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Port Perry Star (1907-), 21 Dec 1967, p. 26

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, PR hy ps am, Ov td _s Ah 2S >] a. Py Ae a oh toa", A Ch TNT ee as. LR # Hod ¢ . Ny " To 5 Cu] LA Ai at - Be CQ Sn Sie RR 3 D ' Ny 1) Ay A \ J » CRANE SUS LOE I FRR Lee a Al So RE NY ' N ~' . A TEEN we ENTLY FLA Fog Le TERRI MALE <3 r ' Array las fan 3 | SA (2 IRL RRR | 14 - PORT PERRY STAR--Thursday, December 21, 1967 «eril gave ~P AN Ler ~ Christmas". AAA A A A A SA NSS SS SSS J BLAC KSTOCK NEWS By Olga Hill Mrs. Roy McLaughlin was hostess for the Candace unit Tuesday morning when 12 members, 2 children and 1 visitor attended. Mrs. Wm. Mahaffy took the worship period and read "Twelve Davs of Christmas" from the Christian Home magazine, and led in prayer. Several carols were sung. Mrs. Rom- "a Christmas paper on "Descend on us we Prav", Meeting closed with a Christ- mas Prayer. The Anna unit were guests' of the Dorcas unit in the Sundav School room Wednes-| day afternoon. Woyship from, the Theme "O wie Em- manuel" was given by Mesds. Hill, Samells, Mount- Tavlor. For proSgamme -- Mrs. S. Van Camp read two poems "There'll be a Christ: mas" and "These are the Gifts". 'Mrs. Fred Daves read "The Christmas Story". Mrs. P. Romeril read-"Pray-| ing for the Gift". Mrs, L. Bvers "Why Can't it be?" and Mrs. Hill two poems "Special Treat" and "Recipe for These were in- terspersed by Carol singing. Attendance 12. 6 from each unit. Women's Institute Blackstock Women's Insti- tute met in the, Township Hall Wednesday evening, Dec. 13th with president Mrs. H. Bailey presiding and Mrs. M. McKee acting Secretary in the absence of Mrs. L. Thompson. Following the Ode and Collect, minutes were read and adopted. Trea: surer's report received. Sev- eral notes of thanks read and other items of b i cussed. The roll call * Thing our Province ng for Health" was nswered Also a fine coflection of Christmas gifts for the Child: ren's Aid was brought in, Mrs. Heetar Shortridge, group leader now presided. Mrs Relph Larmer gave an inter- esting response to the motto --Do not content vourself by deing your-second best how ever un-importaat the occas * Mrs. Shortridge introduced Mrs. L. Wilson who gave a fine demonstration of Artes . Licuid embreidery. Meeting cloved with .the Queen, after whieh a bounti- ful lunch and social time was enjoved. Attendance 23. Services in both churches Sunday were well attended. In the United at 10 a.m. the choir sang the anthem "Carol Sweetly Carol". Rev. Romeril spoke on "The Welcome of prices start jov. Romeril, Skelding and H.| stock, and\David Mansfield, '| were present from Port Perry . « - AA A A Bh A Bh A A A ahhh A A A A A A A A LA SS SNS SSS YS" CHRISTMAS TIME Lowrey Organ Time the Christ Child". At 730 p.m. a very fine Candlelight service was held in which all departments of the church took part with choruses by the younger members of Sunday School, Pageants by Junior and In- termediates. also a Living Picture of the Christmas Story. Act of Penitence and Act of.Dedication by Seniors. All these interspersed by singing of carols by congre- gation. The choir sang the Anthem "0 Holy Night". In St. John's church at 11.15 a Carols and Lessons service was held. Lessons were read by Mr. Lawrence Mclaughlin, Brian Wolfe, Sharon Archer, Robert Arch- er, Donna Edgerton of Black- June Murray and Susan Ter- rett of Port Perry and the Rector. Mrs. Rose and Mrs. Glass, Port Perrv sang a duet -- "What Child is This?" Next Sunday at 11.15 Mr. and~Mrs:-Norman Dvsart will show their_slides of the Holy Land. This will be followed by the children's Christmas tree. Christmas morning Holy Communion will be adminis- tered. L.0.L. 133 Blackstock held their annual election of offi- cers on Monday. Dec. 11th. The following officers were all re-elected for the coming year: Wor. Master, John Hamil ton; Deputy Master Bill Fer- guson; Chaplain Herb Swain; Rec. Sec'y Richard VanCamp: Treasurer Roy Ferguson: Marshall Ernest Swain: Lect- urers Earl Dorrell and Stan- ford Van Camp. Visitors Omemee, Tyrone and