y |» . * k & Sa » -» » : R About 30 people were pre- | sent at the Annual Meeting on Wednesday 15th January, 1969. After a short worship per- iod when the Hymn 172 was sung and a portion of the First Letter to the Thessa- lonians was read, the Minis. ter offered prayer. 4 The minutes of the last meeting were read by the Secretary Mr. Glenn Larmer and the following reports were received: Treasurer--Mr. Richard Van Camp, Envelope Steward -- Mr. Jim Byers, M. & M. Treasurer--Mr. John Carnag- han, Renovation Fund--Mrs. Neil Malcolm, U.C.W. Treas. Mrs, Murray Byers, U.C.W. Sec'y--Mrs. Ross Duff, S.S. Superintendent--Mr. Gordon Paisley, Treasurer -- Mr. E Swain, Explorers -- Mrs. P. Romeril, Hi-C--Mrs. D. Dor- rell. Mr. David Kyte was nomin- ated to serve as a Steward. The No. 1 list of stewards was re-elected. A vote of thanks was mov- ed to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mar- low who have prepared the headh cB Sd nT ------ we Blackstock United Church Hold Annual erin elements for the Communion Service for a number of yrs. Mr. and Mrs. Hector Short- ridge were appointed for this service, The Organist and Choir Leader were thanked for their faithful service. The Meeting agreed to have a Booth at the Fair and add- ed two people to the Com- mittee, Rev.. Romeril said it had been a great joy working and living in Cartwright for the past twelve years, and said he would recommend that a: Pastoral Relations Commit- tee be appointed at the Offi- cial Bd. Meeting next week. Mr. Glenn Larmer thanked Rev. Romeril on behalf of the Church for his ministry --his messages, inspiration, guidance and the comfort he '| had given during the' past years, and he hoped that he would continue to serve the Church in Blackstock for many more years. The Thursday Guild of St. John's Church met at the home of Mrs. Brian Hamil ton who gave the opening devotional. Mrs. Lawrence McLaughlin was in charge of the progr#mme and read a EE weve y For All Your Plumbin CA 985-2581 [33 A A A AX XL AX XX NX XN ' : g and Heating Needs ART'S LUMBING and HEATING R.R. #1, PORT PERRY Operated by ART (Pete) PETROZZ) Licenced Mechanic i he hh SSS SSSR SRN LL EE rrrer PORT PERRY RESIDENTS ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND A TESTIMONIAL DINNER IN THE LEGION HALL Tuesday, Feb. 11 - TPM. GUEST SPEAKER: THE HONOURABLE M.B. DYMOND MINISTER OF HEALTH, PROVINCE OF ONTARIO In Honour Of The Following-- CIVIC MINDED CITIZENS JAMES J. GIBSON -- Councillor 1955 - 1956; IRVING A. BOYD -- Councillor 1957 - 1962; 1967 - 1968 Deputy-Reeve 1965 - 1966 ~ ARTHUR T. COX -- Councillor 1957 - 1962; Hydro Commissioner 1963 - 1968 J. E; JACKSON -- Hydro Commissioner 1963 - 1968; Councillor 1927 - 1930 W. GUY RAINES -- Fireman 1934 - 1949; Fire Chief 1949 - 1969 BEVERLEY F. KENT -- Fireman 1949 - 1968 HARRY L. DeSHANE -- Fireman 1943 . 1965 WILLIAM J. GIBSON -- Fireman 1957 - 1968 DONALD A. CARNEGIE -- Fireman 1951 - 1962 Reeve 1957 - 1968 letter from Reeve Lawrence Malcolm thanking the Guild for serving the dinner for the inaugural of Council. A good many matters of busi- ness were discussed. The past years activities were re- viewed and considered satis- factory, Decided to ask Mrs. John Rahm to make little novelty aprons for the members--a new device for raising money. Officers for 1969-- President--Mrs. Roy Corden Vice President-- Mrs. Don Green Secretary-Treasurer-- Mrs. Geo. Wolfe Assistant--Mrs. J. Archer Next meeting to be at Mrs. R. Corden's. 'A delicious dessert .and coffee brought a pleasant evening to a close. Blackstock Agricultural So- ciety held its annual meet- ing on Thursday, Jan. 16th with a fair crowd attending. President Glenn Larmer pre- sided for the meeting. Guest speaker was Mr. R. R. Stew- art, Peterborough who spoke on the progress of fairs over the past century and the need for constant improve- ment in the future. Slides of the 1968 fair were shown. The officers for 1969 were elected as follows: Past Pre: sident--Glenn Larmer; Pres. --Victor Malcolm; 1st Vice President--Merrill VanCamp; 2nd Vice President -- Ralph Saddler; Sec'y-Treas. -- Mrs. G. Kelly. The Fair date for 1969 is Aug. 23. A social hour concluded the meeting. .. Miss Nancy .Harness,..Osh-. 'awa spent Saturday with Mr. PD Papa apap te od NINN NANI NI NII NI NINDS SSSR AN ATA WANNA PRP PRP PPP NS NANT NSA NANA NN COCKTAIL HOUR 6 --~ 7 P.M. ing. Jean opened the meet- and Mrs. Gerald Kelly and family. Their Sunday guests were Mr, and Mrs. Courtney Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Petch, Aurora and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kelly, Bobcaygeon, Attendance was not up to par in either church Sunday morning. A lot of people of the area are ill. In the United Rev. P. Ro- meril chose as the theme for his impressive sermon "Like Perverse Children", Rev. R. S. Mansfield, Port Perry, conducted the service in St. John's, and took as his text. "I am the Light of the World--Ye are the Light of the World". * Mr. Lloyd Beacock is stead- ily improving and has been moved to the therapeudic ward. For any friends who care to write him, his ad- dress, now is 3rd Floor, Ger- rard St. Wing, General Hos- pital, Toronto. Glad to report Mrs. A. Mec- Quade home from hospital and gaining strength. Congratulations to Susan Thompson who received first class honours on Grade 1 Theory. Susan was Mrs. R. Wilson's only pupil trying this examination. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wilson, Scarboro, visited Mrs. Ruth Wilson and Mrs. McQuade, Sunday. Rev. Fred Swann, Mr. and Mrs. George Wolfe had Sun- day dinner with Mr. Herb Hooey. Mr. and Mrs. Rupt. Byers, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright and called on other friends Wednesday. Miss Betty 'McArthur; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dysart, Peterborough, spent the week-end with Mrs. MecAr- thur and Miss Dempsey. Mr. & Mrs. A. W. Abbott, Ottawa, Mrs. M. P. Philp, West Hill; Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Cotter, Don Mills, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith and Oliver, Mrs. Bessent and Mrs. Mac Rae of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, are visiting Mrs; A. Wright and the Fred Tre- wins. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bradley and Mrs. Edna Brad- ley, Bowmanville spent Tues- PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, Jan. 30,1969 --- 13 Manchester News Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Roberts visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Roberts in Toronto on Wednesday. Mrs. Fawns entertained Mrs. Ann Parker and her "boys" to a delicious turkey dinner recently, Mrs. Tony Vandervoort, Columbus, called on friends in the village on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brooks, Robert and Garth, Prince Al- bert, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mitchell on Sunday. The U.C.W. served a hot dinner to the members of the Holstein Breeders Ass. on Saturday. The flu bug has been a most unwelcome guest in a number of homes in the vill- age. We are glad to know Mrs. Frank Johnston is able to be out again after having had a bad fall on the ice. YOUR OLD RE DOWN FRIENDS. A MAN IN A HURRY ALWAYS PASSES MORE THAN HE CATCHES BRIAN'S SUPERTEST OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK LUBRICATION EXPERT WHEEL BALANCING PHONE 985 - 2243 REFRESHMENT BOOTH ® 24 HOUR TOWING e (Emergency Groceries) Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mahew and boys, Toronto, and Mr, and Mrs. Lew Fielding, Kes- wick were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Art Fielding on the week-end. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Tony Vandervoort on the arrival of a little daugh- ter Jan. 27th in Oshawa Hos- pital, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Harrison of Cobourg visited her nephew Mr. Lawrence Best and family on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harley John- son called on his parents on Monday on their return from attending the funeral of Mrs. Johnson's father at Almonte. U.C.W. will be held in the Cire February 6th at 2.00 Cedar Cr Creek News (Too late for last week) Mr. and Mrs. John Farrow of South River visited their danghter and family, Mr. & Mrs. Morris Doherty and children, recently. Martin den Boer was home with his parents, Mr. & Mrs. John den Boer, for a three week vacation. Martin is at- tending Calvin College at Grand Rapids, Michigan. Jack Cummings visited his cousin, Donny Trick, at Ep- som -a-couple of days. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Tre- } panier and son, Raymond, of Toronto and Mrs. Trepanier's mother of Cornwall visited Mr. and Mrs. Victor Laroe- que last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Syd Bradley and family of Oshawa were Sunday visitors at the Bruce Cumming home. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Cum- mings from Orangeville visit- ICE--Block & Cube day evening with Mr, & Mrs. Mervyn Graham. The January O.N.O. meet- ing was held at Jean Mahaf- fy's with 24 members join- ing with the minutes, read and adopted. We received $10 from Mrs. Amos for use |f of the dishes. Correspond- ence was read. Sandy Hos- |} kins reported $394.11 balance |} and gave the treasurer's re- |} port of 1968. : Meeting was then turned over to new executive Pres. Joan Graham, Sec'y Marie Medd. A vote was taken to buy salad bowls which Sandy Hoskins is to purchase. A New Year's Eve Party was discussed and left to de- cide next month. Roll call was answered to "A trip I'd like to take in 1969!" Mem- bership dues and collection | taken. Marg Wilson then enter- |: tained with some humorous }' party games before a tupper- |. ware demonstration with the |: proceeds going to treasury. A skating party is being planned for families to take NNN ~ the place of a family dance. oy s HOWARD VICE, Prop. BROADLOOM "Draperies by the Yard Venetian & Cloth Blinds Custom Made Slip Covers . Drapery Rods & Tracks Interior Decorating Service Phone 725-3144 OSHAWA 926 Simcoe St. N.J| ed Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cum- mings. - Custom Made Drapes Oil. We have top Home Heating Comfort For A Trial Order Phone 985-7951 Port Perry quality Fumace REESOR Fue 1 & Lumber