12 - PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, Sept. 21st, 1967 S N cugog News ROXY THEATRE UXBRIDGE THURS. FRI. SAT. SEPT. 21-22-23 "PATCH OF BLUE" 8:30 P.M. Starring --: Sidney Poitier and Shelly Winters -- PLUS -- "Big Hand For A Little Lady" 7:00 P.M. Starring -- Henry Fonda and Joanna Woodward DOORS OPEN AT 6:30 P.M. ADULT ENTERTAINMENT MON. TUES. WED., SEPT. 25 - 26 - 27 THE GEORGE STEVENS PRODUCTION . « . EVER TOLD" ONE SHOWING EACH EVENING DOORS OPEN AT 7:45 P.M. SHOW STARTS AT 8:15 P.M. REMEMBER -- 3 DAYS ONLY. "THE GREATEST STORY - Mr. and Mrs. L. Davis have been vacationing at their cot- tage at McLaren's Beach and Brighton. ; Mr. and Mrs. G. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. J. Demara at- tended the opening of the Sr. Citizen's Home, Lakeview Manor, at Beaverton on Fri day. Masters Kelly & Steven Reese attended a birthday dinner with Master Ernie Cawker on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. McQuinn and family Sunday dinner guests of his father, Mr. C. McQuinn of Bowmanville. Turkey supper Oct. 18th, settings at 5, 6, 7. Tickets may be secured from Mr. J. Beckett or Mrs. Maurice Fra- lick. Pleased to report Mr. C. James is improving at the Port Perry Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. C. Tink of Hampton, Monday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H. Thomas. Miss Grace Pogue of Tor- onto spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. R. Pogue. Mr. John Ryan of Oshawa a Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. Reese. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. Fralick on Sunday includ: ed Mr. and Mrs. R. Suther- land of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cairns, Toronto and Mr. D. Scott of Port Perry. Miss Marilyn Fralick of Sudbury spent the week-end with her parents Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Fralick. Mrs. D. Maundrell, Whitby, Mrs. Clark Ross of Toronto and Mrs. E. Rowland recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Fralick. Mrs. A. Heayn and Mrs. R. Tetlow visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Fralick one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. O. Blakely & Bernice of Pickering Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. R. Fralick. Mr. and Mrs. Helliwell and family of Highland Creek Sunday visitors of her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. F. Tyrell. Mr. and Mrs. M. Elvang of Toronto spent the week-end at their cottage, Pine Point. Mr. and Mrs. R. Daniels of Whitby week-end visitors at their cottage Aldred's Beach. Service at Grace at 9 a.m. You are invited. Port Perry U.C.W. The September meeting of Unit 2 was held at the home of Mrs. Irene Healey on Tues. 6th. Minutes were read and ap- proved Roll Call was re sponded to by 9 members & 1 visitor. 21 calls were reported on the sick & shut-in. Collec: tion $16.50. Donation toward Project $5.00. Mrs. Heayn (on behalf of Mrs. Tummonds) thanked the ladies for serving lunch at the time of Mrs. Starr's death. Plans were made for the Turkey dinner on Oct. 4. Tickets are now on sale. Adult $150, children under twelve 75c. The Devotional opened vith a Hymn followed by the Scripture & Prayer. Mrs. Leask conducted the study using as her subject "The Church grows in Can- ada. Mrs. Heayn recited a poem "Give them now." and the meeting was closed with the second Benediction. Lunch was served and a so- cial time enjoyed. Mrs. McTavish invited the Unit to her home for the next meeting. Owing to the Turkey Dinner the meeting has been postponed until Tues., Oct. 17th. Mrs. Reynolds has made a quilt which she is donating to the Bazaar and Unit 2 have been quilting at the home of Mrs. I. Healey. On Tues. Sept. 12th cight ladies enjoyed a lovely lunch, the proceeds going to our Project fund. The Unit is grateful to Mrs. Reynolds for donating the quilt, also to Mrs. Healey for the use of her home and the delicious lunch which she * served. SS ---- Motors Limited Invite You | Pontiac - To Attend The Buick PHONE 985-7361 A -- - Acadian - Beaumont - 1968 BUICK OF THE ALL NEW 1968 MODELS » Showrooms Open Until 9.00 p.m. Thursday and Friday Vauxhall - Open Until 6.00 p.m. Saturday Archer Motors Limited GMC Trucks PORT PERRY Your Authorized Bombardier SKI1-DOO Dea BR BL ler In Port Perry and District th th la hh eke tA TALE WRT WT Vaan,