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Port Perry Star (1907-), 28 Sep 1967, p. 9

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H Reward. s --Port-Perry -and-district. Sup- | =) = SUE 4 3 OV CIRCA VV AN SR SH = = = Wh ON = = REN CS SWAP HIRE * BUY * SELL: RENT « SWAP + HIRE Lost Work Wanted Real Estate Real Estate 'Ladies Bulova Watch, in vicinity of Legion Hall. Phone 985-2244 For Rent APARTMENT, suitable for couple, available Oct. 1st. Phone 985-7838. Spt.21-28 APARTMENT, 3 rooms, heat- ed, elderly people preferred. Phone 9 -2100. APARTMENT, 1 bedroom Call 985-2864 ROOM, a large furnished room with adjoining large 4 Space, furnished for light ? housekeeping. Would suit 1 or 2 persons. Call 985-7775 Help Wanted AMBITIOUS man with car in plement your income. Sell sand. service the products of Electrolux Canada Limited. Full or part time. Complete sales training will be provid. ed. Ask for Marvin Appleton. 985-7704. EXPERIENCED Dozer Oper- Ators. Apply to 62 Russett Avenue, Oshawa. Sept.28 TWO HOUSEWIVES to de- liver in Port Perry, 10 hours for $35.00 weekly. Write 590 Annapolis Ave., Oshawa. Sept. 2128, Oct. 4 RAWLEIGH Business ' now open in Port Perry. Trade well established, Excellent opportunity. Full time. Write Rawleigh, Dept. 1-343-189, 4005 Richelieu St., St. Henry, Montreal. ; SUPPLY TEACHER for the , Cartwright Central School. * Apply Mrs. R. Romeril, Blackstock y Wanted ONE SMALL Hand Seperator Phone 985-7180 4 CUB UNIFORM, size 6X to 8 Phone 985-7107 after 5 p.m. WANTED, Odd pieces of Blossom Time by Royal Al- bert. Phone 985-7046 ~ + DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS ea Picked up Promptly For direct line call Long Distance and ask for Zenith 32800. Call anytime * ED PECONI & SON Woodville, Ont. Licence No. 324C-66 DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM STOCK + Picked up promptly. Telephone collect, Hampton 28321 Margwill Fur Farm TYRONE License No. 101-C-67 " Mar. 4/68 Work Wanted TYPING, short hand, ete. done in my home. Phone 985-2939. --l. WILL CARE for one or two children in my home by the day. Phone 985-7134 MOUNTJOY BACKHOE- SERVICE Foundations & Septic Tanks - du ,gand back filled. Phone Blackstock 986-4737. T.F. SIGNS PAINTED, with or without illustrations. Any BILL TAYLOR CONCRETE CONTRACTOR Coloured Floors Cement Finishings Phone 640-3285, 182 Main St. W. Stouffville, Ont. T.F. GENERAL REPAIRS, Roof- ing, Sidings, Chimneys Built, Repaired Concrete Work, etc. Workmanship Guaranteed. J. FRENCH R.R. #1, Janetville, 324-4061 Sept. 28 Septic Tanks CLEANING & REPAIR __SERVICE NORM PARRY Port Perry, Phone 985-7237 985-2292 "COPPINS SAND & GRAVEL Pit - Claremont 649-5740 Yard - Off. Uxbridge 852-3891 EXCAVATING Gradall, Backhoe, Bulldozer Front End Loader Compressor "COMPLETE GRAVEL TRUCKING SERVICE" SUPERIOR READY MIX CEMENT YARD OFFICE UXBRIDGE 852-3891 Radio Dispatched Trucks with 7 Trucks to serve you: PROP. DOUG COPPINS T.F. 725-3039, Oshawa GLASS REPLACEMENTS to ALUMINUM STORM WINDOWS HOUSE PAINTING Give us a Call P.K. Glass & Mirror Blackwater 986-4293 1H Miscellaneous MONEY TO LOAN I will loan you up to $5000. at a reasonable rate of interest to Consolidate your bills or for any other worth while purpose, provid- ing you are steadily employ- ed and have good credit. Telephone Oshawa 723-4631. Auction Sales AUCTION SALE of