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Port Perry Star (1907-), 24 Apr 1969, p. 21

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NEN OT STAI IA rd PE MFA a I'm sure those who did at- tend worship on Sunday re- turned home richer spiritu- ally from the message de- livered by our minister Rev. A. Rice. Likewise the choir anthem was lovely directed by the organist Mrs. B. Snel- grove. Offering gathered re- cently by Mr. E, Jewell, Mr. W. Vance, Mr. L. Beacock. ~= Please keep in mind Port Perry U.C. Anniversary hext Sunday at 11 a.m, © A few from our midst at- l tended "The Folk Service" lin Manchester church last Sunday night. The talented program comprised of a group of mixed young folk, arranged by the capable lead- ership of their church organ- ist Miss Linda Hunter. Lastly the minister Rev. G. Teskey showed an educational and colorful film "Breath of Spring" taken from the prov- ince of British Columbia. It all summed up an enjoyable 8 evening, TorontoTelegram Syndicate success is wished for Miss Lexie Love who has enrolled in the "Spring Semester" at the University in Guelph. " Mr. Deiter Lehmann, Wa- terloo College visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lehmann who recently re- turned from several weeks holiday in Florida. Miss Karen Rice and Miss Jean Snelgrove are home from their university studies in Toronto. : Mr. and Mrs. Carl Graham This oy Children' s Aid Week, a god time to think about all the children in Ontario who have no mothers and fathers to love them. These children need to: be adopted so they will have parents and permanent homes. The lonely ones include boys and girls in a wide age range from tiny infants to 16, but the great majority are little boys under two. One of them is Glen, six months old, an appealing baby with lovely brown eyes, scanty light brown hair and fair sensitive skin. You can't see the dimple in his chin for the rattle, but it's there. Glen is a happy, relaxed little fellow, sturdily built and in good health, though he may he allergic to eggs. He sleeps and eats well. He loves attention and is not a ' bit shy. He needs to be adopted so he will have the raha loving, secure home most children take for granted. To| are home from a vacation in inquire about adopting Glen please write to Today's| Florida, also Mr. and Mrs. Child, Department: of Social and Family Services, Par-| Ron Deeth. ; liament Buildings, Toronto 5. For other information| ays wm. Perry of Kirby about adoption ask your local. Children's Aid Society. spent last week with her parents Mr. and Mrs; E. Mec- 2 By [] [] : Cartwright High School []|¢re? whom we are pleased ANNUAL Medical Staff "AT HOME" [lo Serve At s 3 . New Hospital DANCE Below is quite an impres- ° * sive list of doctors to serve Friday, April 25th, 1969 3) the Rew Comunity Mem- ; : pg : orial Hospital, . AT 9:00 P.M. IN THE Ch; " Dr. G. M. Rennie, General RECREATION CENTRE [f[ersticsi Dr. s. P. kanael & 1 3 General Practice; Dr, John Music by "The AMBASSADORS" [|| piamond, General Practice; : : ! Dr. M. B. Dymond, General ADMISSION: $3.50 PER COUPLE Practice; Dr. Wm. Cohoon, EVERYONE WELCOME General Practice; Dr. D. J. ; Price, General Practice; Dr. G. H. Jackson, General Prac- $ tice--All of Port Perry. Dr. W. Baldwin, General i Practice; Dr. Wm. Stocks, Hq "|General Practice; Dr. W. G.| A Y. 'Grant, General Practice; I Dr. R. Allin, General Prac- tice; Dr. J. McKinney, Gen- ¢ ath ii eral Practice--All of Brook- i : - i H = I B11 B ; ESCORTED : TOURS ~~ |Dr. Wm. Beer, Hampton, "|General Practice. --BOSTON - Spend. Victoria Weekend in Boston, $59.00. pn. 1 c. Bain, Otolaryngo- t --CALGARY STAMPEDE - 15 days, leaving June 30. |i: Dr, I. N: Lee, Otolaryn- --CALIFORNIA & CANADIAN WEST COAST - '30 days golist; Dr. Wm. Grant, In- & Departing June 30 ternist; Dr. A. Spear, Obste- o ~CANADIAN WEST COAST - 2 days departing June 30 |trician, Gynaecologist; Dr. and July 28. Robt. Miller, Obstetrician, ~MARITIMES & CAPE BRETON ISLAND - Departing Gynaecologist; Dr. -D. M. June 29, August 10, -September 14 -'156 day tour. Sproull, Surgeon; Dr. B. M. ~FLORIDA FAMILY HOLIDAY AT DAYTONA BEACH - Woods; Radiologist; Dr. Dan Guaranteed warm weather. Special rates for children. Antonevych, Anaethetist -- R Departing July 19 returning August 3. . All of Oshawa. "NEWFOUNDLAND AND EAST COAST - Departure| Dr. W. Watt, Diploma of August 7, for 22 days. j Anaesthetics and Dr. John CALL COLLECT 'OR WRITE FRED DE NURE TOURS |[McIntyre, Surgeon, both of BOX 238, LINDSAY, -- 705-324-5836 Uxbridge. OR CALL MRS. A. ROBERTSON Dr. Jas. Dalrymple, Sur- PORT PERRY 985-2623 or 985-2698 geon, Whitby. » -- Dr. Ronald Osborne, Don Free Pick-up at your door anywhere in Ontario. Mills, Plastic Surgeon. Albert to learn are improving. Mrs. K. Williamson is home from ear surgery in Toronto for which we hope will prove successful, Mr. and Mrs, Grant Caw- ker and son visited her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sker- ratt and two sons. Mr, Frank Harris, Sgt. of Queen's York Rangers and Troopers Wm. Heayn, Jr. & Robert Brooks spent the week-end at Camp Borden for training. PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, April 24, 1969 21 Mr. Frank Vickery visited his daughter and husband Mr. and Mrs. L. Devitt and family of Oshawa. ~Mr. and Mrs. M, Pugh and sons were recent Sunday evening dinner guests with their cousins Mr. and Mrs. Keith Parkin of Cameron, Mrs. Huntley, Whitby en- joyed the week-end with her daughter-in-law ~~ Mrs. M. Huntley. We continue hoping for improved health for Mr. Ce HA. E. Johnson OPTOMETRIST 229 MARY STREET 985-2383 cil Newnham, Mrs. T. Bailey (Mrs. H. Holtby's mother) & Mr. Ross Sweetman's father Mr. G. Sweetman... All above patients are confined to the Oshawa Hospital. A number of couples from our area attended the well planned dance, liberal lunch and a variety of prizes held" at Camp Samac Friday night. a "NOTICE! Township Of Reach Notice is hereby given of a By-law intended to be passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Reach in the County of Ontario. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Reach have been directed by the Department of Highways, and deem it in the Public interest to close certain portions of Township Roads, namely, King Street where it intersects Highway 7A and a portion of Ash Street, both in the Village of Manchester in the Township of A heaping measure of Reach. The proposed By-law as set out herein, is a draft only. TAKE NOTICE that the Reeves and Council or committee, of the Township of Reach, will meet in the Council Chambers of the Township of Reach on Wednesday, May 14th, 1969 at 8 o'clock p.m. and there and then will hear in person or by Council, Solicitor of Agent, any person who claims that his land will be prejudically affected by this - By-law and who applies to be heard. \ BY-LAW OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF REACH A By-law to stop up and close parts of Highways in the Township of Reach. (1) The following part of a Highway, Street or Road allowance as shown on the Plan of the Village of Manchester in the Township of Reach registered inthe Registry Division of the County of Ontario, as No. 13667. More particularly described as follows: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate, lying and being in 'the Township of Reach, County and Province of Ontario, being composed of part of Ash Street, lying between blocks B and C according to the Plan of the Village of Manchester registered as No. 13667, the boundaries of said pargel, are described as follows: . PREMISING that the bearings as shown on Deposited Plan No. 292 Highways govern all bearings mentioned hereafter: COMMENCING at the South East Angle of said Ash Street being the South West ° Angle of Lot 6, Block C; THENCE North 16 degrees 19 minutes 30 seconds West along said East limit of West Angle of said Lot 6; 1 said-Ash-Street-a-distance-of 188.96 feet to_a-bent therein-said-point-being-the- North: -- --- THENCE North 48 degrees 47 minutes 30 seconds West continuing along said East limit of Ash Street a distance of 6.00 feet to a point. THENCE South 49 degrees 26 minutes 30 seconds East along said West limit being the east limit of Lot 4, Block B a distance of 165.74 feet to the South West. Angle of said Ash Street being the South East Angle of said Lot 4; THENCE North 73 degrees 40 minutes 30 seconds East along the South limit of Ash Street a distance of 66.00 feet to the point of commencement. gl (2) The following part of a Highway, Street or Road allowance Plan 292 Highway. governing all bearings mentioned hereafter: -- More particularly described as follows: ALL AND. SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Reach, County and Province of Ontario, being composed of part of the allowance for road between Concession 4 and 5 in front of Lot 13, Concession 5, the boundaries of said parcel are described as follows: PREMISING that the bearings as shown on Deposited Plan No. 292 (Highways) govern all bearings mentioned hereinafter; ..COMMENCING at the intersection of the South limit of Highway No 7Aas shown on said Deposited Plan No. 292 with the North limit of the road allowance between said Concessions 4 and 5, said point being also the most Westerly angle of Lot 1 Block -~ B, according to Registered Plan No. 13667 of the Village of Manchester. "THENCE South 16 degrees 19 minutes 30 seconds East a distance of 66.00 feet to the South limit of said allowance for road between Concessions 4 and 5; THENCE North 73 degrees 40 minutes 30 seconds East along said South limit a distance of 2.00 feet; THENCE North 16 degrees 19 minutes 30 seconds \West a distance of 66.00 feet to . the North limit of said road allowance between Concession 4 and 5; THENCE South 73 degrees 40 minutes 30 seconds West along said North limit a distance of 2.00 feet to the point of commencement. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Reach enacts as follows: WHEREAS the Reeves and Council of the Corporation of the Township of Reach deems it in the Public interest-to close up the, praviously described portions of road; AND WHEREAS no person is being deprived of ingress or egress to and from his or her land or place of residence; AND WHEREAS notice of this By-law has been published once a week for four consecutive weeks, namely April 10th, 17th, 24th and May 1st, 1969, in the Port Perry Star, a weekly newspaper published and circulated in the Corporation of the Village of Port Perry. AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the Township of Reach in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Act, has duly caused notice of its intention to pass this By-law, neighborhood of the parts of the Highway in question. This by-law shall take effect upon the date of its final passing. "to be posted up for at least one month in six public places in the immediate as shown on the 3) SALA AR ok ih | ] Sd Ba z i [ A i i wre w i i 4 [2 i. 2 7b SE LA ST

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