. short by 50 pins and settled my--233;" ~% LAUR ERIN AF . PAR Tes 14 AS " 3} LO LY 3 2 SRR RY LER Se BIGGER & BETTER. SRENORKS oo ON PORT PERRY FAIR GROUNDS "MONDAY, MAY 19th (WILL START AS SOON AS i 1s DUSK) SPONSORED BY PORT PERRY FIRE DEPARTMENT | - 3 : i: p, : TICKETS $2.00 PER FAMILY AVAILABLE FROM LOCAL FIREMEN. PORT PERRY * STAR x Mrs. Les Beacock Miss Jean Snelgrove ably pres sided at the organ during "worship last Sunday. | fe x Bowling MEN'S THURSDAY NIGHT BOWLING April 24th-- The men's Thursday Bowl-| ing Playoffs were complet. ed this week with the main] playoff series being won by] the Don's Raiders team, which is a repeat of last year., The Beare Chev. Boys made quite a comeback in the latter stages but fell for Runner-up position. The Consolation event was won by Ballard's Lumber team. Our annual banquet is on Sat., May 10th, and as usual, a hearty. welcome. to-all seam sponsors, i LADIES WEDNESDAY NIGHT BOWLING Charleston - Frug- Samba . " Foxtrot ..... Tango High Single-- K. Harper--276 High Triple-- . . °° M: Graham--721- , Triples 600 and Over-- Muriel Grahami' -- 721; I. Doupe -- 704; G. Langiile-- 676; P. Salter--621; C. Wil son--=617; C. Wilbur---616; J. Hull--604. . | 237, S. Tully--233; E. Pogue :| Bryant--231, 214; J. Irvine-- | phens--220; F. Venning--219 {-D--Phinney----215;-201;-F: .--648; J. Irvine -- 643; C. 'T. Vanderby -- '618; F. Ven- Bowling Bowling LADIES MONDAY NIGHT BOWLING " Screwdriver Pink Lady : Manhattan -Shegry ...... Twister Stinger Hot Toddy . Gin Fizz Side Car Tom Collins Martini" Zombie 'High Single-- + Sharon Stone--257 High Triple-- haron .Stone--648 "Singles 200 and Over---- J. Middleton--261; S. Stone -- 257, 203;-G. Vanderby -- 251; E. DeShane -- 244; J. Storry--238, 228; M. Real-- 33 --232; C. Watts--232, 231; S. 230, 225; A. Mulder -- 229, 219; A. Scriver--220; E. Ste 211; B. Evans--218; I. Fra- ser<=217; M. DeJong -- 216; Davey --. 215, 207; J. Van Schagen -- 214; J. Walker-- 214; D. Davies -- 214; R. Beare--214, 204; A. Chapman --213; L. Charles --212; C. Wilson--209; A. Evans--201. Triples 600 and Over -- J. Middleton--650; S. Stone Watts--639; S.-Bryant--622; ning--617; L. Charles--602, __Singles 210 and Over fr es K. Harper --276; M. Gra- ham -- 266, 251; P. Salter-- 261; G. Langille -- 259, 232; I. Doupe--258, 225; 221; R.| MeGregor--246, 241; J. Hun: ter--246; J. Hyll --.242; E. Bailey--242; C. Wilbur---238, 229; H. Penny--236; C. Ptole- i ." Midgley--232; -- 223; M. Geer-- I. Healey--221: C. ; M. Sweetman-- éhzie 218; M. Don- . Chandler--| 218; J. Harper-- 7B. Col- lins--215; C. Wilson--211. L. Butson 221, 217; |At Ball Par ~ operate -| Markham-Stouffville,.Brough-. am, Greenwood, Claremont : and Victoria, {ing will no 'doubt bring Port' Require Help Saturday, -May 3, will be the annual cclean- -up and work day at the local ball park on Water Street. ; The backstop and outfield fences ¢ are in need of repairs and the outfield should by rolled and levelled. Allrepairsand maintenagce of the ball park has been done each year by the handful of softball workers who give thei time. Anyone" who ond like to give 4 hand - on Saturday should contact Vin Walker 'or report to the ball. park, Saturday morning about 9:30. 'The-local-ball-park-is:one of the finest in the "province and all Port Perry residents should be prepared to keep the park in top 'shape. Your help will be appreciated. - Local Softhall Season Opens On Week-End "The local softball season will open this week-end with series. The 'Ballard Lumber 'Juveniles have held one pract- ice and 'are réady to give the Juvenile "C' playoff series their best shot in hopes of [€ a repeat of* last season. Oshawa city and District League and will provide excel- lent. softball entertainment. The other good news for local fans - is the 'forming of the Int. -"C" club. which will "ina ledgue with: Square; Bill Harper will be coaching, this club and this type of coach-] Perry back to prominince, in Int. "C" Softball. Watch fora notice of first practice. * . SELLING REALESTATE LID REALION + 985-7373 lenge the Chae: JOIN, Port Perry Men's League Golf once a week this summer and enjoy © Fine Fellowship e Competition with visiting clubs © Weekly Prizes ® Team. Awards © Free Annual Banquet ®Handicaps given to the players to help chal- THE - ° Individual Awards. "JOIN NOW AND ENJOY THE: GAME | the registration of "the minor | This club has entered the | 7 DAYS A.