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Port Perry Star (1907-), 24 Apr 1969, p. 4

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AEE EVENTS | OF DAYS GONE BY 50 YEARS AGO Thursday, April 24, 1919 a It was decided at a speical meeting of the Council to 'oil Queen Street this year instead of using water to keep the dust down. EDITORIAL TOPICS Praise Deserved ~ When Wm. Brock a few weeks ago. made up his mind he would like to see a Historical Society ofganized for this area, he probably never anticipated the support, 3 . he was given at the first meeting held last week. $ A Mr. Brock did a great deal of preparatory work in ; » «connection with the formation of this Society by discus iC uany XxX ? ) : . A reception and present- sing the idea with a number of interested citizens in Port % 0 2% hid d O. We AE DA '5 v7 1A SPR/NG | ation were accorded to Port Perry and area. The result is now known, and the form- BRUARY ytd q 3 UNTING 77 ys ; 4 Perry returned soldiers on ation of a Historical Society became a fact following "MARCH n> oh HER s Fa 'Wednesday, April 16th. The the public meeting mentioned above. : X X XY * adic of the oyna had pizde If we know Mr. Brock right, he may even resent the APRIL % ¥ bountiful provision for the soldiers and their parents in EY the Methodist Church. fact that he is singled out and given the credit for the ELEN RAL formation of the organization, but we are sure persons who assisted and gave their support agree that without Mr. Brock's enthusiasm, the Society may not have been formed, at least at this time. Congratulations to Mr. Brock and his co-workersand | success to future accomplishments of the Historical Society. , ' 25. YEARS AGO Thursday, April 27, 1944 } oi Cig [ Z ; The Literary programme * k 22> | given by Grade IX was under the direction of Mrs. Rapson, } Mrs. Coulter, and Mrs. Bielby. a Een v [SO THEY CaN SPEND I7/CE-BOUND "The programnie consisted of a play and musical numbers. While we are in the mood of giving compliments, the ~personswho so diligently have worked in various capacit- ies to see the. new Community Memorial Hospital completed deserve bouquets for their untiring efforts. To the 1,500 persons attending the "Open House' Sunday, there is no doubt, what they had the opport- unity to view was far beyond all expectations. There are far too many persons-involved and deserve credit for the planning and construction of the new hospital, and it would not be fair to single out any one person. However, what has been accomplished here is a definite asset to Port Perry and surrounding communities, one that everyone should cherish and be-proud of. A Week Of Aontiehond The week of April 20 to 26 has been declared "CHILDREN'S AID WEEK". What, another week for still another cause? What do we have to do, shell out ] Mr. Thomas Wilson had the ' misfortune to have his - brooder house = completely destroyed by fire on Friday night. "Ma Simpkins of Simpk-.. insville" the play put-on by the young people of Green- bank in the Town Hall on 'Friday evening was good. 15 YEARS AGO +] Thursday, April 22, 1964 i BILL SMILEY : i Sugar and Spice' In 2 1. = Recognition of the life: 1 time record of High Point 2 'Snowdrop Supreme, a Blue in? 1 Seal Certificate of long time again Te 3 Z4 production has been awarded » [- Xo No. This is not a tag day and you arn't asked to put ; 3 "to her owner B. Webster, Port lcd out anything. The Childgen's Aid Society merely asks THE READERS 'WRITE However, musn't get hung up on the -you to give some thouglit, to become more aware -of For example, if a child loses his parents through 25H no fault of his own, because they cannot look after him, can this heartbreak ever be fully repaired? We can only try. The C.A.S. asks you to think about this. iH There are many needs 'which can be. mét and are being met every day by the C.A.S., in what is some- times an uphill" struggle.- Many families are being children seen by the C.A.S. - about 84% - never have counselled in their homes, so that the majority of ~ Irish stew today, or clam ehowder, or A recent column on- personal beefs, brought. a hair-raiser from W.T. House of West Gravenhurst. _ Quote: ~~ "Question--for what formal education teachers have done and are doing, should history -indict them as murderers, manslaughterers, suicides and conspirators _ thereto? I must' vote 'yes', because after years of research I have not been able to fine others on whom to place the respon- sibility for the hell on earth which will be - 'Local couple was vacationing in Calif- ornia. They were invited to a wine and fish dinner. Hostess had a huge fish, salmon or something, 'cooked, garnished and put on" the table. She went in from the patio for a last-minute check and there was the family cat up to its eyebrows in fish. She squealed for her husband. He came and like a sensible chap, said, "Turn it over; they'll never notice." There was only about _a. pound missing, from the one Perry, Ontario by the Holstein- ¢ bottle. I promised some fish in 'this stew. Friesian