Devitts Lodges. Lunch and a social hour concluded the meeting. Sympathy is extended Mr. Everard Sandison and -famil on the sudden death of Mrs. Sanderson in Florida Monday. Attending the funeral in Hespler Saturday from this area were Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur Rowan, Mr. Wm, Steele, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Meliil jen, Mr. and Mrs. 1layd Bea- cock, Mr. end Mrs. Lesile Beacock. The Sandersens were former Cortomigpe ve- sidents. A large number of rela- tives and friends either call- ed at Mcintosh - Anderson Funeral Home Friday or at-. tended the funeral! Saturday of Mr. Walter Edgar, Oshawa. | Mr. Edgar was a son-inlaw of Mrs. Norman Holmes (Hattie Wright) formerly of Cartwright. Now for a little lighter vein! A host of relatives & 5599/00 at y "Ranaut cnanananww 985- AAAS ASS ARRAN AAA A CARA R RAR AR RAR ARR RRA RRNE SPOT J ORDE Organ Studios y 2351 - friends called to extend con- gratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wright at Hampton Community Hall Saturday on their 60th wedding anniver- sarv. The Wrights were also former Cartwright residents. Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Mountjoy and fa- mily entertained at a dinner party in honour of her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hocken's 50th wedding anni- "versary. Guests were: the honoured couple--Mr. & Mrs. H. Hocken, Part Perry; Mr. & Mrs. Austin Franklin, Osha- wa; Mrs. Jessie Weir, Brook- lin: Mr. and Mrs. Leith Bvers, Blackstock; Mr. and Mrs. Herb Swain and Mr. & Mrs. Murray Bvers, Burketon." Mr. and Mrs. Russel Mount- joy and 'Mrs, J. A. Johnston were Sundav sunver guests of the Ivan Mountjoys. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Ar- cher, Bowmanville were Sun- dav guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Archer. Mr. and Mrs. John Mew, Jane and Robert spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Beacock. ¢ - Mrs. J. Heffron, Misses Doris Hamilton and Kathy Parker. Toronto visited Mrs. F. Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. R. Wall, Sunday. The December meeting of A.C.W. was held in the Par- ish Hall Thursday 14. Opened with Mrs. Lawrence presid- ing by singing Silent Night followed by the devotional led 'by Mrs. T. C. Graham. Mrs. Lawrence wlecomed all and expressed thanks for Cooperation during her two years as President. She also reported the progress of the cook book and that she was waiting for correspondence regarding assistance te re- tarded children. 1068 slate of officers was presented by Mrs. Bailey and accepted by the branch. Honorary President -- Mrs. J. Forder; President--Mrs. T C. Graham; Vice-Pres -- Mrs. Jno. Hamilton; Seeretery -- Mrs. J. A. McArthur; Treas. Sec'y--Mis. W. W, VanCamp Family Life See'y -- Nis WN. Green; Dorcas Sec'y--3irs. 8. By Mrs. Les Beacock The correspondent wishes the editor and staff of this paper and its readers the following: A special prayer at Christmas That God will richly bless Your home, and you-- And those you love With lasting happiness. The members of the G.N.S. Club held their last meeting of the year at the home of Mrs. Jas. Davidson Jr. ~ President Mrs. Pugh tabled the business. Reports were heard from the executive in- dictating a successful year. Discussion was based prin- ciply on -how, 'where and when to have the annual Yueltide party. Finally it was agreeable to send out a large number of invitati ns and area. As a result com- -{ mittee were nominated to purchase prizes, plan lunch and the general party pre- parations. The new slate of officers for the ensuing year are: - Past Pres.--Ilean Pugh; Pre sident--Marie Snooks; Seé'y --Eleanor Davidson; Treas.