bl n Service will be held in Epsom United Church on Sunday, June 1st at 11:3 am, Utica Sunday School meets at 10 a.m. Last Sunday a Baptismal Service was observed . in Utica United Church when Kelly Jane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Midgley, and Michael George, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sutcliffe were baptized by Rev. V. I Thormin, with water that Mr. Thormin had brought home from the Jordan River. Rev. and Mrs. Thormin drove to Richmond, Quebec last week to get their young: est daughter, Beth, who had been student -teaching there Free Evaluations L REAL ESTATE LID -REALIOR 985. 7373 There will be two or yet. this spring. service. ON YOUR YOU HAVE specifications. P.O. BOX 491 1 BAUNDERS AVENUE -- BOWMANVILLE Forrmmeerrm---- Home Comfort "OIL TANK Gauge showing near bottom? Let us fill your tank up for the last time We have a No. 1 'Srotuct and give good Reesor Fuel & Lumber Phone: 995-7951 = Port Perry DON'T BUILD THAT "ON SITE HOUSE Alcan Universal Homes We have units from 870 sq. ft. to 1352 sq: ft. * HOT WATER HYDRONIC HEATING A * SOME MODELS HAVE TWO BATHROOMS * MAJOR APPLIANCES * FREE STANDING FURNITURE We can supply complete or will finish the unit on a basement supplied by you to our CONTACT US FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AND BROCHURES Central Ontario Home Builders Ltd. -- OSHAWA, ONTARIO OFFICES AT for two weeks. Beth has | since' graduated from Mac- Donald Teachers' College in Ste. Anne de Belleview, Que. She will be spending the summer with her parents in Goodwood, We welcome Mr. and Mrs. James Wilbur of Toronto to this community. Mr. and Mrs. 'Wilbur are living on the farm recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Aird who will be moving to Port Perry 'this week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ackney of Uxbridge visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kendall on Satur- dav evening. Mr. William Philp spent the week-end with the Kendalls. Mrs. N. Rusnell is spend- ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. E. Mitchell. Mr. & Mrs. Bill Mitchell and family, Miss Carla Mitchell, and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Gray and Shay were Sunday visitors with the Mitchells. three. weeks burning LOT UNTIL CHECKED Mr. and Mrs. Jack 'Crosier Bh Sunday supper guests of Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Beare, Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brown and family visited her father, Mr. John Butler, on Sunday and called on Mr. and Mrs. Yates and Mrs. Nortlock of West Hill, Mrs. Allan Martvn, Mrs, Leonard Roberts and Miss Thelma Briggs of Myrtle called on the Skerratts re- cently. The sympathy of the com- munity is extended to the family of the late Mr. Wil- frid Simpson of Uxbridge in their recent bereavement. Sunday visitors with the Sutcliffes were Mr. and Mrs. M. James, Mr. & Mrs. Claire Brockman, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Miller ,and Mr; & Mrs. Clyde Crawford and "thildren. Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Thomp- son called on his mother, Mrs. R. W. Thompson of Brooklin on Sunday evening. Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm Scho- field visited Mr. and Mrs. George Harper on Sunday. Congratulations to Miss Sharon Saunders who gradu- ated on May 23rd as a Nurs- ing Assistant from the De- partment of Health, Toronto. Sharon will be taking a posi- tion in Scarborough General Hospital in June. On Saturday evening the Saunders family and friends from Kingston and Toronto attended a dinner at "The Savrin" in Toronto in Shar- on's honour. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Mur- phy and children of Scar- borough were guests of Mr, and Mrs, Earl Fielding re- cently. Miss Linda Moore of Port Perry held a bridal shower in honour of Miss Sandra Graham of Keswick, in Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fielding's home on Saturday evening. Utica Cemetery Board will observe its annual Memorial Day Service in Utica United Church on June 8th at 2 p.m. AlRev. V. I Thormin will be PHONE 623-7432 - ONTARIO the guest speaker and the Melodimen Quartette will assist with the musje. anciesin News Mrs. Viola Schnapp, Buf- falo, was a recent guest with her sister and brother, Mrs. J. Bain and Earl Mitchell. Mr. Barry of England is with his cousins Mr. and