gi Comb bieanlmond 14 - PORT PERRY STAR - Thursday. Sept. 28th, 1967 EPSOM NEWS] A large number of friends gathered at Epsom school on Friday evening to present a shower for Betty Munro. The letter from the community was read by Karen Geer. The were presented by Misses Denese Payne and Karen Geer. The bride and friends for the lovely gifts. Congratulations to Tommy Armstrong and Richard Ash- ton who celebrated their 5th birthdays on Saturday. Don't forget 2 p.m. at Ut- ica on Sunday for their ann- HOMELITE _groom--thanked--their-many|- r have been at Gull Lake most |- iversary service. No service at Epsom. We are pleased to know that Mr. and Mrs. Enoch] McKnight are improving from recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. M. Bailey visited with Mrs. Lacey and Peter at Oak Ridges. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. G.--Prenice of the past two weeks, where Mrs. Prentice is building a cottage. Mr. and Mrs. H. Kerry vis- or ited with Mr. and Mrs. Her- |" bert Ashton of Ashburn on Sunday. Mr and Mrs. G. Jeffery visited with Mrs. K. Cawker [' in Port Perry on Saturday evening. Don't forget your Regent orders for our October 10th meeting at Goodwood Manse. ' Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Asling have returned home after a two week vacation to Expo and the east coast. They were with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Asling for |¥ 3 XL-12 cuts 12" logs in 10 seconds fells trees up to 3' in diameter Weighs only 12 Ibs lh e Does dozens of woodcutting chores. o Perfectly balanced for easy handling. * Rugged die-cast unit stands up to hardest use. Get a free demonstration today! Trewin Farm Equipment Blackstock, Ont. Tel: 986-4283 the week-end. Janette re- turned home with them. Miss Connie Yoet of Utica was a Saturday guest of Miss Joyce Wilson. 5 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Geer were Sunday supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ploughman in Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jones and family and Elaine Hill of Claremont were Sunday supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Geer. . Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashton called on Miss Annie Shunk and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jeff- rey at Mrs. Kings nursing home, then went over to the hospital to visit Mr. Ted Gibson on Thursday after- noon. Mr. Leo Partridge and daughter Audrey of Cobourg visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Geer on Sunday after- noon. Mrs. M. Bailey and Mr. and Mrs. G. Jackson attended the Taylor-Snelgrove wedding at Greenbank on Saturday. Mr. Horace Searle, Moores Falls, and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Searle of England were sup- per guests on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashton. Mian McPhail Speaks Out MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT _ One of the basic components of a virile democracy is strong municipal government. But many of Ontario's municipalities are really integral parts of larger econ- omic regions; and as small municipalities they can no longer handle the demands of a modern society. So they are dwindling in importance, and their functions are being gradually assumed by new regional creat- ions of the Provincial Government. For them to att- empt to perserve individual existence is to ignore reality. Strong local governments can be restored in Ontario, even outside the major cities, but only if they are organized on a rational regional basis. The New Democratic Party would facilitate this regional group- ing, and make it possible for the new entities to effect- ively carry out their responsibilities of water, sewers, pinicipal planning, and other things uniquely munici- Mr. and Mrs. William McLaughlin are shown following their recent wedding in Sacred Heart Church, Uxbridge. The bride is the former Frances Lynn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Lynn, Aurora. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McLaughlin, Port Perry. DAIRY FARM WANTED Two hundred acres if possible in Uxbridge, Scott or Reach Townships. Basically sound building desired as purchaser will renovate. This man has recently had his previous farm expropreated and has a better than average cash payment. For Gary Newman. 852-3443 THOS. N. SHE "LID further information call 297-2373 . REALTOR es 5 TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG TEND APPLIATIONS will be ERS received by the under- signed until September 30, 1967 for the position of ROAD SUPERINTENDENT for the Town- ship of Scugog. