-- PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, Nov. 14th, 1968 Under Strict New regulations respecting insurance, equipment require- ments, driving rules and regist- ration of motorized snow vehicles, were announced to- day by Hon. Irwin Haskett, Minister of Tfansport for Ont- ario. It is anticipated that there will be about 70,000 of these vehicles in the Prov- ince at the end of this winter season. The new legislation, which became effective on November 1, stipulates that a motorized snow vehicle must not be operated on a highway unless its operator is insured under a motor vehicle liability policy, in accordance with the Insurance Act. The owner is required to produce evidence on request. The opentor is not required to have any type of driver's licence . . , hut no one under, the age of 16 is allowed to drive on a highway. A motorized snow: vehicle must have at least one white or amber light on the front and one red light' on the back, if it is to be operated on a highway at a time when lights are required. Many of the rules of the road. found in the Highway Traffic Act, have been incorp- orated into the new motorized snow vehicle legislation in order to regulate their oper- ation . while travelling on a highway. There also is an offence for operating one of these vehicles without, due care and attention or without reasonable consideration for other persons, applicable both on and off the highway. However, there are some major differences from the rules of the road found in the Highway Traffic Act. For example, - the driver of a motorized snow vehicle about to enter or cross a roadway from: property adjoining the roadway must bring the veh- icle to a complete stop and upon entering the roadway yield the right of way to all oncoming traffic which consti- tutes a hazard. He must also enter or cross the roadway at --an angle of approximately 30 degrees. A stop is also required before crossing a rail- way and the crossing must be made at the same approx- imate angle. _ ' Operation of motorized snow vehicles is prohibited on the "Queen's Highways except where designated by regulation. Schedules describ- ing those parts of the Queen's Highways where 'motorized snow vehicles may bé operated can be obtained at Ontario Department - of Transport offices. To permit local govern- ments to encourage winter sports activities, operation of motorized snow vehicles will be permitted on highways under municipal jurisdiction, except where prohibited by by-law. In order to enforce the regulations, it is necessary to be able to identify each motor- WES Motorized Snow Vehicles Regulations ized snow vehicle. For that reason, each must be registered before it can be operated anywhere in this Province . . . on or off the highway. The registration fee is $4.00 and the permit is valid for the two- year period from November 1, 1968 to October 31, 1970. A green and white licence plate is issued which must be attached to the front of the vehicle. There. are certain except- ions, Manufacturers or dealers do not have to register mach- ines which are kept for sale and not driven on a highway. Prince Albert News The floral arrangement on view during worship hours was placed from the funeral of the late Mr. Robertson. We offer sincere sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gib- son over their sorrow in the loss of their brother-in-law Mr. Les Faux. The November meeting. of the G.N.S. Club was held at the home of Mrs. Ron Mid- dleton. The president Mrs. Harold Snooks chaired the meeting by first all repeating Lord's prayer in unison. Reports were related from the executive. The discussion period brought about a full decision not to meet again till January in the New Year. It is then hoped new interest and ideas will be created. Mr, and Mrs. Ben Smith have returned from a motor trip touring various sections of. US.A. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Willes visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. V. Willes, Manchester. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Middle- ton and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Heard were guests -at the wedding of their nephew, the Cook - Bryant vows in the Presbyterian Church Ashburn last Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Roy draham visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. M. Graham, Blackstock. Mrs, E. Mulvey and Mrs. E. Jewell attended the colorful "Ice Capades", Toronto on Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Don Beacock and Mr. and Mrs. Les Bea- cock visited Mr. Lloyd Bea- cock, Blackstock on Tuesday who is a patient in General Hospital, Toronto. Week-end company . with Mr. and Mrs. G. Jones and family included her parents Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay, Brant- ford, Miss Judy Lindsay, Tor- onto. Therefore with others a birthday celebration was LANE Plumbing - Heating Electric OFFICE 985 PORT PERRY, ONT. «2473 RES. 