House- hold Furniture, the property of the Late Miss MABEL TAYLOR will be held in the town of Sunderland on SAT.,, OCT. 7th. Refrig., Gas range, Boston rocker, Space heater, Cane bottom chairs, Bedroom suites, Admiral T.V., Camera & equipment, Luggage, Lar: ge Qu. of Bedding, Platform rocker, Hanging lamp, Butter prints, Toilet sets. Rug 13 x 10% (good), 3 piece chester- field, Setting for 6 in ishes (Bridal Rose patern). Qu. of good silverware, 1958 Morris Minor car, Large Qu. of other furniture. No reserve. Terms Cash. Sale at 12.30 sharp. REG. JOHNSON, Spt. 28, Oct.5 Auctioneer WED., OCT. 4th--Auction Sale of Furniture, Dishes, ete. the property of ARTHUR HANNA, at his residence Janetville. Terms Cash. Sale at 1.30 p.m. Property Sold. size. Reasonable Rates. Phone TED JACKSON, 985-2016. L. Langille, Utica, we SPENCELEY, Ont. T.F. | Sept. 28 Auctioneers -BOWMANVILLE CEDAR SHORES, 3 bed- room frame colonial cottage on double lot, fireplace, water on pressure, bathroom, many other extras. Call for infor- mation. BLACKWATER 2 bedroom frame house, hot and cold water, new 3 piece bath on 1 acre of land. Small barn, Full Price $10,500. Caesarea, 3 bedroom frame house, hot and cold water, bath, oil heating, patio, large living room, many extras, on ---{-large--- Jsudsvaped- -lot---Full- Price $9,500 2 bedroom, frame house, built in oven and grill, modern. cupboards, electric heating, patio, on large land- scaped lot. Full Price -- $15,900, with easy terms. Lake Scugog 1 Large Building Lot, size 115 x 170 deep. Full price $1,300.00. 10 acres lots ond 25 acres. All with easy terms. SCUGOG POINT -- Three bedroom furnished cottage, garage, hydro and all con- veniences on a large lot, well treed. Full price $6,000. with $2,000 down. Lakeside Cottage, 4 bed- room, furnished cottage and garage, 2 piece bath, hot and cold water, fireplace, ample water supply, on large treed lot. Call for information. Agent MARION HOPKINS 985-7215 FRED BROOKS 985-7168 Real Estate RICARD REALTOR 6232503 WHEN BUYING or SELLING Contact Area Representative HAROLD PECK Plone 986-4252 Auction Sale MONDAY, Oct. 9-- Auction sale of farm stock and im- plements including 40 head of beef cattle, cows, calf by side, 1 and 2 yr..old heifers and steers, pigs, LH.C. 3 pt. hitch mower, L.H.C. side rake (4 bar), bale elevator, bale buncher, spreader, 3000 bales hay, 1000 straw, 1000 bus. grain, pine cupboard, 2 pine wash stands etc. the proper- ty of Harold Norton, lot 8, conc. 5 Uxbridge Twp., 2 miles north of Claremont or 3 miles south of 47 Hwy. on the Brock Road. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 1 p.m. R. E. Faulkner, clerk, Norm Faulkner, auctioneer Ot. 5 SAT., OCT. 7th -- Auction Sale of 70 Hereford Cattle, 3 Holstein Cows. 40 Ho 52 2 Tractors, Combine (self- pelled), Baler, Hay, Grain "& Straw, the property of MOR- GAN BIGELOW, Lot 1 Con. 8 Cavan , Boundary Road, 1% Miles East and South of Bethany. Terms Cash. Farm Sold. Sale at 12.00 noon sharp. Ed. Johnson and G. Wanamaker, Clerks. TED JACKSON, TED SPENCELEY, Spt. 28.001, Auctioneers 60' Building Lot on Coch: rane St. Mature trees, Pre- stige area. $3500.00 cash. 2 bedroom frame bungalow in Port Perry, hardwood floors, new oil furnace, im- maculate throughout, covered patio and excellent land: scaping. Full price $12,500 with terms. 