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Port Perry Star (1907-), 8 Feb 1968, p. 6

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"3 ° 6 -- PORT P PERRY STAR -- Thursday, Feb, 8th, 1968 { Br ders oun 0 S ein ee Come in and See Our New Service Facilities Area Unemployment 1968 SEE THE NEW BEAR ALIGNMENT' EQUIPMENT Increased In January Elect rectors or As Modern As Telstar ~ Hoctro Magnetically Controlled. ° The number of clients re-| following occupations -- ac- The annual meetitig of the County on their splendid suc- gistered at the Canada Man-) countants, programmers, ad- | Ontario County Holstein Club | cess in the show ring at the BFEARE MOTORS LTD. power Centre Oshawa in-|vertising lay-out men, multi- | yas held in. the Township | Championship, Show, Peter LET CLDSMOBILE creased during the month of lith operators, automobile | yay), Manchester, on Satur-| borough, and at the Royal .. CHEVRO - 4 January. This was mainly | mechanics, stationary engin- day, January 27, 1968, with| Winter Fair. He announced Call 985-7351 For Appointment o due to normal seasonal slow | eers, mechanical. engineers. [b70" Holstein breeders in at-| the winners of 94 Long Time : down in the construction in-| social workers, nurses, wait | tandance. iy Production Certificates by 38 dustry at this' time of year, | resses and housekeepers. President, Neil Raines, Hig County Frseders 2d SEE US FOR and lay-offs in manufactur-| The following is a com: opened the meeting.at 11:00 ar Brood Cow - ing. parison of clients registered | am. In his opening address| cates by 14. Ontario County TOTAL SAFETY SERVICE Agricultural 'requirements | locally - without employment, | ny Raines gave a detailed | Breeders. % were confined to year round | employed, and those in train- | summary of the projects car-| The election of directors n ~ farm workers, mainly for|ing. ried out by the club in 1067. | for 1068 resluted as follows: dairy farms in the area. 31 January 1968-- Mr. Dave Houck, Gorml-| Jim Gordon, Canington 2 Soh - Shortages of automobile Without In ley, Ontario, was the guest| Ralph Honey, Seagrave 2 engines - supplied by U.S. Employ. Emp. Train. | speaker. He gave an inter-| M. Jebson, Depron DE foundaries :acounted for lay-| Male .. 2008 - 192 272 | gsting talk on "Herd Man-| Grant Qateen, somone 2M : - i offs in the automobile indus- | Feamle 1899 120 205 agement". He emphasized | Frank Ban RLouion 4 old { a i ne , 1]]] pst try and its feeder plants, dur- hg = or the importance.of good care- Loe pn b x i xg pS Ye 2 December 1967-- I sg Joe McGriskin, Blackwater 1] The Public Speaking Com:| 8rd--Alice Ann Qariaghan, * ar MN 4 eg . : il : Ca nl Sr Tr in Te i lm In 2 cehol Friday PA, Feb. 2nd | 1 Like Turtles construction activities, _al- ---- ~---- ---- | records. are necessary to ge : schoo M., 2nd. |. ) ; runt os Bn mre vianussiand BU, |. sens Sn Ee de : : . 2 at apn ie Wo eT by Mr. Gerry "I! Lane Hwy. ges -were Mrs, Neil Bailey| 5th--Kathy Gunter--Our PD Rota] and wholesale es ab- Nelson, and was thanked, on| A plan for major recon-| and Mrs. Gerald. Kelly. In ~ Trip West lishments generall a behalf of the meeting, for struction of Rossland Road | this group there were -18| Other Speakers were:-- oe ae of business, | his very splendid and infor-| from Oshawa city limits to| speakers from Grades 3, 4 Reni fravndas Trip ~ : 2 tive address by Jim Gord- | Thj Road has been put| and 5. Winners were: 1st to Saint Marie. a folnsih : 4 4 ; Fimo isthe Suburban| Anne Marlow; 2nd Cindy | Dianne Hamilton--A Great . Some