, new implement shed, new 3 car garage, selling for $300 an acre. We have others. Call MORLEY BRUCE 985-2528 Rep. for H. Keith Ltd. Your RED CROSS is +i Ready for Tomorrow -28th.--1955 1 ton truck (stake HOMES -- FARMS ACREAGE -- LOTS RETREATS -- BUSINESSES SUMMER PROPERTIES For Every Type of Real Estate BUY-SELL THRU' 4.4. LAMBERT ---- REAL ESTATE LIMITED -- 170 DONWAY - W. TORONTO 447-8518 AGENT Marjorie Tripp 985 - 7606 Auction Sale AUCTION SALE of Farm Machinery, the property of HERBERT R. PUCKRIN, Lot 19, Con. 4, Broék Twp., 2 miles east of Blackwater (at Pinedale) on THURS., SEPT. Real Estate BASKETT & PEGG REAL ESTATE LTD. Brougham, Phone 942-0931 Toronto 921.7595 100 Acre Farm with creek, 1% storey frame home, large barn, drive shed, on paved road, 12 miles from Lindsay. $14,000. with terms. PORT PERRY AREA FOR SALE or EXCHANGE as down payment on farm, 1% storey, 7 room frame home, with barn, plenty of shade trees, quiet area. Asking $5,500. 114 Storey, 6 room home, 3 bedrooms, built in mahog- any cupboards, modern kit- chen, heavy duty wiring. Asking $9500. 114 Storey, 8 room frame home, 4 bedrooms, 3 piece bath, full basement, F/A oil heating, tiled floors, one ex- tra building lot. Asking $10,000. 7 Building lots, serviced by town water, 60' x 220°. Priced to Sell. 2 Acres Country Home, close to Lake, 7 room, frame, 4 bed- rooms, 3 piece bath, full basement, F/A heating, new 2 storey steel barn. Asking $11,500. 24 acre farm, all workable, 6 room home, large garage, close to schools, 1% miles from Highway. $11,000 or best cash offer. Asking 150 acre farm, large barn, water pressure, silo, imple- ment shed, 7 room modern, brick house, forced air oil furnace 4 piece bath. Ask- jing $42,000 with terms. We have others. Call F. HACKETT Phone 1-R-22, Manilla Auction Sale racks), Allis Chalmers 15 Diesel Tractor, 3 yrs., A.C. W.D. 45 tractor, A.C. Hy- draulic double disc 10 ft. (rubber mounted), A.C. PTO Manure spreader 180 bu. (2 yrs), A.C. Baler, NH. Hay Crimper ,N.H. Power Mower, Full line of Farm Machinery, Patz Silo unloader, 3 yrs. WED., SEPT. 27th--Auc- tion Sale, Dining Room Suite, Complete, Chrome Kitchen Set, Dishes, Tools Garden Tools, Other Household Ar- ticles, the property of EDNA ANDERSON, 214 Scugog Rd., Port Perry. Terms Cash. Sale at One O'clock. Roy Scott, G. Wanamaker, Clerks. Farm Sold. No Reserve. Terms Cash. Sale at 1.30. TED JACKSON, REG. JOHNSON, TED SPENCELEY Sept. 14-21 © Auctioneer Spt. 14-21 Auctioneers Ph. Sunderland 227 AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Implements, hay, staraw, grain and furniture, the property of CLARENCE STAINTON, Lot 20, Con. 2, Brock Twp., 2 miles south and 2% miles east of Black: water on SAT.. SEPT. 30th. 75 head of Hereford & Short- horn Cattle, 12 cows, calves by side, 44 good stocker steers, 500 to 900 lbs, 5 heifers, 3 baby beef, 4600 bales of hay, Qu. of straw, 1000 bu. mixed grain, John Deere Model 40 gas tractor, McCormick 10-20 tractor on rubber (good running condi- tion. J. D. Power Mower, J.D. Tiller, J.D. Plow & Cul- tivator. full line of Machin- ery. Qu. of Furniture, 9 pe. dining room suite, bedroom suite, antique writing desk, AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Implements, hay, straw grain, corn and furniture the