No CRS ok ORE 1969 Kenneth and A business enterprise in Port Perry which began oper- ation in April 1949, can look 'backon 20 years of successful "service to residents of this and surrounding communities. Two decades ago, Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Dowson purchased the grocery business operated by Mr. E. L. Argue on Queen A "Street. Since that time a i* -< steady increase in the volume of business necessitated lexpan-. "sion of the premises on several occasions. Known as Dowson's Red "& White Store, the owners joined this. grocery chain in . 1954. In 1969, the first self- serve meat counter in- Port Perry was installed, the prod- uce department enlarged and . refrigerated. 'Recently a larger dairy counter has been added for the convenience of the customers, In ' order to. elighe Mr. OBITUARY JASGN CAMPBELL . SOGToNE Following a lengthy illness, J. Campbell Stone died at . Lakeview Manor, Beaverton on April 1st, 1969. __- His parents were the late Albert F. Stone and Helen . Christie of Brock Township where hé was born May 7, A 1895. FH i 'On November: 15, 1922 he married Eva.Isabella Leask. i¥ ". They farmed. in Reach Twp. to Sunderland in 1952. He was a member of Greenbank and Sunderland United .Church. Surviving are his wife, Eva; three sons, Ross of Willow: i dale, William and George of 4% |= - Greenbank, one daughter go: Jean™ (Mrs. John Gregg) of ay Uxbridge .and eighteen grand- oh : children, also three sisters Za Verna (Mrs. Robert Baird), - Minnie (Mrs. Stanley: Doble) . decéased, one brother Amos killed in action in World War I. 'Rev. J.N. Reed conducted funeral services at Pinkham Funeral Home on April: 3rd, al 2 p.m. Burial in Bethel Cemetery, Greenbank. - a The Pallbearers were six . 4 -- PORT FERRY STAR = Thursday, May |, ~runtjil retiring when they moved|. Floris (Mrs. Ford Thompson), Merlin Dowson Observe 20th Anniversary Dowson of some of the neth joined the businéss in 1966. - , The proprietors celebrate the anniversary with a special bargain sale, so the customers may share with them on this happy occasion. : "World OF Music" "| To the '| everywhere are becoming inc- "| "Virtue responsibilities, - his son, Ken-| LETTERS mone EDITOR, GH RR: "Star" Editor Dear Sir: 1 would like to thank the Rev. Wm. Black and others for their kind encouragement and exhortation to "keep on writing". In our soulless techtronic society we need religious "values gto - keep us fully human. However, people reasingly disenchanted «with the prissy Victorianism, the conformity, the smug moral- ity, the"vapid sentimentalism and the sheer, dreary bore- dom * of what passés for in our society. It is repressive and anti-life, stifling individual "initiative and any "intellectual ferment | that might threaten its own comfort and security. We need a higher ethic if we are going to challenge the world and avert a new age of barb- arism. Interior values do not depend on the orthodoxy of} ritual whatever ecclesiastical bureaucrats may want us to believe: Do we care or do we not? That is the question! Sincerely, Mary D. Mumford (Mrs.) ~ Preparations are swing for the presentation of "World of Music" to be held Wednesday, May - 14th at 8 p.m. in the United Church auditorium. Pianos are ringing, voices singing, and instruments tuning as students, under the watchful eyes of their in- structors aspire-to 'a degree 'of perfection for the all i im® portant -occasion. = Young musicians - of: the town and surrounding area, chosen by their teachers be- cause of their talent will per- form. As well as group par- ficipation in choir and band numbers there will be piano and vocal solos and duets. This programme is being -planned in the hope that it will be the first of many such concerts designed to Wed. May 14 th|- in full] GRADUATE Gordon. Dale Lague, for- merly of Whitby, recently graduated from the faculty of dentistry, University of Tor- onto with first class honors. He also received an award for excellence in diagnositc abil- ity. Mr. Lague and his family| reside at 60 Allan St., Port Perry, and he recently open- ed practise in the new Medical Associates building. = nurture and "build a better world of music for young people. "COMPLET E L UMBERT REAL [STATE LTD REALTOR REAL ESTATE - Subscription Rates: Elsewhere, $4.50 per year. grandsons. PORT PERRY STAR ~~COMPANY, LIMITED Serving Port Perri Brooklin and Surrounding Areas P. HVIDSTEN, Publisher . WM. T. HARRISON, Editor Member of the Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association Member of the Ontario Weekly. Newspaper Association * Published every Thursday by The Port Perry : Star Co, Ltd., Port Perry, Ontario. "Second Class Mail' Registration Number 0265 In Canada $8.00 per yr., Single Copy 10¢, 'grandma, 'Mrs. and - \ i 'were presented with a chest- EPSOM NEWS There were twenty tables of Euchre at the last Comm: unity Party, The winners were: Ladies, Vivien Carl, Ella Kedting, Ruby' Rodgers, Irene Houghland. Door, Lena Ogden. Gents, Everett Wat- son, Hugo Bradley, Bruce Houghland; Cecil Hubbard. Door, Ethel Smith. We were' pleased to wel- come . Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Bradley home from their trip to ,China, New Zealand, Australia and other interest- ing places. = There will be another par- May 2nd.