vi 13) oo" & ® 4 is £4 SE AT MAAS AR SRIrs tiara AN Ay aa [RCT SATO Wanted To Rent TWO BEDROOM Apartment or_house in Port Perry, Ph, 985-2815 after 5 p.m, Help Wanted REAL ESTATE CAREER Wanted a full time real For Rent PASTURE, also hay to'cut & share. Phone 985-3068, estate agent for Blackstock For JULY and AUGUST -- Furnished house or apart- ment. Retired couple will take -excellent care of pro- perty, moderate rent. Refer. ences. Phone Toronto 691- 3351. 4--Junel9 Work Wanted ROOFING, eavestroughing, cement work, chimneys built a1) repaired, Call _Jim 986- 4832. area. Experienced manager to help you plus extra adver- tising to expand commission. Member of most Real Estate Boards. Contact Lloyd 4 Lee, FRI, Vice President, H. Keith Ltd. Realtor, 181 Eglinton Ave, Toronto 12. COTTAGES & Cabins. Lake- front, sand beach, good fish- ing, boats," motors light housekeeping, 1 . mile to town; at Wilberforce, Hali- \ burton district. Whispering Pines, Phone for reserva- tions 985-2517. 2--Juned Phone 487-3333. CARPENTER for "framing houses, Phone 986 - 4435 after 6 p.m, BILL TAYLOR CONCRETE CONTRACTOR Coloured Floors Cement Finishings Phone 852-7101 Uxbridge, Ontario : TF. FURNACES CLEANED re- paired, sold & installed. -- Space Heaters cleaned and Serviced. Hot Water Heaters, -Presure Systems, Electrical & Plumbing. T. Wilson, 986-552 T.F. Dead or Crippled - Farm Stoc . 'Picked up promptly. - Telephone collect 'HAMPTON 263-2721 MARGWILL FUR FARM 4 Tyrone Licence 204-C-69 INTERIOR or EXTERIOR 'PAINTING _ Call John "Holtby 985.7553 : T.F. --after 4 P.m. ) DEAD OR CRIPPLED HOUSE, located 2nd Cone. of Brock Twp., % mile east of Hwy. #12. For inspection call between 7 & 9 p.m. Sat, Mav 31st or Phone 705 - 357- area.. Reply to Doulas Coppins Ltd. Phone 852- 3891. 2A COOK'S HELPER wanted. Apply Haugen's- Bar-B-Que, Manchester, experience not necessary. ester FULL TIME Sales Lady. Ap- ply in writing stating previ- ous experience and age to Box 393 Port Perry, Ont. | BABY SITTER to care for 2 children, ages 2 yrs. and 4 months, live in. All sum- mer work. Write Mrs. Betty Fielding, RR. 2 Poniypool. 6 STUDENTS, ladies, men who drive tq servige Fuller custom in t Perry, East Whi & Reach Townships. $ for 15 hrs. weekly or more. Phone 728-4922. 4--Junel9 Notice to Creditors In the matter of the Estate of Irene Clark, Widow, Coo, Deceased All persons having" claims against the Estate of Irene Clark, late of the village of Port Perry, in the County of FXPERIENCED Operator for 3718, . -- ackhoe and front-end loader |" ° work, Uxbridge, Port Perry Miscellaneous STUD SERVICE PALAMENO - Stallion stand- Ing at stud. Donald Hunter, RR. 2, Seagrave. 985-7877. Phone 8--June -19 Real Estate Raglan Area 200 acre Dairy farm, high scenic land, 2 storey brick home, in good repair, mod- ern dairy barn with stable cleaner, more than 1 mile road frontage. Call for fur- ther information. Sunderland New 3 bedroom brick bunga- low, oil heating, large bright living room. with fire place, mahogany basement, .illness .is reason for sale, immediate posses- sion. down, cupboards, full $19,000 with $4,000. - 3 bedroom frame bungalow | Ontario, Widow,- who died-on FARM ANIMALS : Picked up Promptly For direct line call Long Distance and ask for Zenith 32800. Call anytime ED PECONI & SON Woodville, Ont. Licence No. 324C-66 PARRY'S SEPTIC TANK ~ CLEANING AND REPAIR SERVICE: Norm Parry PORT PERRY 9857237 CUSTOM Corn planting with new plateless planter $2.75 per acre. Phone 14-R-21 Little Britain, 3--May27 WEEDS CUT with power mower. Phone 985-7494. LR 2--Juned BOYS with own lawn mower desire cutting lawns. Stain. ton Bros. Phone 985-3012, 33 Caleb Street. House and Bam Painting Call LLOYD SIMPSON 728.9876 Oshawa Free Estimates 2--Juneb or about the-9th day of May, 1969, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 30th day of June, 1969, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties] entitled thereto, having re: gard only to claims of which they shall then have