property of John Cook, Lot 10, Con. 12, Reach, twp., 1 mile north of Greenbank, 1 mile west on THURS., OCT. 5th. 35 head of Hereford & Shorthorn Cattle, 10 Cows, Calves by side (Born since Feb.), 10 good feeder steers, rising 2, 5 Hereford steers, 2 yrs., 4000 bales of, hay, 500 second cut, Qu. of baled straw, 1300 bu. grain, 4 acres corn (oats & mixed), Cock- shutt 30 Tractor, VA Case tractor, N.H. baler, M.H. Clipper Combine, P.T.O., 3 rubber tired wagons & racks. LH.C. Manure spreader, PTO. Full line of Machinery and Qu. of Furniture. Farm Sold. crockery, etc. Farm Sold. | No Reserve. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Terms Cash. | Sale at 1 p.m. Sale at 12.30 sharp. REG. JOHNSON, REG. JOHNSON, Sept. 21-28. Auctioneer | Sept. 21-28 Auctioneer Ph. Sunderland 227 Ph. Sunderland 227 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Implements, Hay, Grain, Furniture, the pro- perty of EWART MacINNES, Lot 15, Con. 6, Eldon Twp., 3 miles east of Argyle, 2 miles North, 1% mile east on Pales- tine Rd., on WED., SEPT. 27. Hereford Cows, Calves by side, 18 yearlings, 13 Suffolk ewes, Hay & Grain, Allis Chalmers Model B tractor, M.H. plow, Full Line of Ma. chinery, Large Qu. of Furni- ture, Coal oil lamps, mous- tache cup, antique gun, Bos- ton Rocker, antique wooden washing machine, Toilet set, wool winder, Spinnnig wheel, Dishes, etc. Farm Sold. No Reserve. Terms Cash. Sale at 1.30. . REG. JOHNSON, Sept. 21 Auctioneer Ph. Sunderland 227 Lions (Continued) walking the streets, who have never been asked to join." As an example of what can be done, he told of a small village in the U.S. with a population of 900, who start: members. Now that same small community has two clubs with 75 and 60 mem- bers respectively. "Lionism has spread throughout the World, Mr. Wismer said, and has become a World Community. We need each other to survive." "When the U.N. Charter was drawn up, Lions Inter- national was asked to assist. We are a great force, and it's up to all of us to treat that force properly", Mr. Wismer concluded. Past president Gord Thom- as extended thanks on behalf of the members and present: ed the Dep. Governor with a gift. Don McRitchie reported a very successful Umbrella Draw, netting the Club $470. The function of this money ed out with one club, and 55 is to provide extra ice time for the local figure skaters, Anna Forder and Richard Stephens. He also said he had taken the liberty of in- viting Mrs. O. Edwards to the next dinner meeting, as a token of appreciation for her fine effort on behalf of the Lions. Mrs. Edwards is the lady seen on Queen Street all summer long sell- ing tickets for various or- ganziations, and she sold tic- kets for the neat amount of $120.00 for the Lions Club. Four other guests who ac- companied Dist. Dep. Gov- ernor Wismer from Peter- borough were Ron MacGee, Les Davis, Elvin Brinklow and Bill Martin. Local guest was Cy Wilson, Manchester. It was decided to continue the dinner meetings at Club Annrene during 1967-1968 season, Your RED CROSS is \ 4 FJ yr le A ' ESP 4 2S hy EA add PR ow xn : 3 h = KN Wag Ea, Ga PAN, YE ---- NA my Ny -- we Shan yg A aa Ere gn - . Ne De 7 ir a tc ER Su" Ye SRR RR ay PTS " - Rr . A A a Puts 7% 2 "x W

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