11. iL 4 A] LZ 8 Telephone Aurora 727.9451 » "Do it the Co-operdtive Way -- PROSPECT NEWS -- The U.C.W. met at the home of Mrs. Murray Holtby on Thursday evening 9th. Mrs, Grant Williams was in charge of Devotions, open- ing with prayer and the hymn "Standing at the portal of the coming year." The hostess and Mrs. Ted Legge continued with 'a New Year meditation. Rev. Teskey showed two interesting films ~--China in Revolution and The Long Roatl, depicting the life of our first Cana. dians in Northern Manitoba. Mrs. Clare Vernon asked for the new slate of officers, presenfed by Mrs. Murray Holtby of the nominating committee, which read as follows: Past Pres.--Mrs.. C. Vernon President~Mrs. Ted Legge Vice Pres.--vacant Treasurer--Mrs. Allan Fair Rec. Sec'y--Mrs, Lorne Jones Flower Com. -- Mrs. Lloyd Smith, Mrs, Yeo, Mrs. F. _ Vernon. Visiting Com.--Mrs. C. Vern- on, Mrs. Dearborn, Mrs. Bert Gray, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Legge. Pianist--Mrs. Byron Holtby The new president contin- ued with the business session. First, she expressed kind words of appreciation to Mrs, Clare Vernon and. on behalf Howard's Draperies HOWARD VICE, Prop. BROADLOOM Trwin and Dale enjoyed a Draperies by the Yard = Venetian & Cloth Blinds Custom Made Slip Covers Drapery Rods & Tracks Interior Decorating Service Custom Made Drapes Phone 725-3144 OSHAWA 926 Simcoe St. N. BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY SALES. and SERVICE PARTS - ACCESSORIES - SUPPLIES - SERVICE : ALL MAKES SNOWMOBILE SERVICE R. WHITAKER Phone 985-2276 CHARTERED | + HONDA-SUZUKI! For Income Tax & Bookkeeping Services see ALEX SHEPHERD Room 2, Post Office Building Phone 985-7031 _ | Specializing in business and farm operations. Dec. 168 ACCOUNTANTS Leonard R. Rosenberg & Associates Bank of Nova Scotia Building, Aurora -- DUFF ELECTRONICS ADMIRAL TELEVISION SALES and SERVICE Phone 985-7993 or 985-2728 PORT PERRY Earl Wallace ROOFING "EMMERSON INSURANCE "AGENCY LIMITED General Insurance 985-7306 PORT PERRY Dec. 31/68 Fralick Insurance Agency CO.OP AND FARMERS MUTUAL LIFE - AUTO - HOME PROTECTION PHONE 985-7447 Ashphalt Shingles, Rolled Roofing, Steel and Aluminum Roofing. EAVESTROUGHING We will contract for all kinds| of roof work. FOR ANY OF YOUR Insurance Needs Co-Operators Ins. Assoc. ETHEL NOTTINGHAM Myrtle Septic Tanks Cleaned By PUMP EQUIPMENT - SEPTIC TANKS AND WEEPING Beds INSTALLED REG. ARMSTRONG Por Perry xe 985-2226 Dec. /67 655-4832 Dec./68 G. Pra by Insurance ERT | their classes at Queen's Uni- | versity. 985-2341 Dee. 985-7373 of the members presented her with a hymnary, The re- gular reports were presented. Ten Dollars was donated to the Institute for the Blind and Forty-Five to Oshawa Presbyterial. It was decided to hold a Tea and Bake Sale at the church on May 7th. The meeting closed with an evening hymn, Assistant tea hostesses for the social hour were Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Frank Vern- on and Mrs. Ted Legge. Mr Garnet Cochrane has moved to his new home at Myrtle Station. - One evening recently, Prospect community honored him with a surprise party and presentation of gifts -- a coffee table, end tables and lamps. _ Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith, motor trip to Florida during the Christmas vacation. We extend our sympathy to Mrs. Ed Conlin and family in the recent death of her husband, a respected friend and neighbor for many years. Messrs. Aldon and George PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, Jan. 16th, 1969 -- 7 1968 Was Active Year United Church Women The magic of Christmas! A goodly number atténded the Dec. meeting held in the choir room, on the evening of the 10th. The Pres. Mrs. Mabel Caw- ker presided, and opened the meeting with' words appro- priate for the Yuletide sea- son, followed by prayer. A warm welcome was extend- ed to those present. Mrs. Mabel Cullen acted as Sec'y in the absence of Mrs. Doris Williams, An inspiring devotional message was given by Mrs. Marg. Burnett, ably assisted by Miss Alice Dodd. At the close, many favourite Christ- mas Carols were rendered, with Marg. Burnett at the piano, Annual reports were pre- sented by the standing com- mittee conveners, outlining a brief summary of the year's activities, indicating a busy and worthwhile year, in the Smith B.A. have returned to Mr. Beverley Vernon, B.Sc. of 'Windsor was home for Christmas, als¢ Miss Marg- aret Vernon of Toronto. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Richard Car-|- _|negie of Blenheim visited -| relatives on Dec. 25th & 26. FARMS WANTED L X REAL ESTATE LTD -staroe 985-7373 life of the U.C.W. Keen in- terest was shown in all de- partments. The Pres. expres- sed appreciation to the hard working conveners for their help and support. The report of the nomin- ating committee was read by Mrs. Robt. Gray. The re- maining reports will be rec'd at the Jan. general meeting, and officers installed. After completing reports, a short business session en- sued, and action was taken regarding urgent matters. Unit #3, is planning to have a sale of good u-ed clothing early in the new year. Will every -member kindly assist by saving any suitable clothing etc. -- we hope to make this venture a real success. Date to be an- nounced later, . The Annual Meeting of the Oshawa Presbyterial will be held Feb. 12th, in Kings- view Church, Oshawa. Please keep this date in, mind and plan to attend. More infor- mation at the next general meeting. Many attractive articles left over from the Fall 'Bazaar were sold, giving our Treas- ury another "boost". Unit #8 was in charge of the social hour, and members enjoyed an informal lunch. _ Home Heating Comfort Keep WARM with Home Heating Oil. We have top quality Furnace and Stove Oil. For A Trial Order Phone 985-7951 Port Perry REESOR Fuel & Lumber 6 Pon Challenge: Find a car to match Pontiac, feature for feature, deal for deal! You won't find another car in Pontiac's class with more standard power! The standard ~350-cu--in.; 250-hp V8 is biggest -- inits class. Standard six is - 250 cu.-in., has 155 hp! Parisienne Sport Co You won't find another car with a wider front track than Ponti More car between the wheels provides better handling and control, greater stability! Take up the challenge! Count the things that count that come from Pontiac! You won't find another car in Pontiac's class that offers more luxury. Concealed windshield wipers, upper level ventilation, full-glass side windows and beautiful interiors. Ye meres You won't find-a lower priced two-door hardtop in Pontiac's class than the Strato-Chief Sport Coupe. You save more than $200 over Pontiac's lowest priced hardtop last year. ac! You won't find another car in ' Pontiac's class that matches Pontiac's protection features! Like the Endura bumpable bumper up front, side-guard beams in the doors. You wo you'll get on a Wide-Track + Pontiac! Pontiac's high resale value record means a better price at trade-in time. 't find a better deal than Every Pontiac has to make it before we mark it ATR 7 Break Away in a Wide Track Pontiac + See your local Quinerized Pontiac dealer wwnsraMajeher Pontiac - Buick ified P-769D 150 WATER STREET PORT PERRY, ONT.