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Port Perry Star (1907-), 21 Nov 1968, p. 8

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LLCS) GLASSIHED ADS GET RESUL SELL: RENT= SWAP HIRE * BUY * SELL RENT ARTICLES FOR SALE -- REAL ESTATE -- WANT Cash Rate--A4c. per word Ist weeks with a minimum of Must be paid week of an additional 25¢ NOTICES -- COMING EVEN a line for add of one 5.00 p.m. Classified Advertising Rates (Effective March 1st, 1967) LOST -- FOUND -- ETC, extra consecutive weeks. 50c. ADDITIONAL WILL BE CHARGED FOR USE OF A BOX NUMBER. 4c. a word with a maximum of 25 words $1.00 BIRTHS -- ENGAGEMENTS -- MARRIAGES -- DEATHS 4c. a word wit ha maximum of 25 words $1.00 IN MEMORIAMS -- $1.00 minimum for 4-line verse, 10c. ; DISPLAY CLASSIFIED--$1.25 per inch with a minimum All Classified Ads must be in this Office not later than | . Send cash, stamps or money orders and save money. I PHONE 985-7383 '-- Clip this out for reference | LIVESTOCK FOR SALE ED -- CARS FOR SALE week, 3c. extra consecutive $1.00 1st week, 75¢c. for insertion--if charged, . will be added. TS -- CARDS OF THANKS itional lines. i | inch Tuesday In Memoriam At Rest TILL -- In loving memory of a dear husband and fa- ther, George Robert Till, who passed away November 24th, 1961. . - Each dawning day a thought for him. At eventide a prayer. In the hearts that loved him He always will be there. "Sadly missed by wife Edith, and family JOHNSON-- In loving mem- ory of a dear mother, Bertha Evelyn, who passed away on November 23,1966. . God took her home, it was His will, But in our hearts she liveth still. Lovingly remembered by Robert and Pat Card of Thanks I wish to take this oppor- tunity to thank all who help. ed make my -stay during 25 days in the Oshawa General Hospital, much easier -- Rev. 'Mr. Harris, my Doctors at Brooklin, the nursing staff, family, friends and neigh. bours, for flowers, cards and personal calls, which was much appreciated. Bob & Mabe: Brandon We wish to. express our sincere thanks and -apprec- iation to "friends, relatives and neighbours for floral tributes, cards, gifts to the Heart Fund and many acts of kindness shown to us on the recent passing of a be- loved husband and father, Elmer Clark. Special thanks to Rev. Rice and McDermott- Panabaker Funeral Chapel and to the pallbearers. Mrs. Irene Clark and Family. WEIR, Jessie Beatrice Suddenly at her home in Brooklin, Ontario, Jessie Beatrice Franklin, beloved wife of the late Walter F. Weir, dear stepmother of Chalmers H. Weir of Toron- to, sister of Marshall, Kill- ross, Man., Edith (Mrs. Leith Byers) Blackstock, Mabel (Mrs. Harold Hockin) Port Perry, Austin of Oshawa and the late Howard Franklin. In her 76th year. Rested at the- Chapel of McDermott. Panabaker Port Perry for service on Tuesday at 2 pm. Interment Pine Grove Cem- etery. Announcement The marriage is announced of Elizabeth Grace Rahme of Oshawa, to Norisse Henry Howey of Prince Albert, on Nov. 8th, 1968. The cere. money was conducted by Rev Alec G. Rice of Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Hector Hodgins of Prince Albert, lifelong friends of the groom, attend- ed Mr. and Mrs. Howey, who will also make their home in Prince Albert. Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rodd wish to announce the engage- ment of their daughter Shir- ley Ann to John Frederick Foster. Marriage to take place in Greenbank United- Church, December 21, 1968 at 5.00 p.m. Coming Events We would like to express our appreciation for the lov- ely gifts that we received at the community shower at Ashburn. Jack and Lucille Cook To all. my friends, relatives and neighbours who remem- bered me with cards, letters, flowers and gifts during my two recent sojourns in Port Perry hospital, my most sin. cere thanks and appreciation. Also to all Doctors, nurses] . and staff for wonderful care. to the kitchen staff for ex- cellent meals, nicely served and to visiting clergy for cheerful, comforting words, a very special thank you. Charlotte Smith (Mrs. M. C)) LEGION DANCE SAT, DEC. 7th GEO. BEARE and the MERRY MAKERS FREE REFRESHMENTS Admission $7.00 per couple Advance reservations from Executive members or the Legion Hall 'lat $1.50 each are available J] At Mersco 5c. to $1.00. Mon- {all purchases. 