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Applications to be clearly marked Tenders on outside of envelopes and sent to -- Township of Scugog, % Mr. S. HAL. CHANDLER, Clerk-Treas. R.R. 3, Port Perry, Ont. Scugog Mr. and Mrs. G. Smith, Sunday dinner guests of their son-in-law and daught- er, Mr. and Mrs. W. Johns- ton of Agincourt. Mr. and Mrs. L. Lafinne of Oshawa, Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Samells. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rodd of Port Perry, dinner guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Per- cy Jeffrey. Mr. and Mrs. R. Pogue and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hood in Barrie on Wednesday atten- ding the ball game. Mr. and Mrs. L. Empring- ham in Claremont on Tues- day visiting Mr. and Mrs. B. Lehman. Mrs. R. Tetlow spent the week-end at the Kreig cott- age, Bradley Lake with Mr. . Friday luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Thomas in- cluded Mrs. Parr Mrs. Fel- ker, Mrs. Guiltinau and Mrs. Morrison all of Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. S. Rzany of Oshawa and Mr. J. Ryan of Oshawa, Sunday dinner gue- sts of Mr. J. Reece. Mr. and Mrs. A. Farmer of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. K. Simmons of Gravenhurst & Mr. and Mrs. J. Raines of Port Perry week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. Eden. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Demara were Saturday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Aldred, Carnegies Beach. Mr. and Mrs. M. Rintz of Whitby, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Appleton on Sunddy. Miss Pat Aldred of Toron- to Teachers College home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Aldred. ed. The children have a hearty invitation to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cuss of Toronto, Sunday dinner Carter. : Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hancock _|land of Oshawa Mr. and Mrs. Sunday School has re open- I guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alani News of Toronto and Mrs. C. San- dy of Orillia, Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Brown. "Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Fra- lick and Miss Gloria Fralick of Toronto spent a few days last week at Expo and Upper Canada Village. Mrs. R. Thomas, Mrs. J. Reese, Kelly and Steven spent the week-end at Shak- =e COUNTY OF ONTARIO -- 1 Supervising CARETAKER and CUSTODIAL OFFICER | | APPLICATIONS will be received by the, undersigned until Tuesday, October 3rd, 1967 for the position of Supervising Caretaker and Custodial Officer at the County of Ontario Court Whitby, Ontario, Salary Schedule House and Administration Building, $5,592 - $6,480 . Pension, Hospital, Medical and Group Life Insurance Plans are in effect as well as other fringe benefits. Apply in writing stating all particulars to : Wm. G." MANNING, Clerk-Treasurer, E County of Ontario, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. espeare with Mr. and Mrs. A. Georgff. Mr. and Mrs. E. Prentice, Penny and Douglas attended the shower at for Miss Betty Munro. Mr. and Mrs. L. Empring- ham visited Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. O. Selkirk of Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. R. Suther- J. Cairns of Toronto and Mr. Doug- Scott of Port Perry, guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Fralick. Mr. and Mrs. E. Pearson of Oshawa had a birthday celebration with Mr. and Mrs. C. Aldred. Saturday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Brown were Mr. and Mrs. D. Heayn of Prince Albert. Service at Grace at 9 a.m. Ontario Health Minister Matt Dymond Reports Each Tuesday & Friday RADIO CKLB, OSHAWA 6.10 p.m. RADIO CFOR, ORILLIA 6.10 p.m. Right After the News Hearin ¢ Rid Counselor | TO HOLD FREE HEARING AID CONSULTATION THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY September 28, 29 and 30 9 AM. to 5 P.M. 23 Eglinton Square Eglinton & Victoria Park Scarborough Beltone is pleased to announce that they have secured the ser- vices of Mr. Norman Chevalier, factory-4trained consultant for our special 3 day hearing aid con- sultation. If you have a hearing § problem, Mr. Chevalier invites | you to come in for a free elec § tronic hearing test, and demon- | stration of latest Beltone Hear- § ing Aids. No obligation. Don't miss this opportunity-- Here is your chance to try the newest and finest Beltone Hearing Aids. If you hesi- tate to use a hearing aid for fear of being stared at, these latest lightweight, comfort. able, attractive models may be the answer to your prayers. FRESH BATTERIES _- ONE-HALF PRICE * If you are a hearing aid user and come in during our special hear- ing aid consultation for:a free demonstration, you may pur- chase a set of batteries at half. price. Limit one set to a cus- tomer. If you can't come in, call 757-8453 for home appoiit- ment. No obligation,