-- Joan Middleton; Cards--Doris Jeffrey; Flower Fund--IHean Pugh; Hospital Rep. --Esther Heayn; Lunch convenor -- Joan Christie. _ We wish Mrs. Snooks and workers a successful 1968. Monday evening Dec. 11th theGood- Neighbours Service Club graciously entertained nearly fifty non-members to their annyal Christmas party which was held in the Recre- ation Centre which was gaily decorated with 'the usual Yueltide trimmings, includ- ing the glittering important tree. . The evening started off with several -get-acquainted games, stunts amd contes{s conducted by comumittee in charge, resulting several Lor: ges being won. Then all settled dowm FN more calmness when twelve tables of Court Whist 'were in play. returned home with a differ- ent gift than they contribut- ed. The president Mrs. Pugh on behalf of the Club thank- ed all the ladies for attend- ing and related a brief sum- mary of the year's accomp- lishments including Centen- nial plaque for cemetery and $260. for Hospital Fund, then she wished. all a merry year. An turn Mrs. C. Love voiced a sincere appreciation on be: half of the guests for the evening of fun including the planning involved for the en- joyable party, to which all responded with a hearty hand. - Then all went 'away home after a memyrable evening, to which we owe the Club the credit. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Webb, Haliburton, spent a few days visiting relatives. . Mr. and Mrs. A. Martsns Lenjoved having their grand | aughter for a week-end, little Elizabeth Nokes of Oakwood. Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Hunter and Douglas, Trenton (where they are living after being in Germany) enjoyed week- end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. Les Beacock accompanied Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Beacock, Blackstock, when they attended the fun- eral of a first cousin Mrs. E. (Mary Ferguson) Sanderson of Galt. She and her hus- band were in their Florida home for the winter. ous lunch was served by © --Mrs. F. Staniland; Sumebine] obo cotter which Va t horas dismantled of Ws -& @tMdesent - size, euler McLaughlin; Living: Sows Sec'y--Mrs: NW. Bailey; Soup leaders -- Mrs. J. Nalin and Mrs. A. Beacock; Anditérs-- Mrs. J. Hamilton and Mrs. Green. Mrs. Bailey thanked the re- tiring president for splendid leadership and untiring ef forts during her term of of fice, also welcomed the in: coming president & officers. Mrs. Graham reported com- mittments for the coming year are Old Crow and St. John's House. The co-ordin- 'ator for missions is Mrs. Mec Arthur. Branch planned to oe: tain all A.C.W. members at the January meeting. While lunch was being pre- pared a contest resulting in a trio of Mrs. Argue, Miss Parr and Mrs. Green singing a Carol. Lunch provided by Mesds. Lawrence and Van Camp was in the pattern of a cheese and relish tree, ar- ranged on a cheese board with "a varietv of crackers, followed by Christmas cake and copkies. So qur Centen- nial year was compvleted in A I -------- a Happy atmosphere. pi i 0 te sented to each pesssm. A a A very liberal and sumphe- "phat is it" parcels were pre- prince Albert News: | Mr. and - Mrs. Webb, Otta- wa. visited his sister Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smith. > Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mil. ler and family, Oshawa, visit-. ed his sister Mr. and Mrs. N. Wilson and sons. Several families from our midst enjoyed the Baptist Sundav School concert, Oper ing of High School Wing and Vesper Service United Church, all in Port Perry. The reporter would anpre- ciate you phoning 2608 if you have been awav or had visitors over the holiday, as a news item. 3 4 INVEST NOW 6%% VICTORIA and GREY TRUST Guaranteed Investments Interest is payable half yearly or may be left to compound EMMERSON, INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED mm Queen' 'St. Port Perry Telephone 985-7306, ¢ DOO ® { WEATHER TOMORROW Sunny 85° ~ Clear-Skies IF YOU BOOK NOW ON OUR SPECIAL AIR CANADA CHARTER FLIGHTS TO THE CARIBBEAN. ® LOWEST FARES EVER. . . Exampe: 14 dayst; P Barbados including, 2 meals daily, Hotel, trans- § 'fers, tips, etc. $369. Can. Air fare is included. CALL NOW. FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL 57 &NG E. 578-313 OSHAWA' HEE)E FROM Marjorie Tripp and the staff, of J. J. Lambert Real Estate Lid. oy y CHRISTMAS "AND A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR: nd -- PARIS HE Tm

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