pide a g ¥ HEN OSINEAUEN TL ORT ARIA TAIN ER ASAI TY NE ETL FARSI) ETN R ETI EX) CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS 'HIRE * BUY « SELL: RENT *s SWAP + HIRE + . E:BUY:* SELL RENT + SWAR 'HIRE * BUY * SELL: RENT - ' For Sale: MORTGAGES R ANTIQUE table, 8 sides, 10] : NEED A MORTGAGE!!! : Co eal Estate --n Real Estate be spool legs. * Phone 985-2065,| MONEY AVAILABLE FOR i : #7 : ANY LOAN i : v CONTENTS from . Model| First or Second Mortgages | Fred Cook b Some; fesierfield and 'mat-| We Buy, Sell and Arrange" y ; I ning oa Low Interest Rates. (REAL ESTATE LTD--REALTOR el 4 " bookcase stereo & T.V. broad. Phone 985-2627 9 8 5 R loom rug, x 12, coffee and ] -d4373 a 8 ete, ete, All items : , : Four bed i sd table, ete \ : 3 bedroom framed : our room, two storey { like nevi. Phone osmawa| For Rent EXCLUSIVE AND M.LS. MEMBERS OF | |Io%m Port ery with sata (15 SETS; "onc oi Ki ; | : ; RPT . m n DISCOUNT OFFICE EQUIP ences, Phone oa 7ia THE TORONTO AND YORK COUNTY AND apartment, all modern cont oat," double. a foo, "ol Typovtiters $40, dors | Pees > 985-7773. || OSHAWA REAL ESTATE BOARDS. hone shoes S150 Yao: river frontage. situated on : Togs arabia : al. y : ' paved road, close to sh a . ers $20, desks $36, chairs $16, APARTMENT Self-contain- | | oq, Pork: i w Business Opportunity Bnew, 204 Dost Office; only $5000; ) F 3 i 1] oom, 'k- - 14 Sh go dh, oy eet SAE | WY bn dy ial | it] ii vide, Bill Hamilton, Raglan,| ior available Feb. 1st. Apply | | Joom, paved drive. 'Large self employed. Si 2 storey 4 bedroom brick | tittle Britain Ares 19857160. i. Usrnegla; Phony: 945. a? well landscaped. Ask- house, 1% i land, | | home in Cresswell, nicely 100 Asses slug Joa, Dade bi ! 500. with a 6% 9% Many possibilities. For treed % acre lot, oil furnace |F0™M, 1% storey frame home, ' DALMATION PUPPIES pure. mortgage. Call Marjorie further informatio and bath, modern kitchen, |2ll conveniences, bank barn Dred Hor regiered, Bro. Wan te d Tripp. Madeline Redd on call | large living rood ahd en 60° x 45 implement shed : oa mese kittens, Have nad does Ror gr : ing room, expan fami double garage, situated on Phone Des oas. EC pup.| ROUND Dining Room Table, | | For this 7 a b ALi a i gv With terms. SE S000 wash stands, chairs, china, || galow with di Jroom un- Lake Front Cottage vendor to leave this area. An | ith terms. par glass, coal oil lamps, ete || Bred e ning room & winterized 1 year old opportunity at only $11,900. i 4 ! NDITIONER, York,|Call Vera Lee's - Antiques nod rn conveniences. just 8 miles hin a wilt excelloir Lert » 100 acres clay loam, three 2 X _. window type heavy duty --|985-7723, Greenbank. . ry, renovated through. Perry. Nicely lands y : bedtosy) frame home all FEN SE Sh out Low down permet Soran Mather | | 15 sre cay Tam in Lit ORCHEISES 0 bare 80 ag 00, : ; . Britai an x 35, large f wa large steel motor hox $8.00. Help Wanted Marjorie Tripp. AERA Duin sien Dans Jigen WHA pond, full price $32.50. i i Phone. 985-2042. 35 Acres on Highway 7 Vario 2V/Idine Lots 8 room brick home with all | ters ; : : WO - anious size, prices modern conveniences, - te Dorm : COLEMAN Space Heater, 45 WOMAN far SJeaning $1000 5 Tiss om Toronto. A locations, 'Some i ly renovated ay, Two Acres _ , Fr a of plete 1 SAT, 0 SMa | sina fn shou Tor WE Sam || ie sev oslo, of Bh Webbs f . ~~ | 985-2432. "|| To view call Joan Scott. Rod - a adeline | | JA on 7,900. with |hath modern ki Pisce : : . ) t 1961 CHEVROLET Bel Air y ' rem. Tod ole Fe. glam ih Joe terms." ere | standard Six, completely win.