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Port Perry Star (1907-), 14 Dec 1967, p. 10

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gt) po Fi wr sana 2 ®. wre Foamy] Peri SEL Sa So Rr Se ( es Sans Tn % > IN EO -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Thurs, December 14,1967 PORT PERRY * STAR x SPORTS Flamingos Find Mark Whip Uxbridge Hawks 3-2 It was worth travelling to Uxbridge Monday night to watch the Flamingo's play the stvle of "hockey they can play. This is the brand of hockey we are used to fast skating. rink wide passes and number one back-checking. Something we haven't seen for some time. The boys looked settled down, they played as a team with good hard passes. That paid off in the first period with a plav from J. MeMillan to M. McKee to D. McNenly. who made no mistake and put the - Flamingo's on the score another passing plav: D. Pas- board. A short time later coe to "C. Craddock to G. Butler, who made it 2-0 for the Flamingo's. Uxbridge came out in the second period all fired up after, I am sure a severe talk from the coach. They con- trolled most of the second period. but could only get 2 goals to Port's 1, scored by D. McNenly on a break-away. At the end of the second veripd the Flamingos still held the lead 3-2. The third period was the best hockev plaved by Port this year. The checking was close bv both teams with rushes from end to end. The bovs smelt a victorv and they didn't intend to let it go. even with 2 men in the Pen- altv box Pert kent Uxbridge off the score board in the third period. A great game. A fine game by 2 newcom- ers Carl Roberts on defence, who looked at home playing with the team. And Gord Holliday, back with the team after a long absence. Gord I feel sure will be a big asset to the team. He has a lot of drive and is a good morale booster. A fine turn out by fans. 509. of the crowd in TIx- bridge were Flamingo sup- porters which helps the team a great deal. NG ; House League Action BANTAM House League-- Gunter edged Camnbell 4-3 in the first game. Felstead, Johnston, Carnachan and Martin all had singles while Nesbitt with 2 and Tomchi- shin 1, scored for Campbell. Gibson downed Jeffrey 6-2 in the other game. Brain with 2 and Hall, Phinney, Tavlor and LeFort with one each scored for the winners. John- ston and Young replied for Jeffrey. . * * * PEE WEE House League-- Geer clobbered McCov 8-1 with Lane, Jeffrey and Tay- lor each getting a pair. Boneschansker and Huffman had the others. Leahy scored for McCoy. } Best defeated Cartwright 6- 4. McQuade had two. Lackie, Kane, Van Camp and Steph. ens had one each. For Cart- wright Prosser had three and MacLeod one. * * * NOVICE House League-- Nightingale, led by Kane's four goals, shut out Cart- wright 6-0. Brain and Mart: in had the other scores. Cochrane thumped Mec- Quade 8-1. Phil Cochrane and Heard each had two markers. S. Cochrane, Olsen. Willes and Waldinsperger all int. Hockey League Standing Western Division STANDING (Including Games of December 12th, 1967) GP W- L T Pts. Uxbridge 11 5 3 3 13 [.. Britain 9 5 2 2 12 Sunderland 9 5 3 1 11 Whitby 10 5 4 1 11 Newcastle 8 4 4 0 8 Pt. Perry 10 4 6 0 8 Keswick 9 1 7 1 3 NOTE: All Woodville Games omitted from above. had singles. Nelson tallied for McQuade. ® ¢ @ TYKE House League-- Waldisperger dumped Wil- bur 8-0 with Bronson and Lee each getting a hat trick. Kane and Robinson had the others. Parker beat Franssen 4-1. Wilbur with three and Dun- oulin one had Parker's tallies. Pierce scored for Parker. Bowling MEN'S THURSDAY NIGHT LEAGUE Dec. 7th, 1967-- High Triple--T. Thomas--886 High Triple W. H-- J. Cook -- 811 High Single--T. Thomas--388 High Single W. H-- J. Cook -- 373 Triples Over 625-- T. Thomas--886; K. Ashton --1751; J. Cook--748; F. Has- tings--1792; J. Parker -- 726; C. Watts--700; I. Bovd--699; T. Eden -- 697; R. Parker-- 688; R. Hutchinson--681; R. Willerton -- 680; G. Wilson-- 670; B., Owen--663; V. Wal- ker--654; J. Owen--639; F. Olsen--633; J. Healy--630; J. Lambert--628. "= Team Standings 1st Section "Canadian Tire . 36 Stars ................... 30 Cauceway Kids . 