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Port Perry Star (1907-), 13 Mar 1969, p. 10

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veniences, 1% baths, close to 10 - PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, March 13, 1969 Real Estate MARTIN $3,500. down for a four bedroom, 2 storey, stone hou e with sunporch in Greenbank, all modern con- veniences, on large lot, nice- lv landscaped. Full price-- $20.000. with terms. . ' Dairy Farm 160 acres clay loam, 140 workable, in Sunderland area large barn with stable clean- er, milk contract and equip- ment, own transformer, small creek and some bush. Also 2 storey, 4 bedroom brick home, modernized, excellent location with terrific scen- ery, $80,000. with terms. 3 bedroom brick bungalow on quiet street with all modern conveniences, hard- wood and seamless floors, close to downtown. Full Price $21,000. with terms. 3 bedroom brick bungalow and garage, all modern con- downtown. Call for further information. -.R. MARTIN REAL ESTATE" BROKER Repres: Marion Hopkins 985.7215 Real Estate Realtor Phone 723-7072 1 acre $23,500. A real sacrifice on this nearly new 3 bedroom bungalow, completely - broadloomed, large kitchen, recreation room and extra den or 4th bedroom in basement. Lo- cated in Prince Albert. Immediate possession. Call Norma Carmichael. % acre rancher, large roomy brick & stone bun- galow with attached gar- age, 3 large bedrooms, dining room and an extra lot. Located at Prince Albert. Call Doug Car- michael 723-7072. Auction. Sales SAT., MARCH 22nd -- 1st Annual Brooklin and District, new and used Farm Machinery "Auction Sale" consisting of "Trac- tors" (over 40 to choose from, all makes and sizes, with a 50-50-30 day parts warranty on used and reg. on new) "Haying" equip- __ment_ (Balers, Haybines, Mowers, Rakes, all makes) "Corn" Equipment, (Har- vesters, Planters, etc.) " Tillage " Equipment (Plows, Disc, Harrows, etc.) and many manure spreaders, wagons & other equipment. On Display from Friday March 21st. Note: There will be over 140 pieces of new & used machinery. Plan to attend, .one of the biggest ever. % mile east of Brooklin, corner of Thickson Road, or take Hwy. 401 to inter- change 68 at Thickson Rd. then 5 miles North. No Reserve. Terms Cash or Finance. Financing avail- able on grounds. (arrange for credit before purchas- ing). Sale 10:30 a.m. HENRY KAHN, Sale Mgr. and Auctioneer Mar.13-20 Coming Events : EUCHRE & BAKE SALE at Myrtle Community Centre Friday, March 14th at 8:30 p.m. Prizes and Lunch. Every- body welcome. Auction Sales Auction Sales SAT., MAR. 15 AUCTION SALE of Farm S'ock, Implements, _hay. straw, grain & household furniture, the property of JOHN ALLEYNE, Lot 12, Con. 4. East Gwillimbury Twp., 2 miles east of | Queensville (Just off Don NOTICE TREASURER'S SALE OF "LAND FOR TAXES Township of Reach County of Ontario To Wit: By virtue of a warrant is- sued by the Reeve of the Township of Reach under his hand and the seal of the said Corporation bearing date of the 23rd day of April, 1968 Sale of Lands in arrears of taxes in the Township of Reach will be held at the Township Hall. Manchester at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon on the 16th day of April, 1969, unless the taxes and costs are: sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the lists of lands for sale for arrears of taxes was pub- lished in the Ontario Gazette on the 4th day of January, 1969 and that copies of said list may be had at my office. Treasurer's office this 14th [2 day of January, 1969. . R. JOHNS, 13--Apr.10 Treas. Notice to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Sinclair Alexander Robertson, late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Retired Farmer. All persons having claims against the estate of the above-named who died June 23rd, 1968, are hereby noti- fied to send to the under- '| signed --on--or-before March 27th, 1969, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after March 27th, 1969, the assets of the deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto hav- ing regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall. then have notice. Dated at Port Perry, this 21st day of Februarv, 1969. . HARRIS AND HARRIS Solictors for the Executors. 