| WES 2 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, Sept. 28th, 1967 Dr. Dymond Launches Campaign In Uxbridge Dr. M. B. Dymond, minis- ter of health and Conservat- ive candidate for Ontario Riding, told an audience in . Uxbridge on Saturday night ~ that he was not seeking re: election with a host of prom- ises. We are running on our re- cord, he said, for we know that promises of politicians today are the taxes of the taxpayers tomorrow. He outlined the numerous health services instituted by his government over the past years; the new hospital beds provided, medical and dental colleges made available. He also spoke of the help given in construction and mainten- ance of roads and aid made available to those in agricul ture. Dr. Dymond stated = that Ontario was the fastest growing area on the North American continent and saw it as a result of the govern- ment creating the proper climate for such growth. However. he warned against complacency and said work- ers would be needed to in: sure the government was returned on October 17th. Plowing Match Wed., October 4 South Ontario Plowmen's Association will hold their annual Plowing Match on Wednesday, October 4th. This year Frank and John Batty are hosts to the farm- ers on their farm on Con. 5, Whitby Township, or corner of Highways 7 and 12. Plowmen will be compet: ing in eight classes, and many fine prizes and troph- ies will be presented in the evening at a banquet held in the United Church Hall in Brooklin. LANE Plumbing - Heating = Electric - PORT PERRY, ONT. OFFICE 985-2473 RES. Firemen To Hold Open House The Port Perry Fire De- partment will be holding their annual Open House on Sunday, October 15th, The department plans to have a bigger & better open house this year. Different companies who sell fire fight. ing equipment have been contacted regarding putting on displays of interest to the general public. Also on display will be all the local equipment, and this will be demonstrated by the members of the department. In the evening films will be shown pertaining to fires and also one or two films for the children. Refreshments will be served. The public are invited and the firemen hope that a large number will turn out for this event. Firemen Request Police Cruiser The cruiser used by local police previous to the O.P.P. taking over duties in Port Perry will be stationed at the Fire Hall and should be a great asset and advantage to the firemen's work. This decision was made by Council after two represent- atives of the Fire Depart- ment, H. Mahaffy and J. Cook attended the last meet- ing and on behalf of -the department requested the use of the cruiser, radio and antenna. A resolution was passed to have the car and. equip- ment stationed at the Fire Hall, on a trial basis. Golfers Hold Tournament Sunnybrae Golf Club held their annual Golf Tourna- ment recently, the winners for the day were: Men's Mat- ch Play, Steve Kichto, Osh- awa; runner-up, Don Elford, Port Perry; Men's medal play championship, Don El. ford, Port Perry; runner-up, John Grieve, Blackstock; Men's medal play handicap tournament Bill Davidson, Prince Albert, runner-up, James Davidson, Prince Al- bert; Women's medal play handicap tournament, Marg. Rose, Oshawa; runner-up, Iris Fowler, Oshawa. To Hold Joint Communion Service, Sun. The congregations of Bur- n's Presbyterian Church, of Ashburn and St. John's of Port Perry will unite for the Communion Service on Sun. day. October 1st at 11 a.m. "It is fully expected that' the church will be taxed to capacity and that the Lord will make plain His love for every human need as His command is obeyed, "This 985-2581 For All Your Plumbing and Heating Needs CALL ART'S PLUMBING and HEATING R.R. #1, PORT PERRY Operated by ART (Pete) PETROZZ) Licenced Mechanic FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL - ARE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR: ganapiaia VILLAGE ONLY 250 yards from EXPO rounds. 25 p.p. (based on party of 4). Free parking two double beds in each room and private 4 piece ba Still space available. Book IMMED Also inquire about our tours to EXPO. room. 57 King St. East IATELY. FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL 576-3131 (5 lines) Oshawa do in remembrance of Me". Sunday School will meet at 10 a.m. For this Sunday only. At 8 p.m., Sunday, October 1st the Sunday Night Forum 'will commence when Bible Study will make the message relevant to the needs of our confused society. This Sun. day the topic will be, "Can we trust the Bible as an un- erring source of inspiration?" Mark's Gospel will be the basic source of these inform: al gatherings and all are in- vited to share the hour of question and answer. The programme is timed to last just one hour and it may be one of the most pro- fitable hours of the week. CO-OP TOPIC by Don UNITED CO-OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO ATTENTION Farm Tanks and their feed lot. This is the time of year when many beef producers are restocking the best possible use of the kind of feed you have available, On a declining market, calves are a bet- ter buy. With light weight calves we have re e we 'less, Many invested in cattle and mo fead. Thus with a longer feeding tim can expect more efficient gains, Li K On a market, higher profits can % / be realized from older cattle by cashing \ xy sien in qiicker and pianing over The AB y thing is, you have to guess correctly A 77% whether the market is going to go or Ai down. Right now the market ou is ood, but it is uncertain whether the in- 5 iy tions of rising marketing will be enough ~\7 > to put a crimp in prices UA United Co-operatives hi of Ontario vr. » SY DX Ol SAVE ..wnypay more On Premium Quality GASOLINE -- DIESEL and MOTOR OILS Out of Oshawa, Whitby and District FARMERS! Pumps Available CALL COLLECT 668-3341 FORM 416 NOTICE OF HOLDING AN ADVANCE POLL Notice is hereby given that a poll for the Electoral District of Ontario will be and Saturday, the 12th, 10 pm. Standard Time. The polling place (or places) for the said electoral district will be locatdd at No. 95 Port Perry, Basement of Anglican Church Parish Hall. No. 96 Uxbridge, Hotel Evelyn, Brock St. W. No. 97 Beaverton, Town- 13th and 14th days of October, 1967, from 8 am, until § p.m, and from 7 pm. until open on Thursday, Friday, CALL KEN P. MURRAY ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Domestic and Industrial COMPLETE ELECTRICAL HOME HEAT 274 Rosa St. CAWKER'S Food Market| WIRING US FOR FREE ESTIMATES ON PHONE 985-7005 PORT PERRY * SPECIALS -- SEPT. 28-29-30 ottage : Rolls + 40. 3acon - 79: . MARY MILES Bologna By the Piece 18. 35¢ | Christie's Date Loaf 43 bos ship Hall, Beaverton. No. 68 Bellhaven, Township Hall Bellhaven. for the purpose of receiving the votes of voters subdivisions for which the lists, : the 17th day of OCTO Dated at Port Perry The ballot box (or boxes) will be the votes counted at 7 on the day fixed for polling, to be and unable to vote in the polling their names appear on ed and m, Sf Time on at the said places this 18th day of September, 1067. CLEVE KIGHT, Returning Officer, MAPLE LEAF | iy . | ecknuclaoy 2145 SMITH'S | Cherry Pie Fill ne. 49° 2: 35¢ 138 ox. 59c¢ LUX LIQUID Kleenex 200' Detergent 200. GPC FREE DELIVERY Cleaner Phone 985-2221 Port Perry