notice, DATED at Port Perry, Ont- Barristers and Solicitors, Box 131, Port Perry, Ont. Solicitors for the above Notice to Creditors In the matter of the Estate fo Rodolphus Jack Hayden, Deceased 'All persons 'having claims against the Estate of Rodol- phus Jack Hayden, late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, La- bourer, who died on or about the 29th day of April, 1969, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or be- fore the 30th 'day of June, 1969, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the par- ties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ont: ario, this 27th day of May, 1969. GREER, KELLY & JERMYN, Barristers and Solicitors, Box 131, Port Perry, Ont. 3--Junel2 estate, JUNE SESSION Ontario County Council will hold its June session at the County Building, Whitby, on Thursday, June 26. Solicitors for the above Jeod and Pine woods, she and dryer, guest house, ver exclusive area. $28,000. wit] terms. in Port Perry area, overlonk- ing Lake Scugog, beautiful modern. kitchen, mahogany cupboards, large living room with broadloom, oak floors in hall and bedroms, modern bath with sliding glass doors, double garage and large lot $16,950.00 with $3,500 down. Retreat - Pond - "Club" Site 113 acres overlooking Lake Scugog, 1% storey, 11 room alo, this 27th day of May. pr oo home, large bank GREER, KELLY & JERMYN, barn, trout stream crosses property, 3 spring fed ponds and flowing creek, 15 acres of mature maples and beech 3J woods, 10 acre pond site. unel2 estate. Accident forces sale. $55,000. Cash. Scenic 10 acre lots, with stream and woods $7900 with $3,000 down. 172 acre dairy farm, medi- um clay loam, 400 1b. milk contract and bulk cooler, 2 storey, 4 bedroom home with hot water heating and con- veniences, room, excellent home. Roa frontage on 3 sides of farm. Only $55,000.00 with terms. separate dining. 3 bedroom brick bungalow in Prince Albert, prestige home, large living room with fire place, separate dining room, 2 bathrooms, full base- ment and recreation réom, attached garage and paved driveway, extra lot if desired $34,000.00 with terms. Prestige Cottage at Pine Point, 3 lots, boat house, 20' boat and 75 H.P. motor, pri- vate back yard, with hard- atio, urni- ireplace, completely with automatic washer Call GEORGE S.:STONE 985.2632 -- -- Er. oi Queen St., Port Perry 985-7386 6 room, 2 storey frame home with 3 bedrooms, large dern conveniences, full base- ment, attached garage, sitv- ated on lovely well treed 11/3 acres, in quiet country village. Asking $25,000 with goed terms. Lake Scuaoa Cottage or year round home, insulated, conveniénces, oil furnace, 3 .bed, furniture and appliances boat included. Excellent sand beach, at Caesarea. Full price. $14,500. Easy Terms. 6% 9% N.H.A. ReSale Lovely 3 bedroom brick veneer home, in immaculate condition, complete with shrubs, landscaping, and fenced lot, rec-room and other extras. Quiet area close to schcols ete. Good value at $24,000. Terms. Commuter Farm 50 acres, close to Hwy. Good horse farm, new barn, 6 room brick home, all con- veniences. Knotty pine Kkit- chen, fireplace. Price $55,000 Terms. Corner Farm Commuter Farm, 100 acres, scenic beef farm with spring and pond, 8 room brick home conveniences, Full price-- $42,000. Terms. PHONE 985.7386. Evenings call: Howard Forder--655-3853 ~ George Beaton--985.2987 Maurice Baker--852-7256 ..Real Estate kitchen and sunroom, all mo-| sunporch, | Ken Middleton--985.7548 | RENT « SWAP + HIRE + 3) CIASSIFIED ADS GE RESULTS 'HIRE * BUY * SELL: RENT RAZ ale == = TINE rsday, May 291969 --- 9 PORT PERRY STAR -- Thu REAL ESTATE TD--REALTOR 985-7373 [J EXCLUSIVE AND M THE TORONTO AND YORK COUNTY AND OSHAWA REAL ESTATE BOARDS. .L.S. MEMBERS OF Lake Scugog Cottage, immaculate con- dition, with all convenien- ces, 3 bedrooms, fireplace, furnished, wonderful view with 80 ft. of Lake front- age, very quiet area. Ask- ing $15,000. Call Madeline Rodd. $3,000 Down Cottage on Lagoon, enter- . ing Lake Scugog with 97 ft. frontage completely furnished, lovely treed lot, could be permanent home, taxes $7500. Ask- ing $10,500.00 balance on easy terms. Call Madeline Rodd. } Lake front Lots On Lake Scugog, five miles from Port Perry, 1 hr. from Metro, very nice area, 83 ft. frontage. Ask- ing $4,500.00. Cail Made- Village lots, 1 acre Scu- gog Island, 2-10 acre par- ceis, 30 acres on #7 High- way, East of Omemee, Lake front and access lots. Contact Allan Bertrand. 