Senior (Ethel Redman) A very enjoyable cvening was spent at the Hall on - Wednesday, March 19th. A- bout fifty sat down to par- take of the good food provid- ed by the members in the form of a pot luck supver. Tables wre tastefully decor- ated wi hamrocks, also lighted candles placed here and there helped to enhance the St. Patrick decorations, Those on committee also wore green bows in their hair and. fancy green aprons. Men wore green ties. A very delightful enter- ment was put on after dishes were cleared away, Mrs. K. 'Whipper read a very appro- priate piece of poetry, "Are we true to our Club". Mrs, J. Demara also gave a Read- ing. Mr. E. Healey a comical song, Mr. Baker, Mr. Heale ..and.Mrs.. T. Redman supplied music, not forgetting the Stereo." Club has some real good records, square & round dancing was also enjoyed by . many, even Senior Citizens can still kick up their heels and dance. Games were al o enjoyed with most taking part. Some who were over 80 yrs.. young attended and joined in the fun. Please keep in mind Euch- re to be held Sat. at the Club 8.30 p.m., March 28th, Meet- ings second and fourth Wed. of each month. And there will be a sgcial time at the Hall on Tuesday evening, " April 2nd at 8:30 p.m. (Lunch provided by Club) out of funds. - Would like to sek members as many as possible --a good time is in store for those who attend. Many of our members are still on the sick list. coming along folks, we often think of you all. Euchres are 'still very po- pular on Sat. 12th March, 20 ° ° Council Bits RESOLUTION PASSED "That the following Build- ing Permits be authorized. 1. William Wozney Lots no. 3 Lilla Street, Port Perry ~New House. 2. Stan Bruton's Drug | : . Store - Changing from one Building Code be followed. n «Man apartment to two apartments. That each apartment consists of one bedroom only and that no-more than three persons occupy each apartment. Zon-|. ing By-Laws and National Arosa) BALES Keep}: Citizens tables were played at. of lunch is provided and good prizes for a small charge. Lucky winners as follows--(Ladies Tie) Mrs. F. Aldred, Mrs. R. Hardy and Mrs. M. Clark, Gents in order Mr. C. Geer, Mr. R. Coates and Mr. W. Stevens. Please keep in mind above dates. First meeting of month (2nd Wed.) no business that day, just entertainment, 4th Wed. business, "social time afterwagds and. lunch provid- Lots ed each time by group in charge. You can see folks the Club is very active, 100 members .at present, new ones join as older ones move or as hap- pens to elderly folk, pass on, Manchester News: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Huit- ema and family of Whitby moved, on 'Tuesday into the they 'home on Saturday. home they recently purch- ased from Mr. John Hofstee. Haugen"s Chicken Barbe- cue opened on the week-end with their usual excellent food and large crowds to enjoy it. The many friends of the late Mr. Tom Brooks of Sunderland were sorry to hear of his passing at his Tom spent his boyhood in this area and was employed for many years by Miller Pav- ing. The U.C.W. will meet on Thursday afternoon, PORT PERRY STAR -- Thu rsday April 3, 1969 - B April |, 3rd at the home of Mrs. Ted Lamb. * In spite of bad weather on Friday evening there was a good attendance at church to hear a very impressive service. The choir of seven- teen members added much to the service. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clark and Marvin of Aldershot and Mrs. Mae Clark of Myrtle visited Mrs. Crosier on Sun- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. G. Bonin, Oshawa, were dinner guests with Mr. and mrs. W. J. Mitchell on Saturday even- ing. Miss Gayle Wright & Mr. Bob Feeney, Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Roach on the week-end. BUYING L FEAL ESTAME AID REALTOR 985-7373 DOLES SLICED CRUSHED TID BIT CHUNKS PINEAPPLE 19 | oz |, $1.00 This Week's 5-10 1b AVERAGE WEIGHT Lassie Meat FRESH GRADE 'A' MAPLE LEAF SHANKLESS FULL COOKED SMOKED PICNICS = MAPLE LEAF SWEET PICKLED VAC PAK COTTAGE ROLLS » DEVON RINDLESS ABC POWDERED GIANT PKG. DETERGENT 69: CHRISTIES Oreo & Coffee Breaks 95¢| PKG. LEAN YOUR OLD Api % IF YoU LEARN TO DO-IT- YOURSELF FAST, JUST CRITICISE YOUR WIFES COOKING BRIAN'S SUPERTEST OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK LUBRICATION EXPERT WHEEL BALANCING PHONE 985 - 2243 REFRESHMENT BOOTH ® 24 HOUR TOWING eo (Emergency Groceries) ICE--Block & Cube WANT TO | NEW CABBAGE 2 for 37° BETTY CROCKERS WHITE OR DEVIL'S FOOD CAKE MIX save 24 2: [lc SIDE BACON = evo MAPLE LEAF WIENERS HOME MADE SAUSAGE ROUND BEEF OCEAN SPRAY WHOLE OR JELLIED Cranberry Sauce 2 140z tin 53 Ib_ Pkg. -3:1.00 Specials 49¢ -49c CHRISTIES RITZ BISCUITS - 8oz. Je KRAFT ORANG NO 1 ONTARIO 10. 39c POTATOES 251. §5¢ som. $1.39 a>, FOOD MARKETS HILLCREST and BUTTERMATE BREAD 4 for 89c FRENCH DRESSING so 27. TREESWEET UNSWEETENED POST ORANGE JUICE : a8oz. tin 4 Jc ALPHA BITS 2 100z Pkgs. 75c¢ Free Delivery Phone 985-2492 Free Draw with every $5.00 Order or Over NEW STORE HOURS 8:30 -- 8:30 -- 6:00 Mon. Tues. & Sat. 9:00 Wed. Thurs. & Fri. We will be closed Friday this week. PRICES EFFECTIVE 'WED. -- SAT. APRIL 2-5 WINNER OF LAST WEEK'S DRAW NICK RENSINK