aor A SAIL te a Cs a ae a ERY adh RS a a Bn Septic Tanks| --~ PORT PERRY STAR red" Thursday, March 20, 1969 By O. Hill The afternoon unit of the U.C.W. met in the vestry on Tuesday, March 11th, Leader Mrs. Walter Wright opened the meeting with "Some Wise Sayings". Mrs. Glenn Larmer in charge of the Worship and Bible Study read a poem, "The Cross" HOMES WANTED L REAL ESTATE 11D SALTO 985 - 7373 and gave the Offertory Pray- er. Mesds. 'S. VanCamp, Leith Byers, Geo. Skelding, and W. Wright read short quotations. Groups were formed and sub- jects discussed for ten min- utes. Mrs. Larmer then read "The Glory of the Cross Phone: BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY HONDA - SUZUKI: SALES and SERVICE PARTS - ACCESSORIES - SUPPLIES - SERVICE LADY MOTORISTS AND MEN MOTORISTS TOO! WHY PAY MORE? SAVE ON PREMIUM QUALITY GAS COLUMBUS 653 - 3892 \ : ) NIRA aly SOE LORI ARES SE RN SAT ND VASE BLACKSTOCK NEWS and the Dignity of Service" and following the hymn O Master let me Walk with Thee" offered prayer. The roll call was answered by eleven members reporting 26 calls made. Treasurer's report was received and busi- ness dealt with. Mrs, P, Romeril and Mrs. G, Skelding presented the play "Two in a Trap" which was most inter- esting and thought provoking al and was followed by a dis- cussion. Closed with prayer by the leader, Mrs. Kenneth Samells, hos- tess served a delicious lunch and a social chit chat was FREE Box Of KLEENEX WITH EACH $3.00 Purchase A NEW DX Station TO SERVE YOU AT FOR ANY OF YOUR Insurance Needs Do It The Co-Operative Way | Co-Operators Ins. Assoc. enjoyed. Mrs. Gordon Paicley was hostess for the Candace unit which met Tuesday morning, March 11th with 11 ladies & four children attending. Fol- lowing coffee and lunch the Worship was taken by Mrs. Roy McLaughlin who read "Lessons from China". Pro- gramme was in charge of Mrs. Paisley and consisted of a letter written by a lady who travelled in China, read by' Mrs. Gordon Strong. An article describing "A Day in the Life of Chinese Women" read by Mrs. Harold Mec- Laughlin; Mrs. Ralph Larmer and Mrs. Merrill VanCamp read articles on '"Mao's Tea- chings". Both morning and after- noon units gave concent to cater to the Shorthorn Ban- quet on April 9th. Meeting closed with diction, The O.N.O. Club met at the home of Mrs. Joan Pais- ley Thursday evening March 13th with 30 members, four visitors and one new mem- ber joined. Joan Graham was appointed representative to the Parks Board with Jean Porrill substitute. Daphne Powell was pre- sented with a gift for her new little girl. Mr. and Mrs. Chamberlain of Toronto gave a wig dem- onstration. Everyone enjoy- ed changing colours 'and try- ing new styles and lengths, . -A delicious lunch 'was ser- ved by the: hostess and group ! and 'a 'social time: enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Perey Hul- ,bert "moved . from Nestleton into one: of the Martyn apart. ments on Saturday. " "Mrs, Herb Taylor attended ] a birthday and wedding an-| AON As 'usual splendid services were held in both churches. Rev. P. Romeril's text was "They Know Not What They Do". Jt being othering Day in the Anglican Church Rev. R. C. Rose spoke on "Mother- hood and its place in our Society". Glad to report Mr. John Venning and Mr. Russe' a Xa a Mountjoy home from hospital and gaining nicely. rs. Morley Greaves and MS. Edith Beacock, Lindsay fan spent Tuesday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Beacock. Mr, and Mrs. K, Vlieger, Whitby visited the Frank Vliegers Saturday. The High School students presented two evenings en- [tertainments this week with their competition of plays. Report next week as students teachers on holidays this week. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pais- ley, Craig and Cathy spent-a few days with relatives in' Dunnville. (Continued on Page 9) & Vv ALL MAKES sNOwMOBILE service | ETHEL NOTTINGHAM R. WHITAKER MYRTLE Phone 985-2276 655-4832 DUFF For Income (ELECTRONICS Tax 5 ADMIRAL & Bookkeeping Services : see ALEX SHEPHRED TELEVISION |. "0: Office Buildin ' " g SALES and SERVICE Phone 985-7031 - Phone 985-7993 Specializing in business and -- --or-985-2728 | farm-operations. -- PORT PERRY Cleaned By PUMP EQUIPMENT SEPTIC TANKS AND WEEPING Beds INSTALLED REG. ARMSTRONG Port Perry -- 985-2226 6G. McPhaden Insurance 985-2341 Cottages Wanted t TRIAL RIAN LTD neki on EMMERSON niversary party for Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Malcolm at. Mr, and Mrs, Murray Maldaiig on-Sunday. gre INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED General Insurance 985-7306 - PORT PERRY Lee's Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Sales and Service Commercigl, Industrial and Domestic Repairs to all makes. Call Oshawa 728-0321 985-7373 Fralick Insurance Agency CO-OP AND FARMERS MUTUAL LIFE - AUTO - HOME PROTECTION - Phone 985-7447 INVEST NOW 7%% for Terms 2,3 & 4 yrs. VICTORIA and GREY TRUST Guaranteed Investments Interest is payable - | half yearly or may be left to compound EMMERSON INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED 191. Queen St, Port Perry . Telephone 985-7306 lets you speak to anyone across the street Or across tre cominem, in seconds, moves business data across the country at hundreds of words per second, | flashes a an n electrocardiogram from the patients home to a City hospital ND carries your favourite TV program to cities across the country, ~ for instant diagnosis? The Telephone Network available instantly whenever you need it, keeping Canada a world leader in communications. ~ Bell Canada Bull managsy and ann ed by Canadiany, = ee