| 'wAN, OHIO OIL co. AFTER F 3 bedroom brick bungalow > : R terised. including new std. | pi ANTS MAN OVER 40 : A R HOURS on 10 acres of land, s. W. Of | py cstere® pour bedroom ae snows, block: heater, ra-| we need a 8 he MARJORIE TRI | Claremont, only 4 years old, C02 chicnvco, bank par ator hie winter" tuneup | 10 ek "uae" 1? E TRIPP 985-7606 || dining room, oak hones. find PHONG PREM ) ler, ; : rec i , , askin bd te herd. Pi We il th Ty MADZLINE -.RODD 985-2819 opportunity. for ri Tog A $36,000. with terms. § tificate held. . : ; ~ 1958 Chev. standard six ins] earnings up to JOAN SCOTT par Sous un woes Call MOR as cluded as parts car. Phone: Lg Ha, 9 Yai Plus . 285-7014 100 acres clay 1 985.2528 i Ruck i) 985- 2085 after 6 P.m..OF| Our toe men tr ctnee ALLAN 'BERTRAND 9 storey frame 'home, alimin- amass r 3 week-ends. § of hihi, oh) as : 85-7251 um siding every on Mi Ru = Songs Lomas customers w : 3 i leh wi Domed barn, iid EA LE: aroun i Rs Works Gh Co HALF PRICE confidential letter to GB |-- ork Wanted NO THCE [abe god set up for rusi.| Real Estate a ON SOILED OR FLOOR | Sears, Pres. American Lubri-| yaNDY on ans -efreat, "339,500 ity SAMPLES | Si COR Toronto 17. | Complet MAN SERVICES | TREASURER'S SALE OF WR hems, 3 0) "R", Toronto 17,|'omplete Home 0 'LA A WHILE THEY LAST Ontario. . ~~ "fand Custom plo Township ANS WANTED } i # % Chesterfields, Mattresses; | | 0CAL MAN work fully guaranteed. Free of Ontario Ihave 2 clients wishing to | Continetal Beds, Chrome Sets| I CAL MAN REQUIRED |estimates. References. ~Art [To Wit: purchase homes in _ Port hy need a representative for Herman' 986-4600, Caesarea. | BY virtue of a warrant is- Perry, both desire 2 storey ; D my firm in this area. This ~ TF |sued by the Reeve of th brick homes. If you are con- owntown opening may be worth up to F- | Township of Reach under his | \4¢ring- selling "your home Ei ; . $8,000.00 yearly for the right DEAD or CRIPPLED [hand and the seal of the -- please call me at once. Thank ey Peres | Furnit : person. Full or part-time. : Corporation bearing date of |Y*" Queen 81, Port.Peiry ~ abba re YO Tks sat aly FARM STOCK 3 2 day 'of April, 1968 w 985-7386 : - ; CW. ? wi . ale of Lands in arrears of [Woodville Area - Dairy F ve OSHAWA PH. 723.9341 Sar soon and stay with us Picked up promptly. taxes in the Township. of | 300 acres clay 00 220 New H : a long time. Contact Now!| relenho Reach will 'be held at the|workable, large bank | B, ns ; : - Vincent McNenly, Box 187, | ' © ePhone collect, Hampton | Township Hall. Manch r| with steel Ehion and Pats Jae Lu 5 SEEDS FOR 1969 Poy Perry Phen sosari | 263.3721 yownshi 3 anchester | With stee stanchion and Patz | choice of location, design Seed Corn PAG United sik rir 2. me our of ten o'clock in [stable cleaner, milk contract | colour schemes. Several un- ¥ Sorach or Ales Steryiec 3--J MARGWILL FUR FARM" o ohm hi the 16th |and equipment, silo, hog pen | der construction. Financing Order nile fon. yielder gre Work' Ww d TYRONE taxes bie costs oe x bed a Bl fn DS ranged, ities BR i Rs besln Iy Wante 2 : 1 one 3 sooner [bedroom brick home with | from $21,000 - $26,000. t #° for Grass Seed and Grain. NAL ease' No, 1310.68 that the lists of lands Fog sale o AL runit vis Swain Seed Dealers SPECIAL Winter Rates -- |. ; ~ Mar.4/69 | for arrears of taxes was pub. lent location. = $80,000. with tater, Eon ng, sma y , prestige y TF. alterations, also cleaning and Septic T anks lished In Ji Dota Geistie older home, Port Perry. ige ih ------_|2zug shampooing expertly] =. 