,e Bl BL » 4 . v '\ a ~» . by AR PR [ CRE & wr La BOTANY - " : . 1 IN - . -- A ha NLT a | FRE FL ARCA SN ASE, A BETES NATWN '6 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, Nov. 2nd, 1967 30 Cubs Enjoy Tour An evening a tew weeks ago, some 30 Cubs from the "A" pack paid the Star a visit. Mr. Fred Fraser and his assistant, Bruce Willis accom- panied the boys, who all showed a keen interest in the printing trade. As a result of the visit, a number of the Cubs wrote a short essay about their tour of the Star. operation of a printing plant is not an easy task for any- one, however, we thought the young boys made a genuine attempt, and deserve to see their efforts in print. We hope the Star readers will enjoy them as much as we did. which comes out hot. It was very interesting. A TRIP TO THE PRINTING PLANT Marcus Mansfield Last Monday night we vi sited the Port Perry Star We saw how our weekly paper was made. We Mr. Harrison showed us the plates which go in the print- ing press. Then we saw how the printing press worked. We saw a sheet of paper be- printing plant. ing printed. We dark room. It was wonderful to see the printing plant. * * * Garry L. 1. One cub night in Sept ember we toured the Port Perry Star Office. Star. saw the one stairs. light. machines. 2. I saw a printing press. * 0% I saw another machine which is very hot, it prints big letters. 3. There was a machine The leader of the Pack, To describe the THE STORY ABOUT PORT PERRY STAR Jamie Rose went last night to visit the Port Perry 1 watched them use the printing press. fact machine and a big thing. Three had hot metal in each The machines are very, very dangerous when you touch them. We saw a big camera up: We saw the camera's I saw two developing The men and machines work day and night. THE PORT PERRY STAR OFFICE Ricky Rahm The first thing they do is machine. different right order. Monday * It was a in an hour. * newspaper. in the paper on a type set The words made up on this machine then lifted up and put into chutes The letters and words are all taken to the printing machine. printing machine there are blank sheets of paper all in a pile which are put one at a time up against the type set words which puts the print on the paper. The sheet of paper then finished falls back down into another pile all ready to be put together to make a newspaper. A TRIP TO THE PORT PERRY STAR By Wayne F. (age 9) On Monday night, Sept. 25 the A Pack went through the Port Perry Star. ing press or Heidlburg was made in Germany. And Can print up to 5 thousand pieces, It is used for printing signs and letters. The Ludlow makes all sizes of letters, example capital & small letters. Next they do "off cet print for our local They make up a copy of the newspaper by using Line-o type Machine, The print- then get pictures and photo- graphs after. They have ar ranged the pages. They take Photographs of the papers and transform the negative to a piece of metal plate that goes on to a big roller which the paper runs through the rollers and when it comes out at the other end, the paper is cut and folded and ready for the people. Special thank you Mr. P. Hvidsten for letting us go through the Port Perry Star. * * * A TRIP TROUGH THE PORT PERRY STAR By Lorne F. (age 11) It was Sept. 25, at quarter to seven we started to go through the Port Perry Star. We started at the Hiedlburg made in Germany, and used for printing which can print 5000 pieces an hour. We moved on and then came to the Ludlow which makes all sizes of letters, for example capital and small letters. "They call set printing for our local\\newspaper. Then ~we came' upon the Line-o type that makes letters by lead and then gets pictures aranged and spaced. They 'then take a picture of the PRAY TAN WN a ARE POY YT OY gative into-a metal plate that runs through a roller and comes out at the end, the paper is cut and folded and ready for the people. A specilly thanks to Mr. P. Hvidsten. * * * Mark Murray Sept. 25th Pack 'A' met in front of the Port Perry Star office at 6.45 p.m. We saw five big machines that are used to print the newspaper. We saw how three of them work. We saw the negatives of the pictures on the front page of last week's news: paper. It was very nice. 1 think that all cubs should have gone with us. Thank you all leaders. i. « % ® Billy Sharpe On Monday we went to the Port Perry Star office. " We saw a printing machine and a man print the Lions Roar: Some cubs got their names in lead slugs. The letters were in drawers in alphabe- __tical order. --A man picked the letters out and put them into a holder. He put the holder into a machine and pressed a button. The per- son's name came out on a A BRR RRR RRR ORERCRIRS that looks like a typewriter : " Nl MTA ALIA rd ARP iy FEL [HAE NA LI and prints very small letters Next Sunday Church Ser- vice at tne usual hr. 11.30 at Epsom also Communion