3--Mar.13 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of Marjorie Isabel Bishop, Deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of Mar- jorie Isabel Bishop, late of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, who died on or about the 9th day of Feb- ruary, 1966, are hereby noti- fied to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the 1st day of April 1969, ; after which date the Estate will be distributed. with regard only to the claims of which the under- signed shall then have notice. and the undersigned will not | North of Bryce's Mills Rd.) or first Rd lunch counter. Holstein Cattle, 4 Sows, .1 Hog, hay, straw and grain, Ford tractor, Ford equipment, full line of machinery, Bedroom suites, Antique table, Toi- let set, lamp. crocks, cruet set (good), Antique dishes etc. Farm Sold. No Re- serve. Terms Cash. Sale at 1.p,m. Note furniture sells first. Fred Dew, and Larry Johnson, Clerks. REG. JOHNSON, Mar. 13 Auctioneer Ph. Sunderland 857-3270 THURS., MAR. 27th AUCTION SALE of Hol- stein Cattle. Dairy Equip- ment, Milk Quota. etc. etc. the rrovertv of WILLIAM POWER. Lot 6, Con. 1, Pickering Twp., 4 miles west of Whitby or 2 miles east of Pickering on Hwy, on Thurs., March 27th. 30 Head of Holstein Cat!le 23 milk Cows, several fresh, remainder heifers. 1200 bales of hay, 1000 bales of straw, 800 bu. of grain. 20 can Milk Keeper bulk tank, Surge Milking Machine, approx. 285 !bs. of Milk Quota. Farm Sold. No Reserve. Terms Cash. Sale at 1.830 p.m. REG. JOHNSON, Mar.13-20 Auctioneer Ph. Sunderland 357-3270 SAT., MARCH 15th -- Aue- tion Sale of 15 Holstein Cattle, Fowl, Tractor, . Com: bine, Baler, Full line of Im- plements, Hay, Straw, Grain, Furniture, the property of BILL LEGG, Lot 6, Con. 5, Reach, 5 miles West of Port Perry, one mile north Utica. Terms Cash. Sale at 100 O'clock sharp. Farm Sold. No Reserve. Roy Scott, G. Wanamaker, Clerks. TED JACKSON, TED SPENCELEY, 3--Mar.13 Auctioneers SAT.. MAR. 22nd AUCTION SALE of Black- smith equipment, the pro- perty of RAY COTTON will be held in the town of Cannington, Laidlaw St. (Just south of Hotel cor- ner) on SAT.. MAR. 22nd. Forge, 2. anvils, all kinds of tools, Drill Press. 3 Vises. Hand grinder, Elec- tric Welder (250 amn), Acetylene torches, chain hoist, . Post drill. Quick change lathe, 18 in. (mo- tor and gear drive) Join- ter, planer, Electric hack- saw, large qu.- of new bolts & nuts, all sizes. Furnace, Antique Ring Anvil, electric cut off Shearer, %' keg of hand made horse shoe nails, sledges, pipe wrenches, Bar iron, 2 corking vises, Iron racks, Some 'Antique articles, everything you would find in a Black- smith Shop. No reserve as owner 1s going out of the business. Terms cash. Sale at 12:30. REG. JOHNSON, Mar.13-20 Auctioneer Ph. Sunderland 357-3270 be liable to any person 'of whose claim he shall not then have notice. Dated at Toronto this 24th day of February, 1969. JACK STANLEY, Executor, c/o Graham & Greenley, _ 696A Coxwell Avenue, Toronto 13, Ontario, Solicitors ~~ 2---Mar.6 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of William Jeffrey, late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Retired Farmer. All persons having claims against the estate of the above-named who died Dec: ember 14th, 1968, are herebv notified to send to the under signed on or before March 27th, 1969, full particulars of their claims. immediately af ter March 27th, 1969, the assets of the deceased will be distributed among . the parties entitled thereto hav- ing regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Port Perry, this 21st day of Februarv, 1969. HARRIS AND HARRIS Solicitors for the Executors. 3--Mar.13 The Heart Foundation maintains a year-round res: earch programme in medical SAT.. MAR. 15--Clear- ing farm Auction of NEW ahd MODERN Farm Ma- chinery, including 2 trac- tors, S.P. Combine, Corn picker =sheller, new 500° bus. grain dryer. Gehl grind -min all, Forage Harvester, High throw blower, P.T.0. Weed spra- yer piston type, New Mec- Cormick seed drill, snow blower, 4 row corn plant- er, 2 Dion Forage Waeon. 