1969 and that copies of said iL = vi on, Shoes dur 8 Your one-stop [done Phone 985-2062, H.| = |list may. be had at my offic GEORGE S. STONE i: oa) omnes ios 3 1% Short Janie CLEANING & REPAIR | Treasurers office his' 14h 985.2632 Sarricd for S00: monthly, bo des . monthly, in- pA BA . SKI=-DOO [sackror, septic Tanks dey of January, A omns, | i) price s2li000 es J Hea dqua riers.' Trenches, Water Liries, Norm : Parry 13--Apr.10 Treas. 'Real Estate erms. i ; ation Dug and - : Port Pe A We carry a full line of back filled PORT PERRY Ph. 985-7237 : Spacious brick b : . 985- , ck bungalow RP, rial TF. Notice to Creditors ) 1295 sq. ft. Attached garage. SKI-D00s "4 IVAN MOUNTJOY : ) Terms new: Askihg 25,00. : 986-4737 anytime NOTICE OLYMPIC 12 & 18 hp. " pr| Real Estate |In the Matter of the Estate| hd a Out of Tow v 15" track BILL F AY = : of Rotert Jamies Woods, Homesite, large, very scenic. | NORDIC 24 hp. wide LORS -..4 O'Conno All permed, taims| 1 Slorey frame house witn | Paved road: $4500. Terms. Rio track | CONCRETE. CONTRACTOR | / against the Estate of Robert pipes ited 3'bed Investment it ALPINE double track Coloured Floors 2546 Weston Road, Toronto Villas Woods, late of the|rooms, dining room, all mo- |; 26 acres prime land adjoin- J 2 .", Cement Finishings + Phone 244.5317 ines oO per dn the|dern ~~ conveniences, small pric a Try. nurse Wn SKI-DOO Clothing Phone 640-3285, ; man, 'who died py 'or oA barn; of Shire large Io, full PERE), bor Te z and Accessories: 182 Main St. W. Duohady Shop and two-| the 3rd day of January, 1969. PHI08 P16.500 Wiih paey terme Show Place 0 \ Stouftville, Ont, Storey house, % acre of land| are hereby notified to send Stns Fifty acres with 9 room brick i ; J : ' or salg in Prince Albert.| to the undersigned on or be-| AN EXCELLEN home in i ' ry. 1a : T BUY FOR mmaculate condi- rd's Marine ate ght business opportun.| fore the 17th day of Febru- HANDYMAN tion. Good barns. Asking Boi Sopa INTERIOR or EXTERIOR | 7 O% PUY highway. ary, 1069, full particulars of | Lake Scugog, four bedroom | $92,500. Terms. A Mercury Outboard PAINTING . after the tay My Mediately Jeane Sees, Unfurnished; ; ; | e porch, so; . I salen and service. Gl Jan oy ony 1% 5 Seg nd 1th ald decane wil be con on geo 1, FAS, 50 | + CLAREMONT DN TF. | trailer camp. 450 ft. ator | entitled. thereto. having re. Price $9000. with easy terms. | "088 Call: Lo oe A DEAD OR CRIPPLED frontage, sandy beach, good gard only to claims of which ; Ken "Middioton--985.7548 #3 649-2007 FARM ANIMALS CE" Ce oa all then have notice. ($6,000. down, new 3 bedroom Searge : Beaton..995.2957 bi : ; Picked up Promptly 100 acre-farm, 2% st Onjario: Juis oth doy of Janu: bre i gsion, 4 Fig Fo : ; od Bf farm, storey | ary, 1969. 3 , Some . wit ' RU) Wanted To Rent | "(150 (18 Si foo |nouse, good barn and hold | GREER, KELLY & sEraryn, [Jak out, bisements, these| Miscellaneous he wv IF YOU, have a_house ,for 'Zenith 32800, ngs Siosp to Pont Jerry." ( Barkigles snd sevilns," of kote April st Can" bi * rent In Port Perry, call Call - anytime -. . tn Port Per : 1 Goeil 0 Suth will no i " Perry, Ontario. b : HARRY ZIEGLER 576-2421] ED PECONI & SON [Contact PHYLLIS MUCKLE | Solicitors for the above R. MARTIN REAL ESTATE [incured by my wife Auton a Pid, Romttor Bowes & Cocks Woodville, Ont. : at 2445317 | Estate. - BROKER De LY ts aire te oS 3 , from this date - » Realtor, Licence No. 324C- 66 or 985-2393 3--Jan.30 Marion pacpres. 985.7215 forward, January 16, 1968, i : Cecil G. Smith 3 ' LL & ve