P ~ 6 -- PORT' PERRY STAR - AY Ad ton HTB x RENAE a ' 2% 97 hg \ wit " RAN \ bd BAAR, - Thursday, May 15, 1969 dil Church Services CHURCH OF ASCENSION "ANGLICAN Rev. R. C. Rose, Minister SUNDAY, MAY 18th ASCENSION I } 9:45 a.m.---Holy Communion Church School -~ ST. JOHN, BLACKSTOCK SUNDAY, MAY 18th-- ASCENSION I 11:15 a.m.--Morning, Prayer "Church School ------ PORT "PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. Alec. Rice, B.A. Minor SUNDAY, MAY 18th-- PORT PERRY 11.00 a.m.-- Church Service 9.45 a.m --Sunday School for children 6 yrs. & up 11.00 a.m.--5 yrs. and under PRINCE ALBERT' 1.00 p.m.--Sunday School 2.00 p.m.--Church Service ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. William Black, .F.R.G.S. SUNDAY, MAY 18th-- 10:00 a:m.--Worship Service ' » "Dislocated Saints". Discussion period - following. ECO 11:00 'a.m.--Sunday School .. | Perry and Mr. and Mrs. Stan Rodd - of Brooklin Monday Port Perry Presenting High Schoo! Concert Band ~ Back Row - Left to right - Pat Webber, Karen Carnegie, -Greg Menzies, Ted Hall, Isabell Flett, Dave Bourgeois, Ken Ballinger, Melanie Karn, Irwin Smith, Neil Holtby, Mary Jane Crosier, Brenda Fowler, L.P. Chellew, Kathy Sonley. Middle Row - Neil Taylor, Donovan Smith, Naomi - Horslen, 'Miriam Rice, Hi Kenny, Carol Wilson, Gary Geer, Barb Hillier, Lucyk, Zygmund Pach. Doris Kalb, Barry Malcolm, Les Front Row - Sharon Beare, Janice Stone, Jane Stulen, Diane Panabaker, Jill Stone, Charlotte Carnegie, Wendy Monahan, Barry Wood. 'Absent - Deb Griffen, Garnet Watson Mrs. B. Snelgrove of Prince Albert, Mrs. G. Jeffrey and Mrs. O.. Jeffrey of Port visitors of Mr. & Mrs. Percy Jeffrey. "BAPTIST CHURCH PORT PERRY PASTOR A HERN. (Queen and 'Rosa Sts.) - / SUNDAY, MAY 18th-- 9:50 a.m --Sunday School 11:00 a.m.--Morning Worship 7:00 p.m.--Evening Service United Church of Canadas SCUGOG Pastoral CHARGE: Rev. George Teskey" SUNDAY, MAY 18th-- 9:00 a.m.--SCUGOG "10:10 'a.m.--PROSPECT 11:15 a.m.--MANCHESTER PENTECOSTAL CHURCH_ Rev. R. Batten, Rev. I. MacLean 10 a.m.--Family Bible Hour 11 a.m.--Morning Worship +7 p.m.--Evang, Service "| day visitors of Mrs. Highet's |week-end visitor of Miss. Mr. and Mrs. J. Highet &- daughters 'of Agincourt Sun- parents Mr, and Mrs. G. Smith. . : Mr. and Mrs. R. Milner of Brooklin guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Fralick on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. Baird of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. J. Ballingall and Dean dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Eden. Miss Melodie Appleton a Janet-Reader. Mrs. E. Pearson of Oshawa a week-end visitor with her son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. C. Aldred. Mr. and Mrs. L. Davis of Pickering dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Holt on Sun- day. Society Meets At Greenbank The meeting held! to-night (Thursday, May 15) at Green- bank Centennial Hall promises to be a most interesting one. Speaker at this meeting is a former Port Pekry resident, Mr. Hugh MacMillah, with Ontario Archives in Toronto. His topic will be "How a Historical Society should be involved with the commun- Mr. and Mrs. K. Crozier & family Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs, J. Reese. Miss Marguerite Bowles. of Uxbridge a Thursday Fisitor of Mr. and Mrs. H. Thomas. Mr. and: Mrs, E. Metcalf of Toronto recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. H. Brodie. They toured the Island and visited the Marina, '=. The Cubs.and Scouts, 2nd Scugog Unit, Father and Son Banquet was held 'at Grace Saturday night. Mrs. Yvonne Edgar and Mrs. Betty Reese ity." SELLING FEAL ESTATE LTO REALTOR 985-7373 {family