Ser- vice at Goodwood at 2.30. The U.C.W. meeting will be held in the evening Nov. 7th at Epsom. i Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Brown and son Jason on Sunday at Uxbridge. Mrs. L. Mitchell and Mrs. Ivan Gray visited Mrs. Grace Parkins at Kinsale on Tues: day afternoon. Sorry to report Mr. Larry Kendall in Port Perry Hos- pital. We hope for a speedy recovery. : Randy and Dean Haugen spent a few days with their great grandparents Mr. and UTICA NEWS and Mrs. Jim Philip. Mrs. L. Mitchell attended the Baptismal Service in Uxbridge on Sunday where her great grandson was Bap: tised. son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gray. Mr. Bob Watson of Ajax home over the week-end. Mr. Hainsworth of Man: chester visiting with Mr. and" Mrs. A. Watson recently. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Don MacNeil to our commun- ity. They. have moved into the former Fred Wilkinson home recently. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ding- man, Mr.. and Mrs. Harold Kerry and Mr. and Mrs. set up the articles to be put Minutes of a Regular Meet- ing of Council of the Village of Port Perry held in the Municipal Office on Tuesday, October 24, 1967. Court of Revision will sit in the Municipal Office on Wednesday, November 15th, 1967 at 10:00 a.m. Councillor Orde reported "that the sidewalk in front of the Arena should be rebuilt and that the no parking space could be shortened so as to make provision for more cars. It was left with Coun- cillor Orde and Kenny to in- vestigate. The following Statement of Accounts was authorized for payment: makes letters by lead and . Port Perry Council News "The Port Perry Library Board has requested that I write to inform Council that we are planning to have the .books in the childrens' and Adult Library catalogued in the Dewey Decimal System. The Dewey Decimal System of cataloguing is an interna: mandatory that it be done if we are to progress as we should. Needless to say, since a librarian trained in catalogu- ing should be hired to do this work, it is an expensive undertaking. With the in. crease of librarians' salaries and cost of books, our finan- cial status is such that we . : ' General Dept. .. 19,407.48 | could not absorb this extra re James = Mitchell last| jack Crosier spent Friday | street Maint. ..... 315.00 | cost and still buy the number : evening with Mr. and Mrs.| Truck & Tractor 170.75 | of books required to receive Mrs. Bruce Haugen and Mrs. Bert Mitchell spent a few days at Expo. The sympathy of this com: munity goes out to the fam. ily and friends of the late Mrs. Oliver Lane of Myrtle. Master Chris Sooley of St. Bruno spending some time with his grand parents Mr. Frank Kendall. Your RED CROSS is Serving Today whe Ready for Tomorrow BRIAN'S SUPERTEST -- OPEN -- 7 DAYS A WEEK WE'LL ENDEAVOUR TO GIVE YOU ONLY THE VERY BEST OF SERVICE. >» PHONE 985-2243 Refreshment Booth -- Lubrication Bay 131.55 52.00 837.88 Prop. & Parks Relief Dept. .. ... Waterworks Dept. $20,914.66 Copy of letter from The Ontario Municipal Board dated October 12, 1967 re Village of Port Perry Water Works Project 66W-162 to the O.W.R.C..-- This will advise that the Board has considered . and granted the above application for the construction of the water works project at an estimated capital cost not ex- ceeding $82,223.00 repayable over a term of thirty years. Order made on the 11th day of October, 1967, pursu- ant to Section 64 of The Ont: ario Municipal Board Act & Section 39 of The Ontario Water Resources Commission Act will be issued in due course. Letter from Port Perry Public Library Board dated SR Wd PE SE our grants. We do hope that in your 1968 budget that you will give us extra consideration, that we may successfully carry out this project. Thanking you, I remain." Building permit was issued to John Ballard Lumber Ltd., Lot 39, Crandel Street, new house, subject to approval of Ontario County Health Unit re septic tank bed. paper and transform the ne- metal piece. RE TOR Pa EE F188 or REAL ESTATE CL Salesmen Wanted PORT PERRY - SUNDERLAND - CANNINGTON We are interested in talking to local area residents who are interested in learning the Real Estate field. Experience not necessary, all we ask is a sincere in- terest in meeting and assisting people in acquiring property. Knowledge of area a definite asset. Prefer local farmer or Village resident. WE OFFER: 1 -- permanent offices in your area. 2 -- full time assistance at your branch. 3. -- direct Toronto telephone. 4 -- multiple listing service with Toronto and York County and District Real Estate Boards. 5. -- health benefits. For further details drop into our Uxbridge office and ask for Gary Newman or write Robert Shea at 8 Wellington Street West, Markham, Ontario. THOS. N. SHEA LIMITED' 852.3443 REALTOR 297-2373 PORT BOLSTER - NESTLETON - UDORA | Id el ---- ---------- er ---- TI a Ww