FA ASR Jr i CR \ A AR yA {is bY ALY Ahn ali 20 - PORT PERRY STAR -- . AY : SLR RSA Ax 3 Lr {IE { Tra" - ' . a. AAALAC RET LS freain, Pr ESTE A RETVHIVIINTY SHY Sua A VEN TE AAR SORES. FARA Y PALER N SE RCEIEAN SUH LION DR Dire Thursday, Nov. 30th, 1967 NCR arta oy : a nr LON GE ot, Te NT - hn RA WE = a Sen fla OND THE TOWN'; Mr. Willard Terrett, Port Perry was host to Miss Eleanor Summers, Mr. Rob- ert Weber, Columbus, Mr. Heiner Vick, Port Perry and Miss Marlie Rennie for lunch recently. Two Port Perry boys Scott Nelson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Nelson, and Teddy Willis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Willis, Oshawa Times carriers, travelled by bus from Oshawa to the Toronto Airport on Saturday, where they with other boys from Oshawa and district were taken on a flight on a Van- guard over Toronto, Hamil ton and surrounding country side. The boys qualified by selling 4 new subscriptions to the Oshawa Times. acre. The club was brought to a conclusion with a 100 Bushel Corn Club Award Night and Banquet in the Community Hall, Sandford, on Thursday, a J 0) » * ¢ AY LE 4 Jet 3 Vd '2 ¥ A ) eats. a - TAS Ld bth & \d RI ER RAILCAR ARE FLFR 3 \ Sarhle dat ants was 121.64 bushels per | November 23. Mr. Albert Foster, Claremont, #2, was the chairman. Mr. Norman Lehman expressed the appre: ciation of those present to the Sandford ladies for a very excellent banquet. Mr. Lynn Fair, Agricul tural Representative, announ. ced the prize winners, and called on the various donors of cash and merchandise to present their prizes, Mr. Malcolm Allbright ex- pressed the appreciation Yof the corn growers to those who took part in the pro- gramme, and to the donors of the various prizes for their co-operation in making the prizes available, Again the Group Commit: tee and the Scouts and Cubs had a most successful paper drive. Last year in Novem: ber they collected 9 ton, on Saturday last it was estim- ated that over 10 ton was collected. Firemen their wives and friends enjoyed the annual Firemen's banquet and dance on Saturday night at the Le- gion Hall. Among the guests and representing the council was Reeve J. J. Gibson and Mrs. Gibson, Mr. Phil Orde and friend. Mr. Charles McKim of Ottawa visited friends in Port Perry on Tuesday of this week. Henry Westney, Pickering Wins 100 Bu. Corn Club Mr. Henry Westney, Pick- ering, was the winner of the Ontario County 100 Bushel Corn Club this year. He had a yield of 155.8 bushels of shelled 159, moisture corn per acre. In second place was Paul Meyer, Claremont, with a yield of 154.8 bushels per acre. In third place was Don Dunkeld, with a yield of 151.9 bushéls per acre. Thirty - one farmers took part in the 100 Bushel Corn Club this year. Yields were taken on a three-acre plot. Each contestant could use any variety he wished, and use any means at his disposal to procure the highest pos: sible yield. The average yield for the thirty-one contest NOVEMBER IS THE MONTH FOR MEATS 15-0z. Tins BEST BUY! -- SAVE llc! PARD DOG FOOD 8 ior 89: DE JEAN SMALL "REGULAR SHRIMP Bb 4%-0z tin 59 GENUINE RED or BLUE BRAND Blade Bone Removed BLADE ROASTS Ib. § 5. Lean -- Tender -- Well- Trimmed fe FEATURE! Save 29c! 12-0z. Tins SWIFT'S PREM LUNCHEON MEAT 2 for 89: LEAN -- MEATY SHORT RIB ROASTS Ib. 59¢| "BraiIsiNG Boneless -- Well-Trimmed RIBS Ib. 49¢ LEAN POT ROASTS Ib. 59cl THE KING OF ROASTS -- SHORT CUT -- CHEF STYLE Reg. lc Reg. 69¢! -- Adult Deluxe HEALTH & BEAUTY BARGAINS! STRIPE TOOTH PASTE Giant Tube 59c PEPSODENT TOOTH BRUSHES STANDING RIB ROASTS Ib. 89: FRESH MINCED GROUND CHUCK Ib. 69: 49c¢ FOR "GOODNESS" SAKE -- SERVE FROZEN FOODS! Reg. 67c! -- Beef -- Chicken -- Turkey MORTON'S TASTY DINNERS Reg. 55¢! -- SUPREME GREEN PEAS--2-l1b. bags 2 for $1 FREEZER FILLER SPECIAL ! J BEEF HINDS (Cut, Wrapped) Ib. 69¢ 57c STEW BEEF Boneless 5 Ibs. $3.49 RIB BOILING BEEF 3 Ibs. $1.29 200 