JBN: ee d vi CXL ETP ERAN WAS 24 FLFR ) EY Aa tA URED SS SILANE PREY ER HY beds POR 3 16 - PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, Jan. 16th, 1969 groom, as Junior Bridesmaids, Eo Dymond Wed In St. John's Preshyterian A beautiful candlelight ceremony in St, John's Presby- terian - Church, Port Perry, united Miss Beverley Dymond and Mr. Stephen Livesay in marriage last Saturday even- ing. The bride is the elder daughter of Dr. and Mrs. M.B. Dymond, and the bridegroom is the younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Livesay of Streetsville. Officiating at the ceremony was the Rev. William D. Black, and soloist was Mrs. Edward Farmer, accompanied at the organ by Mrs. Victor Stouffer. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor length gown of blush pink Indian sparkle satin, with attached cathedral train and elbow length capelet trimmed with white fur. Her head- dress was matching bonnet Handicraft Guild Continued two visitors who were intro- duced and welcomed by Mrs. Naples. Mrs. Innis read the treasurer's report. The President announced that the Ontario Hooking Guild would hold their show April 26 at the Constellation Motel near Malton Air Port. Prizes will be awarded by Rowlands, Rittermere Studi- os, to encourage all Hookers "to "exhibit. "She "hoped as many as possible would at- tend and exhibit. As the February meeting |= will mark the end of the year for the Guild, a com- mittee of Mrs. Tripp, Mrs. Owen and Mrs. MacDonald was appointed to arrange for the election of officers for the coming year. The Guild's fourth birth- day party will be celebrated Feb. 12th in the Presbyterian Church Hall. A special pro- "gramme is being arranged. The opening of a small shop for the display and sale of crafts was discussed and more information brought to "next meeting; also a perma- nent place for the Guild meetings. Miss Audrey Kent had a letter from Mrs. Chris Hart- man who has moved to a farm at Roslin and, as usual, Mrs. Patterson's newsy and encouraging letter to the members. A tentative date -- May 10 -- was set for the Rug Show. -The President urged all to get busy and prepare exhibits of their particular crafts. The meeting adjourned and as Mrs. Wipper was unable to be present a bountiful tea was served by Mrs. Wil- ioughy, Mrs. Hutton and Mrs. Martyn. trimmed with fur. fastened to her muff. theme, Her bou- quet of deep pink poinsettas and holly and stephanotis was In keeping with the pink the Maid of Honor, Miss Nancy Dymond, sister of the bride, and Mrs. Richard Livesay, sister-in-law of the bridegroom, wore floor length gowns of ruby velvet; and Misses Elizabeth and Barbara Livesay, sisters of the bride- wore gowns of burgundy velvet. All attendants carried bouquets of white poinsettas with holly. Mr. Richard Live- say, -brother of the bride- groom, acted as best man, and ushering were Gregory and Gordon Goode and Paul Yates, from Montreal. be The reception was held at the Georgian Motel in Oshawa. For the honeymoon trip the bride chose a grey dress, with charcoal grey coat, trimmed with sapphire mink _and matching hat; with navy blue accessories. Mr. and Mrs. Livesay will reside in Guelph on their return froma Florida wedding trip. - 4 "ROUND THE TOWN' ! , Friends of Mrs. Alymer Ploughman will be happy to know that she is recovering nicely after having surgery in Oshawa General Hospital. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mac- Master, Mary, Betty and Mrs. Gertrude Brent were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gord. Werner, Don Mills, * * * Those interested in hand: weaving will be pleased to Check The Label On Your Paper | know that Handweaver and Craftsman are again sponsor- at Port Perry Fair this year. LJ * * The - Township of Reach will offer only one property at a sale for arrears of taxes being held April 16 at the township hall at Manchester. (VD 4:14] 0]¢]: Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. Starring Clin The arrears and costs amount to $464.44. ing a class 'in' handweaving{. ¥ The information is con- tained in the current issue of The Ontario Gazette of the granting of letters patent of incorporation to Pine Ridge Packers Limited, Cart- wright Township, {oD QARNIV-NN{- EYAL RR January 16 ---17 -- 18. HANG 'EM HIGH Nightly at 8 p.m. t Eastwood BEST BUY! -- Save 33c! 12-02; TINS NIBLETS CORN SUNSHINE FRESH! 51 MARSHSEEDLESS GRA PE I RU IT 3 0 FOR 6 Oc BEST BUYI -- Save 6c| -- WAGSTAFFE ot 24-02. JAR i c Strawberry os ve... | AYLMER JAMS === 49 BEST BUY! -- Save 4c! -- CANADIAN or PIMENTO | KRAFT CHEESE sue 37° 2:39 > | CATSUP AYLMER PINK SALMON 39 gly p WITH PORK 2 1902. TINS LIBBY'S BEANS 2:55 FEATURE! -- 10¢c OFF CANISTER PACK FLUFFO SHORTENING 00. TURE! -- 10c OFF P. SWEET PARSNIPS 27c VINE RIPENED No. 1 TOMATOES Packet Pack SAVE 10cl -- ROBIN HOOD AAR ET JAFFA CROWN ORANGE Sic 9-Oz. Packs . CAKE MIXES 2:29- FEATURE! -- 20 Extra Bags in Cello Bag of 120 KADANA TEA BAGS 69: SAVE 4c! -- APPLEFORD - HEAVY DUTY 100-Ft. Roll WAXED PAPER 35 Joy Liquid Detergent 49. VE 24.0 Wi 4 SARDINES suxswix 10: PREMIUM Crackers VIVA TOWELS - were BG BEST BUY! SAVE 15¢! _ BESTBUY! SAVE 14c FROZEN FOOD FEATURES! ome BEAUTY FEATURES | DELSEY TISSUE || WHITE SWAN | |Fiéfi rick 56. | | if soon 5 SSUES bra UNS | [HEAD & SHOULDERS 99: 4 | ~ 3° TISSUES 2100 55°| | Boas & Carrots" 43: PERSONAL IVORY tuna 35¢ PRIME RIB ROAST= RIB =i BRAISING RIBS 1 49: STE AKS - SWIFTS Rindless BACON 75% Specially Selected SHORT CUT STANDING CHEF STYLE RED OR BLUE BRAND LUNCHEON MEATS -- Tender HOMES WANTED L 985-7373 REAL ESTATE LTD AFMTON Ii Chicken Wings Chicken Legs Picnic Shoulder Ont. Potatoes 3 Ibs. 1.00 29c Ib. 10 bs. 39c Open Every THURS. & FRI. Night Till 9p.m. | ESSEX Skinless WIENERS | Ib, 99° | = DOWSON'S RED and WHITE PORT PERRY ib. 45¢ FA ER ----