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Port Perry Star (1907-), 21 Dec 1967, p. 14

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ONAN PA SABA SPER SS DR FNRI A AL EIR MTN SN SS a SE TOA YE FA ah SAL TURE EB Xs FOR ONZIR ECANT SEN DLE PEN FOB AAS SPR MRE SORA EY RAS A AD WAFL AE. LN LR ET PEL BEE SSSRY SHIN SEVERE) BRRRRIE £ SAK OR { TREN JSTOR RIAEAGARSA ¢ SLOVTRT A AAT 6 - PORT PERRY STAR @ @ @ | " TS pret oO ristrmas preaas I @ . 00 / an 00 eer: \ . \ ¥ / s In churches and homes, in city streets and stores, across the countryside -- the spirit ot : ; Christmas spreads its joy and its contentment. Soon now, the last-minute hustle and bustle . : will give way to the highest moments of holiday celebration. It's a time for fun and feast- . ing, a time for light-hearted laughter and heartfélt prayer, a time when friendships are i Shady renewed and family ties are strengthened. . p Throughout this community, and indeed throughout all the communities where Christmas s is celebrated, the spirit of the season finds expression in innumerable ways -- among them, v e, the gladness of gift-giving, the merriment of parties, the happiness of hearth and home and, above all, the solemn hush of midnight, traditionally the symbolic time for heralding. t the Birth of Christ. - TT From the holly wreath on the door to the packages under the tree, from the gaily deco- 1 rated windows of stores to the manger scenes in the churches, the customs of Christmas C FBS contribute to the meaning of the Day -- just as early Christian leaders meant that holiday ! Tan customs should. : : ) # fe When Christmas first began to be observed on December 25th, churchmen welcomed the il Shel Y N 8 > H RIST M AS idea of incorporating ceremonies and traditions from earlier GC : y : beliefs into the celebration. They thought shay people would Hi E i 5 C : feel closer to the new religion if former ways and rituals were SQ ( : bo REETINGS Carol Can Be not abolished, but instead united with the new rites to honor N a { 3 . o the birth of Christ. HE {. 2S B Sie ascenied Rlsing Tor 1g ue-Twister Today, nearly everyone celebrates Christmas because Christ- I A : ; a path of peace and love. "On the first day of | mas belongs to everyone. J : "§ May you ever be blessed. Christmas, my true love For the Christian believer, Christmas is cherished as a re- % vl a 'H ARRIS & H ARRIS sent to me a partridge in a ligious holiday of paramount importance, and as a time meant . : I pear tree." for joy and festivity, too. i f Barristers & Solicitors So begins "The Twelve | For people of many different faiths, Christmas is beloved as IW. TOM HARRIS Days of Christmas," a tra- | a happy holiday, a secular celebration that gives meaningful | |- . : ETHEL DODD ditional and favorite song | expression to universal good will and good cheer. ia) fag 'MARILYN TRIPP of the holiday season. The . . . : p IETA DEN BOER ballad tells the story of the | Giving Gifts Sending Greetings as oe love nas se hs Since the Wise Men gave of | Perhaps even more than the "...and on earth peace, heir treasures to the Christ [giving of gifts, the sending-Q . » . N - from Christmas (0 Fpiph- Child, giving has been part of [Christmas greetings symbol- good oil toneizryd ; 5 wp ha sl days be . ) oe N--_-- rie | the tradition of Christmas. izes the seasonal spirit of good essed with the joys of Christmas, ~ : The first gift, a partridge | qe jgeq of gifts as homage [Wil o in a pear tree, may have ; The personal exchange of G K || d J _" y been inspired by an old aes a So good wishes at holiday time is feer 7 e y ad n ermyn drinking song, "A Pie sat on | 5,6 from their subjects |2 custom that's older, prob- | - a Pear Tree," say the editors during holiday seasons. Thus ably, than Christmas itself. |' CL L A WwW O F F | C F C of The New Book of Knowl- the Wise Men. in offering pre- In-ancient winter festivals the ) I edge. clous gifts of gold, frankin- [renewal of the earth at the © u As a ballad, "The Twelve | cense and myrrh, expressed |COming of spring was linked . Days of Christmas" is an | their reverence for the new- Se the renewal of friend- } example of the "number rn King of