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Port Perry Star (1907-), 30 Jan 1969, p. 14

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. ; : Receives 50 Year Jewel Shown in the above picture isWor. Bro. lrwin T. Ormiston of Mt. Zion Lodge, Brooklin, second from left following the presentation of his 50 year/Jewel in Masonry. With him ; is Wor. Bro. Glenn Smith, Worshipful Master of Mt. Zion Lodge, Wor. Bro. Wm. Manning | who made the presentation and Rt. Wor. Bro. Garnet B. Rickard, Grand Junior Warden ' of the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario. Zion Lodge, Brooklin, in 1969: Front Row Left to Right, V.W. Bro. Lorne McCoy - Treas.; W. Bro. Jack Patterson - Immediate Past Master; It looks as if another fa- miliar name is about to van- ish, Just-imagine Seagrave without any Frises! Last week the family home on the corner was sold so we'll not be seeing Mrs. Garlick or Mrs. Tresche so often next summer. © Twenty-five of the faithful attended the annual Church meeting last Wed. night, The chairman Rev. Critch had a tough time trying to fit strange names and faces to- gether but with the help of Mrs. Belair as secretary .struggled through. The re- Free Evaluations Director of Ceremonies. Back Seagrave ports in all cases showed comfortable balances. Four of the stewards retired (for a year at least) & others were elected to take their places. Three members were also added to the session. The organist and church treasur- er remain the same. There will again be anniversary services on the last Sunday of Sept.-and the turkey din- ner on the first Wed. of Nov. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Moon and Corinna of Toronto were home with Mrs. Moon and Clifford on Sat. and Sun, The grocer and his wife were in Haliburton over the week-end visiting 'Mr. & Mrs, Walter Webb and attending the winter carnival. Mrs. Boe & Mrs. Clements a spent Sunday afternoon with {| Mr. and Mrs. Almer Wallace '| of Port Perry who with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wallace of Oshawa are starting for Flor- ida on Thurs. Mrs. Boe had her grandchildren "Janice, Jill and Wayne Dowson, and their friend from Port Perry for Sunday evening dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Ian Fraser from Toronto were visiting the Neil Wanamakers on Sunday. Mrs. Ken Short was in Tor- | onto on the week-end for her holidays, so Ken says. It was only 2 days. Heavy colds kept several at 'home on Sunday so at tendance at both services was slightly lower. At S.S. OOH L000 00000 News the beginners class gave their version of "Jesus Loves Me", and got the best of at- tention, Mrs. Gladys Short and Dorothy Fitze had birth- days last week. BURKETON The sympathy of the com- munity is extended to the re- latives and friends in the passing of Mr. Melville Grif- . fin, Sunday School was held at Burketon United Church at 10.45 a.m. Church Service at 12 o'clock. Everyone wel- come. - Mr, and Mrs. David Gat- chell of Oshawa were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. A. C. Stephenson. Mr. Everett Strutt is a patient at the Cedars at Co- lumbus. Mrs. Bruce Lee is still a patient at Oshawa hospital. We wish her a speedy re- covery. ; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Davey and Stephen were Saturday guests of Mrs. R. Mount Zion Lodge Installs New Officers Pictured above are the newly installed officers for Mt. Row Left to Right, W. Bro. VOIP ITIOIIIIIOIVIIIVY WES & Davey. - Mrs. Ted Fitzgerald vicited her mother in Ajax on Sun- day. HAE. Hohnson ; a OPTOMETRIST 229 MARY STREET 985-2383 oy LANE Milton Mowbray - Tyler; Bro. Alan Francis - Inner Guard; Bro. Neil Grandy - Senior Warden; Bro. Doug. Coates - Junior Warden; Bro. Don Vallance - Junior Steward; Bro. Sec.; W. Bro. Lloyd Stevenson - Ormiston - W. Bro. Glenn Smith - Worshipful Master; W. Bro. Hugh Installing Master; W. Bro. Meredith Dring - Wm. Batty Steward; Bro. Milton Parkin - - Junior Deacon; Bro. Wm. Wright - Senior Senior Deacon. Jean Jeffery (Too late for last week) Julia Ashton and her great grand-parents are still in hos- pital and her wee cousin Gregory Ashton of Leaskdale is still a very sick baby. EPSO ling were in Neustadt to wel- come their new grand-daugh- ter Jill Yvonne who arrived Jan, 13th--a little sister for Jann and we understand Dr. Jerrold Asling and wife Joan are very happy too. E' Mr. and Mrs. Donald As- 'Mrs, Stewart has arrived AND MEN MOTORISTS TOO! WHY PAY MORE? SAVE ON PREMIUM QUALITY GAS LADY MOTORISTS | home from a three week stay in Florida. We were sorry to hear that little Valerie Medd suffered a painful burn to her leg last week. Mr, & Mrs. Wilfred Simp- son had lunch with Mr, and Mrs. Earl Wilson on Sunday. Mrs.-Ethel Willard of Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cawker of Peterborough call- ed on Mrs, Catharine Cawker last week. I i Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elford |f visited with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilson on Sat. Mrs. R. Munro were: Mr, & Mrs. Gordon Prentice of Port Perry, Mrs, George "| Johnston and children of Pine Grove, Mr.- and = Mrs. Dunlop of Toronto, Mrs. Ross Evans and Mrs. David Evans. Donna Kerry is visiting her aunt and Uncle Mr. and Mrs. Carl Myers in Unionville and Miss Carol Myers who is on vacation is visiting Mr, and Mrs. Walter Kerry. Mrs. Munro received a card from Mrs. Powell who is en- joying a Mexican vacation. F RIE NDLY PHILOSOPHER oe ONLY Stephén remained with A HURRICANE AFTER HER. 7 2 42.9. PER GAL. Free box of Kleenex with each $ 3.00 purchase. A NEW DX Station TO SERVE YOU AT COLUMBUS 655 - 3892 Phone: Grandma and Grandpa Pren- tice for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Prentice had a party Sat. evening when they entertained a number of their school Plumbing - Heating { lumbing - Heating Electri - klectric - (J PORT PERRY, ONT. OFFICE 985-2473 RES. . 3 Your Ontario RJ (before it's too late) v: When youarenewly wed When you turn 21 you are the "family" Hospital no longer covered b Insurance Dremium your parents' Hospital must be paid to Insurance. Youmust ~~ » cover husband and 7 3 take out individual ; > wife, If you belong f= y membership within to a group notify = { 30 days. Get your ap- your group without} plication form at a delay orif you both {= bank, or a hospital, pay feapinng ditecty i or from H.LR.B. notify H.LR.B AS ~ When you have a new When you move to ¢ address notify your a new job you can up. If you don't keep insured by fol belong to a group, lowing s the instruc- write H.LR.B. tions on the Hospital Insurance "Certifi- : cate of Payment Form 104" that your H:I'R:B ¥, present employer is required to give you on leaving. Health Insurance Registration Board, 195 Yonge Street, Toronto 7. Serving Ontario's Health Insurance Plans. friends. Our sympathy to Mrs. F. Munro whose sister Mrs. J Short passed away last week. ° Mr. and Mrs. Len Sommer- Ptolemy & Grieve ville, Mr. Ray Munro & Mrs. ° F. Munro were in Toronto on B. A. Service Sunday and on Monday Mr. o R. Munro and Mrs. F. Munro, Station Mr. & Mrs. Enoch McKnight| 52 Water St. Port Perry attended the funeral. Recent visitors with Mr. &| PHONE: 985-3182 4 NJ

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