16 - PORT PERRY STAR - Thursday, Oct. 31st, 1968 Your M.P. in Ottawa, Mr. Norm Cafik has sent a letter to the Star to say, he is most anxious to do a good service for his constituents, He says he is available at all times possible, and asks anyone in- terested to phone him in Ot- tawa at 613 - 992-2984, or see him at his residence 559 Pine Ridge Road, Pickering, or phone 282-9914, * * J] © Dr.'and Mrs. S. P. Kandel placed third in a senior team- of-four event, during a three- day Oshawa and District Bridge Championship compe- tition last week. * LJ J Visitors at the home of Mrs. E. Hayes recently were RECEIVES MASTER'S DEGREE John R. McKinnon, son of Mr. & Mrs. Clarence McKin- non, Detroit, Mich., received his master's degree in Busi- ness Administration from the |, University of Michigan. He was elected to Beta Gamma Sigma Business Ad- ministration at the University ~ Honors Convocation. = A graduate of- Highland Park High School, he receiv- "ed a Bachelor of Science De- gree in Industrial Engineer- ing from the University of Michigan. He is continuing his studies in Data Process- ing at Automation Institute in Detroit. Both his mother (Amy Beare) and his father were former Port Perry residents, and have many relatives and friends in Port Perry and nyonnding area. ThE : E" Philosopheh JOHN BALLARD Lumber and Building Supplies New Homes, Cottages & Alterations Phone 985-7335 'ROUND THE TOWN" Mr. and Mrs. Harry Denton, Jeff and Jill of Richmond Hill, Miss Nancy Hayes and Miss Jane Reid of Ottawa. * * * Thankoffering Services are being held at Burns Church, Ashburn next Sunday the 3rd of November at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. The special music be stimulating. A Guest so- loist in the morning and the Salvation Army Choir at night will all unite to make at both services promises to | CARNATION 4 Varieties CREAM PIES . 69¢! -- Mad Hatter POTATO CHIPS Reg. $1.99 Value! -- Instant Coffee NESCAFE 3 Varieties COOKIE MIXES SAVE 10c! 'FEATULE: -- Evaporated Milk Tall Tins SAVE 10c¢! -- Robin Hood -- No Bake -- 24c¢ Off Pack! -- SAVE 6c! -- Robin Hood -- CARNATION Instant SAVE 11c¢! -- Libby's Fancy the day truly historic, The theme of the morning ser- mon will be-- "A World of Wonder" and the evening-- "A Justified Society". The congregation of St. Johns will join with the friends in Ashburn - at the time of Thankoffering - 11 a.m, and 7.30 p.m. Morning Service withdrawn for the Thankoffering service at Ashburn at 11 am. » * = Rev. and Mrs. John Mec- Clintoeh, Kingston, visited at the home of thejr aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Morrow. * $s oO Mrs. Fern McClintock, Win- nipeg, Man, spent a few days recently at the home of her sister Mrs. Carol Morrow. 6 for S1 11-0z. Pkg. Visitors at the R. H. Corn. ish home over the week-end and attending the Dedication Services at the United Church were: Mrs. Nellie Whitmore, Don Mills and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Corner of Pembroke, Ont. Mr. Corner was Accountant in the Bank of Commerce here twenty- five years ago. