20) - PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, March 20, 1969) "ROUND THE TOWN'; Week-end home of Mrs. C., C. A and Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Slem- guests at the) and Family are holidaying in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Madsen Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mid- ley and Miss Verna Geiss- berger vacationing in Ber- muda, * * * Mr. and Mrs. Charles Had- den, Blackwater and Mrs. C. Pearson, Greenbank recent. ly visited the state-owned Ringling Museums while va- The Ringling Museums are the foremost cultural center in Southeast United States and visited by thousands of people during the year. * * * west coast. On Sunday evening Father Lee enterained 18 people to a roast beef dinner at the Werrtrell Restaurant, Father Lee welcomed everyone and thanked all the catechism teachers for the work they have and are doing in this very -important field. After the dinner Father Lee had a series of quizzes for every- one with a prize for the win- ners. He really taxed the brains of everyone present a couple of the quizzed no one came up with the correct SRE slo ama ZAP SR ITER quite simple (when you know). Everyone present en- joyed the evening. At the close Father Lee 'was pre- sented with a spiritual bou- quet from all ' those "who could not make the evening because of the iu bug'. Mr, & es ad Crawford spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Paul, Ottawa, FATE tail Jn EA EE cationing on Florida's lower answer, which o course was mon were: Rev. and Mrs. R W. McLauchlin, Mr. Robert McLauchlin of Grimsby, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jeffrey! of Oshawa. * * * ! a Ove BI 0illn, Wi SPECIALLY SELECTED -- VALUE CHECK'D -- GENUINE BRANDED -- CHEF STYLE -- SHORT CUT » Proctor were Sunday dinner PRIME [i | J -guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy] Dobson. iy ROASTS Miss Dilags Edwards at- bt] tended the Haird Con- ' vention on Monday at the SMOKED PICNICS 5 Royal York Hotel. oyal York Hote | { LUNCH ME ATS 16-02. Family pack 5% ; House League | | { IN 2. . ¢ as | BANTAM--Cartwright eli-(§ ~~ | ESSEX \ WIE ERS id 99 ¢ : _minated first - place Lion's Club 52 to take the playoff set two straight. Jackson(2), Campbell (2) and Nesbitt had DATE & NUT LOAF - . | ESSEX BOLOGNA 39: | LEAN MEATY CHUNK STYLE BRAISING| RIBS ©. 49¢ Peel's Chicks with a 3-1 win on Saturday despite the fine play of Phinney in.Peel's net. Lefort (2) and Johnston scor- ed for C.T.C. while Brain re- plied for the losers. PEE WEE -- Mathison had a hat trick and Judson a goal with one second left as Cart- wright came from behind to tie Club Annrene 44. Club Annrene leads thé series with a win and a tie. Brett the goals. Waters & McNab counted for Lion's Club. BEST BUY! -- 10 OFF PACK GIANT PACKAGE BEST BUY! -- save 2%! 3%0Z PACKS IT Canadian Tire eliminated WITH TERRY OR « 1T A W G Orange Crystals HEALTH & BEAUTY AID FEATURES! HEAD "2 "SHOULDERS 51.39 MODESS Feminine Napkins : 43: | ¥ ST.LAWRENCE an 0169: FEATURE! -- SAVE cl CATELLI Macaroni or Spaghetti 41 89° BUY-OF-THE-WEEK B R k cr E COTTON TEA TOWEL FLUFFO Shortening 2189. WAXED PAPER "33 41c VALUE! -- ALUMINUM 12° WIDE (3¢ OFF PACK) ALCAN FOIL =i 33. YORK BRAND - PURE' STRAWBERRY JAM From British Columbia VE 8c! -- MODERNE LARGE BOX Campbell, Neil and Brain SAVE 3d) ~~ bisav3 camptel, Ne oin|| FACIAL TISSUES 3i 59. SPAGHETTI 250. 2.} 59:| ili igi is Bt HOME MAKERS SPECIAL! 100% PURE VEGETABLE OILS I, perl goals lo lea a T TEFLON TREA _AND PAD ¢ U PUN Feeds to a 2-1 win over Fla- SUNS : 0 mingo - Pastries. Master Ironing Set MARGARINE Feeds leads the 2 of 3 series WITH $520 ORDER ' 118," PARCHMENT PACK with a win and tie. MacLeod ; : scored for Flamingos. SAVE 9c! -- CHOICE -- CREAM STYLE 19-Oz. Tins p : % NOVICE--Cawker and Co- ' c dave wed ! ore chrane scored in the last five y- . EY E } . minutes to give White Feath- R WINDEX Window Cleaner 43 i 2 Roms 5 2-1 victory over|l SAVE 13c! -- LAYER STYLE -- DELUXE ; P : ues. ue"s scorer was : 23 p ; ; >: Ashbridge. Penant winners K H SEOUL die] = WETERGENT. FOR DISHES se Fel IUNGAN HINES Cake Mix > Mix ) 189 |SWAN TiQuiD ..43.|| - games to none. Last place -- et -- Ero = Scugog Lumber Kings won rBozEv oop EHOZEN FOOD FEATURES! YORK TWIST their opening series with a PEANUT BUTTER and JELLY | SELEY FAuiows SUPREME BLEACH 39. wn 59c | Wi ows _ ae 39 | ] TENDER GREEN PEAS 49c *4-3 win over Malmont Farms. Evans (2), Van Camp and SERESHNG Sule] Bourgeois scored the goals LEMONADE or. tins 4 tor 4 9c for Kings. Malmont Farm|§. s ; RETA goal getters were Larmer(2) 2 oz i = Sand and Asselstine, KOKO MALLOWS , TYKE--Lee and Franssen ik Lo BANANAS Full Flavour Cello Pack Of Ten 5h leaves their series deadlock- iA ow Prd TOMATOES Wholesome "Vine Ripened No.1 ' Ib. 2 iia two while Franssen and Kane gf y i replied for Franssen. Scott RHUBARB Spring Treat -- -- Fresh No.1 ih. add. Wilbur scored three goals to mi REDE RAE SRNE T CEAS RSC im + load his father's team 10-2 CUCUMBERS Mild Refreshing Hothouse Nod 2 for a 3-2 lead over Waldinsperger. . 3 ' viz Lee had a pair for the losers. 3 She fag ONIONS All Purpose Yellow No.1 3 Ib. bag i a win and a tie. ¥ 2p] : : i iis : : 1 § ; Have you ever said, upon ° RINDLESS - 1lb. 26 oz. BOTTLES ) ol reaching home at night, that DOWSON 5 ; : : } 3) i the whole day has been filled; { Vi with defeated purposes, that! : | he ; ~11 had worked every minute] (fi of the time, at least you had! 69: for 99. 34 #4 been busy, but you didn't] a get anything done? This] . SH | lament of frustration comes|}§ TEMPT - 14 oz TINS LIBBYS - 480z, TIN { i) mairly from those who have' & sh | no taskhmasters - executive, FO { : sal smen, and those in the : : fe crea.' 'e or professional work. N 3 | on BS, 8 for 95c oF i 4 : | | LL Open Every a, & 4] : | f REAL ESTATE LTD REALTOR i FIR li Ih Ti | § & } i ll PORT PERRY Ri. Night Ti p.m. | | | 985-7373 : . a CTD ¥ og £ |