2 storey 7 room brick home with beautiful sunporch, 13% baths oil heating, hardwood floors, dining room, large nicely landscaped lot with -mature--maple trees, downtown. Open for all rea- sonable offers. Call for in- formation. 3 bedroom brick bungalow with carport, prestige area of | - Port Perry. Electric heat throughout, beautiful living and dining area with bay windows, Ultra Modern Kit- chen. Call for an appoint- ment to inspect this home. 3 bedroom frame cottage on Lake Scugog at Port Hoover, 3 piece bath, modern kitchen, excellent equipment, garage, garden, good dry lot in prestige area. For quick sale $6.500 with terms. Beaverton Area - Hwy. Farm 200 -acres clay loam, large L shaped barn for beef and hog operation, 11% storey.9 room brick house with all modern conveniences, corner farm, level land. Illness for- ces sale, $45,000. with terms. Call for information. -- Call -- GEORGE S. STONE 985-2632 or 426-9303 Beaverton Lakeside beach vacation home, completely winterized. oil furnace, 3 pc. bath, fire- place, carport, -- good --sand beach, full basement. Re- duced $14,900. $26,500 buys 100 acre farm 26 miles from Oshawa, 2 storey 7 room brick home, bank barn, implement shed, garage. Bachelors haven, 4 room frame bungalow close to store and post office, 2 min- utes walk to good boating & fishing. Price $4,200. 150 acre beef farm, 2 barns loose hqusing 1% storey frame home, modern kitchen 2 baths. Asking $40,000. 685 acres rolling hills, 570 feet frontage on Chalk Lake, ideal location for private club. Call for information. We have others. Call -- MORLEY BRUCE 985-2528 Rep. for H. Keith Ltd. Roll up your sleeve to save a life... BE A BLOOD DONOR PORT PERRY 6 room brick with a nice sun- porch. 13% baths, oil heat. ing, dining room, 2 car at. tached garage on a well land- scaped lot close to schools and shopping. Immediate possession. Excellent value. Call for details. FAMILY HOME IN COUNTRY 7 room, 4 bedroom, 2 storey home on large treed lot. Fireplace. Oil heating, paved road. Large garden. New garage and workshop about 24'x30'. Call for information and an appointment to in- spect. UXBRIDGE 3 bedroom brick bungalow with attached garage. Pres- tige area of Uxbridge. Fini- shed recreation room. Hard- With | wood floors and thermo glass. close windows. Lot 65' x 125', Call for details. WE ALSO HAVE Farms with dairy contracts. Acreages and lots. URGENT APPEAL For Waiting Clients ~ We Need HOMES -- FARMS ACREAGE -- LOTS RETREATS -- BUSINESSES SUMMER PROPERTIES For Every Type of Real Estate BUY-SELL THRU' J.4. LAMBERT ---- REAL ESTATE LIMITED -- 170 DONVAAY- W. TORONTO 447-85i18 AGENT Marjorie Tripp 985 - 7606 Auction Sales TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3rd, 1967 at 7 o'clock. Household Furniture. The property - of the Estate of Mrs. Margaret Schmidt, Ajax. Will be held at Annandale Curling Rink, Church Street, South, Pick- ering. 