'HIRE « BUY * SELL RENT « SWAP + HIRE + BUY * Coming Events SQUARE DANCE NIGHT . Enjoy an evening of square dancing by caller Frank Bar- key, in United Church Audi- forium, Port Perry, Friday, Nov. 22 at 8.30 p.m. Tickets from choir members. Nov.14-21 ANNUAL MERSCO CHRISTMAS PARTY day evening Dec. 9th from 7:00 until 10:00 p.m. One night only. Save 109% on No charges. No Lay-A-Ways please. 4--Dec.4 | Commencement CARTWRIGHT HIGH SCHOOL ANNUAL 8:30 p.m. . SATURDAY, NOV. 23rd in the Recreation Centre BLACKSTOCK Presentation of Diplomas, Proficiency Prizes and ~ Athletic Trophies. Variety Programme CHRISTMAS CHORAL FESTIVAL Reserve the date Decem- ber 15th for the annual 4.00 p.m. Christmas Choral Fest ival at Port Perry United Church. YOUNG LIBERALS Young Liberal Party meet on Sunday, November 24th at 730 p.m. at the home of Diny DeJong, 223 Bigelow Street, Port --Perry.--Guest speaker: Ron Sproule; Presi- dent of Ontario Riding Lib- eral Association. Discussion: Purpose of Young Liberal & Liberal Parties of Canada. Dec-28{--- 378 King St. West organ, condition. Phone 985-7054. . For Sale Wanted Coming Events BOY Scour Paper Drive SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30 Shepherd, good birthday. or Christmas gift for 'some bov or girl, homes. Call 986-4709 any day except Sunday, 4 PUPPIES, mother German must go to good RIDE to Oshawa from Cae- sarea or Port Perry for. hours . of 9 am. to 5 pm. Phone . 986-5597. : All Newspapers, Magazines, Catalogues, etc. should be placed at sidewalk by 9.00 a.m. or taken to the Scout Hall by 12 noon. There will also be pick-ups in 'Green- bank, Seagrave] Prince Al- bert, Manchester and Utica. If papers are missed or for special pick-up, Phone 985- 2426. . For Sale MUSIC -- Electric guitars, basses, amplifiers, mikes, etc. New and used. For Sale or rent. Music lessons for gui- tar, bass, drums and all in- struments at Uxbridge Music Centre, 15 Brock Street West. Store Hours 12 noon to 9.00 p.m, Tuesdays through Fri- days. p.m. Free trial lesson for beginners. or lay away available. Phone' 852-6393. al MONEY WANTED for First Mortgage on property. Apply Box. 34, Port Perry Star. 'Help Wanted PRESSER, part time, Port Cleaners, 985-7105. Saturday 10. a.m. to 6 Time payments REFRIGERATOR, Interna- tional Harvester, good work- ing condition $35.00. Phone 985-7212, WESTERN and ONTARIO Stockers, Stock calves, and Holstein heifers, every week. Ivan Johnson, R.R: 1, South Monaghan. Phone Bailieboro 939-6855. 10 miles South of Peterborough, Hwy. 28, 2 miles east: T.F. SKIDOO SALES' & SERVICE DAVIS MARINE and RENTAL Oshawa and Area Oldest' and Largest Skidoo Dealer 2 Locations 555 King St. East Phone 728-5565 Phone 723-8882 TF. 2 SNOW TIRES on rims. Good as new. 700-14 $25.00. NORDIC 24 hp. wide |SKI-DOO Clothing |Gord's Marine 'Your one-stop SKI-DOO HELP WANTED, Female, excellent remunera- tion with complete fringe benefits program, for general office work, bookkeeping ex- perience required. Well es. "tablished business located in Uxbridge. stating experience and quali- fications to Box 33 Port Male or Apply in writing Perry Star. All applications Headquarters to be treated in strict confi- dence. Nov.14-21 We carry a full line of SKI-D00s OLYMPIC 12 & 18 hp. 15" track track ' ALPINE. double track SALES HELP WANTED MALE & FEMALE : Important, read carefully. Hundreds of men and women J|increase their income con- Jara before and during holiday $e -|friends, neighbours, ete. with our large Line of beautiful Cosmetics. Big profits. Write Rawleigh, Dept. K-343-2. 4005 ason.. They call on and Accessories Richelieu St, St. Henry, Montreal. : TENDERS Mercury Outboard sales and service Machine Shop, Perry St.