wr! 4 he a ! AVA You have made Port Perry the finest shopping area in this region. Your shopping habits and buy- ing skill have thrown the spotlight on Port Perry and caused other communit-, ies to cast envious eyes in_our direction. The merchants -adver- tising on the Port' Perry "BAZAAR OF VALUES" in this edition of the Port Perry Star been aware of your value, but have recently come to apprec- iate you even more when they compare sales rec- eipts and bank deposits with other communities throughout the district. Your- knowledge of merchandise keeps these merchants busy constant- ly looking for bigger and better values to pass on to you. These firms are proud of their new mer- chandise. They pride themselves in that they can supply your every need. They also take great pleasure in knowing you can find the identical item in Port Perry that you can find in any shop- ping centre--and in most cases for less money. } You can shop in Port Perry with confidence. The shopkeepers here are your friends. Their purp- ose is to supply you with the best 'quality merch- andise at' the lowest pos- sible price. Shop the Port Perry "BAZAAR OF VALUES" pages for your family needs. Be in Port Perry this week for a tremend- ous "Greater Port Perry Days" from these fine merchants: -- cars are the best buys on our@lot. 1967 Chevelle s2 1 xj] MALIBU SEDAN 1966 Pontiac GRANDE PARISIENNE Ah eh A A A a A A Na 3h SS XN NE NN NN CRN gpepagey ana anw ' » | *| Phone: 985-7351 ~ Port Perry any WW Lake Scugog Lumber 0. Phone: 985-7391 -- Port Perry V8 - AUTO RADIO 4 DOOR HOLIDAY SEDAN 00 OR POWER - AUTO : V8 K 4 AFTER HOURS TED GRIFFEN --- 985-2417 BEARE MOTOR | (o} BILL SALTER ~-- 985-7627 . 1, QV BERT STULEN -- 985-7675 BILL BEARE Aah Rh A A A A A A A AR AR A SSS NEN ) 5 LA A A i SL LS XXX XX UR RN NUR RR CR AR peg papper uy AAA SSS XN OR GARAGE 7??72?72?? ? e y ; Each week during the Bazaar of Values promotion, a name will be aus drawn from among sales slips and cut-out ads sent into the Port Perry Page Star office. Mark your name and address clearly on back of sales slip or J have long -cut-out ads. pe The first four weeks' draws will be made for $10. The next three weeks the prize money will be raised to $20., and the eighth and final week the prize will be $100. : = For the last draw, ALL entries submitted during the eight weeks will be entered in the draw for $100. = ~~ Start your entries early. Mail them in, or bring them in to the Port Perry Star office. Draws for weekly prizes will be made on Tuesday, following publicat- ions. : L LJ ] REDUCED PRICES ] 4 [} Co - ordinate { Sets * SLIMS -° EY kJ * SKIR KIRTS MR. SALUTE YoU 2 * JUMPERS J D MRS. CONSUME | + BULKY | | SWEATERS TO WEAR SPRING INTO \ 2 1 SUMMER \\ 29 0 SR | AY 3 KAYVAN'S LADIES WEAR MLL YOU MAISMIRE SUE INL ines? sree Phone: 985-2281 -- Port Perry 8 ¥ oe FEAL S SSE ETN TX TN NTN NN RRR CC RR papper, : : a] / / ¢ ¢ = | I! "ATTENTION FARMERS THINKING OF BUILDING A POLE BARN -- STORAGE SHED AVOID RISING LUMBER COSTS BY ORDERING YOUR "ROOF TRUSSES" NOW. WE STILL HAVE ». A LIMITED SUPPLY OF MATERIAL LEFT AT the gamble out of ||; meow price I al ALL OUR TRUSSES ARE "C.M.H.C."" APPROVED used car deals! (no. 4101) AND ARE DESIGNED AND BUILT TO : " : FIT YOUR PARTICULAR NEEDS. . These Blue Chip used LTD. -- 985-2495 PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, March 20, 1969 -- 13 - BAZAAR OF VALUES THIS WEEK ONLY WESTINGHOUSE RANGE SALE * OVEN WINDOWS ALL RANGES SPEC WEEK ONLY FROM DELUXE MODELS ONLY. | - AUTOMATIC CLOCK CONTROL STORAGE DRAWER ROTISSORIE ({optiopal extra) ' { APPLIANCE OUTLET. INFINITE HEAT SWIT- * CHES - Model KFK3D CE 95 ak $ W.T. IALLY PRICED THIS $149.95. Ted Jackson FURNITURE -- T.V. -- APPLIANCES Phone: 985-2272 -- Port Perry 4-Way FLASHER 149 Meets safety law require- ments. Flashes all 4 lights iat once in emergency. Easy to install. 12-volt. Lace-on . WHEEL COVER 1.39 Grand-Peix" styling at your fingertips! Vinyl leatherette in red. blue or black. Lined for non-slip snug fit