W TNT ERI RY AST FLT Los, Ri J fal EIB ERS } TNE 0 Cel NAO Te A SC he ERE RT SR LT t - YOUR VOTE AND INFLUENCE IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED FOR COUNCILLOR ASSELSTINE, Vernon Township of Cartwright, 1968 AAR BAR A A A A A A AR RAR LB LL SS SSL ARS LEAL SENS LENE" LS SSS SS A SL A ANS SS SSNS SSA NSS SSS NSS EYES AA A A A A Aah A A A A A A 8 SS SAS SS SSNS SSS SSS NS SN WES LANE Plumbing - Heating - Electric - PORT PERRY, ONT. OFFICE 985-2473 RES. | meme By Olga Hill Mrs. Russel Mountjoy was hostess for the Anna unit o Tuesday afternoon. Leader Mrs. Skelding welcomed all and opened meeting with a verse. Mrs. Kenneth Samells gave the chapter of Study Book -- The Hope of the Christian World, which was followed with a discussion. The Worship on "The Para- ble of the Talents" was ably dealt with by Mrs. Skelding. A questionaire on the work of the U.C.W. was dealt with and questioned answered to be sent to General Meeting. Arrangements for catering to the Corn Growers Banquet, Dec. 15th were made. Atten- dance 10. Candace unit met at home of Dolly Lee Tuesday morn- ing. Leader Jean Mahaffy opened with a poem and Lord's Prayer. Joan Paisley conducted the devotional with scripture passages -- Psalm 103 and Luke 15 and a meditation on Forgiveness --A good deal of discussion was spent on the letter sent out by General President Mrs. G. Larmer. ' 'The Dorcas unit which met at Mrs. Cecil Hill's Wednes- ' oY a... VANE Lar e ha al 3d LA A 300 s 32D) 1 veo} ; : > 4 - J SPAR RAL. SPC FI AAPL fro pt ' "pay RJT TV PAE RAN TW ERE I 'BLACKSTOCK day p.m. opened with quiet music and hymn--"Take My Life". Mrs. Hill and Mrs. J. Bradburn gave the Devotion- al from the theme "Take My Hands". Mrs. Fred Dayes gave the chapter "The Church and the Arts" from the Study Book -- "Into A Nation". A playlet "Once upon a Sometime Street" was presented by Msds. S. Van Camp, G. Larifter, F. Dayes, W. Wright, L. Byers and C. Hill. Mrs. Glenn Larmer led a discussion on "Is Our U.C.W. meeting our needs?" Eileen McLaughlin was hostess for the O.N.O. Club meeting Nov. 14th. 24 ladies attended. President Doreen Lee thanked Jean Mahaffy and Elaine Bailey for their work re the husbands ban- quet. Plans were made for catering to the Purina Feeds banquet. Agricultural Society 'sent word they do not wish to sponsor a New Year's Eve Dance, nor do the O.N.O. Sev- eral ex members sent notes of thanks for being invited to the banquet. Eleanor Werry expressed thanks for the Book she received when ill. Evening was turned over to the hostess and group who had several games and When the party's over a Cascade 40 - electric water heater can have its finest hour Seven-year-old socialites have a way of leaving more than a gift at a party: ever been stuck with a tutti-frutti- topped tablecloth? These are the times a Cascade 40 can really win you over. It provides all the hot water you need to suds up a strawberry-specked party dress, its chocolate-cheeked owner, and the pile of party paraphernalia you'll be left with. s : A Cascade 40 electric water heater may not make the party . . . but it could save the day. For more inform- ation, ask your Hydro. your hydro served a delicious lunch. The Pruina Feed Company entertained approximately 50 men to a delicious hot beef banquet and an interesting evening's entertainment in the Recreation Centre Wed- nesday evening, Nov. 22. The O.N.O. club catered fo the meal. Prize winners at the euchre in aid of Port Perry's new hospital Wednesday night, which all are happy to know has been started, were:-- High lady -- Mrs. Gordon Strong; High gent--Mrs. Ww. Hopps; Low Mrs. Mervyn Graham. Lucky Draw--Mrs. A. Duivesteyn. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Corden moved into their new home in North Blackstock Satur- day. Mrs. Roy Avery who has spent two weeks with her mother Mrs. J. A. Johnston returned home to Tillbury on Wednesday. At the Cartwright nomina- tion meeting Nov. 24th Mer- rill Van Camp and Laurence Malcolm were nominated for Reeve. John Hamilton and Dalton Dorrell for Deputy Reeve. All the old Council namely -- Osmond Wright; Gordon Gettins and Ernest Swain: also Henry Snowden; Walter Lawrence and Vernon Asselstine were nominated for Council. Dalton "Dorrell declined to qualify, so election will be held Dec. 4th. 9 am. to 7 p.m. for Reeve and three Councillors. Members of Cartwright Central School Board are ~ Bob Wheeler; Doug eep; Harold Kyte; Harvey Graham Neil Malcolm and Donald Frew. The Thursday Evening Guild of St. John's Church met! at the home of Mrs. Harold Hamilton with nine members present. Devotion- al period was in charge of Mrs. Hamilton and was fol- lowed by a hymn and poem on "neighbours'. It was de- cided that the roll call for next meeting be a wrapped Christmas gift for the Golden 1 Plough Lodge: The Guild PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, Nov. 30th, 1967 -- 9 will purchase new decora- tions for the Church Christ mas tree. There will be Corporate Communion Dec. 3rd for all members of the A.C.W. and the Guild. Mrs. Romeril has offered the use of the United Church film strips to St. John's la- dies. Next meeting the ladies will meet first at the church to decorate and will then go to the home of Mrs. Jack Green for their meeting. A contest "How popular are you?" was enjoyed and a delicious lunch was served. Miss Joyce Mahaffy, Tor- Qpening JPL LUEL BLURB AR RERBRRRRRS LS 5 2 8 8 8% 0 8 8 8% 3 1 Central Ontario County District High School Board Cordially Invites The Public To Attend The will officiate on [ ' [ / ' ' ' ' / / ' ' [i [] [ / [| [| 4 [ / /' ' [] [ [] [i rr [J ' ' /' / ' ' [ [J] / / [i / / [] 4 [ [ ' / LJ [] [ [] [] ' [ / [] / ~~ onto spent the week-end and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Magill, Columbus were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mahaffy and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mar- low left Sunday for their winter home in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Brad- 'burn, Toronto were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bradburn and Roy. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ferguson Alan and Kevin visited her mother Mrs. H. McKee and brother Mr. Hugh McKee, Norwich, Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Archer, Miss Marilyn & Jim Archer, Whitby, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Archer, Sunday. (Continued on Pagef6) ¢ Of The School Addition Dr. M. B. Dymond, Minister of Health Wed, Dec. 13, 1967 At 8.15 P.M. LS SS SS SSS SSNS LAS SL SSS SSS LSS A LS SN RNS AN 91 -- 0 FASE ES Yt Yt TSS TS ES SSS SSS SS SSNS NSN NN NSN SHALES LS NOTICE! Christmas Store Hours Thurs-Fri., Dec. 14-15 OPEN UNTIL 9:00 P.M, Saturday, Dec. 16th OPEN UNTIL 6:00 P.M. Mon. -Sat., Dec. 18-23 OPEN UNTIL 9:00 P.M. 8 2 PORT PERRY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (RETAIL MERCHANTS) Aor Sunday | AR A ro) eS eo a) No A NE " & = - lg v NE "- bb ny. +1} Ah 8 ¥ » 37 8 { LIN vg el AC 5 oir v. 7 wo NF £7 a Za a re th 7 SONAL S: aa