2 row corn picker, elec- tric-Acetylene outfits. silo unloader,. Surge milker. tools, Baled straw, 100 good chunks, etc., the pro- perty of NIGH BROS, at Int 24. Con. 7, Markham Township (being 5 miles S.W. of Stouffville or (26 miles N. E. of Toronto. Farm sold. Sale at 12.30 noon. NOTE -- This is an outstanding farm auc- tion with unusual equip- ment all like new. ATKINSON & WILSON. Sale Mgr. & Auctioneer schools across Canada. 2--Mar.6-13 THURS., MAR. 20th -- Clearing farm auction of Holsteins including fresh, springers, bred and open heifers, tractor, One Way disc, 8 pt. hitch Cultiva- tor, tractor disc, P.T.O. Mower, McCormick Baler, Ferguson side rake, ele- vator 38' long, R. T. Wag- on, spreader, hammer mill, fertilizer distributor, also Bulk Cooler, also 800 lbs. milk quota, ete., the pro- perty of CARL D. BOYD selling at the farm Locat- ed at Lot 28, Con. 9 Mark- ham Twp. (being 3 miles south of Stouffville) or (8 miles N.E. of Markham). Note: Good Holstein dairv herd, with Bulk Cooler & milk quota. 'Farm Sold. No Reserve. Terms Cash. Sale 1 p.m. Refreshments available, ATKINSON & WILSON, Sale Mgrs. & Auctioneers _ Mar. 6-13 Ladies, please remember the "Spring Luncheon" in Greenbank. Church on Wed- nesday, March 19, at 12:30, Fashions in shoes, accessories and jewellery will be presented by Simpson's. Adults $1.25, children 50¢, Tickets avail- able at- Ferguson's store. The community is sorry to hear of the passing of 'Mr. William Sommerville last week and our sympathies go out to the family. : 'Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cook- man and family attended the 96th birthday party of Mrs, Wickett; Marie's grandmother, at Little Britian on Sunday, and we extend our congrat- ulations. ' Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lun- ney of Whitby were dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. H. McMillian on Saturday even- ing. 2 Mrs. Tait returned home Sunday morning from a very enjoyable holiday in Hawaii. Mrs. Pearson = also has returned home from the Flor- ida sunshine. : Several Junior Farmers in the area attended the drama festival in Peterborough on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Steven- son - Of Scarborough were week-end guests of Mr. and Greenbank News 'Mrs. George Beare. . Bring your friends to the euchre party at the Centen- nial Hall on Friday evening at 8:30. Mrs. Evelyn Beare of Tor- onto was visiting Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. George Beare. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Mel McGee and family were Sunday guests of her parents Mr. and Mrs. George Waddell of Bethany. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hunter were visiting Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Norman Wilson of Orangeville. We are happy to hear Fred Beare has recovered from his long - illness and able to go back to work. Master Ronald Rahm underwent a tonsilectomy on Monday in Port Perry Hosp- ital. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. The community extends their sympathy to the friends of the late Miss Hattie Whalen, and to the relatives of the late Mrs. Robert Davis, who passed away at Fairview Lodge. Mr. and Mrs. Armour Mc- Millian are enjoying a holiday in sunny Florida. . Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Ash- ton of Ashburn visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fleetwood Beare on Thursday. " WED., MAR. 19 -- Auc- tion Sale of Farm. Stock, Implements, Hay, Straw, grain and Furniture, the property of Norman Lot- ton and Son, Lot 19, Con. 4 and 5, Brock Twp. 2 miles east of Blackwater, % mile north of Pinedale Corner. 