shortages of qualified oN TARGET The various projects car-| Roads Commission, which| Van Camp; Honorable men- Man. ' persons were noted in the : Hed out Suing hs yor yore wants to pend Lian on es hy 'Camp and Michelle Robinson--Man an 1scussed, an was dec this work in . . : to sponsor the following pro- hy total cost of the pro-| Mr. Grant Campbell il in May kon Mstealgp tin] _- nt jects in 1968. ject will be roughly $300,000. charge of Grades 6, 7 an uide Camp. for S M Pr : ; 1. Barn meeting ] The work ong involve four-| from which there. were 16|June Taylor--Florida. 2. Annual banquet lane construction with curb| confestants. Rev. R. C. Rose Susan Thompson--Guide . CON S TRU CT 10 N 8. Twilight meeting or | 44 gutter rather than open and Rev. P. Romeril were Camp. - picnic ditches. - judges. Dale Van CorpSeny Camp LA 4. Black and White Show | "po commission is respon-| Senior Public Speaking | Marie Van Camp--The PIASTER REpan Stevie 5. Championship Black & hid the maintenance of| Cartwright Central Public Sleeping Grant. - 2 "Cleanliness is 'our 'by-word White Show a network of roads and its| School, Feb. 2nd, 1968. Leslie Wright--Famous Large and small repairs Mr. Gerry Nelson, Field-| , coq budget for 1968 is| 1st--Glenna Clement--Sir Canadian Women. E very plastering need man for the Holstein-Friesian $415,000. John A. MacDonald. |Linda Van Gestel--The Tow, . Arches, ceilings, etc. - Association, gave a_detailed --2nd--Janice Dorrell-- of a Horse, " RARE RU Pa Pa CEP RT I et OLE A (EY N eat workmanship F. SHERMAN -- SEAGRAVE -- 985-7804 4 BRT RE 3 VDI CR MAA ¥, EA A CIN TAG report on his work during 1967. He congratulated the sxhibiiney £5¢ 0 m _ Ontario | W. KEARLEY = UXBRIDGE = 852-3878 ~~ NING | UTICA FARM EQUIPMENT ARNOLD KERRY - CHARLIE COTTWN, Proprietors BR Obituaty Clifford James Kerr The death occurred sudd- enly at Peterborough, Satur- day, January 27th, 1968 of Clifford James Kerr. He was in his 54th year, Born in Manvers Township, April 20th, 1914, the deceas- ed was born the son of Mrs, Kerr and the late Mr, James Kerr, formerly of Lotus, Ontario. ; --A resident of Peterborough | §-- for the last three years, he : had been -employed as plant foreman by Warren Bitumin- ous Paving Company in Tor- onto for the past 30 years. Due to his employment he had lived in the eastern provinces and throughout | § ~~ Ontario. Mr. Kerr was a member of '| the United Church, also a member of L.O.L. 64, Janet- ville, Ontario. ~~ -. li "|" He is survived by his wife the former Leah McQuade, his mother Mrs. James Kerr; -and' one sister, Mrs. T. L. 'Rowson (Mary) 'of Havelock, Ontario. The funeral service was; held Tuesday, January 36th | |; trom McDermott - Panabaker | | Funeral Home, Port Perry. x Interment at Cadmus United 1 : ke SR - | Cemetery. Rev. Romeril of 5 : ? : > . | Blackstock conducted the ser- vice. | Pallbearers were all em: ployees of Warren Paving Tuesday, February 13, A LANE -- 'save yourself real moneyona - FALCO i) The compact car for the big wide country and still the all time Economy Champ. And right now you can make... the deal of the year, at your Ford Dealer's, during his Quiet Sale. Don't. miss out. All models, all colours! MH. Now Farm TA, Meas ® New Crop Varieties ® New Livestock Development Co. Mr. Larry Tink, i. 1. | |NEEDMN® New Agricultural Reasearch ron Cutcliffe, Mr. Harold : a Kefth, Mr. Tom Dickson, Mr, . REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED : Page. ; ad -- Jack Elliott and Mr. Clarence

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