Mrs. Jim Watters. Mrs. Barry, who is a High School teacher, and three sons will presently join her husband. . They plan to make their home in this area, Mr. and Mrs. Masterson, St. _Catherines called on their 'daughter Mrs. Wm, Lamb and family on Sunday, on their way home from their cottage. Mrs. Fred Lamb left by plane last week to visit her daughter and family in Ger- many. The two senior S.S. class- es are planning a Bike Hike to Uxbridge on June 7th. They. will be calling on you for support in this project. Next Sunday, June 1st. The cubs and scouts will hold their annual church. parade at eleven o'clock instead, of the usual time, eleven fif- teen. Mr. Richardson of Camp Sam Mac will be with the boys and Rev. Mr. -Tes- key will preach the sermon. Special music will be furni- shed by our choir. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Taylor and daughter visited Mrs. Crosier on Sunday. On, Sundav morning at eleven o'clock, Blackstock & Port Perry Anglican congre- gations gathered at Christie Bros. farm where Rev. Mr. Ro-e conducted the annual service to commemorate Ro- gatiort Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mit- chell were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stan]. Aldred, Prince Albert. Mrs. W. J. Mitchell, Mrs, __ PORT PERRY STAR - Thursday, May 29 1969 ~ 13 Arthur Mitchell and Mrs. L. B. Roberts attended a trous- seau tea, given hy Mrs. June Thompson, Oshawa, for her daughter, Miss Alice Thomp- son a bride of this month. Mr. and Mrs. G. King and family, "Toronto, and Mrs. June Thompson were recent callers of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. How- sam, Lancaster, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. T. Roberts, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mit- TO CALL FOR THE BEST BUY ON YOUR INSURANCE chell were. recently dinner| BOB ALEXANDER guests of Mr and Mrs L. BJ CREDIT : Roberts. UNION BUILDING BROOKLIN The ladies are asked to Ph 666-38 kindly bring their recipes Otie 04 STATE FARM for the cook book to the &H June meeting to be held at] {sme Ae ead Office Mrs. Harvey Dobson's on Thursday, June 6th Scarborough, Ontariq, BUS ESCORTED TOURS --BOSTON - Spend Victoria Weekend in Boston, $59.00. --CALGARY STAMPEDE - 15 days, leaving June 30. --CALIFORNIA & CANADIAN WEST COAST - 30 days Departing June 30 CANAAN WEST COAST - 22 days - departing July 28. --MARITIMES & CAPE BRETON ISLAND - Departing June 29, August 10, September 14 - 15 day tour. --FLORIDA FAMILY HOLIDAY AT DAYTONA BEACH - Guaranteed warm weather. Special rates for children. Departing July 19 returning August 3. --NEWFOUNDLAND AND EAST COAST - Departure August 7 for. 22 days. CALL COLLECT OR WRITE FRED DE NURE TOURS BOX 238, LINDSAY, -- 705-324-5836 Free Pick-up at your door anywhere in Ontario. YOUR, oLp YOUVE GLIZIAS REACHED N MIDDLE AGE, WHEN YOUR WIFE TELLS You T0 PULL IN YOUR STOMACH, 'AND YOU ALREADY B R i A N° S SUPERTEST OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK LUBRICATION EXPERT WHEEL BALANCING 'PHONE 985 - 2243 ~ REFRESHMENT BOOTH ® 24 HOUR TOWING eo (Emergency 'Groceries) ICE--Block & Cube everybody's outboard ll IT] UM 11111 ; This. 40 hp engine is the happy medium for many boats .between the big power en- gines and the smaller fishing outboards. It's powerful enough for family skiing or cruising, yet economical and smooth. enough for- trolling. To top the cake -- it's a luxury motor with pushbutton eleetric shifting, automatic choke, thermostat tempera- ture control, fully regulated enerator, and much more. ee the Lark-40 soon. John Sattler REG'S MARINA CAESAREA , PHONE 985-4983 EVINRUDE SALES & SERVICE not use ATRAZINE, Like fertilizer, it is accept ed as one of the necessities of corn culture. The advantages of using ATRAZINE are well known. But the most compelling reason, referred to again and again by farmers, is the labor which ATRA- ZINE saves. With labor increasingly expensive fand hard to obtain, farmers are looking to labor ¢ saving appliances and practices to keep them in { saying they couldn't grow so much corn if it weren't for the fact that ATRAZINE eliminates much of the labor. Other farmers say they are switching from other crops to corn to enjoy the Your Co-operative can supply your ATRA. i ZINE requirements, United Co-operatives of Ontario (UXBRIDGE BRANCH) | D Uxbridge 852-3321 Port Perry ZE. 83-4130