54 Carnegie 44 Don's Raiders 62* Black Jacks 59% Middleton's Meats 33 Archer Pontiacs 25 Beare Motors 46 Eden's Lucky Strikes 42 Dowson's Red & W. 33 Hope's 1.G.A. 58* Winners First Section-- 1--Don's Raiders 2--Blackjacks 3--Hope's 1.G.A. TURKEY ROLL DEC. 14th Ladies Curling WEEK OF DEC. 4th Tuesday Polly Jones 8, M. Snooks 8 1. Mitchell 8, G. Hunter 8 B. Beare 13, H. Bathie 7 R. Mitchell 13, M. McCoy 0 Wednesday I. Carter won over A. Doyle by default. M. Panabaker 7, J. Gray 6 M. Holdershaw 7, H. Carnwith 6 A. Cox 5, D. Beare 4 Thursday H. MacMaster 10, C. Martyn 3 N. Kenny 6, A. Dawson 5 Rebecca Bruton won over H. Thompson by default. Legion Pee Wees Split Games The Pee Wee team split two games this past week. After a very poor and slow start the Port Perry Flamin. ¢o's picked up two big wins in a row to put them right back in contention in the league standings. After downing the Uxbridge Black Hawks 3-2 Monday night they came right back on Tuesday night when the Keswick Comets were the visitors and came up with an impressive.. 8-5. victory. The Flamingo's started off skating hard and passing the puck perfectly and never let up until the final whistle. They carried the play throughout most of the game although the short handed Comets threatened on many occasions and Lore Camp- bell in the nets for Port had to be on his toes. All the players were hun- grv for goals and all played well. Ronny Bryant and Wayne Powell were the big- guns for the Famingo's each picking -up two markers. Flamingos Win Two, Down Keswick Comets 8-9 Captain Wayne Venning started the ball rolling for Port when he notched a goal crease pass from Larry Gally. Dale McNenly with a single and Ron Bryant with two rounded out the first period scoring for the Flamingo's. Dave Pegg and Pete Good- fellow scored for Keswick. Jerry Taylor and Wayne Powell picked the two' lone Port Perry tallies in the sec- ond period while Pete Good- fellow picked up his second tally of the night for the Comets. Wayne Powell picked up his second of the night along with Mert McKee's single rounded out the scoring for the Flamingo's. Darkinson and Pegg scored for Keswick. The Flamingo's go against the high flying Newcastle entry on Saturday night in Newcastle and Uxbridge are in Port Perry next Tuesday night. Mrs. MacMcMillan won the 50-50 draw. Losing a very close one to Ajax 3 to 2 on Tuesday, then making up went to work on Pickering to the tune of 10 to 1. Scorers for Port in these two games -- Bill Van Camp and Rod Campbell, 4 goals; Doug Christie 2 goals; Brian Lee and Tom Olsen 1 éach. This leaves the team with 4 wins, 3 losses. This week could even it up when Brook- lin play here at home. But don't forget Dec. 20th Mark- ham Pee Wee's play here. Brooklin Clip Mustangs 6-0 On Monday Cy Wilson's Mustangs played host to a hard hitting, fast skating Brooklin team who handed the locals a 6-0 beating. They moved into a 3 goal lead in the first period, add: ed 1 in th second and 2 more in the third stanza. The Mustangs on the other hand couldn't seem to get an attack mounted. Only one or two players of the locals seemed to be effective when they were on the ice. Grant McLaughlin and Ken Irvine who worked hard all during the game. The game was marred by 25 penalties mostly for rough- ing. The Mustangs picking up 1 Oand Brooklin 15. It} was the type of game the| Brooklin team seemed to be most effective in and they certainly took advantdge of the penalties handed out to the Mustangs. Even when the Mustangs had a man advantage they couldn't get organized. The defence insisted in keeping the puck in their own end instead of passing it up to: the forwards and the whole team appeared to be skating at half speed. All in all it was a bad Hilltop A Driver Safety film spon- sored by the O.P.P. was shown to the school on Dec. 6th. Although the film was quite gory in some sequences, it could not stress enough the responsibility which is in the hands of a driver. - If a film such as this has no lasting effect, then what is the answer? The time for a driver to become respon- sible occurs when he is learn- ing to drive. It is therefore the responsibility not only of the driver but also of the in- structor. If