£ TEEN 60 interested persons attend- _B.~ "theoldschool' was given the N . future of the Prince Albert .. The financial statement was display throughout the three [ J Advertising Committee Plans Home Show Preparations for the annual Port Perry Home Show is progressing well and there is no doubt this show will be bigger, and all indications point to a far more interesting show. The advertising committee appointed about four weeks ago has been hard at work making plans on how to best publicize the event. Chairman of the committee, Dr. John Price, seated at the table, and the two members, Art Panabaker, (left) and Don McRitchie (right) are making the final touches to the advertising campaign. 40 exhibitors are expected to take part, and virtually everything of interest to the home owner will be on day show, June 12, 13, 14. i Cl "a TL -- ---- Photo by P. Hvidsten Sr. WARDEN DONATES $25. 50 Adults And Teenagers Show Community Interest A meeting to decide the "Community = Centre" was held -last' Wednesday. night, owd of ore than and a cr ed. . The Community Centre, area by Reach Township rent free, with the only stipulation that the "Centre" is kept in proper condition. = Dances, meetings 'and euchres have been . the main source of income, but the attendances have not been sufficient to keep the efforts of the exec- utive out of the red. Merv Pugh, last year's chairman, - welcomed ~ the people and called the meet- ing to order, followed by Jim Heayn reading the minutes of the last executive meeting. read. by Carl Graham, and it was - then learned that the '""centre", had a present deficit of ahout $50. h the resignation of last year's executive, it was decided that nominations and election of a new committee should be held. Sam Oyler, present at the meeting, accepted to act' as nominating chairman, Members of the executive elected for next year were Mr. Ron McIntyre, Mrs. J. Harris, Mr. Ross Alsop, Mrs. Ross Alsop, Mrs. Marilyn Mc- Intyre, Mr. John Harris, Mr, Ross Sweetman, Mr. Fred the past year. Turning to. the teenagers," Mr. Harris asked them to form a 'junior com: mittee, which would 'speak on. -behalf. of the- teenagers in the area as to their wants. The following 1 were elected to the Junior Committee, Bill | Heayn, Vickie Heayn, Kathy Brown, Paul Skinner, Jerri Lee Doyle. The new executive and 'the Junior Committee, plan to meet this week to elect various positions within the Junior Committee. the evening was Sam Oyler's generous - donation of $26, to the new executive, to help reduce 'the present deficit of $50. : $1,500. Damage To Two Cars "Mr. Terrence Hallett, 26, Willowdale was treated for minor injuries at Community Memorial Hospital following a collision on County Road 2 south of Seagrave, Sunday, May 23. Damage to his car, a 1965 Volvo was estimated at $1,200. The second car involv- ed, 1968 Pontiac, driven by David Linton, 37, R.R. 2, Little Britain, was damaged to the amount of $300. The 'accident was invest: igated by P.C. MacDonald. The driver of the Pontiac was charged = with careless 'One of the highlights of driving. Will Conduct Examinations June 9 and 10 Mr, Adelmo Melecci, piano member of the Board of Exam- iners of the Royal Conservat- ory. of Music will conduct current examinations for the Royal Conservatory in Port Perry, June 9.-- 10. A prominent member of the teachingstaff (piano, organ and theory) of the Royal Conservatory of Music, Mr. Melecci. is "also Principal of the Willowdale Branch of the Conservatory. A graduate of the New York School of Music and Art, he has been teach- ing for over thirty years and|' -during that time has conduct- ed courses in church music in Elizabeth, New Jersey, examined extensively in Can- ada for the Conservatory, and adjudicated many finé music festivals throughout the dom: ain.. He has written many piano compositions for child: ren, vocal and choral numb- ers, totalling over seventy-five compositions Brooks, and Mrs. J. Newnham. On behalf of the incoming committee, Mr. Frank Harris thanked the outgoing members for their fine efforts during Hospital Report WEEK ENDING MAY 24th Admissions . 30 Operations . 14 Emergency Treatments 72 Births... ...., . 2 Deaths *. . . . . . 1 Discharges . y 28 Remaining . . . 