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Jack Finley, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Heard of Prince Albert and Mr. & Mrs. Bill Mowat of Whitby enjoy- ed the past week-end in Wheeling, West Virginia with a bus tour. L LJ] ® The Star Epsom correspon- dent while cleaning up her garden found a cluster of AA A A A A AS SS SSS - Fees raspberries which she pre- sented to the publisher on his = weekly morning to collect her con- tribution to the Star. 'Along with the raspberries was a collection of roses, pansies, violets and mums. trip Tuesday JMBER REAL KSTAN AID vy yy 985-7373 , fohichoheduhobivhu abu clebb indict bald l ds oh dda db Ada ' For All Your Plumbing and Heating Needs 985-2581 "The Biggest Parade of Valuesi in the History of RED & WHITE g. 69¢! -- Adult, 50 Tuft PERSODENT TOOTHBRUSHES 2 Reg. 55¢ Pkg.! 12 MODESS, buy 2 get 1 Free -- all 3 for $1.10 for S51: to Pkg. 0 09¢ Save 10c! -- Pop-Up KLEENEX" 'Facial Tissues CONDUCTOR'S BEST BUY! 400 to Pkg. 2:63 10-0z. Jar $1.49 hy b. Carton 3 9 oz. Tins BUY-OF-THE-WEEK VANGUARD BRAND SOCKEYE SALMON 1% Tin aah hh A A A A A A A AR A NC TNT TT RR XY p PORT PERRY FRUIT COCKTAIL" 3 for Si BEST BUY! -- SAVE 24c! ~~ WHITE SWAN Bathroom 8 1 : TISSUE BEST BUY | -- SAVE 6c! MACARONI or Spaghetti 41: 2-1b., Cello ECTTETCTTN TN "Countryside" ENGLISH DINNERWARE Unlimited Quantities at this Special Price! C Each ONE WITH EVERY $3 PURCHASE & NO LIMITS . NO COUIUNS LANCIA DIRT DISHES SPECIALLY SELECTED -- Value Check'd Full Cut ROUND, SIRLOIN, T-BONE, WING STEAKS Ih. 95: Always Tender -- Well Trimmed -- Branded BONELESS ROLLED RUMP ROAST Ib. 99¢ Maple Leaf Maple Leaf Cottage Rolls | Lunch Meats Mild Cured-- Mix and Match-- Sweet Pickled 6 Varieties -- Cryovac Halves 6-0z, Pkgs. "65¢ Ib. 49¢ Maple Leaf Maple Leaf SAUSAGE WIENERS Mild Seasoned Mild Seasoned Beef and Pork Skinless 57c¢ ib. 49c¢ |b. FREEZER FILLER SPECIAL! Red or Blue Brand 65 to 75 1b. BEEF CHUCKS Ib. 57 Cut. and Wispbed Maple Eeaf -- Ev searaid -- Frozen o 4 lb. average ROASTING CHICKEN Ib. 49¢ CONDUCTOR'S BEST BUY! MARGARINE SAVE 30c! . 4 for i MONARCH COLOURED Parchment Pack -- 1-1b. Pkgs. cree nanaen ART'S 9 / : / CALL i / [ / PLUMBING and HEATING R.R. #1, PORT PERRY Operated by ART (Pete) PETROZZ) Licenced Mechanic nu /' / / 4 FROZEN FOOD FEATURES ! High Liner Cod FISH STICKS 8-0z. Pkg. pkg. 290: Supreme Brand Tasty Mixed VEGETABLES 2-1b Bag pkg. 49: SAVE 4c¢!--- Libby's 28-0z. Tin SAUERKRAUT SAVE 11c¢! -- Chef Boy-Ar-Dee : With Meat or Mushrooms 14-0z. Tins SPAGHETTI SAUCES -3 for $1 SAVE 7c! -- Cooked -- In Tomato Sauce 19-0z. Tins LIBBY SPAGHETTI 4- fy 99¢ FEATURE! -- 'Supreme Pana " 69¢ Chocolate SAVE 9c! -- Fresh, Tasty Red & White GRAHAM SQUARES DONUTS 2 doz. 49¢ SAVE 4c! -- Cut Rite -- = Reg. 35c!--100-ft. Refills 29¢ 100-ft. Box WAXED PAPER ~~ 35¢ BEST BUY | -- SAVE 6c! BEE HIVE CORN SYRUB 37. 2b. Tin BEST BUY! -- SAVE 6c! DAINTY FRIED RICE 35, 12-0z. Pkg. SUNSHINE PR | Crisp. Juicy y, 6-qt. Bskt. McINTOSH APPLES 83¢ MUSHROOMS Ib. 59¢ Hothouse TOMATOES #1 Ib. 29¢ 29¢ a. Reg. $1.95 Value!--40c off Pack!--King Size OMO DETERGENT $1.39 SHOPPERS FREE PARKING OPEN EVERY THUR. & FRI. NIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M. 'DOWSON'S RED & WHITE STORE FRESH FROZEN --- GRADE A TURKEYS ---- 39