of Cobourg guests of are the leaders. Miss Grace Pogue of Tor onto spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. R. Pogue, Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce and Mr. and Mrs, McQuinn. Mrs. | Plumbing - Heating = Electric - PORT PERRY, ONT. OFFICE - 985-2473 RES. on May the 21st. SCUGOG NEWS A. Marks returned with them for a visit. Mr. Barry Prentice spent the week-end in Parry Sound Mr. and Mrs. I. Helliwell and children of West Hill spent Sunday "with her par- ents Mr, and Mrs. F. Tyrell. Mr. and Mrs. Jordon and family, were at Malton on Sunday to - bid farewell to his mother of Burks Falls who was leaving for England. 'Mrs. - Teskey and: family spent Mother's Day at the Parsonage. 'The Spragg's and family of Oshawa luncheon guests on Saturday of Jack & Joan Kane, . i g Mr. and Mrs. J. Pearson & family of Port Perry-and-Mr,- & Mrs. P. Saulnier of Green- bank Sunday coffee guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kane. Service at Grace at-9 a.m. Note change of time. You are invited. . 3 Pleased to report Mrs.. C. L. Falick from Port Perry Hospital and Mrs. Don Cro- zier from Western Hospital are home. Keep 'coming la- dies. ! --.-Mrs.-E.-Prentice-and Mr, Bob Prentice spent a day in Toronto recently. beter s) pital Auxiliary on May 31st. Aprons please. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kane and family' visited with her aunt, Mrs. M. Miller of Tor- onto. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Young & children of Brampton week- end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Jordon. Fo Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. Bell includ- ed Mr. Gerald Bell of Parry Sound, Mr, and Mrs. Percy Jeffrey, Mr. Bill Jeffrey & Miss Linda Theurer of Tor- ontox- Mr. and Mrs. W. Wats of Toronto and friends week- end guests at their cottage Pine Point, Mr. and Mrs. D. McCague and - Cheryl: spent. Sunday with her parents Mr. & Mrs. | F. Snoddon of Woodville, Mud cat supper at Grace Come. Miss Penny Prentice" a Sunday visitor of Miss Bar. ix Powers. " .. Chris Lindholme 'a -- of the Prentice Breth- ren, .At.the Bons. of Mrs. Bon- nie Gerrow twenty-four la- dies met on Wed. evening of May 7th as the U. C.W. group. As visitors we were pleased | lins whd had an operation 'the Hospital Spring Fair. 7 Ladies remember the Hos-| thoughts of an--11 lunch of sandwiches and rel 'mudcat supper for May 21st, to welcome Mrs, Eastwood, Mrs. -Whitters, Mrs. Cora Heayn, Mrs." Carol ' Wilson, Mrs. M. Travell, Mrs. Marilyn Manns, Mrs. Stichmann. The meeting began -with several 'verses of many fami- liar hymns and' concluded with "Onward Christian Sol- diers". Following prayer Mrs. Betty Reader. read the Scripture and Mrs. Lillian Moore gave a very interest- ing Study on China.- Notes of appreciation for Easter remembrance ' were received from Mr. and Mrs. Alex Martyn of Toronto, Mr, and Mrs, Orval Heayn of Kingston and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Arnold, Mrs. Gertie Col- sent thanks for the card and gift. . For the roll call each lady named a well known person living or-dead whose mother she would like to be. For aprons and many other items were turned in. During the business dis- cussion it was moved to turn over the proceeds from the April luncheon toward the payment of the Church paint job. It was decided to have a Strawberry Supper, Wed. July 2 on the lovely lawn of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Smith at Gerrow's Beach.. The group leaders with Mrs. Smith were asked to be an active com- mittee forthis project. The 2 settings supper should be accompanied by special mu- sic. Mrs.: Ethel Redman read two poems "Mother's Day", well composed by herself and "Evolution", Mrs, Lil- lian Moore read the fvritten yr.