27 Visiting. hours 2 to 8 p.m. '| will hold a The Canadian Red Cross Blood Donor Clinic in Port Perry on Mon- day, June 2. Sponsoring the clinic and doing all the preliminary work are members = of Warriner Lodge 100F, Maybelle Reb- ekah Lodge and the Hospital Ladies Auxiliary. There is no risk in giving blood. It is a very simple Process with no discomfort or Blood Donor: Clinic, June 2| after effects. Every phase of the operation is under prof- essional supervision. Special trained nurses will take the blood donations. Any person in average health may safely give blood. It is determined by a simple test given every donor by a Red Cross technician, For time and appointments see an advertisement elsewhere in this issue of the Star. bs P2RT(K PERRY Volume 104--PORT PERRY ONT., THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1969--Number 32 May Paddle 19 Miles In Canoe Race There is a definite interest for the canoe excursion on the Nonquon river to be held on June 14. Although in the preparatory stages, several have already entered the race, and many have indicated they would like to take part. Members of the Historical Society have now measured the distance, and two altern- atives are considered. If pos- sible, the excursion will start on 8th concession of Reach Township, which will make the distance 19 miles. How- ever, if' the water. level does not permit this, the start will take place at 'Swamp road, a distance of 15 miles. Entry blanks are available at the High School, the Port Perry Star, and in pockets attached to posters now placed in the area. Fire Department Reach Agreement With Townships Fire agreements do not always appear to be the eas- iest to settle when they come up. for renewal. Uxbridge Fire Department with the backing of the'council decided to stick to the original proposal of no less than $1,000 retainer fee when 'fire agreement ran out with three neighbouring 'townships, May 15th. Reach Township received fire prot- ection from the Uxbridge Department, and so do Scott and Uxbridge Townships. Following a lengthy meet- ing last week, between the three townships and the town of Uxbridge councils an agree- ment was reached. The new contract retro-active to May 15 will be as follows: $1,000. retainer per year; $200. per fire for the first two hours; an additional $5. per hour per man, for additional hours "Grant Approved The Port Perry Council has received a letter from the Department of Energy and Resources stating that the Order-in-Council has approved a grant of $5,000. under the Parks Assistance Act, for cap- ital improvements in David Palmer Memorial Park. However, before any work is proceeded with, it must be approved by Conservation Authorities Branch, and where any of the work is to be done under contact, approval of tenders must be obtained beforeacceptance by Council. x x x Eight parking meters-of the 78 ordered by Port Perry Council will be placed on the south side of Queen Street from Water Street -to the lake. The rates will be 5c for half hour parking and 10c per hotlir for a maximum of 10 hours per meter. ¢ * x Councillor Kenneth F. Jackson has been delegated to appoint a seven member Athletic Field = Committee. Two of the members must be from Port Perry Council. ; * kx ¥ Able Markin and Painting -Co.-has-again-this-vear been{ awarded the co :tract of puint- ing all parking lines, cross walks, etc. on Queen St. The cost will be $269.60. * x % The following building permits were authorized: John Ballard Lot 230 Bigelow Street - new residence. Douglas Coppins Lots 213, 216, 217, 219, 220, 221, 222 Ready Mix Concrete Plant. William Tripp Lot 273 Scugog St. - restaurant addition. Dick Shatto Speaker At High School $9,000. For Improvement Of Palmer Memorial Park The following statement of accounts for 1969 was authorized for payment: -- Gen. Dept. . . $26,569.80 Relief Dept. . $ 175.00 Street Maint. . $ 928.89 Truck, Tractor . $ 152.10 Prop. / Parks $ 425.62 Waterworks. $ 1,059.83 O.W.R.C. . $ 3,980.00 Fire Comm... . $ 122.84 . $33, 403.98 Durham Warden To Get $6,000 The warden of Durham- Northumberland County is to receive a salary of $6,000 per year, it was decided at the United County council meet- ing recently. A recommendat- ion to that effect was proposed by the special advisory and co-ordinating committee and adopted by council. During the current session the special committee also recommended that committee members' salaries be increased to $20 per day and the session pay be increased to $25 per .day. Mileage schedule will re- main at 10 cents per mile. Andrew Antenna Company Ltd., of Whitby has announc- ed plans to phase out. their present Beach Street operation in Whitby and relocate to a parcel of land northwest of the village of Ashburn, about 10 miles north of its present location by 1972. Plans call for a $1,000,000 investment in a manufactur- ing plant to'be established on 215 acres of land known as the "Parrott Farm". Dick Shatto, a former member of the Argonauts, was guest speaker at a banquet held in the High School Tuesday night. About 276 members of the Athletic Association and guests. were present for the occasion. The picture above was taken on the arrival of Mr. Shatto. From left, R. Litt, vice principal; Mr. Shatto; Janice Williams and Robert Fair. Photo by Peter Hvidsten Jr. XW 3 ATT. Moves To Ashburn Ta