6--piece dining room suite; (Limed Oak), 5 piece break- fast suite (bronze tone), 5 piece breakfast suite (wood- en), 2 dressers, 2 double beds with mattresses and springs, 1 continental bed 30", 1 rug 9x18 (mocha colour) new, small rugs, various sizes, table lamps, floor lamps, linens. odd dishes, 1 electric portable sewing machine, 2 vacuum cleaners, 1 mix mas- ter, 1 ladies bicycle, luggage. Many other articles. Every- thing in good condition. Terms Cash. Loyal Pogue, Auctioneer. Tel. 668-4271 Auction Sale of Antiques. The property of J. S. Caunce on Saturday, September 30, at 1 o'clock at Dunbarton on old No. 2 Highway, opposite Pickering Township Police Station. Wool winder, diam- ond point cupboard, pine, pine chest of drawers. wal- nut hali table. Edwardian love seat and side chair, arr- ow back chairs, Jacobean windsor chair, rocking chair, pine hutch, pine wash stand, brass and iron wall sconces, fire blown glass bell, cobalt blue glass demitasse, butter- nut and" walnut secretary, Stay joy 1855, carved pine oxen yoke. 1 pair brass car- riage lamps, solid brass door knockers, Quebec pot bellied stove, lanterns, cash register sleigh, % ton Ford pick-up. glassware, oil lamps, Lord Nelson oil paintings on ivory Many more articles too num- erous to mention. Terms | Cash. Mvles King, Auction- |. eer, 725-3039 Oshawa BASKETT & PEGG REAL ESTATE LTD. Brougham, Phone 942-0931 Toronto 921.7595 100 Acre Farm with creek, 1% storey frame home, large barn, drive shed, on paved road, 12 miles from Lindsay. $14,000. -with terms. PORT PERRY AREA ~ FOR SALE or EXCHANGE as down payment on farm, 13% storey, 7 room frame home, with barn, plenty of shade trees, quiet area. Asking $5,500 114 Storey, 6 room home, 3 bedrooms, built in mahog- - any cupboards, modern Kkit- chen, heavy duty wiring. Asking $9500. 13 Storey, 8 room frame 'home, .4 bedrooms, 3 piece bath, full basement, F/A oil heating, tiled floors, one ex- tra building lot. Asking $10,000. 7 Building lots, serviced by town water, 60' x 220'. Priced to Sell. 2 Acres Country Home, close to Lake, 7 room, frame, 4 bed- rooms, 3 piece bath, full basement, F/A heating, new 2 storey steel barn. Asking $11,500. 24 acre farm, all workable, 6 room home, large garage, close to schools, 1% miles from Highway. Asking $11,000 or best cash offer. 150 acre farm, large barn, water pressure, silo, imple- ment shed, 7 room modern brick house, forced air oil furnace 4 piece bath. Ask: jng $42,000 with terms. We have others. Call F. HACKETT Phone 1-R-22, Manilla ~Auction Sale AUCTION SALE 2 SCHOOL PROPERTIES, on Scugog Island, the property of - Port Perry-Scugog Area School Board, known as Foot and Head Schools, on WED. EVENING, OCT. 4th at 8.00 p.m, in the Scugog Munici- pal Offices. See Sale Bills o> Terms & Conditions of ale. TED JACKSON, TED SPENCELEY, Auctioneer AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Implements, hay, staraw, grain and furniture, the property of CLARENCE STAINTON, Lot 20, Con. 2, Brock Twp., 2 miles south and 2% miles east of Black: water on SAT. SEPT. 30th. 75 head of Hereford & Short- horn Cattle, 12 cows, calves by side, 44 good stocker steers, 500 to 900 lbs, 5 heifers, 3 baby beef, 4600 bales of hay, Qu. of straw, 1000 bu. mixed grain, John Deere Model 40 gas tractor, McCormick 10-20 tractor on rubber (good running condi. tion., J. D. Power Mower, J.D. Tiller, J.D. Plow & Cul- tivator. full line of Machin- ery. Qu. of Furniture; 9 pe. dining room suite, bedroom suite, antique writing desk, crockery, etc. Farm Sold. No Reserve. Terms Cash, Sale at 12.30 sharp. REG. JOHNSON, Sept. 21-28 Auctioneer Ph. Sunderland 227 '(Continued on Page 16) ram PRIN EA 4 "He REE Tee "w . hain 2 - mE lS Min 2 EN » dts a ps whe Iw mT io - Rw A CE ROT a Ru - -~ - o", - » Nl Fins A » is * au : [

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