-WEEK Following the minister's sérmon two. brothers Tom: & Edward Olsen gathered the offering. Mrs. B. Snelgrove accom- panied 'Mrs. G. Hunter when 'they attended 'the organists and choir directors "Christian Workers Center", Five Oaks, at Paris, Ont. on the week-end. Mrs. B. Snelgrove shared her home for the April meet- ing of the U.C.W. President Mrs. T.. Hodgins voiced: a welcome to visitors & mem- ~|bers. Secretary Mrs. Harris read the minutes. Treasurer Mis. Deeth reported on fin- ances. Tentative plans are "Strawberry-Supper" possib-_ ly held latter part of June. It is a proposed idea to sporisor a "hat-tea show" in the month of September. Watch for further particulars regarding two above func tions. Members also _agreéd to adopt the cheque and trophy idea to general proficiency students "at end of school term for Area School No. 1. Mrs. W. Heayn 'had chirge of a well planned devotion. Mrs. H.. Hodgins 'related a. fascinating' 'report: on - the Study Book. -This chapter created an interesting gigeng sion. Mrs. S. Lindsay kindly of- fered her home for the next meeting. Dainty lunch pro- vided by Mrs. "Holtby, Mrs. Dorothy Hope and the' host- ess. Mrs. 'T. Hodgins and Mrs. ne uc Ww. Executive Meeting 'at Maple .Grove where' they gained' some fresh 'ideas. relatives-and friends assemb- led in the Recreation Centre '| Pugh . upon their twenty: years. of marriage. YOUR, oLD ITS Feiend TOUGH TO.BE A CHILD. GET A LICKING, IF YOURE QUIET- BRIAN'S SUPERTEST OPEN 3 : * LEAGUE GAMES START IN. MAY." CALL JiM WILSON Sr, at 985-7868 or = PAY MOR ROW at 985- 2076 - evenings 995.7226 _ SUNNY. BRAE GOLF cLuB | LUBRICATION EXPERT REFRESHMENT BOOTH. WHEEL BALANCING - . PHONE 085 - 2243 ® 24 HOUR TOWING 0 | '(Emergency Groceries) Prince. lynderway for -the annual | BI 'Snclgrove aitended the | Saturday' night nearly 30 € to honour Mr. and Mrs, 'M.|& JF YOURE NOISY You |$ "CASTOR OIL". IB Albert Euchre and dancing 'oceu- pied, the majority of the evening, Hearty greetings Merv. followed by opening J gifts. Finally the enjoyment of the sumptuous' buffet table consisting of ~~ appetizing foods which blended into the pleasant party. Miss-'Jean Snelgrove who is home froin University has commenced summer work at the O.M.S.0.P. Toronto. We all extend our sincere sympathy to the bereaved wife 'and family over the sudden passing of Mr, Wm. Heayn. . . Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Webb, Ottawa efijoyed .last week with his sister and husband 'Mr. and Mrs. B. Smith. - Recent company with the were voiced to Ilean and | News sons visited her parerits Mr," and Mrs. Gostik of Stouff- ville, ~ Mr. and Mrs. A; 'Olsen, Scarboro visited his brother and wife" Mr. and, Mrs. F. Olsen and family, 3 "Miss Jane - Huntley and friend, Toronto spent the - week-end with her mother Mrs. M. Huntley... : * Mr. and Mrs. J. Lake and two children, Oakwood visit- ed her father Mr. W. E. Martyn on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Gross, Chatham visited "her sister Mr. and Mrs. -H. Holtbys and visited their mother Mrs. T. Bailey a- patient in Oshawa Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Les Beacock were recent _guests with their cousins Mr. and Mrs. Keith Parkin of Cameron. .Les..Beacocks--included Miss. 0. Beacock, Mrs. M. Tarmis, Mr. and Mrs. T. Cole all of Oshawa; Mrs. L. Beacock Glen and Gordon, Nestleton, Perry. Mr. and zs, M. Pugh and Misses" E; and A. Dodd, Port | REAL ESTATE LTO -2EALIOR PERRY AND SURRO WISH TO PLAY INT. Intermediate Softhall "ALL SOFTBALL PLAYERS IN PORT ASKED TO ATTEND A MEETING TO. BE. - HELD SATURDAY, MAY 3 -- 5:00 "AT THE ARENA OR CONTACT BILL. HARPER AT 985:7591, + 985-7373 UNDING AREA WHO C" SOFTBALL-ARE . p.m. PORT | PERRY MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION © ANNUAL MEETING | SUNDAY, MAY 31h, 1969 3 PORT PERRY ARENA 6 All interested persons are 'welcomed. We are e expanding: and will be putting in more Board § # of Director WVembers.- 7:00 P.M. Nd DOP s 2.00 Per Player. FRI, MAY 2nd At Port Perry ICE--Block & Cube "MINOR SOFTBALL REGISTRATION €AT., MAY 3rd 10 AM. -3 PM. SERIES TYKE = UNDER 8 yrs. SQUIRT UNDER 11 Yrs. BOYS ~~ PEEWEE UNDER 13 Yrs. ~~ _ BANTAM. UNDER" 15 Yrs. 'MIDGET UNDER ' 17.Yrs. JUVENILE UNDER | 19 Yrs. GIRLS ~~ BANTAM UNDER. 13 Yrs. Jr.LADIES UNDER Port Perry and District Minor Softail Association Secretary Doug McMillan : $4.00 Per Family. 6:30 to 8:00. 19 Yrs. Ball Park i Ls a NY FP 2 Ran LIST WITH JERI