mankind. . ] chain formula" in folk DE celebrate a happy Though greetings and songs. As a -carol, -it-is of time was a familiar part of Christmas have long been as- the type that marked the | ~ "00 0 festivals sociated, the printed greeting change from formal hymns wid a ll Hale card is a relative newcomer to in Latin to musical poems pr 0 od of agriculture the Yule scene -- introduced in the vernacular of the | WT poe 2 be | called little more than a century ago. n r people. with a winter festiva Nowadays, Christmas greeting | |s . the Saturnalia. During this |¢qr4s go out by the billions, The song can be sung In | joyous feast, they exchanged [carrying their messages of a variety of ways. In Great | gifts wax candles, clay dolls [«hanny holiday" and "best Britain and the United | 3n4 various trinkets. wiches States, it often becomes iy When these pagan customs | In the glad tradition of ||° .gaMg SONG In veh gag of exchanging gifts were trans- [sending greetings, today's edi- person, following a leader | rt. ..q ty" the celebration of [tion of this newspaper pre- As you sing " 1 {in repetitions, psy pay a | ihe pirth of Christ, church |sents the special greetings of x 2 71 Yilowid } forfeit if he misses a line. | \q.. 0 added a new idea; [local merchants, as they ex- out in Yavetide Sometimes the descriptions selfless giving. Through the |press their good wishes and cheer, we of the gigs urn ino » out "| ages, giving to help the less |gratitude to customers and sing out with Ma d d defying tongue twisters: fortunate has been a special |friends. ) you ana your aear tradition of Christmas. : thanks for ones be filled with the peace Burning the Log ou . and joy of the first Noel! From a miraculous Star toa || , Your patronage. I . tiny candle, gleaming lights ' ° J O S EF P H Se ° ° have cast a glow over holiday : We wi sh CEN hres tras ee tings festivities for centuries. - # B ARBER SHOP , Pagan sun-worshippers lit . - . candles and kindled fires at ur : you a winter festivals to help the re- py. turning sun gain a Rk 8 . Traditional for both light M C and warmth is the blazing erry \ hristmas : Yule log. Like all-"Christmas a Te TTT ] g 3 lights," it has both a religious } . and a festive significance in To . I; hay Tre "DOWSON'S Because legend says that the ' . Christ Child was washed and dressed beside an ash wood R E D A N D WwW H IT E fire, the people of early Eng- , land always had Yule logs of Wishing you all the joy ash wood. Ash had a practical a . and contentment aspect, too, because it was the of this holy season. oly green wood which would : urn. . The Yule log of England and A stocking full of continental Europe was often dies is what ADI ES WEA believed to have mystical pow- ha' 300F188 I$ Wht R ers to protect the home. To #8) you richly deserve give fis protection, the Yule = . log had to be kept burning all for being such ¥ through. the 12 days of Christ- steadfast friends. mas. - tetmas! Later, the "blazing Yule" Mery Chrismas) was primarily associated with the feastinig and festivity of "the winter holidays. a customers, may Ringing Bells . peace, joy, Among the merry sights and contentment sounds of Chrisbipas, none is : merrier than the ging of ~~ clearly through \ bells. , | " Since earliest times, the B Ri G N ALL S your Christmas. pealing of bells has announced important events, both happy . and sad. The first use of bells Texaco Service to call Christians to worship i took place, it's believed, at IN NEW ZEALAND Christmas in Italy, about 400 AD. i Tradition once held that Christ was born exactly at Not all living Christmas trees are spruce or fir. In New midnight. In medieval Britain, ' church bells tolled sadly dur- May the spiritual blessings of the season he bestowed Zealand there's one called ing the hour before midnight on you and yours. "gunsiinns gel Bint Goon) on Christmas Eve. On the i with its en. red stroke of 2 Joyous pealing - flowers. The tree earned its jnhoitieed he rac e of name since it blooms in De- 0s, sartheapite. "bel | ol. ge by glad TRI p p CO N STRU CTION LT D. ® cember and January. tidings of Christmas, ! ¢

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