your son or daughter is learning under vour guidance, remember that you control whether he or she will become a menace on the road or a safe driver. On Friday Dec. 1st under the supervision. of Mr. Law the students of Grade 10 vi- sited Queen's Park. The trip, although being related to their course of study, also proved an enjoyable Nday away from the routine. key team chosen from the school league journeyed to Keswick to represent Port in an invitational tournament. The competition was com- posed of both A & B schools. Our team reached the finals against Alliston High School night for the local Midget team. Let's hope it was only | that and they will get ¢oing | again when they visit Stouff- ville on Thursday. Monday Uxbridge comes to town and on Tuesday Mus: . tangs pay a return visit to Brooklin. Next Saturday, Dec. 9th, a hoc- TRAIL BLAZER 1968 Model 18 H.P. Herald only to go down to defeat. The success of our team re- presents the calibre of hoe- key that is exercised in our school league. The first exhibition basket ball games of the '67-°68 sea- son have been held, and all the results show the strength of our teams this season. onl Wednesday, Dec. 6th the seniors starting with a poor first quarter later went on to out-score McLaughlin seniors in the last three quarters but were unable to overcome the lead mounted by McLaughlin in the first quarter. The final outcome was a 57-43 victory for McLaughlin. At the same time as the senior's game, our juniors and Mec- Laughlin's were also plaving| and Port scored a 36-26 vic- tony: Our intermediate team began its season on Thursday meeting with Anderson H.S. The game was close all the way. Although Port was able to maintain control and come out on the upper hand of a 51-46 score. On Friday they journeyed to McLaughlin High School to meet their intermediates. The outcome of the game was a squeaking 32-30 victory for Port. & Brian Donnelly For a Test Drive Demonstration Telephone First. 775.00 Family Skating Night Minor Hockey is having a familv skating nite Dec. 25th. Yes that's Christmas night from 6.30 till 9 pm. So don't forget the time and bring Mom & Dad along. There will be snecial skating numbers for the adults. P.S. -- We still have some Minor Hockey Booster But: tons, a good deal at $2.00 as this admits you to all league games. Q 7 All - Star Action Beare Motors Bantams tied Peterborough 66 in an exhi- bition game at the arena on Dec. 6th. : In a league game Friday, Dec. 7th the Bantams were beaten bv a big strong Brook: lin crew by a score of 7-3. The Bantams play host to Markham Fridav nite. So - also see the Novice all stars in action against Pickering, in the first half of the double bill. * * * NOVICE ALL STARS _ The Novice Bulldozers won o 2 games last week, one over Pickering at-Brooklin and the other over Markham 2-1. This was a real fast exciting game and these two teams battle again Saturday morning in Markham at 11 o'clock. ¢ BOWLING LADIES WEDNESDAY NIGHT LEAGUE Sparrows Orioles ............coeee..... 11 - Ravens ............... 9 Bobolinks ................... 9 Seagulls ................... 8 Parrots ................... 7 Canaries ..................... 7 Wrens... 7 Bluebirds .................. 5 Robins ........................ 5 Cardinals ............... 2 Eagles ..................... 2 High Triple-- D. Tavlor -- 677 High Single-- N "P. Rowe -- 300 Over 210 Singles-- P. Rowe--300; D. Tavlor-- 283; S. Brignall -- 262; K. Harper--256; C. Warriner-- 251; Marie Cook -- 248; I. Douvne--248, 221; A. Chand. ler--243; V. Rider--239, 229: E. Railev--233, 225; M. Geer --232; T. Martens--232: M. Wallace--228; J. Mahaffv-- 227; C. Wilscon--226; N. Weir --226; M. Graham -- 224; A. Olsen--223, 214; M. Potts 221; L. Cawker -- 220: M. Healey--217; H. Heard--2186; G. Forder--214; B. Oke--212; J. Chandler--211. Over 600 Triples-- D. Tavlor--677; S. Brignal --641; E. Bailev--636; Marée Cook--636; 1. Doupe--634: C. Warriner--630; A. Chandler --629; V. Rider--627; J. Ma- haffv--606; A. Olsen -- 602: M. Healev--602; G. Forder-- 602; C. Wilson--601. 8 | fans don't miss this game & ® °

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