Association. i the unmet needs of thousands of children in Ontario. whatever your favorite mucky dish is. It Read the fish-story the other day. It's. too 2 5% oN ~ Some of these needs can never be met, will contain fish and eggs, metal and glass. good to be true, but will pass it along. A unique occasion was :carried out at the regular meeting of Fidelity: Lodge, hg : A AF & AM on Tuesday. It was ~ inspection night for R.W:-Bro. Chas. M. Wallace, D.D.G.M. of Oshawa. He was accomp- lished. by a number of visitors from Oshawa and Bowman- eo ll .e ville. During the meeting V.W. Bro, Harry Wallace made the al to leave home at. all. our Gonsdatin a very oo years now--death side, They id, tae Faegis Aeon Hi "presentation of a sword on =i : 4 : and destruction everywhere." and unanimously: called it the best fish f i . vod The needs of infants, and older children too, for It may have been my attack on the beer they'd ever eaten. heh is fois ve re 0 1 adoptive parents, is being met at a steadily increasing can that sparked this, But he goes on to say . :'Host, pleased at his ingenuity strolled brother Earnest D Wallace boll rite. that scarcely any teachers know that ours is outside and saw the cat lying dead. His who was killed during World e& ' 75 The need of the unmarried mother for.a place to 8 metal civilization, that we have nearly thoughts can only be conjectured. But: War I and at that time was a ish turn and protection for her child is being met by the exhausted the most necessary of these three hours later, after all the guests had 9 are our brother's keeper. i 27% Zi a he-door. & iB A "nN 2 ation or the metals industry, but he sure f poo idn' i 3. 55. . Za : » : didn't want to disturb you while you Thursday, April 23, 1969 il : P ORT * P E R RY : S TA R ii comes to the point. : had guests, and I'm terribly sorry, but I we A + Ll i Heb COMPANY. LIMITED ] The same column in which I attacked yan over your cat and killed it." End of The Fire Tanker'Committee #4 4 disposable bottles, brought a letter from-- gory. Lai with Yepresentatives from a 2 a ; Bion: 3 3 + guess--who--the public relations firm for" x Which reminds me of Gracie Fields and Town ships of Uxbridge, Scott, [7% Z 3 / i . the Glass Container Council. Enclosed was the eggs. This is ture. I was there. Miss Reach and met with represent- 7 | -/a 'brochure called "No Deposit Bottles-- Fields, Lancashire lass with great voice and atives from: the Uxbridge Fire 7 a A Study . comic sense, was on Her fourth-last fare. De tment Friday 'i 7 Z The 'summary of The Study. says the well tour. She took the old. steamer : Par : i, * 8 - £57 p 4 7 facts have shown that, properly handled, Harmonic, on which 'I 'worked, down It was agreed that a new 7; Serving Port Perry, Brooklin.and Surrounding Areas + «the no-deposit bottle is not a danger to the lakes from Duluth to Detroit: © * truck for the tank was nee: P. HVIDSTEN, Publisher 1: ifr estos, not a. Significant In for breakfast two hours late, she essary. : Bi ; 7 . source of litter, not a cause of forest . ordered eggs. T chef was sore, but fried i dE] WM. T. HARRISON, Editor Z fires, not a problem in handling solid waste. | 'thom, S061. The chef was tor, they Tuesday evening the sound 1 Member of; the Canadian Weekly Newspaper 'Assosiation ; Fox did we gel onto forest Pres? 4 were "sunny side up. The 'Chef lifted an of rattling tea cups and gay i : ; : ends on a smug note: enodeposit Oriental 'eyebrow then his spatula, flippe: re y/ Member of the Ontario Weekly Newspaper Association Z bottle is wanted by the public as a form of : tHera fal yen the he ig Spal as Nipped | ani giea umn 70 2 - £ Z Published every Thursday by The Port Perry 2% convenience packaging." Well, I'm -one in, sunny side down. { in! the Head Memorial Tea % Star Co. Ltd, Port Perry, Ontario. ~~ of the public, and I don't want it. Also, Gracie being, a woman, peeked, and - R flor an aveniha" of 1 | eonvenierice used to be a noun when 'the poor devil of a waiter, working. his ho yr. tening '0 | Second Class Mail Registration Number 0266 # I went to school. : way through college, took the full force , ow ng.: 3 ; 2 : y But the' key words in that blurb are of a Lancashire tirade, while the wily old Nally 2 Subscription Rates: In Canada $3.00 per yr., 0 'properly handled". Do they mean 'the chef, in the galley, helped himself to a gin, The ice went "out" quite 7 Elsewhere, $4.60 per year Single Copy 10 2 facts of the bottles. Facts, properly handled, caring not a Cantonese damn about Gracie Suddenly on Sunday April ¥ HL Commi can be a snow job. . : Cook" Fields 19th. CHILDREN'S AID WEEK is simply a reminder that we _ metals and that therefore our form of civilization is ending. ._Mr.. Housé would never make a public 3 relations man for: éither the teaching vac- been to hospital and had their stomachs : pumped out he and his, wife got home, just. a little harassed. A neighbour woman came § ' 10 YEARS AGO member of Fidelity Lodge, Port Perry. LH

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