--old girl on "Brotherhood" from true experiences of a negro child and a. Jewish child. Mrs. Marion Carter conduct. ed a jumbled word contest from Wedding Cake ingre- dients. . The winner was Mrs. Amy Smith... A delicious ishes was served by 'Mrs, Betty Reader's group. A group has planned the UCW. members (will be asked to contribute 2 ples or money. Tickets are avail- able from Mrs. Earl Reader. Last week there was a mistake in dates for the bus trip to Massey Hall to hear Rev. David Wilkerson - who started "Teen Challenge" in Honeydale W. B The first <evening meeting of the year took place in the municipal hall 7.30 p.m., 'on May '1st. Vice president Mrs. T. Bell opened the meeting and welcomed guest from Myrtle Greenbank and Nestleton Branches. Assistant Secretary Mrs. J. Carnochan called the Roll. A motion was made to dispense with minutes of last meeting. Communications were read. A few convenors gave brief reports to allow sufficient time - for splendid program -our visitors had prepared. We were asked to prepare articles for Brooklin Fair, Bake pies for Harold Honey sale May 23rd and donations 'to the Hospital Ladies Auxi- liary Bazaar May 31st. 4 Mrs. T. Bell had with her the profit calendars for sale, also a Hospital Tiadies Auxi- liary project. Greenbank WI, had some seats'vacant for the Bus trip to Dominion Center, St. Law- rence Qil Co, May. 30th leav- ing at 9 p.m. with a pick-up at Manchester. Mable Cawker spoke on the. Motto, 'The handclasp of friendship is better than any peace' treaty. - Visitors open- ed their program with a solo by Mrs. L. Malcolm: of Nest- leton, followed by Mrs, Par- rot who gave a number of humorous readings. Mrs. Ianson of Greenbank. gave a reading on the homecrafts, the Women's Institute pre- sents. 'Mrs. Smith of Prince Al- bert showed slides on differ- ent crafts with Mrs."S. Nap-- les comenting on on each. ; The color .and detail of these slides were marvelous. There followed a social half hour with lunch served by Mrs. J. Carnochan's group. Blackstock W.I. The Women's Institute] which met in the Township Hall Wednesday evening, -May-7Tth--opened "with "the President and Secretary in their places by the singing of the Ode and repeating the Collect. * Secretary read the minutes and some cards of thanks in- cluding one from Port Perry Hospital in appreciation for W.I donation to the Tuck the dates are for Friday and Sat., May 30th and May 31. Please let Rev. Teskey know which night you prefer. " On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Reader of Port Perry, Mrs. Ila Harris and Miss Frances Clark of - Montreal visited atsthe home of Mr, and=Mrs. Earl Reader, HOLSTEIN "At the farm R.R. 2. cattle carrying a rich New York City. Please note Shop. Treasyrer gave her report. "Delegates appointed to Dis- trict Annyal in Bowmanville May 14 -- Msds. Stanford Van Camp, Charles Smith, Kenneth Samells and Mar- wood McKee. - Several others hoped -to attend. Several. items of business were dealt - with, Mrs. C. Smith report- ed on Hospital Auxiliary meeting. Mrs, M. McKee introduced Mrs. O. Croxall who put on an interesting Amway dem- onstration. During her Bin- 80 game prizes were won by Mrs. C. Smith, Mrs. R, Larm- er and Mrs. J. A. Johnston. Lunch was served by the 'executive. 'HONEYVALE - Friday, May 23rd. 12 o'clock nooh;: consist ing of 85 head, of Registered and Vaccinated Apple blood. The selling will be handled by "the well known sale staff of Ted Jackson, Mike Brubacher, Ray Brubacher, 'Orton Bowman and Bruce Murchison, DISPERSAL 'Seagrave, Ontario, on ° concentration of Rag yg