Attend Banquet 197 persons attended Man- chester Community Credit Union's Annual Meeting Sat- urday night in the Odd Fel- lows Hall. After enjoying a good meal, and in a good mood, the Executive proceed: ed to tell them how the Cre- dit Union had progressed in the past year. The President commented on the fact that the assets had increased over $93,700.00 bringing the total to over $1,160,602.00. The Board of Directors re- ported that Insurance Claims amounting to $14,439.48 were paid to members and benefi- ciaries during the year. The Treasurer - Manager gave the percentage of growth for Assets-Savings- Loans-Special Deposits and Chequing Accounts, all of them making a good gain since September 1966. The Auditor confirmed that the Credit Union was in a good financial position. The Credit Committee gave the figure of $1,097,810.00 for Loans. lent to members in the past year. They stat- ed it was not necessary to pay off a loan completely, before appling for additional needs. The Supervisory Commit- tee advised the membership they were keeping a watch- ful eye on the whole opera- HUNTING POLICY The Central Ontario Re- gional Development Council, covering the counties of Ont- ario, Halton, Peel and York, is.sponsoring a panel discus- sion Nov. 30 starting at 9.00 p.m. at the Aurora commun-- ity centre on the topic: "Should we establish a hunt- ing policy in the region." tion of the Credit Union. The business meeting was followed with entertainment by a group led by Vince Mountford, music, singing, and a very funny magician. Elections (Continued Three of the present coun- cillors, Mrs. June Crozier, Mrs. Grace Love and Mr. Glen Demara accepted, as well as Phil Goreski, who last year was unsuccessful in his bid for a seat on council. Elected by acclamation to the combined Port Perry - Scugog Township School Area Board were Mrs. Helen Red: man for a one year term, and Mr. Robert Cawker for a two year term. * Jack Hamilton, deputy. reeve of Cartwright Town- ship was re-elected by accla- mation when Dalton Dorrell, who also was nominated de- clined. However, elections will be necessary for the position of 'reeve and councillors when Mr. S. Lawrence Malcolm de- cided to oppose the present reeve Mr. Merrill Van Camp, and six candidates qualified for the three positions of councillors; namely Vernon Asselstine, Gordon Gettins, Walter Lawrence, Henry Snowdon, Ernest Swain and Osmond Wright. * J Elections will be held in Reach Township, Monday, Dec. 4th, Scugog Township on Saturday, Dec. 2nd, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m, and in Cart. wright Township Monday, * LJ * Price Marked 79¢! BEST BUY! -- Save 17c! -- CHOICE GREEN or WAX York BEANS 4:69: BEST BUY! -- Save 7c! -- BOSTON BROWN 19-0z. Tins Beans Aylmer 4 : 99: BEST BUY! -- Reg. 87c Value! -- SALADA tea Bags 69: FEATURE! -- Save 11c! -- LIBBY'S FANCY QUALITY Fruit Cocktail 3: $1 BEST BUY! -- Save 9c! Kleenex Tissue 4 BEST BUY! -- Save 8c! : 69: Ballet Tissue 679: R GEM marcarine 22: 14-0z. Tins Pkgs. 200s or 300s wrerORn 60 to Pkg. 14-0z. Tins All Vegetable Coloured Parchment ST 1-1b. Pack Curly Leaf SPINACH Sweet #1 PARSNIPS SUNSHINE FRESH Fruit & Vegetables FLORIDA TANGELOS 3 doz. for $1 00 2-1b. bag 35c¢ Tasty -- Large Bunches GREEN ONIONS 2 for 19c¢ "Delicious -- Extra Fancy -- Extra Large B.C. APPLES 6 for 59c FEATURE! -- Save 40c! -- SWIFTS PREMIUM 13%-1b. Tin MIDGET HAMS $1.59 TE SHORTBIG™ 2 tor HTT CORE™ NESTLE'S QUIK LEMON GUEST CAKE CREAMED HONEY Save 14c! -- ICING MIX or MONARCH POUCH PAK CAKE MIXES 49¢ each 45¢ 12-0z., oy O¢ ' 5 for 89¢ 10-0z. Bag 2 for 39c¢ Dec. 4th from 9 am. to 7.00 p.m. Open Every Thurs., Fri. Night Till 9 p.m. WHERE FRIENDLY PEOPLE SAVE YOU MORE. DOWSON'S RED & WHITE STORE PORT PERRY CHRISTMAS TURKEY (ORDERS TAKEN NOW FOR BEST SELECTIONS ALSO DUCKS, GEESE AND CHICKEN. SEE OUR DISPLAY OF CHRISTMAS CANDY, NUTS, CANDY CANES, FRUIT CAKE. (]