\ < oe SRE ME RN PULSER 100 Total A SEERA SK ERIN FA 16 - PORT PERRY STAR- Thursday, December 21, 1967 | The dance held at Club Annrene on Saturday night in aid of Muscular Dystrophy and sponsored by the Osha- wa Firemen was very success- full. over two hundred tick- ets were sold with all pro- ceeds going to the organizat- ion. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hvid- sten, publishers of the Port Perry Star and the Uxbridge Times Journal entertained the staff at a-dinner party at Evelvn's Hotel, Uxbridge on Friday evening of last week. This was" the 4th annual Christmas patty. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ree- sor were holidaying in Flor- ida recently. ROUND THE TOWN"; Master Stephen Archer, son i Manchester News Mr. and Mrs. Harley John- ston and family of Welland, |. also Mr, and Mrs. J. Torrens and family of Montreal were with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Johnston and "brother - Wesley last week. A Mr. and Irs. Ernest Law- ler of Whitby visited the lat- ter's brother, Mr. Lawrence Best and family on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mitchell attended the annual-Christ- mas party at the St. Law- 'rence Starch Co. wHere Mr Mitchell was employed for many years. Manchester Sunday School had their White Gift Service 8 Je He, Ne Ye or Sa ee ail | MERRY. CHRISTMAS # AND A > of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Archer won . second prize in the Drawing. and Colour Santa |) Contest, sponsored by Osh- awa Shopping Centre. Draw- ings were entered in age catagory and Steven won the 10 to 15 years age group. « % * & Approximately 200 child- ren of members of the Can- adian Legion Branch 419 were on hand for the annual Christmas party held in the Legion Hall on Saturday aft- | £ ernoon. 200 stockings' con- taining gifts, candies and or- anges were given by Santa to the children. With Mrs. Claire Whitter playing the piano, the children enjoyed a. half hour of Carol singing. HAPPY NEW YEAR = > 'From The Management And Staff Of 2 EASTWAY CLEANERS LTD. g © KING ST. E,, OSHAWA Sada dada de de Jo, 75, Je Je on Sunday, Dec. 17. Kathy Best, Anna Croxall, Mary Mc Cartney and Bill McCartney asoisted the minister. All the IK Cc children gave White Gifts to| Half or Whole Ib. the Ontario Hospital, Whitby.. Mr. and Mrs. H. Nobbs, Larry and Gail of Whitby were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Peyton and omy on Sunday. Deborah and Davy Peyton spent a couple of days in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs.| Jas. Bedford and visited "1 Christmas Fairyland. ' Mrs. Alex Hewis of Car-| narvon and Miss Susan Roach of Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Roach. 725-6498 UXBRIDGE in 8 ON ROXY a THURS. FRI. SAT., DEC. 21-22-23 TOGETHER AGAIN -- HILARIOUSLY BOB HOPE and PHYLLIS DILLER 2nd Feature also Saturday MATINEE 2 p.m. 352-6033 : Good as Gold -- Fresh California +30 | LB. = Maple Leaf Short Shank Skinless Shank Portion " ' grouse HAMS Smoked Ib. 57 cf "wt ttont ant sa DINNER | soz. pkgs] HAM SLICES SALAMI SLICES 2 for 9c] Ib. 89¢ Ls oo POTATO SALAD ~~ 12-0z. 33c i ------ FULLY-COOKED thE : po COLE SLAW 33 Swift Brookfield. . SMOKED HAM } Whit X Pure Pork : CORNED BEEF | 2 for 49c¢| SAUSAGE 12-07. size MEAT - ' CORNISH GAME HENS ea. 89¢| 'Ib. 49¢ Cotta ge ROLLS og et ob Ry 12-0z. Tins : ". 59: _ |Niblets Corn 4.-89¢ | BEST" 'BUY! -- Save 20c! -- rar QUALITY 48-0z. Tins. --=---------- LIBBY'S TOMATO JUICE 3... $1 frome lid gets oe BEST BUY! + Save 6c! -- ORK CHOICE QUALITY 14-0z, Tins. eals | For Tnondlay PEAS & CARROTS . 2... 35¢ CALIFORIVIA #1 " BEST BUY! -- Save 9¢! -- SSORTED 3-0z. Red Grapes JELL-O POWDERS ~~ 6-..65¢ BEST BUY! -- Save 10c! -- TWIN PACK : © 12-02. Foil Bag" i or Qc Easy td Peel -- Good Size TANGERINES doz. 49¢ Iceberg Large Heads #1 LETTUCE ea. 29¢| Purple Top #1 Waxed TURNIPS Ib. 7c TWIN ROLLS 'Reg. 35¢! Weston Brown "n' Serve 12 to pkg. 31. HOSTESS POTATO CHIPS 59¢ BEST BUY! --_ Reg. $1.33 Value! --25¢ OFF PACK -- INSTANT 6-0z. Jar Mother Parkers Coffee 93e. DATES 8-0z. pkg. 29¢ SAVE 6c! DREAM WHIP Dessert TPAD SAVE 4c! --- 12" WIDE THE LAM ALCAN FOIL WRAP 25-ft. roll 35¢ INKS "BATMAN" Save 10c -- Stuffed Manzanilla -- Loose Pack SOFT DR CLUB HOUSE OLIVES . - 12-0z. Jar 63c - i Lynn Valley « . 14-0z. Tins 10-0z. Tins Save 5c on A GREEN and WAX BEANS "A 2 for 25¢ } nl, MON. TUES. WED., DEC, 25 -126.- 27 SHAGGY DOG --- ABSENT-MINDED PROFES'OR 2 Shows Nightly -- 7:00 P.M. and 8:4 P.M. Walt Disney MONDAY: MIDNITE SHOW Giant 4 Feature -- Horror and .Comedy SHOWN AT 12:00 P.M. TILL 5:15 A.M. R Box Office will be open from 11:30 to 1:30 a.m. pi rh Dracula Prince of Dracula. | 2. The Mammy's Shroud. '3. Frankenstein Created Woman 4. . . . SSS... Doors Open 11:30 p.m. DEC. 25th Adult Entertpinment. Cranberry Sauce! FEATURE! 48-0z. Tins Aloha Pineapple Juice 3 $1 BEST BUY! -- Save 4¢! -- FANCY QUALITY 19-0z. Tin Fruit Cocktail del monte 39 2-0z. Pkg. a BUY OF THE WEEK 27¢ : 01d Colony Assorted pas v Ocean Spray 4) : Sw wh, 5 « i, I} P 'd BIRDS EYE frozen FOODS Moz This - 2 Reg. 49¢! -- Sliced - FOR C 2 for 49¢ STRAWBERRIES 15-0z. Pkg. 39¢ fl Reg. 35¢! "NEARER SCR "AWAKE" ORANGE PRIN: 12-02. Tins 2 for 59¢ " WHERE FRIENDLY PEOPLE SAVE You "MORE. SHOPPERS FREE PARKING. DOWSON' % nto op OPEN Thursday, Frida ----