8 - PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, May 29 1969 At Rest PT R-- oT LU All Classified Ads must be Classified Advertising Rates (Effective March 1st, 1967) ARTICLES FOR SALE -- LIVESTOCK FOR SALE REAL ESTATE -- WANTED -- CARS FOR SALE LOST -- FOUND -- ETC. Cash Rate--4c. per word 1st week, 3c. extra consecutive weeks with a minimum of $1.00" Ist week, 75¢c. for extra consecutive weeks. Must be paid week of insertion--if charged, an additional 25¢. will be added. 50c. ADDITIONAL WILL BE CHARGED FOR USE OF A BOX NUMBER. NOTICES -- COMING EVENTS -- CARDS OF THANKS 4c. a word with a maximum of 25 words $1.00 BIRTHS -- ENGAGEMENTS -- MARRIAGES -- DEATHS 4c. a word wit ha maximum of 25 words $1.00 IN MEMORIAMS -- $1.00 minimum for 4-line verse, 10c. a line for additional lines. DISPLAY CLASSIFIED--$1.25 per inch with a minimum of one inch 5.00 p.m. Tuesday Send cash, stamps or money orders and save money. PHONE 985-7383 -- Clip this out for reference in this Office not later than WALKER--In loving mem- ory of my former wife Fran- cis a, who passed Bway May 28, "1967. i The depths of sorrow I . cannot tell, Of the loss of one I loved so well, And while she sleeps a peaceful sleep, Her memory I shall always keep. Ever remembered by husband Herman Walker Cards of Thanks THANK YOU I wish to convey my sin- cere thanks to my relatives, friends and neighbours for cards, visits, plants and gifts sent to me while a patient in Port Perry Hospital. A spe- cial thanks to the nurses, Dr. Kandel and Dr. Speare, and last but not least, the neigh- bours who brought baking to the house. . Marion Short fl EWING, David John Hl Suddenly at his home, Port il Perry on Mon. May 26th, 1969, David John Ewing, dearly loved husband o il Edith Harris dear father of ll Richard Kenneth, brother of [| Helen (Mrs. K. Blencowe) | Oshawa. In his 62nd year. Rested at the Chapel of Me- Dermott - Panabaker, Port Perry for service on Wed. at 230 p.m. Interment Groveside Cemetery, Brook- i lin. fl U.Cw Coming Events RUMMAGE SALE At Municipal Hall, Scugog on AY, MAY 30th at '10 Sponsored by Grace KEEP THIS DATE in mind, FRI, JUNE 20th for Golden Keys Organ Club Musical Evening at Seagrave United Church. DANCE, Saturday, May 31st, at Tyrone Hall. Music by Leo Norman and his Mid- KIGHT, William James -- night Ramblers. Entered {nto rest at Oshawa General Hospital on Tuesday, May 27, 1969. William James 4 Kight, 'beloved husband of { the late Sarah Graham, fath- { er of Mrs. George Nicholls (Violet) Toronto, Mrs. Alfred Rogers (Hazel) Clarksberg, Mrs. Gordon Fletcher(Edna) Toronto, Mrs. Maurice Meule- meester(Bertha) Whitby, Mrs. Lloyd Ross(Alice) Utica, Mrs. Donald Timms (Doris) Osh- awa, brother of Mrs. William Milner (Annie) Calgary, Mrs. Sid Smith (Bessie), Frank & George of Utica. In his 80th year. Resting at the Arm- strong Funeral -Home, Osh- awa. Funeral Service in the Chapel Thursday, May 29th at 2 p.m. Interment Utica | Union Cemetery. | Coming Events BINGO, Thursday, May 30th at Legion Hall Jackpot $130.00 in 53 numbers. Le- gion Special $15.00 in 9 num- bers, 20 reg. games. Share the wealth. EUCHRE, Saturday, May 31 at 8 p.m. in Oddfellows Hall sponsored by Maybelle Re- bekah Lodge. Admission 50¢. Prizes and Lunch. BINGO--Friday, May 30th at 8.00 p.m. Sponsored ny Cath- £5: McNEILL--In loving mem- Sl. ory of a dear husband and father who passed away, June 1st 1962. The depth of sorrow we cannot tell Of the loss of one we loved so well, And while he <leeps a peaceful sleep, His memory we shall ever keep. Psadly missed by wife Audrey and family We wish to sincerely thank our relatives, friends and neighbours for all the