--- 4 Port Perry winners in the recent Farm and Home Safety Poster Competition, from left Roger Blonge; Kelly Goreski; Stephen Bull; Rick Edgar. Making presentations to - the 'winners is Ken Wilson, assistant Agricultural Representative, Ontariq. County. Photo by Joe Jordan Ontario County Census Approved By Council Provision for the taking of the census of inhabitants and dogs was one of nine bylaws passed "by Ontario County Council at its May session. Under the supervision of the assessment commissioner the census will be taken be- tween Mav 19 and June ?0 For the listing of persons in urban areas the enumerators will be paid eight cents per person. The fee for such work in rural areas will be 15 cents per pérson. A fur- ROXY T 92.4:1341o]e] 3 CLARK GABLE - VIVIEN LEIGH Students $1.75 ther rating of 10 cents wil be paid for a second call. For the listing of dogs found on the premices a fee of five cents per call will be paid. The .enumerators will be paid $10 a dav for attending in- structional sessions. The weight limit on the Wasdale Bridge, between Rama Township and Orillia Township, will- be reduced from. eight to_three tens. The speed limit on the road running from the Brock Road to Highway 2, north of the Pickering Township Mu- nicipal Building, was reduced to 35 miles per hour. Authorization was given for the sale of a part of the road allowance between Lots 10 and 11, 'Concession 6, Pickering Township, to Char- les E. Pegg. The route of the road will be changed in} that locality. A bylaw to provide for the payment of a fence bonus to persons who erect wire fence or remove fences along coun- ty roads was repealed. Authorization was given for the purchase of 400 acres of, land in. Mara Township for reforestation purposes at a cost of $10,800. HEATRE EY RIOR] SIX WITH °° _Thurs.--Fri.--Sat. May 29-30-31 Mon.--Tues.--Wed. June 2-3-4 Children 75¢ PORT PERRY _STAR r HHI Ii Ty TTI TT a (| HR I | Almost 75% of Vehicles Showed Defects : 167 vehicles were checked by Department of Transport Safety Lanes in Port Perry from May 20 -- 23. 44 were 0.K.'d on the spot, and 123 were determined defective. Following minor corrections 37 of the 123 were allowed back on the road. Conducting the operation were an inspector from the department, and two O.P.P. constables from the Whitby Detachment. Photo by Joe Jordan EPSOM NEWS By Jean Jeffery What loneliness bereavéent brings, How strange each day to you. Together there were happy things Two loving hearts could do. Gone are those days which made you glad; Why not give thanks for joys you've had? Thanks to the Explorer girls who put in a flower garden at the Church and who are repainting the sign. The U.C.W. will be at the Manse at Goodwood on June 10th--Note change of date. Mrs. Hall, teacher at the school for the retarded on Scugog Island will be our guest speaker. Did you see the display of handcraft and school work in the window in Uxbridge last week. Wha* she and helpers are doing for this supposedly unteach- able children is wonderful. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith & Donald, Mr. and Mrs, Roy St. John, their daughter Mrs Fulford and Bradley were = | recent callers for Mrs. Caw- Photo by P. Hvidsten Sr. Mobile Information Centre Visits Port Perry Mobile Information Centre of the Health Insurance Reg- istration Board is on the first leg of a Province wide tour which will cover approximat- ely 26,000 miles. The purpose of the tour is to acquaint the public with various aspects of OHSC and OMSIP and an experienced staff are avail: able. to answer a wide variety of questions. The body of the vehicle is made of fibreglass and the interior is equipped as an office with tables and comf- ortable chairs for the conv- enience of the public. It also has its ownl lights, heat and air conditioning operated by a generator. Display racks carry literature giving com- plete information concerning OMSIP and OHSC. "Since being put into service in November 1967 the Mobile Information Centre has cov- ered many areas of the prov- ince from Kenora to the Que- bec border. The present trip is designed to call at com- munities where it has not been before. This is the first time it has been located in Port Perry. In charge of the operation and seen in front of the van are personnel Mr. G.W, Codner - Insurance Represent: ative; Mrs. K. Barry - Inform- 'ation Services; Mr. A. Pratt - Driver. ja Ker. Several neighbours sur- prised Mrs. Russ Rodd one day. last week with a little ;party in honour of her birth- day. 'We are sorry to report that Mrs. M. Bailey is in Ux- 'bridge Hospital. We do wish her a speedy recovery, Our deepest sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilson and family so bereaved by the passing of Mrs, Wilson's father Mr. W. O. Simpson. Our sympathy also to Jack and Lois and their families and to Mrs. Simpson in their hour of sorrow. When you come to the U.C.W. next Tuesday, don't forget something for the bale, the used Bylons and used stamps, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Brown and family of Oakville visit. ed Mr. and Mrs. David Pren- tice recently. Mr. and Mrs, David Pren- tice enjoyed the Sr. Citizens Bus trip to Niagara Falls on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Geer visited her mother Mrs, Middleton at Whitevale on Sunday. Mr. and: Mrs. Jack Hill, Clareniont had supper on Sunday evening with Mr, & Mrs. Chas, Geer. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ash. ton were supper guests Mon. evening with Miss Vera Pren- tice. Mrs. Gordon Jeffrey was in Oshawa on Sat. and attended the Horticultural Society's Annual Tulip Show and the Junior Garden Club Spring Show. Mr. and Mrs, Howard Ash. ton called on his sister Mrs. Wm. MacGregor in Uxbridge on Sunday. We are pleased to. learn that .Olive is home from the hospital and doing well. Dr. Jerrold, Mrs. Asling and daughters of Neustadt were visiting relatives. for a few days last week. They attended the Dental Conven: The winners at Euchre were for the ladies: 1. Stella Claughton, 2, Marion McCar- thy, '3. Annie Christie, low Vera Prentice. Door prize Mrs, Margaret Ballard, For the Men: 1st Coreless Ashenhurst, 2. Norton Symes, 3. Wm. Goslin, low Harold Morgason. Door prize Hugo Bradley. There were 19 tables. The Ontario North District Women's Institute held their Annual Meeting at Goodwood May 21st. Ten members of the Bethesda-Reach Unit at- tended and heard a most in- spiring address by Dr. Eric Sisel on the topic "Descri- mination", Dr. Sisel works for Ontario Human Rights Commission, I forgot to mention in my last news that Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Powell had arrived home after spending the win- ter in Mexico. Ask yourself this question: Why wasn't there any news last week? Then, did I phone my news in? tion in Toronto for three ga. days. Dr. Pat Asling also attended the convention. So the grandchildren had "ley day" at Grandma Aslings. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Ash- ton of Ashburn and Mrs. Ruby Rodgers of Brooklin visited on Sunday afternoon, Mr. Ron Asling: and children visited: in the morning with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Asling of Brookdale. z During -the Victoria Day week-end Miss Darlene Chris- tie and Miss Deanna Doupe drove to, Buffalo, N.Y. and then on to Washington, D.C. where they spent the day touring the city with its many monuments. They also visited the Kennedy plot in Arlington Cemetery. The last community party of the season was well at- tended and all had a wonder ful time. The music for the dancing was the very best. The new season will open the first Friday in October. -- HOMES WANTED L REALESTATE ATO 2 ALIOR 985 ~7373 WELL SET THE STVE THAT EXCELS THEM & ' ALL, FOR YOU TO WEAR 70 THAT IMPORTANT RICHARD'S BEAUTY STUDIO PHONE: 985-7991 ° HE . »,