16 - PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, June 20th, 1968 A dessert luncheon was held on Monday, June 17th for 17 members of the Hospi- tal Auxiliary at the home of Mrs. M. B, Dymond with Mrs. Donald Crozier and Mrs. A. McDermott assisting. Mrs. Dymond expressed a word of welcome to 'all and especially to Mrs, S. MacFar- lane's sister, Mrs. Lorna Dure Toronto, and Mrs. S. Griffen a new representative for Port Perry UC.W. The final figures for the Spring Fair day were $746.75. The Rose Tag Day amounted to $106.60. Several donations were re- ceived and we acknowledge thanks from: Seagrave U.C.W.--$25.00 Scugog Grace U.C.W. --$20.00 . Port Perry U.C.W. Unit 2--$8.50 Masonic Lodge--$25.00 As the deadline for the completion of the new hos- pital is October and this be- ing the last meeting until September, Mrs. Dymond and Mrs. McDermott were ap- pointed to inquire into the furnishings and equipment needed. for the Gift Shop. Congratulations and Best Wishes were expressed by a JHBER REAL Hau a0 \T 985-7373 9).4: 134 |n]¢] Spring Fair, Tag Day Net Hospital Auxiliary $850. | McDermott on behalf | i=. of the Auxiliary to Mrs. Geo. | $l 5 Mrs. Smith on the occasion of her 50th Anniversary on July 8. Members of the Auxiliary | wish her a nice holiday in | England. «p | John Maw, a past president Jo) QARN. IV NN: fig ROUND THE Ea: TOWN; Mrs. Ernie Hayes spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Harry - Denton and family, Richmond Hill and attended the music recital in which her granddaughter Jill Den- ton took part. . * LJ J Week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Ploughman were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mc- Cabe, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Wood and family, Bowmanville, Miss Maureen Wood remainded for the week with her grand parents. &* LJ] Ld Approximately 73 Kinder- garten pupils from the R. H. Cornish Public School tra- velled by bus to Riverdale Zoo, Toronto on Wednesday. They were accompanied by their teachers Miss Joblin and Mrs, Glass. Mrs. Wm. Bradford and several other ; parents went along as chap- erones. of Branch 419, Royal Cana- dian Legion, Port Perry, and now Zone Commander of F1 was recently a guest and of- ficially-opened the new ad- dition to the Bowmanville Legion Hall. LEY I0kK] CATSUP You Save Twice with Trim and Price--LEAN, MEATY SHORT RIB ROAST Ih. 57: ih Summer Food Specials SPECIALLY SELECTED -- VALUE CHECK'D -- BRANDED BLADE ROAST 5. REG, 49¢! Sugar Glazed WESTON i= ELSEA BUNS 8 to pkg. 45: aan FRESH -- LEAN -- CUBE STYLE -- BONELESS STEWING BEFF Ib. 69: BURNS SKINLESS Wieners 2 Ibs. 99: Swifts Lazy Maple Rindless BACON BURNS SLICED Bologna 49: b. JQ . pt FAMOUS FOODS FROM SHOPSY'S SALAMI SLICES, 4-oz. pkg. 2 for 69¢ | BEAN SALAD, 120z. .... ......... 39¢ CREOLE SALAD, 12-0z. ....... 39¢ CORNED BEEF BRISKET .... Ib. 79¢ BARBECUE BEAN SALAD 12-0z. 39¢ BEST BUY! -- SAVE 6c! -- KELLOGG'S CERFAL 11-0z. pkgs. SPECIAL K' 47: BEST BUY! -- SAVE 6¢! -- LANCIA MACARONI OR 2b. cello BEST BUY! -- SAVE 5c! -- ens CANADA BRAND WHITE 40-0z. bottle VINEGAR 29: BEST BUY!--SAVE 8¢c!--AYLMER TOMATO 18-0z. btl. 29: SAVE 7c! -- CULVERHOUSE 19-0z. tins Dessert Pears 2+«49: SAVE 9¢! -- INSTANT 3-0z. pkgs. Jell-o Puddings &«~65¢ "SAVE 6c! -- DESSERT TOPPING + - 7c COUPON IN EACH PKG. DREAM WHIP SAVE 17¢! -- RED & WHITE Peanut Butter 55: -16-0z. Jars 3-$1 . Best Buy! -- Suridhine Fresh Fruit & Vegetables GRAPEFRUIT JUICE sor or ws 3 GT Save 170! -- Jaffa Crown Orange or 3807. "tins 4-0z.-pkgs. NN & : DELICIOUS '| Pre-Priced 69c! -- Premium Value: 100 to cello bag -] THURSDAY, FRIDAY SATURDAY, JUNE 20-21-22 i ; : : SRY "A MINUTE TO PRAY A SECOND TO DIE" CANTALOUPE LYONS TEA BAGS =39 RG : : Sint ae AS Brio "45° 2:/A5: | NABOB INSTANT COFFEE ~~ 89¢ Toa ra tary = k Save 9c! -- Dole -- Sliced -- Crushed -- Tid Bits "THAT TENNESSEE BEAT" -- 7:30 STRAWBERRIES 67: PINEAPPLE 18-07. THs 2 69¢ ; "TONY ROME" -- 9:00 Tender, Home-Grown #1 ve 4c! -- Quick Serve : with FRANK SINATRA CABBAGE Ib. 9¢ | MINUTE RICE 14-0. PACKAGE 53¢ a Recommended As Adult Entertainment : China Lily 19-0z. tin 5-0z. bottle Feature! -- Save So! - Gi: Bean Sprouts or Soya Sauce 2 39¢ "3 Pine Grove Cemetery BYYORTHEWERY ° FA ris we vg Pn lis Crossinte: hg each te x 2 for "59¢ || | DECORATION SERVICE || @ @ FFE | Alber Coker' 63¢ | Beouty Soop 0) : rds e--FKFrenc) e -OZ ve 4c! i SUNDAY, JUNE 23rd, 1968 rox, 19: Green Beans 3 for 59¢ Johnson' sJ Cloths * 59¢ 0 2:30 P.M. Si bag the cd LL ol > : 13%.1b, tin_ $ 7 Sponsored by the 4 General Electric Lamp Bubs | [MAPLE LEAF HAMS 1 49 i INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS : i WHERE FRIENDLY PEOPLE SAVE YOU MORE. 8 % HOMES 2 ----_-- : CEE-DER-LOG Is: 2% £3s.DorLog will be glad to show you the amazx yi maddie Back" Joint orm and er features oY . have made our product so popular. + MOTELS =i ix - % LODGES + COTTAGES x | RINKS ® A completely manufactured log building ready for Naturally insulating, requirin insulation, lining or plastering to the walls, i ; ° Economical -- unequalled charm and beauty. CEE-DER-LOG BUILDINGS LTD. CORNER DON MILLS snd DAVIS DR. R.R. 3, NEWMARKET Tr i © <a = (PATENTED CONSTRUCTION) no further 895-8294 | DOWSON'S E. D. SMITH KETCHUP 15 oz. .............. 2 for 55c CROSS RIB ROAST ....opcomvin sins Ib. 65c HAMBURG .....0oonson ens smmssssonss 2 158, $1.00 GROUND CHUCK atnristsinn A | YT ICE BLOCKS or CUBES. Open Every Thurs., Fri. Night Till 9 p.m,