lovely gifts and cards. Also a very special thank you io those that worked so hard in plan- ning the wonderful surprise party for us on the occasion of our 25th Wedding Anni- versary. Joyce and Alvin Heayn olic Men's League. Jackpot $130.00-in 53- numbers. Minor |- Jackpot $25.00 in 50 numbers. Winner of $75.00 Minor Jack- pot last week, Fred Warren. ---- aa RUMMAGE SALE Port Perry Figure Skating Club SUMMER RUMMAGE SALE, FRI, JUNE 6th at 10 a.m. Municipal Office. WALKER--In loving mem- ory -of my dear sister, Fran- ces, Rhoda, who passed away May 28th, 1967. Days of Sadness still come o'er us, Tears in silence often flow, For memory keeps you ever near us, Thouth you died two years Sediy missed by sister Jessie and Josh. Card of Thanks The family of the late Frank Watson wish to ex- pre:s their sincere thanks and appreciation to friends, neighbours, and relatives, for floral tributes, messages of sympathy, and acts of kind- ness, during their recent bereavement. Ada, Jean & Ernie CLAUGHTON--The Jamily of the late Mrs. Joel Clau ton wish to convey their s n- cere appreciation to the friends and neighbours for their many acts of kindness, cards and floral tributes. A special thanks to Rev. Black, Doctors Rennie, Price & Co- hoon, also nursing staff of Community Hospital. Will Give Away PUPPIES to give away to a I would like to thank all the people who enquired, sent cards, flowers and gifts |: during my stay in the Port Perry Hospital. A special thanks to Dr. Baldwin, Dr. Stocks and to the Nurses & Staff who made my stay there quite comfortable. Thank you. - Mrs. Nancy Robinson Births ORDE--Riet and Phil are happy to announce the birth "4 of their son Dick Warren, on May 7th, 1969 at Port Perry Hospital. Lost LOST DOG. Liver (Brownich) and White Springer Spaniel, answers to Deana. Lost Gilsons Point area. Reward. Wanamaker's Store, Seagrave. Coming Events CHICKEN BAR-B-Q at Port Perry United Church, Sat. June 7, 5.30-7.00 p.m. Adults $1.75; Child $1.25, Preschool children Free. Tickets, Mrs McDermott 7977 Mr. 7920. Advance Tickets s only June SPRING FAIR--Plan to att- end the Annual Hospital Auxiliary ol, Fair, Satur- Jay, May 31st, 2 to 4 p.m, in the Masonic Hall. Alterioon Tea 50c. May 20 om Phone 985-2698. gd 2 Clothing may be left at Mrs, McTavish, 244 Queen St. Port Perry. 2--Juneb | July 1st. No Triflers. Box 50 LEGION DANCE SATURDAY, JUNE 7th RAY WALKER AND THE AMBASSADORS. Admission $8.00 per couple. FREE REFRESHMENTS Everybody Welcome For Sale 'CONTENTS from Model home, chesterfield and mat- ching chair, dining room suite, bedroom suite, desk, bookcase stereo & T.V. broad. loom rug, 9 x 12, coffee and end table, etc., ete. All items like new. Phone Oshawa 728-3473. T.F. al Lad SE =O = WR =A 2 =I S TT == = WA SR =] -- WON = = Np git SWAP HIRE ¢ BUY SELL: =T=IN ITE. For Sale For Sale BALE and Grain Elevator & motor; B414 diesel 1100 hrs. B414 diesel 700 hrs. Front end grain loader. Grain aug- er cart. No. 14 International rake. #36 3-furrow plow. #47 baler. Cultivator. Mas- sey mower. 3-point hitch seed drill unit - International 0 920 7 ft. disk. One-way disk. 3 wagons, #150 man- ure spreader, Oat roller, complete. Implements only 2 yrs. old. Farm is sold. Ph. 8523710 for information. LUMBER -- Logs sawed to your requirements, Merill Van Camp 986-4346 REFRIGERATOR in good condition $50.00 Phone 985- 3 CANOE Sponson and paddles 985-2933. BOAT, 30° H.P., motor, and trailer. Phone 985-2175. Gordon L. Comer i Vor REURY d The 1969 model outboard motors are here. 4 HP. TO 125 HP. Also stern drive units. Fibreglas and aluminum boats by LEAVENS, CUTTER, GREW, SPRINGBOK AND WINNER 'Canadian Explorer Trailers