| ARE ERS I North. Nov.14-21 649-2007 ANTIQUE Uxbridge pump| : bellows in perfect MORTGAGES also Throne Speech discuss: ion. DANCE Sponsored by Port Perry Catholic Men's Social Club DISCOUNT OFFICE EQUIP. Typewriters $48, adders $69, cash regs, $169, cheque writ- wkly, Trades, Rentals, Ser- ers $29, desks $36, chairs $16, file cabs. $26, no $ dn. $2 vice, Bill Hamilton, Raglan, 1-985-7160. - * CLUB ANNRENE - - SAT. NOV. 30th, 1968 Proceeds For Building Fund STRAW, : baled Call 985-7530 Dec28 Admission: $4.00 Per Couple Lunch and-Refreshments Available SNAP-ON TOOL BOX, roll- away. $100. Phone 985-2043 357-3534 NEED A MORTGAGE!!! MONEY AVAILABLE FOR ANY LOAN First or Second Mortgages. We Buy, Sell and Arrange. Low Interest Rates. Phone 985-2827 CORPORATION OF THE ~~ VILLAGE OF PORT PERRY Sealed 'tenders will be re- ceived by the undersigned until noon, 968 CLAREMONT | November 29, © For a quotation on fuel oil requirements and service for the Village of Port Perry, including the Community Memorial Arena for a period of two years starting Decem- ber 11, may be obtained at the Muni- cipal Office. : Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. JOHN F. RAINES, Clerk : Village of Port Perry 1968. Particulars Nov. 21-28 "For Rent a Notice to Creditors HOUSE in Port Perry to rent 'Phone area code 705- Anyone wishing tickets contact Leo Taylor 985-7410 BINGO, Thursday, November FINLAY OIL BURNER, pipes included, also 45 gal. tank, good condition. 985-2886 28th at 8 p.m. in Legion Hall. Jackpot $110.00 in 51 num- bers. Legion special $30.00 in '12 numbers; 20 regular games, share the wealth. BINGO, Friday, November 22nd at 8 p78 opm urel by Catholic Men's League. Jack- pot $110.00 in 51 numbers. Minor jackpot $6500 in 57 numbers." DANCE, at Club Annrene on Saturday, November 23 spon- sored by Warriner Lodge. For tickets call 985-2849. 2 BEDROOM BUNGALOW, in town of Port Perry, all room, -private bath, business couple preferred. Available Dec. 15th... Phone 985-3187 APARTMENT in Manchester 1 'bedroom, "kitchen, living- conveniences, completely re- decorated, good lot. excellent location, For more informat- ion call 985-2435 : 1 BEDROOM BUNGALOW, in Cannington, aluminum sid- ing, all modern conveniences, electric heat, close to shopp- ing, low taxes, low heating cost. Full price $11,000 with $2,500. down. Phone 985.7310 DOLL DRAW, Hospital Aux- iliary Doll Draw with Home Baking and Candy table at Masonic Hall, Saturday, Deec- ember 14th, Afternoon tea 2.30 to 4.30 2 BEDROOM Apartment, self contained, electric heat, a- vailable December 1st. W. J. Carnegie. -985-2513. Nov.: 7-14 Miscellaneous HORSES BOARDED at Lazy Acres Arabian Horse Farm. Roomy box stalls with large PETS, German Shepherd padocks for pw aia Pr puppies. Phone 986-4796 [port perry. 985.2844 TF GIRLS FUTURAMA, fur|wiLL BOARD 50 head of trimmed green winter coat, size 10-12, also boys thermo boots, size 2, Skis 4', 6" "Phone 985-2260 CHRISTMAS TE A tires, plywood racks, 985 7773. ) 4--Dec.5 "SATURDAY NOVEMEER 30th "Lost ANGLICAN CHUHUHUA, long haired CHURCH HALL black Chuhuhua, disappeared at 2.30 p.m. in the vicinity 1 mile east of Home Baking, Delicatessen Candy, Fancy Sewing, Lucky Draws. SUCKER PIGS, calves 17 months old, % ton Chev. pick-up truck, good body & Nestleton on 7A highway. Anvone with information contact George White, Nest. leton P.O. Reward. In the Estate of Rupert Oscar Werry, . Township of Cartwright, in the County of Durham, Re- tired Farmer. ; All persons having claims against the estate of the above named who died Oct- ober 21st, 1968, are hereby notified to send to the under- signed on or héfore Decem- ber 21st, 1968, full particu- lars of their claims. Immed- iately after December 21st, 1968, the assets of the de- ceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto having regard only. to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Port Perry, this '18th day of November, 1968. HARRIS and HARRIS, ¥, Solicitors for the Executor late of the cattle, lots of feed, good Work Wanted accommodations. Brooklin 655-3086. 4 Wanted RIDE TO OSHAWA, 3rriving 8 to 8.30 a.m. and returning at 6 p.m. Monday to Friday. Preferably King and Wilson Road area. Phone 985-7932. BUILDING LOT wanted with. BILL TAYLOR CONCRETE CONTRACTOR Coloured Floors Cement, Finishings Phone 640-3285, 182 Main St. W. Stouffville, Ont. ' T.F. in five miles of Port Perry. Call Collect to Burlington 637-2291 USED JOLLY JUMPER Phone 985-2853 : INTERIOR or EXTERIOR PAINTING Call John Holtby 985-7553 after 4 P.m, T.F.

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