T'S Honeyd The March meeting under the leadership of Mrs. Gord- on Morrow, was held in the Municipal Building with a small attendance. The. presi- dent Miss Alice Dodd called the meeting to order in reg: ular form with the singing of the Ode, and repeating the Mary Stewart Collect in uni- son. A warm friendly welcome was extended to all present. ale W.I. Minutes and correspond- ence Secretary Mrs. Stan Plough- man, and many items of bus- iness were brought to the attention of the members. Correspondence included the list of courses offered by the Home Economics ranch; Department _ of Agriculture and Food for 1969 - 1970, re - "Local Leaders Training LADY MOTORISTS | AND MEN MOTORISTS TOO! WHY PAY MORE? SAVE ON PREMIUM QUALITY GAS COLUMBUS Phone: 655 - 3892 FREE Box Of KLEENEX WITH EACH $3.00 Purchase A NEW DX Station TO SERVE YOU AT were ready by the] School" - "Food Forums" - and "Short Courses", A lengthy discussion was' held concerning the courses, this matter" was left over until the April meeting. As space does not permit printing the long list of courses offered, - will members please attend the next meeting and choose what they wish to have. Al- though these services are sponsored by the W.I. they are free of charge to not only members, but are open to the women of the community. A letter was read from the Provincial President announc- ing- the Competitions for the coming year. These include, 1. "A Cultural Project compris- ing eight coloured slides." 2. "A Handicraft project illustrating needlecraft on wall hangings." 8. Citizenship project, is an essay entitled, "The Second Century Challenge To Wo- men", All these competitions will be judged at the 1969 District Annuals, and the win- ners will then enter the area competition. Whether it is "Short Cour- ses" - + "Food Forums", "Training Schools' or '""Com- petitions" - 'your Women's Institute has it to offer. Where else could one obtain "so" much free of charge? Let us get into "action" in our Institute - be an enthusiastic, efficient, - well informed, group, - and invite other women of the community to participate in our meetings - short courses - bus trips, etc. Let us share "our" activities with other groups, and show an interest in "their" projects. An invitation was received from the St. Lawrence Starch Co. inviting the, W.1. to visit their test kitchen at Port Credit, Ontario for a good demonstration, These demon- strations are designed . to provide the members with new and interesting ideas for cooking with their products. The Secretary was authorized) to write for more particulars, and also send for the free booklets. Report of a recent meet- ing of Ontario South District was ably "presented by the District . Director Mrs. Nels. Williams. She stressed all conveners reports must be in to the District Conveners by May 1st. The Whitby Branch will be hostesses for the Dist- rict Annual meeting to be held May 20th. The Annual meeting of] Honeydale Br. will take the form of a Pot Luck lunch eon 12:30 sharp, - in the Munic- ipal Building, Mrs. J H. Hardy's group in charge. All members are requested to take an "eye- appealing" - "mouth-watering" dish for the luncheon. Mrs. D. Devolin, Ajax, 1st Vice-Presi- dent of the District will be invited to install the officers. Conveners please have reports ready. . Mrs. Geo. Bell gave the 'highlights' of the interesting afternoon spent with the Myrtle Branch recently. The report was written by Mrs. Tom Bell, who was unable to attend the meeting. W.I. Branches are to_be invited to the Honeydale- May meeting, -which will possibly be held in the evening. Mrs. PORT PERRY STAR - Thursday, March 27,1969 « 7 Jim Carnochan's group will be . responsible and final arrangements to be completed at the April meeting. The Honeydale Branch members are serving lunch, May 23rd, at Mrs. Harold Hon- ey's farm sale. Mrs. Nels. Williams consented to convene same, and a committee has been chosen to assist. Mrs. Lorne Duff reported on the Cancer Dressing Stat- ion. These hard working volunteers have been waiting patiently for material, for use in making bed pads. The Ladies have plenty of sheets, and the cellocotton has now arrived, so the room upstairs over the Post Office will soon be a "behive' of activity. The programme convener Mrs. Gord. Morrow gave an enlightening talk on Hawaii. Many articles made in Hawaii were on display which created much interest. Carol men- tioned the pineapple industry, takes 18 - 22 months to produce pineapplés. Mention was 'also made of the Sugar refineries which have been in operation since 1906. [aii i LL SX XXX NY TUN CORR ppp ip Plumbing and Heating Needs CALL ARTS PLUMBING and HEATING ' f For All Your 985-2581 » ISA 33S SSS NX TLL NNULNN = = +* it A delightful social event was the Valentine tea, held at the attractive home of Mrs, Geo. Barthau, Cochrane Street, when eighteen members of Honeydale Branch met to honour a faithful member and friend in the person of Mrs. Annie Sandison, who cele- brated her 85th birthday in November, ~ When all had assembled and greetings were exchanged, a variety programme was enjoy- ed. Original poetry visualizing Mrs. Sandison's early life up to the present time was written by one of the members. An Institute coffee spoon, and a Sweetheart Valentine table cloth (autographed) were presented to Mrs. Sandison, a token of friendship and esteem, from the members. A delicious lunch was served by the W.I. A sincere thank you to Mrs. Barthau for opening her home for this lovely. occasion. We regret to hear of Mrs. Sandison's accident, and understand she is hospitalized. Warmest wishes are extended - to her for her recovery. essssssassanssnand S 3 Operated by ART (Pete) PETROZZ) Licenced Mechanic H 1 : / 4 Over. the years; 4 pr ie ve toit. Lh one an improvement. side, the VW goes on looking pretty me from one year to the next. f course, was the whole idea. "that means that this year' s ag n won't be next year's has been. oy if also means that when you don't have to work on the way it looks, you can work that much harder on the way it works. There are over 280 YW dealers across Canada. The one eT ALERT earest you is in the Yellow P So tven though- the VW gets harder to im- : _ Prove every year, every year we. try harder. . toimproveit. Which' puts us at a bit of a disadvantage : compared to the other car makers: - They just have to worry about out- doing each other. We have to worry about out-doing us.