GORD'S MARINE MERCURY OUTBOARD - SALES AND SER VICE CLAREMONT 649-2007 R.R.1 OSHAWA PHONE 655-3177 - DELAVAL - 'SALES AND SERVICE NEW Compact Pipeline Milker Milk Transfer Systems AUSTIN MG Rover Triumph Land Rover 8 Sales Parts and Service Joe McCullough MOTORS Ph. 649-2101 SEEDS FOR 1969 Seed Corn P.A.G. United Seneca and Alex Stewarts. Order while top yielder are available. Now taking orders for Grass Seed and Grain. Swain Seed Dealers 986 4331 FREEZER, 20 cu. ft. Cold- spot, Super Mall, like new. $125.00. Phone 985-2454. CLAREMONT 918 BROCK ROAD WHITBY RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS also | - 'hand painted 'cushion tops; pillow cases, centre pieces, greeting cards. Phone Mrs, Russell 985-2193. 5---June26 Wanted DROP LEAF table, suitable T.F. PRINCE ALBERT 1 storey floor. Bath room ond floor. Finished Rec. room well dec: orated, landscaped. $25,000, $7000 cash down, bal. 1st mortgage to owner available Port Perry Star... 4--Juned WESTERN and ONTARIO Stockers, Stock calves, and, 'Holstein heifers, gvety week.' Ivan Johnson, RR. 1 Monaghan. Phone Bailieboro BIRTHDAY DRAW Blue Ray Chapter O.E.S. 939-6855. 10 miles South of. 'Peterborough, Hwy. 28, 21 miles east, T.F. Birthday Draw June 12th. 1st Prize $100.00 Cocktail Dress. Many other prizes. Tickets available from members. 2--June5 ONE BLUE POINT SIAMESE KITTEN, had all needles. Phone 985-2535 gelding, complete with , South. | PORT PERRY FIGURE SKATING CLUB SUMMER RUMMAGE SALE At 10:00 P.M. FRIDAY, JUNE 6 Municipal Office Clothing may by left at Mrs. McTavish, 244 Queen Street, Port Perry. Marie Taylor PRESENTS 9 x 12 CABIN, hi.wall tent, screened in awning $40.00. 1 Thistle baby carriage, blue $15.00. Call 655-4769. LARGE Steel Barn, 45' x 110' for demolition for materials. For - 1194, after 5 p.m. call 725- 8330. SURGE Sales and Service. Ribstone Silos & Bulk Tanks. M Jackson 985-2459. ers. Swill sell as going con- cern. Phone 985-2459, APARTMENT size refrigera- tor, suitable for cottage. Good running condition. 985-3012. : information .call 725- ~ 5--June26 RABBITS, is es, feed hopp- |} Student Recitals Singing, Pipe Organ, Piano SENIOR Grade VII to ARCT, Teens and Adults Monday, June 16th,8 p.m. Guest Vocal Artist - Tenor - Jim Holton, Michigan, U.S.A. JUNIOR Wednesday, June 18th, 8 p.m. Port Perry United Church | 1967 GLENDETTE 15' Travel 1968 KHARMAN GIA in im- macnlate condition and still under warranty $1995.-Phone 085-2432. Trailer -- good condition. Price $1,500. Phone 985-7206. 25 Motor, used 25 hours only, reasonable. Also space heat- er, nearly new. Phone 655- H.P. SCOTT Outboard [ll SHETLAND PONY, breeding, good three years old most new Western saddle, bridle and breast plate, $125. Phone 985-7795. * "al-|E for painting. Box 1 Port Perry Star. : EDISON phonograph, 8 or 7 foot pine table, round dining table, .glass top . cupboard, corner or flat to wall type, 1961 SUNBEAM Alpine, Call after 6 p.m. 985-2282. old clocks, china and glass ete. Call Vera Lee's Antiques Greenbank 985-7723 TF. Bruton' s Drug Store Laura Secord Candies "We h have just been appointed agents, Laura Secords. : FRESH STOCK NOW AVAILABLE. for Village Of Sealed tenders will be the Village of Port Perry f TENDERS Port Perry received by the Council of or the following lots; locat- ions and approximate sizes. Lot 1 Lilla Street, Kent Subdivision Plan 712, frontage 67.5' by a depth of 130". Lot 19 Ottawa Street, TrippSub-divisionPlan M86, i frontage 71° by a depth Lowest or any tender of 135', not necessarily accepted. Tenders to be in the hands of the undersigned by noon, Monday, June 9, 1969. JOHN F. RAINES, CLERK VILLAGE OF PORT PERRY. I 4 3)