|' ty 'this Friday, Music will be on hand for a dance following cards and lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Munro of Oshawa, Mr. .and ~ "Mrs. George Johnston and family of Glen Major.were Sunday dinner = guests with" their F. Munro. Mrs. Florence McKnight visited Mrs. Munro one day recently. » There 'was a large crowd of- friends, neighbours and relatives- at Memory Hall in Utica on Friday evening to honour the newlyweds, Mr. Mrs. Ken: Geer. They erfield. Miss Darlene Christie was home most of last week with | a bad case of flu. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hubbard visited * with" Mr. and Mrs. L. Brawn on Sunday. - 2X We are "pleased to learn that Mr. G. Taylor 'is -im- proving after having a hand | crushed in a niece of mach- inery recently. . Mr. and Mrs. Conlin, Osh- awa and. family called to vis- it- with. Mrs. Cawker on Sat- urday. On Saturday evening the -fmmediate family of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Asling met at the t[ 'home of M¢. and Mrs. Don- ald Asling to celebrate Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Asling's fifty- eighth wedding anniversary, Present were their two sons, Walter of Ajax and Donald, five of their grandchildren and-seven great-great grand- children, Mr. Asling's sister, Mrs. Cawker. We congratu- late Mr. and Mrs. Asling and' wish them many moré-years of happiness. 3 Miss Vera Prentice also called. on Mr. and Mrs. As- ling on their anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. 'Geer, Mr. and Mrs. Talbert Evans, Mrs. Dora Geer. and Mrs: Myrtle Wagner were dinner, guests with "Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kerl'y. Don't® forget the UCW. Anniversary service at Ep- som Church: on Sunday, May 4th at 11.30 a.m. : The U.C.W. will be at Ep- som Church May 6th. This is the annual plant sale. Ev- eryone welcome. = Plants, roots, bulbs, tubers; - slips, seeds, anything that grows goes. Mrs. Reg. Adlam of Will- odale and Mrs. Eva-Redford of. Durham visited Mr. and (er Locke. urday.- ~-Mr. 'and Mrs. Wednesday = evening ] Mr.. and Mise Alf: Gorrell ( of Eden called on Mr. and.' Mrs. David Prentice on Sat. Mr. and Mrs. 'Ron Brown' and children: the new own- ers of the Prentice farm from Oakyille also called on Prentice on Saturday. - Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. 'Earl Wilson were ; Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Simp. son of Uxbridge, Mrs. Walt- er Simpson, Mr, 1and Mrs. E Simpson of Killworthy. Sunday evening 'Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kendry and 'Patty, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Geer, Mr. and 'Mrs. Harry Geer, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Geer. were guests with' Mr.. and Mrs. Mel Tindall to -celebrate Patty Kendry's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. H.- Gourlie, Mrs. R. Armstrong and Tom- my- accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gourlie and Tracy to Norwood where they vis: ited with Mr. and Mrs. Walt- Mrs." Donald Asling on Sun: day. Port Perry C 'a report by] by Following - reeve R.A. Kénny -on poor water pressure in Prince Alb- ert, .and about 30 lots 'along the main he felt should be supplied with water, a resol- ution of April 9 to curtail further supply . of water out- side the Village was rescinded. It was 'decided to draw up a new by-law to-include the 30 lots to be serviced with water in Prince. Albert. These lots to be- listed according to lot numbers in the by-law. Subdivisions will not be included. : The following statement of Accounts for. 1969 was authorized for payment: Hr General Dept. $8,416.32 Relief Dept. . $90. a0. Street Maint. , $$ 998.42 Truck, Tractor $ 308.92 Property & Parks $ 263.63 Waterworks Dept. $ 137.18 Waterworks OWRC $ 25.00 ouncil News ~ The- following building permits were - authorized: Mr. Charles Thompson Lot 125 Scugog St. -Porch 7° x 10° Mr. Glen Wanamaker South 'Part Block E Lilla Btrest " Addition Mr. G.- Lehmann - new 'residence Lot 62 Crandle St. Mr. G. Putigna Pt. Lot 268 Lilla Street - Repairs & Addition. : Mr. J.. Martens new res-- idents. Lot 2 - Simcoe St. Mr. J.J." Gibson, Bigelow St.- Alterations to garage.' .. -Mr. .Bob Duff - rebuild garage Pt. Lot 74 & 76 Cochrane St. EAN 'Due "to. increased -amount--- -- of "garbage and the' longer _ -distance---to-the--dump;~Mr. Thomas Slute asked council . for an increase in the fee . paid him, Council' agreed to - pay' an" additional: $140. per month and extended the cont- NOTICE , reader. : per year. r ! ~ $10,239.47 SUBSCRIBERS During the last five years there have been a vast number of hinges" made in the quality. of the Star both in the area of 'production and. content. Major among these improvements was the change to. offset production printing of benefit to both readers and advertisers. : While advertising rates contiriue to increase 'the cost to the reader. more than thirty per cent and the recent and considerable increase in postal rates make it necessary at this time to increase our price to the Newsprint and equipment andr many other ingredients of the nows- paper business have climbed as well. Subscribers are thus advised that as of May' 12, 1969, the annual subscription rate will be $4.50 a year. On the newsstands and in Paper boxes, the Star will remain at 10c per copy. Subseription rates in U. S. and other forsin countries will be $6, 00 AT ol Bai P. Huiditén, Publisher ract to May 11,1970. ' 3 z - 3 PORT PERRY STAR" ik af» EH L] +f o Ld [ 3