'Grade 12 Students The Star had a pleasant v 2 pe El - Eh H y hE faa - Tour isit of eight grade 12 High School students Thursday, last week. Accompanying the girls and boys was their teacher, Mr. J. Graham, who is in charge of the Marketing Class, initiated this year. The tour of the Star plant took students were shown the various phases of production about one hour,.and the Port Perry Star Plant in regard to the newspaper as well as commercial print- ing. In the picture above is Bruce Beare, seated, explaining the operation of the- linotype and standing from left to right are Mr. J. Graham, Mary Anne Goreski, Howard Chapman, Lynda Heayn, Ralph Raifies, Roseanne Mac- ___Donald, " Susan Gray, Mary Malloy, Jim McLaughlin. Form Port P Of Can. Cancer Society Mr. Jack Lambert, Field Representative for the Cana- dian Cancer Society, chaired a meeting at the home of Mrs. Arnold Roach last Tues. evening. The Port Perry Branch was re-organized and the following officers were installed: President--Mrs. Ruby Roach Secretary--Mrs. Gwen Ballingal Treasurer--Mrs. Dorothy Nelson Campaign Chairman-- "Mr. Don McRitchie Assistant--Mr. Al Pacey Education Chairman-- --Mr.-Bill Sharpe ------ '| Service to Patients Chairman --Mrs. Carol Morrow Assistant--Mrs. Don : McRitchie ' Publicity Chairman-- Mrs. Ruby Roach Mr. Lambert pointed -out the duties of each office and gave a resume of the work of the society. At the' meeting 'were four members of the Uxbridge Branch who will be willing to assist in any way to help the Port Perry Branch be. come an active Branch. The aims_of the organiza- tion are: Education, in order , | marriage last week. held in honour of Mrs. Lind: say's birthday. Mr. Geo. Forbes of Winni- peg spent-four days with his | friends the Les Beacocks. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. N. H, Howey upon their Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grey were Saturday supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Maynard and Bruce. COMPLETE REAL ESTATE L REALESTATE LTO REMION 985-7373 erry Branch that the disease. may pe| A in" the earliest| diagnosed stages; Service to cancer pa- tients, and Fund Raising to support these two program. mes, but primarily to support reasearch into the cause and cure of the disease. Canada has reached the, stage in its efforts to - wipe out tuberculosis where one of the threats is local epi- demics. In a recent one, 35 students were hospitalized for a total of 9,337 days. The|c patients and their 201 contacts | P who became positive to the tuberculin. test took half a million INH and 1,750,000 'PAS™ PAS pills ~ b = but no deaths. [Howard's Draperies HOWARD VICE, Prop, BROADLOOM Draperies by the Yard Venetian & Cloth Blinds Custom Made Slip Covers Drapery Rods & Tracks. Interior Decorating Service Phone 725-3144 OSHAWA 926 Simcoe St. N. NEW CANADA 6¢ POSTAGE STAMPS Postmaster General Exic Keirans today announced that two Canada Post Office 6¢ stamps will be released to provide convenient issues Br dy in with the new ir wa An On 1st November a 6¢ regular issue will take its place as an addit- ion to a definitive series of five released on 8th February Home Comfort For Your Home Heating Comfort Try Us For OIL Top Product And Good Service A Phone Call Is All That Is Necessary PHONE 985. 7951 REESOR. Fuel & Lumber PORT penny | 1967; and a 6¢ Christmas stamp depicting Eskimo carv-~ ing will be available on 15th November. The latter stamp will supplement a previously announced -6¢- value for use on Chfistmas mailings. _ The additional photograu- vure Christmas value, of med- ium-size;, 24 mm x 30 mm, in 'a vertical format, features a-reproduction of an histori® Eskimo carving, 'Mother and' Child" by Munamee of Cape Dorset, Baffin Island, which was presented to Queen Eliza- beth on the occasion of her visit to Canada in 1951. The new orange coloured 6¢ regular 'issue engraveds stamp, compatible with other values now in use, emphasizes thé importance of transport- ation and communications in unifying the five major econ- omic regions depicted on the 1¢ to b¢ series. Foremost in the left arell segment is a modern high speéd locomotive designed for inter-urbah use; highway transport is symbolized by a truck and a bus; in the background is a lake vessel, and overhead flies a medium range inter-city jet aircraft. The communications aspect is epitomized by & microwave tower, typical of a, continent-spanning system supplementing land-line and cable connections. As in prey- ious' denominations, "in this series, 'a recent portrait of Queen Elizabeth. i ig " fh -H Gow