30 head of Hol- stein Cattle, mostly young cows, several due sale time or close springers, 2 yr. old bull, 14 sows, 19 chunks, 35 Weaned pigs, 1 hog, 1500 bales of straw, 1000 bales of hay, Qu. of mixed grain and seed oats. McCormick M tractor and loader, M.H. 44 tractor, A. C. Model U Tractor, McCormick 10 - 20, Dion threshing Machine, N. H. baler, L.H.C. [Fertilizer - grain seed drill, LH.C. Corn binder - loader, near- ly new, M.H. manure spre- der (good), Gehl hammer |mill, full line of machin- ery,-- Dining room suite, dressers, chairs, butter bowl, copper apple sauce kettle (large), apple peel- er, crocks, flat irons, Qu. of other furniture. Farm Sold. Terms. Cash. Sale at 12.30. Note furniture sells first. Pinedale UCW will serve lunch. Gerald Graham, Leslie Smith, Clerks. REG. & LARRY JOHNSON, Auctioneers Ph. Sunderland 857-3270 2--Mar.6-13 GREENBANK U.C.W. AFTERNOON UNIT Eighteen members at- tended this meeting in the Church Parlour on Tues., March 4th at 2 p.m. Mrs. 'Diamand presided & called he meeting together by reading a poem on Pro- Jross, followed by Hymn 6. Commentary on be- ing - Teachable was pre- sented by Mrs. Diamond. Mrs. H. McMillan read the Scripture and Mrs. Beare led in Prayer. Collection was received and dedicat- ed. Hymn 8 was sung. 'Topic Preliberation China and - Chinese Revolution was taken by Mrs. Ro Leask and Mrs. Diamond. The Worship session clos- ed with two thought pro- voking poems by rs. Leask. Mrs. Phoenix presided for the business -- Wel- LETTERS rome EDITOR Port Perry Star, Box 90, : Port Perry, Ontario. Dear Sirs: __Now_ that 'Heart Month' is_over for 1969, may I, on|p behalf of the Canadian Heart Fund and the Ontario Heart Foundation, thank you most sincerely for your help and co-operation during our camp- aign month. : ~The coverage we received from your newspaper has sur- passed all expectations, and it is due to this fact that our 1969 Campaign has been so successful, You have enabled' us to inform your readers that Feb- ruary was 'Heart Month in Canada and also what the Ont- ario Heart Foundation is doing in the field of cardiovascular research which is of benefit to the public. We have always enjoyed the association with all media representatives in Ontario and it isa pleasure to look forward to this continued association throughout the year. Once again, our 'heartfelt' thanks for your help during February. With best wishes. Yours very truly, ONT. HEART FOUNDATION (Miss) Esther M. Richards Director of Public Relations. coming the ladies present and thanking the group in charge. The secretary's report was adopted as read by Mrs. Ianson. Mrs. Mero reported $242.41 in the Treasury. There was a last minute discussion on the Holstein Banquet the following day. Atten- tion was drawp to the World's Day of Prayer on Friday, March 7th and to the Fidelis Luncheon on Wed., March 19th at 12.30 in the Church Basement. 'Mrs. H. McMillan . re- ported $75.92 had. been colllected for supply De- partment "and requested members to sew High gowns for the bale lay- ette. The Birthday Box realized $14.15. - Mrs. Phoenix read a letter from Miss Muriel Bamford here some time ago. Re- solved to try again next month to appoint a dele- ate to the Conference in ingston on June-20-25th. Supply committee was to arrange for a quilting if feasible. Volunteer Jailters were requested. Thank-You . Note was read from Mr. Mero who has: been : in _ hospital. Hymn 446 closed the meet- ing, followed by. Mizpah enediction. . Mrs. Phoenix at this meet- ing drew. our attention to a meeting in the Hall on Friday, May 9th relating to Proposed changes Bell Telephone Service. _ (Continued rising costs and regain the financial flexibility needed to enable it to do the job expected ' of it. Looking to the future, the report said that by 1980 Canada's population is expec- ted to reach 26 million. With 40 per cent of all Canadians available 'for productive emp- loyment, some 2.6 million created. / ; Bell expects the numbe of 'telephones it serves will increase by 70 per cent in the. next decade, and long distance calling will nearly double, The' rate of growth in the trans- mission of non-voice inform- ation is already greater than that of voice. ; 3 a Missionary who spoke - Telephones to help it meet the pressure of | new jobs will have to be tJ A social half hour with lunch was enjoyed by all. changes in |

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