3 Bedroom, permanent home with full basemunt, Forced air with oil furn- ace, extra lot for garden, access to lagoon and from there -to Lake. Asking $13,500. Contact Allan Bertrand. Lakefront Cottages On Lake Scugog, 3 bed- rooms, good swimming, Priced from $13,000. Fur- ther details-available from Joan Scott. 5 bedroom cottage at Ba- ton shores, Lake Scugog. Right-of-way to the Lake. line Rodd $5,500 full price. Call Joan Scott. 3 Bedroom Split Level Home, garage, large rooms 27 Acre good sized lot, close to Wooded parcel, stream Port Perry. Asking price crosses property. Excel- $27,500.00. Contact Allan lent retreat. Call Joan Bertrand. Scott. - - AFTER HOURS MADELINE RODD 985-2819 "JDAN SCOTT 985-7014 ALLAN BERTRAND 985-7251 Fred Cook 'Real Estate LW. Reattor 100 acres, 8 room brick barn, implement shed, fast flowing spring fed stream, have your own private lake. Full price $32,000 with terms. 2 building lots in Prince Albert, 80' frontage and 114' frontage. Call for informa. tion. Waterfront lots, 45 miles from Metro, Trent canal sys- tem, good boating & fishing. Full price $5,000 with terms. 100 acres clay loam, 11; storey 3 bedroom brick hdme bank barn 45x60, stable con- verted to loose housing, new mangers, paved barnyard, heated water bowl. Asking $39,500 with terms. Commuter Farm 60 acres 3 miles from Port Perry, 5 bedroom frame home, .new aluminum siding, storms & screens, all "con- veniences,, barn completely renovated new roof, new in. sulated poultry house, farm pond, school busses at gate. ull price $39,500, assume 69 mortgage. . Fifty Acre Retreat 50 acres, 25 bush, fast flow- ing spring fed stream, ex- cellent pond site, situated home in good condition, bank |- Real Estate Thos. N. Shea Ltd., Realtor Prince Albert $22,500 for a 3 bedroom aluminum siding bungalow. Natural fireplace. Lovely treed lot. Close to schools and shopping. For an ap- pointment to inspect, call to-day. : Lake Scugog Asking $8,300 for 2 bed- room cottage . Fully furni. shed with beach privileges. Low down payment. Lake Scugog Lakefront and lakeview cottage lots. Various prices and locations. Lake Scugog Lakefront cottages, 3 bed- rooms, modern conveniences, fully furnished, boats includ- ed. Reasonable down pay- ments. Priced from $10,000 up. Call MARJORIE TRIPP 985.7606 - Manchester 3 bedroom bungalow, fire- place, % acre well landscap- ed lot $19,500. Older House with 3 acres of land $15,500. For full details on above call HARRY ZIEGLER 576-2421 or Res. 985-3064. half mile off paved highway, on good road, school busses. Asking $25,000 with terms. Call MORLEY BRUCE 985-2528 Check The Label On Your Paper Commuter Farm Nicely located on paved road, 62 acres, 50 workable, level clay loam, 2 storey, 8 room brick house oil furn- ace and large barn. Asking 125 acre farm, 102 work- able, level clay loam, 2 storey stone and frame house with 8 rooms, new bath, oil furn- ace, modern kitchen, barn 45 x 90, close to paved road Asking $60,000. with terms. MARVIN NESBITT 986-4894, Nestleton Real Estate KEITH PETERS REALTY LTD. 728-7328 103 KING STREET EAST OSHAWA - REALTOR NEW HOMES BEING BUILT --$20,900. to $25,975.00. Or- der now & have your choice of colours, large lots, quality construction by reliable builders. PORT PERRY -- Executive type brick splitlevel, broad. loom, fireplace, family room, extras galore! $8,900.-- Furnished lakefront cottage on Lake Scugog. Act fast on this one! Good value. Call 728-7328. Fa al i ba a Pe - WL -- A Ee Ee WE Shr er 4 Eh CL Dv Ph Ee CB" Lo 2 erode ya Tor by Cin SAL 4 oo as BTA rR el